
Nonostante tutte le auto-assoluzioni e auto-giustificazioni che la NATO
e le sue - si puo' dire? - baldracche potranno sempre addurre per
tranquillizzare gli animi sensibili sulla bonta' e sulla necessita'
della sopravvivenza di questa organizzazione, i cittadini italiani,
anche se tacciono per paura, sanno perfettamente quali crimini essa
abbia commesso prima, durante e dopo il bombardamento della RF di
Lo sanno non perche' "sono degli intellettuali", come ebbe modo di dire
Pier Paolo Pasolini in un articolo nel quale spiegava chi fossero i
mandanti delle stragi italiane; semplicemente, lo sanno perche' ogni
presa per i fondelli ha un suo limite, ovvero perche' ognuno di noi ogni
tanto deve fermarsi per un attimo solo a pensare, staccandosi dalla
baraonda nella quale ci tengono immersi.

Per questo, anche se un Montanelli od un Veltroni od un Costanzo od una
qualsiasi delle altre baldracche della NATO non lo ammetteranno mai, i
cittadini italiani sanno perfettamente chi ha diretto la strategia della
tensione in Italia, lo sanno anche senza ricorrere alle risultanze
dell'inchiesta del giudice Salvini o agli stralci del memoriale di Aldo
Moro. E sanno anche chi, come e perche' ha distrutto la Repubblica
Federativa e Socialista di Jugoslavia, chi come e perche' ha pompato la
problematica dell'irredentismo albanese in Kosovo e zone limitrofe, chi
come e perche' sta cercando di gettare benzina sui focolai del
Montenegro e della Vojvodina, chi come e perche' cerca di far esplodere
la violenza terroristica nell'attuale RF di Jugoslavia.
Sono gli stessi che hanno bombardato il petrolchimico di Pancevo con lo
scopo preciso di far fuoriuscire diossine e cloruro di vinile monomero,
gli stessi che usano armi contenenti uranio impoverito e bombe a
frammentazione, gli stessi che distruggono i mezzi di comunicazione, le
strade, le ferrovie, le fabbriche dove persone "di ogni etnia" (come
direbbero loro con gergo post-nazista politicamente corretto) si
guadagnano il pane e contribuiscono al benessere del loro paese.

Tutti costoro, che proprio oggi si fanno assolvere da un organismo "ad
hoc" che hanno creato loro stessi proprio perche' li assolva e consenta
loro di continuare i loro porci comodi, saranno invece inesorabilmente
condannati dalla storia. Possono uccidere con i loro cecchini e le loro
truppe speciali chiunque vogliono, possono farci venire le peggiori
malattie ed epidemie, ma non potranno mai convincere nessuno di avere
ragione perche' hanno torto marcio e sono marci fino al midollo, a
partire dalla loro stessa fondazione, come vediamo di seguito.

Le radici naziste della NATO

La Organizzazione del Trattato del Nord Atlantico nasce nel 1947 con la
funzione di contenere l'avanzata delle forze socialiste e progressiste
che dall'Est europeo andavano affermandosi via via anche nei paesi
dell'Europa Centrale. La NATO non e' mai stata una organizzazione con
finalita' difensive, ed a dimostrarlo c'e' ad esempio un fatto storico
evidente, e cioe' che il Patto di Varsavia e' stato creato DOPO la
costituzione della NATO, e non prima.
Come spiegava Filippo Gaia nel suo importantissimo libro "IL SECOLO
CORTO", ed. Maquis, gia' alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale erano
pronti i piani occidentali per un attacco nucleare di primo colpo contro
l'Unione Sovietica, che avrebbe dovuto spazzare via non solo il
bolscevismo ma anche qualche milioncino di slavi, visto che Hitler non
ci era riuscito. Chi non ci crede provi a pensare per un attimo alle
ragioni del ritardo estremo con cui l'Occidente intervenne nel
conflitto, dopo aver sottoscritto accordi infami con Hitler ad esempio
sulla Cecoslovacchia, e mentre gia' i tedeschi avevano messo a ferro e
fuoco la Russia fino a Stalingrado. Un intervento quasi tardivo, in
realta' effettuato solo nel momento in cui il trionfo dell'Armata Rossa
era ormai nell'aria.

Quando parliamo di "radici naziste della NATO" ci riferiamo comunque
proprio alla continuita' tra strutture militari e servizi di
intelligence del Terzo Reich con quelli occidentali durante la Guerra
Fredda. Di tutto questo il libro succitato di Filippo Gaia parla
ampiamente, cosi' come tante informazioni si possono trarre dai libri
sulle "Ratlines", cioe' le vie di fuga dei criminali di guerra fascisti
e nazisti verso Occidente. Qui riassumiamo soltanto qualche informazione
su due personaggi-chiave (la fonte e' riportata alla fine del testo in
italiano; si veda anche il sito
http://www.wbenjamin.org/neumannproject.html ):

- Reinhard Gehlen, capo dei servizi segreti nazisti in Europa Orientale,
fu "assunto" immediatamente alla fine della II Guerra Mondiale dalla CIA
insieme a tutta la sua rete di informatori, nell'ambito di una vasta
operazione di "riciclaggio" di tanti esponenti del fascismo e nel
nazismo che "sarebbero serviti poi", al momento della resa dei conti
finale contro il comunismo. Gehlen e' stato a capo del BND (servizio
segreto della Germania federale) fino alla morte. Tutti i capi del
servizio segreto tedesco del dopoguerra avevano un passato nazista -
degli italiani, meglio non parlare, ma nessuno ci venga a raccontare che
Junio Valerio Borghese e Licio Gelli in queste storie non c'entrano...

- Adolph Ernst Heusinger, ispettore generale della Bundeswehr, era un
altro di questi personaggi. Ultimo Comandante in capo del Generalstab
del Terzo Reich su nomina di Hitler in persona, questo signore negli
anni Sessanta presiedeva il Comitato Militare Permanente della NATO.

Si capisce bene allora che la NATO non si e' certo schifata di servirsi
dell'appoggio di fascisti e nazisti di tutti i paesi d'Europa per
condurre prima la Guerra Fredda, e poi la guerra guerreggiata, ad
esempio impiegando gli esuli ustascia croati, domobranci sloveni,
nazisti musulmani della Bosnia e del Kosovo come piedi di porco per
spaccare le RFS di Jugoslavia e ristabilire un "Nuovo Ordine Europeo"
tanto simile a quello hitleriano.

Italo Slavo



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* * *

SFLR this past week concluded a two-part discussion on the
early connections between NATO and former Nazi General Adolph
Ernst Heusinger. The discussion was led by Scott Thompson on his
program, "The Bakchos News Hour." Says Scott:

"I became extremely interested in NATO about 3 or 4 months
ago when NATO began bombing Yugoslavia...My interest in NATO led
me to look at how it began. I started reading documents on the
web. You can find all kinds of amazing things about NATO on the
Internet, including official NATO documents, all kinds of cold
war declassified CIA documents and so forth."

Scott's research also led him into the dusty, realm of
newspaper archives and out-of-print books.

"I came upon a number of fascinating books, some of which
are very unusual and rare, and you don't see any mention of them.
The most interesting of them is a book by a man by the name of
Charles R. Allen Jr., somebody you don't hear about at all any
more. The book that he wrote was published in 1963 by an unknown
press from New York. The title was "Heusinger of the Fourth
Reich: The Step by Step Resurgence of the German General Staff."

Those familiar with such books as Martin Lee's "The Beast
Reawakens" are certainly aware of the kissy-smoochey love affair
the U.S. government had with top Nazis after the war. Perhaps
most notable of these would be Hitler's chief of intelligence,
General Reinhard Gehlen, who went on to become a major player in
U.S. spy operations against the Soviet Union. Heusinger differs
from Gehlen, however, in that he didn't become merely a U.S.
government intelligence asset; Heusinger, incredibly, rose all
the way up to head the Permanent Military Committee of NATO in

According to Scott, Heusinger plotted Hitler's military
campaigns against Poland, France, Norway and the Netherlands --
and was a chief strategist behind the Nazi invasion of the Soviet
Union. Among his duties were the overseeing of military task
forces performing what might be politely termed as "special
operations." Scott described them as "mobile killing units."

"These were the death squads that were in vans, that were
sent either ahead or behind the army and liquidated partisans,
communists, and mostly Jews," said Scott.

It has been estimated by holocaust writers that the death
squads, or einsatzgruten, under Heusinger's command killed
approximately 1.5 million people. Said Scott:

"Heusinger was never accused of this crime. He said that he
was simply following orders, he was simply working as a
professional soldier in the high command."

After the war, Heusinger, escaping trial at Nuremburg,
played a crucial role in the remilitarization of what had become
the Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany, eventually
becoming head of the Bundeswehr. His elevation into the command
of NATO, however, did not come about without protest.

"Although he was appointed to the head of NATO, it was over
the objections of Norway, Denmark, Italy, and Greece," said
Scott. "And obviously the Soviet Union was very worried about him
and wanted him actually to be extradicted to the Soviet Union to
stand as a war criminal."

Much of Scott's information about Heusinger was gleaned from
the book "Heusinger of the Fourth Reich."

"The guy, Charles Allen, that wrote it had been a fairly
distinguished writer at the time. More of a journalist, he had
been an editor of the NATION MAGAZINE and of CHRISTIAN CENTURY.
FIGARO, LE MONDE, PUNCH, COLLIERS -- all the leading newspapers
and magazines of his day. He was writing because he was worried
that we had at that time -- 1963 -- an ex-German General, a Nazi,
under Hitler, as the head, the chairman, of the Permanent
Military Committee of NATO."

Heusinger died in 1982. Scott commented: "People think (NATO
General) Wesley Clark is bad; he (Clark) is nothing compared to
this guy (Heusinger)."

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What else is new?

The Nazi Wehrmacht Moves Into NATO

Introduction by Brigadier General Hugh B. Hester, US Army (Ret.),
California, September, 1963 of "Heusinger of the Fourth Reich:"

In early September, 1945, I flew into occupied Berlin to assume my new
command as director of he Food and Agricultural program for the United
Zone, and to serve as U.S. Quadripartite Representatives on these
matters. I
came from Manila, where I had been on the staff of General MacArthur.

Most of the Section Chiefs of the U.S. Military Government insisted in
reports, which weekly crossed my desk, that efficiency required the
of key Nazis…A speech by Herbert Hoover to a small group of Germans whom
had assembled at Stuttgart in January 1947 was also significant: he told
that the U.S. expected their support in the coming struggle with "the
atheistic barbarians of the East."

The San Francisco Chronicle of August 4, 1963 quoted [Secretary of
John Foster Dulles] as having told group of Yale and Smith graduates:
believe the single most important country in Europe is Germany, and we
treat her like a 51st state. We should consult her on every move we

"Heusinger of the Fourth Reich," by Charles R. Allen, Jr. , 1963:

The hall…of the new State Department Building in Washington, D.C….was
with the highest ranking military representatives from the fifteen
belonging to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. On the stage sat
ranking officials of the NATO military alliance, backed by a panoply of
and honor guards of the member states. As soon as President Kennedy
the entire room filled with applause for the Chief of State of the most
powerful member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The President
formally opened the first 1961 meeting of the Permanent Military
Committee of
NATO at which its new chairman would be installed. The New York Times
writer…described the Permanent Military Committee as "the highest
authority of NATO." "I would like now to turn the rest of the meeting
to your new chairman," the President of the United States said, "and I
especially like to welcome him here to the United States,…"

He was General Adolph Ernst Heusinger, the Inspector General of the West
German Bundeswehr. Formerly Genralleutnant of the Nazi Wehrmacht, chief
operation and planning of the O.K.H. (Oberkommando des Heeres – all the
forces of Hitler’s armies) and the personal appointee of Adolph Hitler
as the
last Deputy Chief of the German General Staff during World War II. As of
April 1, 1961, he was the Chairman of the Permanent Military Committee
of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization with offices in Paris and
headquarters in
Washington, D.C. His suite of offices in the Pentagon was numbered 3-E
and was on the same tier as the highest ranking military chiefs of the
States." The New York Times [December 13, 1961]… noted that he was in
daily contact with Hitler from the start of World War II; that he "did
job well…and carried out the orders of ‘the boss’ (Hitler)" to the very

Senator [Wayne] Morse [Democrat of Oregon, April 16, 1961]…announced
that as
a senior member of the powerful Senate Committee on Foreign Relations he
intend(ed) "to follow with exceeding care the policies of my government
respect to the position it has taken in connection with elevating Nazi
generals to positions of power in NATO." "I’m concerned," he said,
the direction in which NATO is going."

"The ‘New Look’ of the next German Army will be strictly
class, minus Junkers, minus martinets…Its brains and boss will be Adolph
Heusinger…a modern and very American type…far too informal to be
mistaken for
a member of the German general Staff." – C.L. Sulzberger, The New York
December 18, 1954.

"’General Heusinger’s career must be seen a typified at best by a brutal
opportunistic immorality." –American Jewish Congress, 1961’"

April 6, the 58th Anniversary of the Nazi Carpetbombing of Belgrade

Wall Street Journal, "How NATO Decided to End Its ‘Gentlemanly’ War," by
Journal Staff Reporters, April 27, 1999, p.A6.

"Consider…what happened when Gen., Clark asked permission last month to
the Serb security forces in downtown Belgrade. Germany’s NATO delegation
agreed – as long as the missiles weren’t launched on April 6, the 58th
anniversary of the Nazi carpetbombing of Belgrade. The two ministry
were hit instead on April 3.
"…Poland…invited NATO military leader Gen. Klaus Naumann -- Germany’s
Naumann, the top military adviser to NATO’s political leaders -- to give

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