La CIA - anzi ad essere più precisi: direttamente il Dipartimento di Stato attraverso la propria agenzia ad hoc NED - rinnova il bando per contributi a fondo perduto alle ONG che garantiscano l'aderenza delle proprie attività all'agenda di politica estera degli USA. 
Che generosità!
Per maggiori informazioni sulla NED si veda sul loro sito:
o al nostro:


NED Grants Program: Direct Funding to NGOs

18/12/2012 - The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is one of the major international grantmaking organizations providing direct funding to NGOsworldwide working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions. In 2012 alone, NED funded an average grant of of $50,000 to eachorganization and more than thousand projects across 92 countries were supported by is funding. NED provides funding to NGOs including civic organizations, associations, independent media, and other similar organizations. It encourages applications from organizations working in diverse environments including newly established democracies, semi-authoritarian countries, highly repressive societies and countries undergoing democratic transitions.

The next upcoming deadline to submit proposals is 18 January 2013.

For more information visit this link: