* Considerazioni sul Montenegro

* Per i mafiosi di tutto il mondo: "Open an off-shore bank in

* Russia Surprised With NATO Planned Military Action in Montenegro

* 12/9/2000: Arrestato in Montenegro braccio destro di Milosevic


> http://www.iacenter.org/bosnia/elich_strike.htm

Nostri documenti dello scorso anno:
> http://www.marx2001.org/nuovaunita/jugo/crj/m_l/160799a.htm
> http://www.marx2001.org/nuovaunita/jugo/crj/m_l/090899.htm



Ieri mi sono imbattuto quasi per caso nel programma TG2 Dossier di RAI2
dove si parlava della situazione in Jugoslavia
alla vigilia delle elezioni. Dopo il primo servizio delirante di Ennio
Remondino, come al solito fazioso e pieno di bugie,
c'è stato un servizio sul Montenegro.
Adesso la tattica per disorientare lo spettatore è quella di
presentargli i due nazionalismi contrapposti, quello serbo
panslavo e quello montenegrino, senza quasi mai far riferimento ai
sentimenti jugoslavisti, ancora presenti secondo me
nella maggioranza della popolazione, anzi la parola Jugoslavia non viene
quasi mai detta e viene sostituita con la parola
Le parole del metropolita della chiesa ortodossa in Montenegro vengono
messe in contrapposizione con quelle dei
nazionalisti montenegrini e presentate come opinioni personali al fine
di screditarle, con affermazioni del tipo "Lui crede
che in Montenegro hanno sempre vissuto i serbi sa secoli" oppure
"Secondo lui non esiste nessuna etnia montenegrina".
Anche Milosevic sarebbe un nazionalista che tenta di tenere sottomessi i
montenegrini come una provincia serba, non come
una regione della federazione jugoslava. Per questo motivo (cioè per
colpa di Milosevic) è normale che si sviluppi il
nazionalismo in Montenegro ("con la sua politica Milosevic sta
incendiando il nazionalismo"). Hanno presentato
Djukanovic come colui che ha sconfitto alle elezioni (democratiche,
quando gli fa comodo in Serbia c'è la dittatura) il
candidato del partito di Milosevic. Hanno intervistato anche Bogdanovic,
che si vantava di come le sue squadracce ("la
polizia speciale del Montenegro") abbiano fermato l'esercito federale
diretto in Kossovo al tempo della guerra.

Insomma, la disinformazione strategica ha messo le mani pure sul
Montenegro e io non sono molto ottimista. Come
possiamo evitare che si compia un altro scempio? Dopo inizieranno pure
con la Vojvodina o il Sangiaccato?
Vi ho tediato anche troppo. Vi volevo soltanto ringraziare perché per
merito vostro mi sono innamorato di un paese e del
suo modo di vivere, anche se ormai questo quasi non esiste più. Adesso
so veramente cosa significa Jugoslavia, però so
anche che la stiamo perdendo e questo mi fa star male...

Spero di poter vedere la Jugoslavia tornare quella di un tempo, uno dei
pochi paesi dove vorrei vivere.
Un fraterno abbraccio.

Pino C.



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 25 SET - Il voto in
Montenegro e' stato
condizionato da ''pressioni e minacce'' del governo
del presidente Milo Djukanovic, ha sostenuto il
premier federale
Momir Bulatovic in una conferenza stampa.
Molti cittadini, ha detto Bulatovic, ''sono stati
di licenziamento se fossero andati a votare, e da
infatti i siluramenti sono cominciati''. Sarebbe
questa, secondo
il premier, la causa della bassa affluenza, che egli
comunque intorno al 60% e non il 22% come dichiarato
dall'opposizione serba. Stando a Bulatovic, il 93%
dei votanti
montenegrini si sono pronunciati per l'attuale
federale Slobodan Milosevic. Dei 50 seggi
parlamentari riservati
al Montenegro, ha concluso, la coalizione di regime
ne controlla
almeno 47. (ANSA).


25/09/2000 15:56



Your own Offshore Bank for $8,000.
Everybody knows how much money there is to be made in the banking
business. You've heard that money makes money… and banks make money with
other people's money!

If you are looking to open a fully licensed bank which is authorised to
carry on all banking business world-wide, the most attractive
is currently the Republic of Montenegro.

Key advantages include:

Low set-up cost : just $8,000 for a fully functioning bank (plus $4,000
annual fees).
Correspondent account included in package.
Mailing address with forwarding, and tel/fax included in package.
No large capital requirements - just $10,000 capital gets your licence
Favourable tax rate of just 2.5%.
May be formed by any natural person or company world-wide - no intrusive
background checks.
European jurisdiction.
Ideal for internet or private banking operations.
Fast set-up time.
The country.
The Republic of Montenegro technically forms part of the Yugoslav
Federation and is situated on Balkans, having the seashore on Adriatic
right in the heart of Europe and Mediterranean.

However, Montenegro is autonomous within Yugoslavia. Montenegro has a
pro-western government and remained neutral during the recent Balkan
Economic sanctions against Yugoslavia do not apply to Montenegro.

The capital of the Republic of Montenegro is Podgorica. The country has
its own Constitution and President, as well as Government and Parliament

The Government of the Republic of Montenegro has been preparing for a
time and with great care the Montenegro - Free Economic Zone, within
"Development of Montenegro as an International Offshore Centre" is one
the main sub projects. This project envisages that Montenegro shall
a new centre suitable for international business operations providing
business, tourist and other services to foreign companies on top-level

Legal Basis of Offshore Banking in Montenegro.
The "Act on companies which are established and which conduct business
activity on special terms" was adopted by the Assembly of the Republic
Montenegro July 26 1996 in conformity with the Article 88, point 2 of
Constitution of Montenegro.

This act allows for the establishment offshore banks, and also for
numerous other tax advantages designed to encourage inward foreign
investment. Foreign-owned companies are privileged and completely
from exchange controls etc. Further details of this law can be supplied
request to seriously interested parties.

According to the Article 2 of the Act one of the allowed activities is
financial services. To obtain a banking license a company must be
established as Joint Stock Company ("JSC") formed by at least two
subscribers (as subscriber may participate physical or juridical person)
and have it paid capital of US$ 10,000.

All information provided to the Ministry of Finance, banks and other
organizations who perform duties of registering the bank and other
for the company, is protected by specific confidentiality laws. This
includes identities of principals, financial statements etc.

Bank License.
The Ministry of Finance of Montenegro is also the regulatory body which
issues the bank licence.

A standard bank license allows a JSC registered under the Act the
following banking operations:

Payments under client instructions and bank exchanges under
banks name, cashing services, establishing of correspondent relations
foreign banks and opening of "nostro" and "loro" accounts.
Opening and supervising of clients' nominee accounts in correspondent
banks in foreign currencies.
Acceptance of all kinds of deposits and exercising of all kinds of
Attracting and managing of new money instruments, deposits, and credits
business partners, excluding money deposits of Citizens of the Republic
Financing under other party instruction.
Handling, buying, selling and keeping of payment documents and value
papers (checks, letters of credit, shares, taxes and other documents and
exercising of other legal operations with these documents.
Granting of bank guaranties for third parties, which foresee payment in
Contracting and exercising of factoring services, purchasing of the
on goods delivery and services granting, acceptance of risks under non
cumpliment of such liabilities and bills collecting.
Purchasing and selling of cash currency and currency which is deposited
accounts of juridical and physical persons.
Intermediary operations in trade with value papers.
Purchasing and payment receiving.
Attracting and investing of assets and managing of value papers
clients instructions and other persons on the market and trust
representation operations.
Rendering of brokerage, consultant service and leasing.
Creating a reserve, insurance and other funds from own and attracted
assets for guaranties and insurance and development of banking activity
and investment to Montenegro, according to the law on companies
established and operated under special terms.
Participating as a founding party or shareholder of banking
in Montenegro and also abroad - in subsidiary banks, as well as in
institutions and organizations, according to the law on companies that
established and operated in Montenegro.
Opening of branches and representation offices on the territory of the
republic of Montenegro and abroad".
Such banking license is not limited by time.
Tax Regime.
The bank has a duty to file a tax declaration in due time or to hand
to the competent tax authority other data necessary for calculating
taxable profit. The bank pays the tax at the rate 2.5% on its declared
profit. The tax base is further reduced with the amount of financial
resources from income which is directed into investments within the
territory of the Republic.

Annual Payments.
An amount of US$ 100 is payable to the Registry for the joint stock
companies annually. An annual fee of US$4000 is payable for the
Agent and Registered Office in the Republic of Montenegro (payable on
incorporation, then annually on the anniversary thereafter).
and accountancy costs are not included: these extra services can be
provided if required.

This fee includes provision of mail forwarding and shared telephone and
fax facilities. It is therefore possible to run an internet banking
operation without the need to establish a physical presence in
beyond the registered office address.

Correspondent Accounts.
The basic package includes opening a correspondent account at the Bank
Montenegro. This allows the new bank to use their existing correspondent
network which includes Citibank, Commerzbank, Union Bank of Switzerland
etc for sending and receiving payments.

For additional fee we can arrange direct correspondent accounts with
in other countries.

Formation Time.
Usually to form a new bank with the client's directors and name proposed
takes 4-8 weeks. Sometimes it can be completed much quicker, especially
extra care is taken to ensure that all documents are in order.

Requirements to Commence Formation.
At least three potential names of the bank, so that one can be chosen
which is free. Please send them by e-mail, since all documents which we
send you will bear the name of the bank.
At least two founders - they can be physical persons, in which case we
will require photocopies of their passports, certified with an
if the founders are legal entities, then copies of the registration
papers, which must also be affixed with an Apostille. If you require
nominees, we recommend you simply take two off-the-shelf Panama
corporations which we have in stock with all necessary documents.
Payment of USD 10,000 as founder's capital, which you must pay by wire
transfer direct to the central bank of Montenegro. After formation you
free to withdraw or reallocate this capital.
Power-of-Attorney to our lawyers in Montenegro to file the necessary
documents. We can supply this form on receipt of your confirmed order
Payment of incorporation fee ($8000) plus first year's domiciliary fee
($4000) by wire transfer. (Guaranteed refundable in the unlikely event
that your banking licence is declined). A 50% deposit will be accepted
start work, with the balance payable when your banking licence has been
issued and you have verified it with the government if you wish.
Documents you will receive by courier on completion:
Certificate of the opened foreign currency correspondent account as well
as a receipt for the foreign currency account issued by MONTENEGRO BANK.
Certificate of inscription in the Companies Register.
Memorandum of Association of the bank.
Articles of Association.
Licence as proof for conducting bank and other financial activities.
Certified translations of above in English and Russian with Apostille.
If you have any additional question feel free to ask: simply click here!



Russia Surprised With NATO Planned Military Action in Montenegro

MOSCOW, Sep 15, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia was deeply
with NATO's threat of sending ground troops to Montenegro in the case of
Belgrade using force in Podgorica, the Russian foreign ministry said in
statement Thursday.

"Recent comments made by U.S. Air Force Commander in Europe, General
Gregory Martin, about NATO having already conceived several variants of
military action against Montenegro, including the use of ground troops,
shocking," said the ministry.

"By his statement, the general has confirmed that the North Atlantic
alliance is constantly planning military operations against a sovereign
state without consulting Russia, which is in breach of the cooperation
agreement between NATO and Russia," the statement read.

"It is amazing that the general could make that statement, especially
during such a critical time in the Balkan region," the ministry said.

Local and presidential elections are due to be held in the former
Yugoslavia on September 24.

The Russian State Duma lower house of parliament plans to send observers
monitor the forthcoming elections. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)


dal Corriere della Sera on line 12/9/2000

Arrestato in Montenegro braccio destro di Milosevic

Il braccio destro di Slobodan Milosevic, Ratko Krsmanovic, è stato
arrestato per alcune ore dalla polizia montenegrina perché sorpreso a
scrivere sui muri di un palazzo di Podgorica con una bomboletta spray.
[SIC! Facile immaginare che il vero motivo del sequestro e' legato alle
elezioni nella Federazione...]

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj