(italiano / deutsch / english / francais)

L’Allemagne est-elle impliquée en Ukraine ?

1) La Linke a Frau Merkel: “Berlino ha partecipato al golpe in Ucraina?” (M. Santopadre / Contropiano, 24/5/2014)
2) Die Verantwortung Berlins (GFP 20.05.2014)
3) L’Allemagne est-elle impliquée en Ukraine ? (Réseau Voltaire, 15 mai 2014)
4) Strategic Allies (GFP 2014/05/21)

Read also:

Von Linealstaaten und pazifistischem Mehltau 20.05.2014
Deutsche Außenpolitik-Experten plädieren in einem PR-Projekt des Auswärtigen Amts für eine "neue Abschreckungspolitik gegenüber Russland" und sagen dem "Vielvölkerstaat" wegen separatistischer Bestrebungen in einigen Regionen eine "Zerreißprobe" voraus… (GFP 20.05.2014)

Le massacre d’Odessa organisé au sommet de l’État ukrainien (Réseau Voltaire, 16 mai 2014)

Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU Have Unleashed on Ukraine
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Global Research, May 12, 2014

=== 1 ===

La Linke a Frau Merkel: “Berlino ha partecipato al golpe in Ucraina?”

di Marco Santopadre

Sabato, 24 Maggio 2014

Il Primo ministro ucraino, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, sarà ricevuto mercoledì prossimo dalla cancelliera tedesca, Angela Merkel, a Berlino, insieme ai capi di governo di Georgia e Moldavia in un evidente tentativo di stringere il cerchio attorno alla Russia strumentalizzando i sentimenti antirussi diffusi in quei paesi – e sostenuti da conflitti territoriali con Mosca - governati da tempo da una classe dirigente selezionata e imposta dall’Unione Europea e dalla Nato.

Il leader golpista ucraina Yatsenyuk, il Primo ministro georgiano Irakli Garibashvili e il loro omologo moldavo, Iurie Leanca, saranno ricevuti ad una cena per fare il punto sulla situazione nella regione, ha spiegato Christiane Wirtz, portavoce aggiunta del governo tedesco. 
Non a caso l’incontro è stato convocato appena dopo le elezioni presidenziali di domani in Ucraina che nelle intenzioni dei golpisti dovrebbero legittimare il loro potere. 
Intanto però proprio in Germania tiene banco una polemica che nel resto dell’Unione Europea non ha avuto finora cittadinanza. Una polemica sul ruolo che il governo tedesco ha avuto nella destabilizzazione dell’Ucraina e poi nel golpe che ha estromesso il precedente governo imponendone uno fedeli agli interessi di Bruxelles e Washington. Nei giorni scorsi era stata la grande stampa tedesca, e in particolare il Bild, a confermare che nel paese scosso dalla guerra civile operano alcune centinaia di mercenari della multinazionale statunitense Academi, a cui la giunta ha fatto da subito ricorso dopo il golpe per tantare di prendere il controllo di alcune delle aree del sud est del paese non troppo inclini ad accettare un governo xenofobo e ultranazionalista. Che gli Stati Uniti abbiano avuto un ruolo di primo piano nel regime change cruento di Kiev è risaputo. Ma che anche l’Unione Europea abbia partecipato alla partita continua ad essere negato o sottovalutato anche dalla stampa progressista o euroscettica. Eppure non sono pochi i politici o gli “intellettuali mercenari” europei – basti pensare a Daniel Cohn Bendit e al suo compare Bernard Henry Levy – che hanno attivamente sostenuto EuroMaidan anche facendo la spola con Kiev dove hanno incitato la piazza nazionalista a disfarsi del governo e ad aderire alle “magnifiche sorti” della democrazia e della libertà targati Bruxelles. E poi sostenendo le sanzioni contro la Russia, e l'inclusione di Kiev nel meccanismo militare e di sicurezza dell'Ue, e in certi casi - l'italiana Pinotti - promettendo ai golpisti ucraini truppe in caso di bisogno.
Non è un caso che proprio all'interno della Germania sorga il dubbio che dietro i fatti di Kiev ci sia lo zampino del governo tedesco e dei suoi apparati. Nei giorni scorsi alcuni parlamentari di Berlino, eletti nelle liste della Linke (Sinistra) hanno infatti chiesto al governo di Frau Merkel di ordinare «un'inchiesta indipendente sulla presenza di mercenari in Ucraina» esprimendo la loro inquietudine sull’uso di eserciti privati nella guerra civile in corso nel paese. Inoltre, ed è questo che ci preme sottolineare, i deputati della sinistra tedesca hanno anche chiesto di sapere «se la Germania ha preso parte in qualche modo alla ribellione e al successivo conflitto». Non si tratta di una polemica strumentale o ‘elettorale’. Alla loro richieste i deputati della Linke accludono una serie di documenti e di fatti: «La Cdu ha sostenuto ufficialmente il leader della rivolta Vitali Klichko; il primo dicembre 2013 il presidente del parlamento europeo Martin Schulz ha pronunciato un discorso anti-governativo a Maidan; il 7 dicembre il presidente della commissione degli Esteri dell'europarlamento, Elmar Brok, ha pronunciato un discorso a Maidan in favore di Iulia Tymoshenko; il 29 gennaio Elmar Brok ha tenuto una conferenza stampa al fianco di Klichko in cui si chiedevano le dimissioni del presidente Viktor Yanukovich; il 27 febbraio tre ministri tedeschi hanno negoziato e poi firmato un accordo politico tra il Yanukovich e l'opposizione di Maidan, accordo che è servito a coprire il colpo di Stato; il 25 aprile quattro ufficiali tedeschi che lavoravano per l'Osce sono stati arrestati mentre compivano azioni fuori dal loro mandato nell'est dell'Ucraina, e successivamente cacciati dal Paese». 
Non è un segreto che uno dei tre attuali partito di governo a Kiev, Udar, sia stato partorito grazie all'intervento della Fondazione Adenauer della Cdu tedesca e che il suo leader, l'ex campione di pugilato Klichko abbia la doppia cittadinanza ucraino-tedesca. Non è neanche da dimenticare quanta pressione abbia esercitato il governo tedesco negli ultimi anni affinché la leader del partito Patria, Yulia Timoshenko, in galera per appropriazione indebita e malversazione, fosse scarcerata prima di aver compiuto la sua condanna. Cosa verificatasi proprio in occasione del golpe di fine febbraio. 

Siamo stati giustamente abituati, viste le vicende degli ultimi decenni, ad associare l’imperialismo, i colpi di stato, i complotti per liberarsi di governi scomodi alla politica estera statunitense. Ma è il caso di aggiornare la propria griglia di lettura della realtà, perché l’imperialismo ormai parla anche tedesco e l’Unione Europea persegue una propria espansione ad est e a sud esattamente come Washington ha sempre fatto nel suo ‘cortile di caso’. Costi quel che costi.

=== 2 ===


Die Verantwortung Berlins 

20.05.2014 - Der ehemalige EU-Kommissar Günter Verheugen erhebt im Konflikt um die Ukraine schwere Vorwürfe gegen Berlin.
Wie Verheugen in einem Offenen Brief an den ehemaligen Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt (SPD) schreibt, sei es falsch, vor allem die Ukraine-Politik der EU-Kommission zu kritisieren. Schmidt hatte dies getan. "Noch immer sind die Mitgliedstaaten die Herren aller Verträge", stellt Verheugen fest: "Die entscheiden, nicht die Kommission." Eine besondere Rolle in puncto Ukraine habe dabei die Bundesregierung gespielt.[1]
Verheugen ruft in Erinnerung, dass "der Weg zur Assoziierung der Ukraine" im Juni 2007 "unter deutscher EU-Präsidentschaft ... eingeschlagen" wurde. "Unter Vorsitz der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Merkel" sei der Kommission der Auftrag zu Assoziierungsverhandlungen erteilt worden, berichtet Verheugen, der noch bis 2010 als EU-Kommissar tätig war. Im Juni 2008 sei die "Östliche Partnerschaft" initiiert worden - "formell von Polen und Schweden", tatsächlich jedoch unter ausdrücklicher Befürwortung Deutschlands. Die Unterzeichnung des bereits im März 2012 paraphierten Assoziierungsabkommens sei "informell im Mai 2012, offiziell im Dezember 2012" von den EU-Außenministern verweigert worden, obwohl sie damals noch "völlig unstrittig mit Moskau" gewesen sei. Grund (mit Einwilligung des deutschen Außenministers): die Inhaftierung der Ex-Oligarchin Julia Timoschenko, einer Parteigängerin der NATO-Staaten.
Auch den "sogenannten Euro-Maidan" haben, wie Verheugen in Erinnerung ruft, weniger EU- denn vielmehr nationale Politiker unterstützt - an vorderster Stelle der deutsche Außenminister -, ohne zu berücksichtigen, "dass es sich weder um eine landesweite noch um eine homogene Bewegung handelte". Auch hätten sie die nach Janukowitschs Sturz an die Macht gelangte neue Regierung "ohne Not ... sofort rückhaltlos unterstützt", obwohl diese "noch nicht einmal im eigenen Land das Vertrauen der Mehrheit genießt, antirussisch ist und ihr völkisch gesinnte Kräfte angehören". Der ehemalige EU-Kommissar weist darauf hin, dass die Spitzenpolitiker der EU-Mitgliedstaaten damit "die schwerste Krise in Europa in diesem Jahrhundert mit ausgelöst" haben. Verheugen resümiert: "Ein Gutteil der Verantwortung dafür liegt in Berlin."

[1] Zitate hier und im Folgenden: Verheugen zur EU-Russlandpolitik: Warum Helmut Schmidt irrt. www.spiegel.de 19.05.2014.

=== 3 ===

L’Allemagne est-elle impliquée en Ukraine ?


Des parlementaires allemands, particulièrement ceux de Die Linke, ont demandé au gouvernement Merkel d’ordonner une enquête indépendante sur la présence de mercenaires en Ukraine.

Si nos lecteurs ont été informés dès les 3 et 4 mars de la présence de mercenaires israéliens et états-uniens à Kiev [1], les lecteurs de l’hebdomadaire Bild am Sonntag ont pu observer le 9 mars 2014 une vidéo montrant des employés d’Academi (voir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VFMAIv8yvA ).

Par la suite, l’hebdomadaire a affirmé ignorer qui avait engagé les mercenaires états-uniens, tandis que la presse allemande a évoqué la présence de mercenaires allemands auprès d’eux.

Les parlementaires ont exprimé leur inquiétude face à la privatisation de la guerre et ont exigé de savoir si oui ou non les autorités allemandes participent à ces opérations.

Cette question est d’autant plus importante que : 
• Le parti de la chancelière Angela Merkel, la CDU, soutient officiellement le leader Vitali Klitchsko. 
• le 1er décembre 2013, le président du Parlement européen Martin Schulz venait prononcer un discours anti-gouvernemental sur la place Maidan. 
• Le 4 décembre, le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Guido Westerwelle venait apporter son soutien aux manifestants de la place Maidan. 
• Le 7 décembre, le président de la Commission des Affaires étrangères du parlement européen, Elmar Brok, venait prononcer un discours sur la place Maidan en faveur de Iulia Tymoshenko. 
• Le 29 janvier 2014, Elmar Brok se présentait à la presse aux côtés de Vitali Klitschko et demandait le départ du président Ianoukovytch. 
• Le 27 février, les trois ministres du Triangle de Weimar, dont Guido Westerwelle, négociaient et signaient un accord politique entre le président Ianoukovytch et l’opposition de Maidan. Cependant, cet accord servait à couvrir le coup d’État qui intervint dans les heures suivantes alors que le président Ianoukovytch se rendait en province. 
• le 25 avril, quatre officiers allemands travaillant à l’OSCE se sont rendus en dehors de leur mandat à l’Est du pays où ils ont été arrêtés pour espionnage par les fédéralistes et retenus durant une semaine.

[1] « Des soldats israéliens étaient camouflés place Maidan », Réseau Voltaire, 3 mars 2014 [ http://www.voltairenet.org/article182432.html ]. Et « Des mercenaires US déployés au Sud de l’Ukraine », Réseau Voltaire, 4 mars 2014 [ http://www.voltairenet.org/article182466.html ].

=== 4 ===

Strategic Allies
(Own report) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's demand that the putsch regime in Kiev adopt the German model of ethnic minority policy is creating strong tensions. At the beginning of his third term in office, Orbán declared that Ukraine must grant the Hungarian speaking minority special rights based on ethnicity, including the right to acquire Hungarian citizenship. Partisans of the putsch regime have shown understanding for Kiev's strong protests: Kiev cannot admonish Russia's engagement on behalf of its "compatriots" in Ukraine, while simultaneously allowing Budapest to do the same thing. Orbán's ethnic demands are in fact equivalent to the special rights imposed by Berlin for the "German ethnic minority" in Poland. Berlin claims that hundreds of thousands of people living in Poland are allegedly "German citizens" - and have the right to vote in Germany. Not only is Budapest exacerbating this German ethnic policy in its foreign policy, but it is also demonstrating the radical forms ethnic orientation can take in a European country today in its domestic policy. Berlin, according to experts, supports this development with "critical solidarity."
"Unity of the Carpathian Basin"
Ethnic thinking has obsessed Hungary. The dispute between Budapest and Kiev must be considered in the context of Budapest's seeing Hungarian-speaking minorities in neighboring countries to be members of an alleged supranational "Hungarian people." Budapest has been using various means to bind "Hungarians abroad" more closely to Hungary. During his first term of office (1998 - 2002), Prime Minister Orbán introduced measures to this effect, which were implemented when he took office in 2010. These included granting Hungarian citizenship and voting rights to members of minorities. Hungarian politicians are using provocative appearances in Hungarian speaking regions of neighboring countries, to demonstrate their all out efforts to develop strong ties between the minority citizens of the respective countries with Budapest. Two years ago, László Kövér, President of the Hungarian Parliament, visited the residential area of the Hungarian-speaking minority in Romania to commemorate the "greater Hungarian" Nazi collaborator József Nyirő, who was born in that region.[1] The Orbán government seeks to have this territory "unify" with Hungary under the slogan "Unity of the Carpathian Basin." Behind this innocuous term, Budapest is in fact hiding its attempts to establish an informal "Greater Hungary."
Poland's Citizens of Germany
Budapest's policy of laying claim to "Hungarians abroad" has provoked much criticism over the past few years. The principle of this policy, as well as important details, corresponds to the German model. Members of German speaking minorities in East European countries can acquire German citizenship if they can prove German descent. The respective German authorities are still accepting, among the documents proving German descent, the so-called "German People's List" identity cards.[2] The Nazis had issued these cards to persons considered to be of "Arian ancestry" in the occupied East European countries. For example, the German foreign ministry "estimates" that about 300,000 individuals belong to the "German minority" in Poland alone. Many "not only have Polish but German citizenship as well."[3] It is estimated that more than 200,000 Polish citizens are claimed by Germany and have been issued German citizenship. Approximately 16,800 German identity cards were issued to Poles, in 2011 and 2012 alone, according to a press report.[4] Polish citizens, who also have German citizenship, can vote in German elections. Having been elected also with their votes, the German government can claim to represent them.
Equal Rights for Some
"Few capitals appreciate having a neighboring country considering itself the government responsible for the welfare of a large portion of its own population," according to a recent article in a leading German journal.[5] The journal, however, was not referring to German policy toward Poland, but rather to Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán's demand for the Hungarian-speaking minority in Ukraine to be granted special ethnic rights. Kiev has, until now, rejected Budapest's demand, which would impinge upon approx. 150,000 of Ukraine's citizens in its southwest corner. "The demand for granting dual citizenship" is "in violation of Ukrainian laws," explained a spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Recently, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has come forward as an opponent of Budapest's German-inspired ethnic demands on Kiev. Tusk, who is not known to have raised objections to Germany's having issued German citizenship to Polish citizens, considers Orbán's demands "extremely inopportune." If one grants Ukraine's Hungarian minority special ethnic rights, it would be difficult to refuse the same to Ukraine's Russian minority. If Budapest is allowed to intervene with ethnic motivated measures, it could hardly be explained, why the Russian government would be strongly criticized for intervening on behalf of its "compatriots" in Ukraine.[6] But that is exactly the intention.
"Critical Solidarity with Hungary"
During his recent visit to Berlin, Orbán, whose ethnic chauvinist "Hungarians Abroad" offensive is now supposed to be called to order, to prevent jeopardizing the superseding objective - Russia's rollback - had just reiterated that the German government will, in principle, not represent an obstacle to his policy. On the occasion of his May 8, talks with the German chancellor, Orbán explained - albeit without making explicit reference to the fundamental parallel between the German and the Hungarian ethnic policies - that he would like to "express his gratitude (...) for the support Hungary has been receiving over the past four years from Germany." He is including "the support" he has received from Angela Merkel "personally, in the political sense. After all, the Hungarian governing party is a member of the grand family of the European People's Party (EPP)." "Germany is a particularly strategic ally for Hungary," added the Hungarian prime minister. German experts in foreign policy draw a similar conclusion. "German foreign policy of the past four years" has been "characterized by a critical solidarity" with Hungary, explains Kai-Olaf Lang, of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin, in which "surely (...) CDU party solidarity" within the EPP framework had played a role as well. Orbán's Fidesz Party is also a member of the EPP.[7]
"Kicking a Gypsy Mafioso's Ass"
Berlin's "critical solidarity" has been with a government that has not only expanded the playing field of ethnic-oriented foreign policy, over the past four years, but has also stepped up ethnic chauvinism in its domestic policy. There were protests throughout Europe, a few years ago, against the new, ethnic-chauvinist Hungarian Constitution [8] and a new, repressive law restricting the media.[9] The media law has made publicist activities critical of government policies more difficult. As a result of these and similar measures, Hungary is becoming an ethnic chauvinist society, systematically ostracizing critics and marginal groups - the Hungarian Roma being the largest of these minorities, explained the blogger Pusztaranger, who, for years, has been intensively following Hungary's rightwing ethnic chauvinist development, in his interview with german-foreign-policy.com.[10] The development in Hungary has led to the fascist Jobbik Party polling a fifth of the votes in the early April parliamentary elections. Jobbik had been in cooperation with the Ukrainian Svoboda government coalition Party, until antagonisms arose over the future of Ukraine's Hungarian-speaking minority. Jobbik member Tamás Snejder is currently Vice President of the Hungarian Parliament. Snejder has been known to observers of the Hungarian neo-Nazi scene since the early 1990s, according to Pusztaranger, "as the leader of the 'Association of National Youth' (Nemzeti Ifjak Egyesülete)"[11] skinhead group in his northern Hungarian hometown, Eger. He was sentenced to probation for criminal assault in 1992 - for "simply having kicked a Gypsy Mafiosi's ass," according to his official 2011 résumé. Snejder's election to the Hungarian parliament's presidency had been supported by Orbán's governing party, whose government benefits from the German government's "critical solidarity."
Other reports and background information on Germany's policy toward Hungary can be found here: Pillars of the FuturePillars of the Future (III)Borderless Nation and To Heighten Tensions.
[1] See Ein positives Ungarn-Bild.
[2] Bundesverwaltungsamt: Merkblatt Feststellung der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit für Personen, die im Ausland leben (Stand: April 2011). Abrufbar beispielsweise unter www.polen.diplo.de .
[3] Polen: Beziehungen zu Deutschland. www.auswaertiges-amt.de.
[4] Gerhard Gnauck: "Die Andschela Merkel, die ist doch CDU?" www.welt.de 22.08.2013.
[5], [6] Stephan Löwenstein: Anspruch auf alle Ungarn. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 20.05.2014.
[7] Orban bleibt unbequem. www.rnz.de 08.04.2014.
[8] See Borderless Nation.
[9] See Die Freiheit der Bank.
[10] See Die "tausendjährige christliche Nation".
[11] Ehemaliger Skinhead wird Vizepräsident des ungarischen Parlaments? pusztaranger.wordpress.com 25.04.2014.