"To be partly controlled by the CIA? That doesn't bother me
much "

> http://www.ptb.be/solidaire/article.phtml?lang=1&obid)72
> http://www.iacenter.org/yugo_crisis.htm


Interview de deux activistes du mouvement Otpor

�Etre partiellement contr�l� par la CIA? �a
ne me d�range pas trop�

Rencontre avec deux membres d?Otpor, ce
mouvement �tudiant �ind�pendant� dont la presse occidentale
parle tant. C?�tait le 2 ao�t dernier, dans
un caf� de Kragujevac?

G�rard Mugemangango et Michel Collon

Qu?est-ce que le mouvement Otpor?

Ivana. C?est une organisation des jeunes
des facult�s et des �coles sup�rieures. Personne n?y a plus de
27 ans et tous nos adh�rents sont membres
du parti d�mocratique (opposition). Mais nos activit�s sont
diff�rentes: actions, shows, distribution
de propagande, etc.

C?est surtout la vie tr�s difficile en
Serbie qui para�t les affecter?

Nenad. Mon p�re poss�de la m�me voiture
depuis treize ans, il ne peut pas s?en payer d?autre. Quant �
moi, musicien, je suis oblig�, pour gagner
ma vie, de jouer avec certains groupes que je n?aime pas. Et je
suis �galement oblig� de travailler dans la
petite soci�t� de mon p�re.

Ivana et Nenad semblent attendre �norm�ment
de l?Ouest?

Nenad. La Yougoslavie est un bon endroit
pour investir : elle se situe au centre de l?Europe, poss�de des
mines tr�s riches ainsi que le Danube avec son potentiel �lectrique, les
gens y sont tr�s �duqu�s et bons travailleurs. Ici, la population peut
pour pas cher, disons deux cents DM (4000 FB) par mois.

Ne craignez-vous pas que les multinationales qui prendraient le contr�le
de la Yougoslavie s?arrangent pour payer les salaires les plus bas
afin d?augmenter leurs profits?

Nenad. Ce serait quand m�me int�ressant pour elles. Et nous garderons le

[Manifestement ces jeunes ont de grandes illusions?Avec le programme
�conomique ultra-lib�ral du G-17, ce � contr�le � sera plut�t limit�?]

Vous attendez que les Etats Unis aident votre pays. Mais ils ont jou� un
grand r�le dans son �clatement. Est-il vrai qu?Otpor - ou en tout cas
dirigeants - est pay� par la CIA via la fondation - �cran National
Endowment for Democracy?

[Notre question semble d�ranger.]

Nenad. Je sais que la CIA est impliqu�e dans toute cette histoire. Ils
ont leur travail � faire et ils sont plus forts que nos propres

Ecoutez-moi, je suis aussi contre les USA, mais nous ne pouvons leur
r�sister, et ils doivent faire leur boulot, alors moi, �a ne me g�ne pas
d?�tre partiellement contr�l� par la CIA.


Pourquoi la CIA a-t-elle entra�n� les cadres d?Otpor pendant dix jours?
Et pourquoi consacre-t-elle tant d?argent � prendre le contr�le d?Otpor
et des autres mouvements d?opposition? Parce que, dans la base de ces
mouvements, on trouve aussi bon nombre de gens honn�tes. Ils ont
beaucoup de reproches � l?�gard de Milosevic et des partis au pouvoir,
mais restent attach�s � l?ind�pendance de la Yougoslavie et ne veulent
qu?elle devienne une colonie.

Amener ces gens o� ils ne veulent pas demande une strat�gie de
manipulation sophistiqu�e. En �t� 99, le chef de la CIA Tennent se
d�pla�ait � Sofia,
en Bulgarie, pour y �former� l?opposition serbe. Le 28 ao�t dernier, la
BBC confirmait qu?une formation sp�ciale de dix jours venait d?�tre
donn�e, �
Sofia �galement, � des militants d?Otpor.

Le programme de la CIA est un programme par phases successives. Dans un
premier temps, on flatte le patriotisme et l?esprit d?ind�pendance
serbes, on fait semblant de les respecter. Mais apr�s avoir sem� la
confusion et bris� l?unit� du pays, la CIA et l?OTAN vont beaucoup plus

La CIA a d�j� employ� ces tactiques contre de nombreux peuples. Pour
renverser un gouvernement d�rangeant, elle a de l?exp�rience. Au Br�sil
(1961), au Chili (1973), en Bulgarie (1990), on a retrouv� le m�me style
de mouvements pseudo-populaires, orchestr�s avec force dollars. La CIA
est l?ennemi de tous les peuples, elle ne sert que les int�r�ts d?une
poign�e de multinationales et de g�n�raux assassins. Beaucoup de gens
se font avoir par ces manoeuvres. Il est grand temps qu?ils ouvrent les


>To be partly controlled by the CIA ?
>That doesn't bother me much. �
>Interview with two activists of the Otpor student movement
>Meeting with two members of Otpor, the student movement of which the
>press speaks so much, describing it as
>� independent. � It was last Aug. 2, in a cafe in Kragujevac...
>First of all, what is Otpor ? � It's an organization of youths in high
>schools and colleges, � Ivana told us. � No one is older than 27, all
>our members are also members of the Democratic Party (opposition). But
>activities are different : actions, shows, distributions of
>propaganda.... �
>Above all the difficult life in Serbia seems to affect them most at
>: � My father, � Nenad explained, � has owned the same
>automobile for 13 years . He can't afford to buy another. As for me, a
>musician, to earn a living I have to play with certain groups that I
>don't like. And I also have to work in my father's small business. �
>Ivana and Nenad seem to expect a lot from the West : � Yugoslavia is a
>place to invest : in the center of Europe, with very
>rich mines, the Danube with its electric potential, well-educated
>good workers. Here the people can work for very little, you
>could say for a penny, � Nenad explained.
>Wasn't he afraid that the multinations that would take control of
>would wind up paying wages as low as possible in
>order to raise their profits ? � It would none-the-less be a good deal
>them. And we would keep control. �
>Obviously these youths have grand illusions. ... With the ultra-liberal
>[free market] economic program of G17, this � control � will be
>rather limited ...
>Now we come to our crucial question. You expect that the United States
>aid your country. But it played a big role in breaking it up.
>Is it true that Otpor, or in any case its leaders, are paid by the CIA
>through the front organization called the National Endowment for
>Democracy ?
>Apparently our question upset them. � I know, � he ended up saying, �
>the CIA is involved in this whole story. They have their
>work to do and they are stronger than our own secret services. �
>"Listen to me. I am also against the USA, but we can't resist them, and
>have to do their job, while for me, well it doesn't bother me
>that much to be partly controlled by the CIA."
>Why did the CIA train Otpor activists for 10 days ?
>But why did the CIA devote so much money to take control of Otpor and
>other opposition movements? Because in reality, in
>the rank-and-file of these movements, you can find a good number of
>people. They have many complaints with regard to
>Milosevic and the parties in power, but they remain partisans of the
>independence of Yugoslavia and don't want their country to become
>a colony.
>To lead these people where they don't want to go demands a
>strategy of manipulation. In the summer of 1999, the
>head of the CIA, George Tennent, set up shop in Sofia, Bulgaria to
>the Serb opposition. Last Aug. 28, the BBC confirmed
>that a special 10-day class had been given to the Otpor militants, also
>The CIA program is a program in successive phases. Early on, they
>the Serb's patriotism and spirit of independence, acting
>as if they respect these qualities. But after having sown confusion and
>broken the unity of the country, the CIA and NATO would go
>much further.
>The CIA has already employed these tactics against numerous peoples. To
>overturn a government through disruption, it has
>experience. In Brazil (1964), in Chile (1973), in Bulgaria (1990), you
>find the same type of pseudo-popular movements, orchestrated
>with the force of the U.S. dollar. The CIA is the enemy of tall the
>It serves the interests of only a handful of multinational
>corporations and murderous generals. It's high time they opened their
>Anti-Imperialist League -- www.ptb.be/international/indexfr.html
>posted 6 October 2000
>International Action Center
>39 West 14th Street, Room 206
>New York, NY 10011
>email: iacenter@...
>web: www.iacenter.org
>CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
>phone: 212 633-6646
>fax: 212 633-2889

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