* Lettera aperta a Sonja Biserko-Licht, rappresentante della Fondazione
Soros a Belgrado (R.K. Kent)
* Human Rights Watch... Watch (R. Rozoff)


                                A LETTER FROM AMERICA
                         TO ONE SONJA BISERKO IN BELGRADE

                                      Emeritus Professor of History
                                 University of California at Berkeley

In a "briefing" of the CSCE, dated 6th March 2001, you identify yourself
as Chair of the "Serbian"  Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. You
claim to be assessing, by way of a "Progress Report,"what is happening
in Serbia after the fall of Milosevic. Of course, your text is not just
a "Report" about  Serbia and the Serbs between 5 October 2000 and the
beginning of March 2001. It criss-crosses into "other" time-frames. It
is a rambling and disjointed piece, riddled with self-esteem.  It is
also a pontificating and hate-mongering tract  against the Serbs, easily
identifiable as such. You simply expurgate from the "Report" any harm
done to the Serbs.  To give but one example that cannot be refuted, you
are parading an asymmetrical humanism of stunning proportions. Your
heart is bleeding  for the incomplete release of all the ethnic
Albanians held in Serbia’s prisons.and not just 105.  You refuse to even
consider the charge that some of them may have tortured and killed Serb
women and children and should hence not be released. But,let us leave
that aside and add in another dimension left out.  There have been and
are still some 80,000 ethnic Albanians in the Greater Belgrade area
alone  Most of them have escaped any "justifiable retribution" from the
Serbs, to recall a phrase uttered by the well-known French Serbophobe,
Bernar Kouchner. He simply  whitewashed the Albanian "purification" of
Kosovo. But, since you are out to keep smearing the Serbs for an alleged
"pernicious nationalism," intolerant of other ethnicities, this "credit"
column in the ledger is left out in a calculated way.

The core problem is that you could not care less about the Human Rights
of Serbs at Kosovo from June 1999 through February 2001.Over a thousand
have been kidnapped, many were tortured and killed. Some 150,000 have
been "cleansed" out of Kosovo with all the other minorities.  A grave
with 150 Serb victims of Albanian atrocities was found after June 1999
but reports of it had been suppressed for over a year and the bodies had
been reburied. The truth has just come out.The kindest possible
explanation of your shoddy logic, omissions and commissions would be
that you have a dishonest affiliation. The "Serb" Committeee for Human
Rights, in your obvious cosmology,  must castigate only the Serbs for
alleged violations of Human Rights of others. That would, however, not
only be too kind. It would also be very incomplete.

 You are not actually concerned with Human Rights violations at all. You
are simply using the "Committee for Human Rights" as a cover for a serie
of personal political agendas  without any convincing degree of
professional competence. The two identifiable agendas are a declaration
of war on "Serb Nationalism" and an attempt to ingratiate yourself to
all those of influence in the U.S. and the European Union who demonized
"the Serbs" for a decade and engineered eleven weeks of destruction in
Serbia and Kosovo. Let me say at once that your knowledge of recent
history in the ex-Yugoslav space is worthless. By way of another example
that cannot be refuted,

you pour compliments in the direction of the U.S. and the European Union
for their "efforts to establish peace in the Balkans." To put it in a
Serb idiomatic phrase, "to se, draga Sonja,  zove cesanje jajca." It has
nothing to do with actual events. Had the United States not torpedoed
the Lisbon Agreement of February 1992 all of the subsequent fratricidal
tragedies would not have taken place. Here, the European Union was
behind it but not the Clinton Administration. A year later, two
respected foreigners worked hard and long to come up with a three-point
major peace plan, called the Vance-Owen plan. It was acceptable to all
the co-belligerents. Even Richerd Holbrooke supported it. But, it was
again "killed" in Washington with the utterly false "explanation" that
the U.S. did not wish to "reward Serb aggression." The plan reduced the
Serbs land holdings in Bosnia from about 62 percent to just 41, with
most of the resources going to Sarajevo. It would, moreover, take
someone suffering of singular myopia to call the support of the West for
the ethnic cleansings of Western Slavonia (August 1991-February 1992},
Krajina (Augost 1995) and Kosovo (June 1999 to the present), along with
the 78 days of relentless "air war" over Serbia and Kosovo (with all the
destructive consequences} "efforts to establish peace."

You may be dispapointed in President Bush’s decision on or shortly after
31st March. If for no other reason because He will not succumb to your
"clever" canard about the "generous" "grace period" of  some six months
given to the current Serb government. It has taken at least since the
Seveneteenth Century for Western Europe and the United States to evolve
into "civil societies." I  urge you in the strongest  terms to  read the
classics of Max Weber and Werner Sombart. The "priorities" you serve
about compliance with Dayton and cooperation with the ICTY are both
comical and tragic. Tragic when one considers that almost half of the
workers with families to feed in Serbia are out of jobs which puts
economic developemnt in Top Priority. By ingratiating yourself to the
U.S. in particular through acceptance of Washington’s list of priorities
you egg-on the Serbophobes in Congress to use the economic weapon
against the background of economic and social misery in Serbia. If you
are a Serb you are certainly an anti-Serb. One could only speculate why.
The comic strip comes in with ITCY. It is by no stretch of imagination a
real court of Law, International or otherwise. It is merely a political
fact of life set-up to keep punishing primarily the Serbs for the same
reason that you yearn for, namely a refusal to get down on their knees
and beg to be forgiven for the temerity to stand up to international
bullies and the "nationalist gall" for not confessing their "collective
guilt."  Cooperation with the ICTY? Sure, lets open  an ICTY office in
Belgrade. Rush-in "precanske Srbe."   What  was done to them? Do you car
at all?

For the sake of relative brevity, I refrain from entering here into your
magister dixit text comments about "the internal dynamic in Serbia and
legacy of the last ten years." Should you however wish to enter into a
written duel with me on this or any other subject relating to the last
decade in the ex-Yugoslav space it will give me endless pleasure to rip
your arguments to shreds This letter will be broadcast on several E-mail
networks reaching a couple of million recipients. A copy will be sent to
President Kostunica and certain members of the U.S. Government as well.

It should come as no surprise that the U.S.-based
Human Rights Watch would act as both advocate and
attack dog for Carla Del Ponte's and the ICTY's
campaign against Yugoslavia, even lecturing the
president of the country - a legal scholar - on what
his constitution really says.
Human Rights Watch is good at following orders - from
the ICTY, the White House, the U.S. State Department
and George Soros - and being paid handsomely to do it.

For information on how HRW (aa well as Amnesty
International U.S.A.) received its marching orders
from the State Department on how to promote NATO's war
against Yugoslavia in 1999, see 'The Progressives'
War" at: http://www.counterpunch.org/kohmtg.html

To learn how HRW assisted drug cazr and war criminal
Barry McCaffrey and the White House in distorting the
truth about the civil conflict in Colombia and in
garnering support for Plan Colombia and increased U.S.
military aggression in that country, see "Barry
McCaffrey And Jose Miguel Vivanco" at:

To find out more about what HRW is, who its directors
are, and where its funding comes from, see "Who Is
Behind Human Rights Watch?" at:

(R. Rozoff)


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