Parigi, 25 ottobre

Conferenza internazionale contro la guerra

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In Paris on Oct. 25, a dozen speakers from seven countries presented a devastating case against NATO's illegal war against Yugoslavia at an international conference on "Justice and War." The speakers included jurists, experts and activists who have closely studied the background of the Yugoslav conflict and NATO intervention.

Speakers included Jan Oberg, Director of the Transnational Foundation for Future and Peace Research based in Lund, Sweden, and Paris-based U.S. journalist Diana Johnstone, who co-chaired the conference. Johnstone accused the Clinton administration of aggravating and exploiting the Kosovo problem in order to inaugurate NATO's new mission of "humanitarian intervention."

University of Paris historian Annie Lacroix-Riz drew from her vast knowledge of diplomatic archives to describe the extraordinary degree of continuity between present and past Great Power intervention in the Balkans.

Organizers reported that Co-Coordinator of the IAC Brian Becker represented an activist approach to the war strikingly absent in today's France. Becker's description of IAC plans to hold hearings in various cities on the indictment Ramsey Clark has drafted against NATO leaders aroused considerable enthusiasm among the audience, and many offered support.

In addition to supporting the Clark initiative, the conference strongly condemned economic sanctions as an unjustifiable continuation of war against the people of Yugoslavia.

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