by Stephen Gowans
"We cannot and must not forget the chilling images of...mass graves
unearthed by UN investigators," said President George W. Bush, on the
occasion of Slobodan Milosevic's arrest over the weekend.
And as Milosevic was beginning his first day in a Belgrade jail, British
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook reminded us that he had visited some of the
mass graves himself.
One newspaper remarked, "[T]his is only the beginning of what could be a
long procedure leading to Mr. Milosevic's being tried for war crimes
committed two years ago in Kosovo, where an estimated 10,000 ethnic
Albanian civilians were killed and hundreds of thousands driven from
Images of mass graves are indeed chilling. But has anyone ever seen the
mass graves in Kosovo? Did Robin Cook really visit them? And were there
10,000 Albanian civilians killed in Kosovo?
If you want to be spectacularly misinformed, said author Henry Miller,
a newspaper.
George Orwell, in his famous essay, Politics and the English Language,
complained that a lot of political writing consisted of gumming together
phrases like the sections of a prefabricated hen house, an easy way of
writing, he said, once you had the habit. Reach into a handy grab-bag of
weathered phrases, and you don't have to think critically about what
writing. To journalists spoon fed copy by government sources, tacking
together ready made, prefabricated phrases and ideas is an easy way to
deadlines without a lot of effort.
Dutifully reporting the words of political figures, without questioning
even the most conspicuous deviations from the truth, goes along way too
toward effortlessly filing copy.
Press coverage of Milosevic's arrest has been very much like the
of prefabricated hen houses. The words of Bush, Cook and former US
Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, are reported uncritically, while
Milosevic, just as uncritically, is denounced as a "tyrant,"
autocrat," "war-lord," "strongman," and "iron-fisted dictator."
He's also "terrifying," "ruthless," "brutal," "the mastermind of the
European wars since the Nazis."
Altogether a bad egg. Certainly, someone who could exterminate 10,000
Albanians and have their corpses dumped into mass graves, say, at the
bottom of the infamous Trepca mines, the repository it, is said, of the
remains of tens of thousands of brutally murdered ethnic Albanian
Certainly someone who could be responsible for the mass graves Bush is
chilled by and Cook remembers visiting.
But take apart the cairn of ready made phrases to see what lies below
you'll find little more than what Orwell said you'd find behind
prefabricated phrases -- pure wind. And little more than what was found
the bottom of the Trepca mines, once pathologists were dispatched to
excavate the site -- some rubble and a few scattered animal bones.
But that's not the only bit of nothingness that has been found.
Operation Horseshoe, the alleged Milosevic plan to ethnically cleanse
Kosovo, turned out to be a hoax.
The Racak massacre, the slaughter of some forty ethnic Albanian
by Serb security forces -- said to have provided the impetus for Nato to
bomb Yugoslavia -- looks, now, after the release of a Finnish forensic
pathology report, to have been faked by the KLA.
One hundred thousand Kosovars were said to have been killed by
forces, a number later revised downward to 10,000, and then, after
pathologists rushed to Kosovo at the end of Nato's 78-day air war ready
inspect dozens of alleged mass graves, was revised downward further
when pathologists failed to uncover what Nato darkly warned the world
they'd find. Fewer than 2,000 autopsies were performed. Bodies were
buried alone or in pairs -- not in the mass graves Cook says he visited
Bush remembers chilling images of. Whether the corpses were Serb or
Albanian, indeed whether they met their deaths at the hands of Serb
security forces or KLA guerillas, was never certain.
What then are we to make of this? Most of the atrocities Milosevic stood
initially accused of turn out never to have happened, which may be why
first press reports of Milosevic's arrest steered clear of the specifics
the reasons for his apprehension, preferring instead Orwell's
phrases. Being a strongman, ruthless and iron-fisted, seemed reason
for his arrest. About as concrete as anyone got was in attributing "the
worst European wars since the Nazis" to Milosevic, an accusation that
only be made by turning a blind eye to what was truly one of the worst
World War II European wars -- the Nato air strikes on Yugoslavia. And it
was hardly Milosevic who initiated that war, although I suppose, in some
perverted twist of logic it could be said that Milosevic was
in the same way that a kid who refuses to relinquish his lunch money to
school yard bully is responsible for his own bloodied nose.
Largely unreported is that Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia was precipitated
Milosevic's refusal to allow Nato to occupy the entire country -- one of
the ultimata Nato issued at Rambouilett. Milosevic was ready to agree to
UN force in Kosovo, something, it will be recalled, Nato finally agreed
but only after turning the country into a polluted desert.
Nato's pummelling of Yugoslavia, with its toll of hundreds, if not
thousands of civilians killed, and many more thousands injured,
doesn't count as one of the worst European wars since the Nazis, though
might be recalled that before Nato it was the Nazis who last bombed
The flexing of Nato's military muscle was called a humanitarian
intervention, not a war, and therefore doesn't count. Goebbels would
admired the audacity. The euphemistic evasion "humanitarian
calls to mind the Fuggs' 1966 underground hit, Kill for Peace.
Kill, it will give you the mental ease
Kill it will give you a big release
Kill, kill, kill for peace.
It also calls to mind Orwell's charge that political language is
to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.
Human Rights Watch says that Nato bombs killed 500 civilians.
The total body count for which Milosevic stands indicted on war crimes
391, not 100,000 and not 10,000. Less than the number of Yugoslav
killed by a humanitarian Nato. That's never mentioned by the media.
And all of the incidents cited in the indictment against Milosevic but
-- the phoney Racak incident -- happened after Nato's bombs started
ugly exercise of ushering Serb civilians to an early grave or to a life
permanent disability. Which is curious, because Nato said it needed to
Yugoslavia to stop Serb atrocities.
So what exactly is George W. Bush talking about when he mentions the
chilling images of mass graves? And exactly what graves did Robin Cook
visit anyway?
Chilling images of mass killing, indeed, are something we should never
forget. The near genocide of the East Timorese by Indonesia, which went
for decades under the eyes of successive US administrations; the burning
Kurd villages by Turkish security forces, both in Turkey, and across its
border, in Northern Iraq, where American and British patrols supposedly
to protect the Kurd minority -- except when Turkish jet fighters loaded
with bombs, generously paid for by US military aid, are razing Kurd
villages; Colombian peasants driven from their homes and murdered by
squads linked to the Colombian military the US has given $1.3 billion
the hundreds of Palestinians killed by the Israeli Defence Forces, and
thousands injured and permanently disabled, in the latest intifada;
are chilling images we should begin to notice, much less never forget.
And what of the chilling images of thousands of Iraqi children dying
month because of the US-led sanctions regime, or Serb hospitals,
bridges, factories, destroyed by Nato bombs -- can they be forgotten?
Nor should we overlook -- or forget -- the complicity of the press in
lending the appearance of solidity to the emptiness of the words of the
likes of Bush and Cook, a press which boasts of being free and
yet allows itself to be spoon-fed mendacious drivel which it neither
questions nor parses.
And we shouldn't forget the troubling lies that roll so easily off the
tongues of Nato leaders -- about massacres that didn't happen, and
plans for ethnic cleansing that never existed, and death tolls that are
wildly exaggerated.
Mr. Steve Gowans is a writer and political activist who lives in Ottawa,



Belgrade, April 4, 2001

Socialist Party of Serbia has requested the competent authorities that
Party President Slobodan Milosevic is released from detention and given
possibility to legally defend himself free. Slobodan Milosevic is symbol
defending dignity of Serbian nation, national and state interests as
as of cooperation based on equality with all countries and peoples.
Milosevic had organized and united citizens of Yugoslavia in resisting
armed aggression which provoked thousands of human victims, destruction
the country and which led Balkans, Europe and whole world the heritage
unpredictable lasting dangers. Let nobody stay with illusions that
and truth can be changed by detaining Slobodan Milosevic.

Socialist Party of Serbia is grateful to numerous friendly parties,
statesmen and world public personalities, who condemned detention of
Slobodan Milosevic as an attempt to amnesty those who have been
Yugoslavia and committing genocide over Serbian nation and blame victims
the crimes - defenders of legitimate interests of Yugoslavia and Serbian

Socialist Party of Serbia urges the competent state authorities to
Democratic Party from being headquarters for public lynches,
of political trials and ransom detention of political opponents.

The new DOS authorities succeed in only one election promise: freeing
jails Albanian terrorists and filing jails with Serbian patriots. These
authorities having no national and state policy, neglecting dignity and
interest of Serbia - have accepted to negotiate with Albanian terrorists
about Serbian territories in Southern Serbia, thus offering time to
terrorists to amass, build fortifications from which they kill every day
Serbian citizens, policemen and soldiers. Separatism program of DOS
in Vojvodina and Raska region is publicly destroying Serbian state as
only pillar of the whole Serbian nation and all citizens of Serbia.

In these conditions the Socialist Party of Serbia will continue to
resolutely defend interest of Serbia and its citizens, safeguarding
Yugoslavia as the Balkans and European state, the most important factor
peace, stability and cooperation based on equality in the region.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia)


Belgrade, April 4, 2001

President of the Republic of Serbia Milan Milutinovic submitted
his resignation from the posts of vice-chairman and of the member of
Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia, the principal opposition
on both - Serbian and Federal levels. His letter to the Head Committee
followed only a day after the President of the Party Slobodan Milosevic
put in detention by Serbian authorities. Milutinovic who has acquired
extraordinary political carrier being one of the closest friends of
Milosevic and who won Serbian presidential elections as the candidate of
Socialist Party, has kept him self completely away from public political
life ever since Democratic opposition took power in Yugoslavia and in
Serbia towards the end of last year.

Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia has issued today a
statement reacting to complaints of Mr. Milutinovic that he has been
in various occasions to act beyond his powers. The statement says that
Socialist Party has been expecting President Milutinovic to publicly
condemn escalation of Albanian terrorism in Kosovo and Metohija and
southern districts of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja as it is his
principal duty to defend peace, stability, integrity of the Republic and
human rights of all citizens. He has been asked to visit those regions,
same way as many other less competent officials have been doing.

The statement confirms that Milutinovic has been urged by his Party
colleagues to use his constitutional powers and refrain from signing
certain laws considered by the Party to be contrary to the interest of
Republic, such as Amnesty law and law on abolishing the Law on
privatization. He was also asked to amnesty Dragoljub Milanovic, former
director of the state television (RTS), who was accused and detained two
months ago under accusation of being responsible for the death of
RTS employees, who were killed by NATO bomb on April 23, 1999.

All these expectations and initiatives of Socialist Party of Serbia have
been ignored by Mr. Milutinovic.

The Socialist Party of Serbia has strongly criticized Milutinovic's
reminding him that he has never been dissatisfied while exploiting the
Party and friendship with Milosevic for very fast and privilege
rising-up to the top of the power - first Ambassador to Athens, then
Minister of Foreign Affairs and finally President of Serbia.

Milutinovic's resignation will soon be considered by the Head Committee
the Party.


Serbian Unity Congress

MARCH 24th 1999


March 24, 1999 - a day that will live in infamy. On
that day, NATO fired the opening shots of what was to
be a 78-day war against Yugoslavia. In the following
eleven weeks, thousands of people were killed as
civilian infrastructure was systematically targeted by
NATO's air force. Using forbidden and toxic weapons,
such as cluster bombs and depleted uranium rounds,
NATO hit marketplaces and hospitals, oil refineries,
the power grid, chemical plants, bridges, apartment
buildings, passenger trains, refugee columns and
camps, two television stations, and an embassy of a
neutral foreign country.

Justifications for the attack were alleged Serb
atrocities against Albanian population in Kosovo,
which NATO claimed were part of a systematic plan of
ethnic cleansing. Some US officials claimed that
100,000 Albanians were murdered. The world press
agreed on 10,000. Two years later, these accusations
have been proven false. There was no massacre of
civilians at the village of Racak. There was no
"Operation Horseshoe." There was no crematorium in the
Trepca mines. There were no death camps. There were no
mass graves. There was no genocide.

Investigators of the International Criminal Tribunal
found less than three thousand dead, in individual
graves, without disclosing the manner of death or even
the ethnicity of the exhumed.

In the end, Yugoslavia accepted NATO's temporary
control of Kosovo in exchange for guarantees of safety
for all its citizens in the province. Within two
months of NATO's entry, most non-Albanians had been
expelled from the province at gunpoint, their homes
burned, looted or expropriated by the KLA, a militant
organization trained and equipped by the United States
and other NATO members. One American officer, a
veteran of World War Two, Korea and Viet Nam,
described them as "one of the most cutthroat gangs of
terrorists in the world."

But the KLA's terror did not stop there. Over a
hundred Orthodox churches were dynamited, torched or
otherwise demolished. Hundreds of non-Albanians were
brutally murdered, on the streets, in their offices,
in their fields, or in buses under NATO's armed
escort. Over 1800 are missing. Kosovo's remaining
non-Albanians - Serbs, Roma, Jews, Turks, Bosniaks and
Gorani - live in ghettos, surrounded by barbed-wire
fences and armed guards. Anyone speaking Serbian on
the street risks being murdered, even UN employees.
Kosovo is ruled by violence and terror, despite the
presence of almost 40,000 NATO troops, about 5000 of
which are Americans.

Furthermore, NATO trained some KLA members for further
attacks on Serbs. These Albanians are currently
occupying villages in Serbia's Presevo valley, and
attacking the second largest city in Macedonia - the
same country that generously gave refuge to thousands
of Albanians trying to escape the bombing and the war
in Kosovo. Today's Balkans is still feeling the
consequences of what started on March 24, 1999.

By attacking Yugoslavia, NATO violated the UN Charter,
its own Charter, the Geneva Convention, the Helsinki
Final Act and a series of other conventions and
agreements its members had signed. Its bombs destroyed
the rule of law and the international order NATO
claimed to have been defending.

On this day, Serbs and their friends across the world
will light candles and say prayers in memory of NATO's
victims - both the people, and the peace, that the
bombs of March 24 so brutally killed.

March 24, 2001
Serbian Unity Congress
Washington, DC


Subject: from chris soda
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 08:27:33 -0500
From: Chris Soda <chriss12@...>

Open letter to Serbian churches and organizations in Canada

Thank you for the opportunity to share a few thoughts at this solemn
occasion. This weekend marks the
second anniversary of our government's murder of innocent people in
Yugoslavia. As a Canadian citizen born
and raised in this country I and my family have been lucky enough to
have never suffered from a foreign
military aggression. Consequently, I didn't have a personal common
history nor a personal common
experience with many of you until two years ago; now, we all live
together in a country whose government has
broken our laws and stolen our money to murder both the helpless and the

We all read the same lies here in our newspapers, listened to the same
lies on radio. We still do.

We all waited for the same Russian cavalry which never arrived.

Who amongst you gathered here today didn't watch CNN ask, "What's wrong
with our society?" as children
shot each other at Columbine High School- while it reported the
justification of adults from the same country
bombing children in high schools overseas?

I'm still waiting for an answer as to how directing a cluster bomb near
a World Heritage Site or a marketplace
or a bus station helps to save the lives of innocent people hundreds of
miles away who are running from
those same types of bombs- all dropped by the same so-called
'humanitarians'. I'm still waiting for an answer
as to how yesterday's terrorists who killed the innocent became Canadian
allies, freedom fighters, and the
police force of Kosovo all wrapped into one- while still killing the
innocent even as you are gathered here

I'm asking myself how a government that agrees to autonomy during
meetings at Rambouillet can be
accused of plotting something called "Operation Horseshoe" at the same
time. I'm wondering how
Canadians could murder the children of a country that at the same place
and at the same time just asked our
country if they could join their NATO alliance. I'm wondering about why
anyone anywhere would believe
accusations of this so-called 'ethnic cleansing' coming from a country
that not that long ago systematically
deployed racial segregation. And I'm wondering how our country can allow
'language laws'.

And it puzzles me how both the US and Canada can point the finger at
anyone after forcing their own natives
onto reservations. I also wonder how a 'dictatorship' using 'repressive'
means can guarantee education,
health, and employment in over twenty languages to those it is
'repressing'- or how a 'human rights violator'
somehow allows the schools, hospitals, and churches of those it is
'ethnically cleansing' to remain intact; in
fact, the 'violating' state even pays for most of it.

I wonder how so-called 'ethnic cleansing' involves riding an
air-conditioned bus to safety, escorted by none
other than what our government calls the 'Serb aggressors'.

I wonder how defending your country constitutes 'aggression'. I wonder
how those who paid for and
perpetrated the real aggression are known as 'peacekeepers'.

Since our beloved CBC found the time and resources to produce an
award-winning documentary of a KLA
woman whose sister was 'murdered by the Serbs', I'm wondering two
things: why this sister turned up alive
and well and unharmed- but the CBC still kept their award anyway; and
secondly, why couldn't this same
CBC find the time and resources to interview and film some of the many
hundreds of thousands of Muslims
who fled north from Kosovo- to Belgrade, which welcomed them with open
arms- for safety during what we
are still being told was a 'humanitarian intervention' to save
them..........................from Belgrade.

I'm puzzled by the silence of the Globe and Mails and National Posts of
Canada who watch as Agim Ceku
first tries to murder Canadians in Croatia, then is protected by
Canadians in Kosovo as the new police chief.
I'm puzzled as to why none of our mainstream media comment as to why the
Germans have to force back to
Kosovo so-called 'victims of the Serbs' long after these 'Serb
aggressors' have left.

There are also two other things we have in common now. We have many
questions that we ask of the
bombers, and we have no truthful answers from any of them.

Try to get a truthful answer from Canadian child killers and their
superiors by asking how someone who
suffered tuberculosis and is sheltered, fed, and cared for by Serbs
suddenly becomes 'a victim of Serb death
camps' photographed by trickery to appear to be imprisoned behind barbed
wire- followed shortly after by
NATO bombings of innocent people. Try to get a truthful answer from the
cripplers of ordinary hard-working,
law-abiding people by asking how "a massacre of innocent civilians at
Racak, forced to kneel in the mud and
beg for their lives" really means gunpowder residue on the hands of
armed insurrectionists shot while firing
weapons at the police- after refusing to surrender.

Then ask how this "massacre" was attended by film crews invited to watch
by "the perpetrators of this
massacre" before the "massacre" even took place - followed shortly
thereafter by yet another NATO bombing
of innocent people.

Ask anyone of our 'independant' news media or anyone of our country's
political leaders from any of our
political parties in the House of Commons how a regularly-scheduled
passenger train is bombed twice within
minutes by "accident"- the first time to cripple the machine, the second
time to kill the defenceless people
trapped inside- when this "accident" involves manually using a joystick
to divert missiles AWAY from the
unoccupied part of a bridge and TOWARDS the target.

We all know this particular event was also filmed- and shown to us at
three times normal speed, also by
"accident" according to our government's real spokesmen: Jamie Shea,
Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeleine
Albright (herself saved by Serbs, the very same people whose friends and
relatives she orders murdered
years later) and the other savages in NATO.

The questions are innumerable but all of them have only one answer. The
same answer. This answer can be
found at a press conference given by this same Jamie Shea in April/99,
in which he congratulates his fellow
NATO personnel for "...another very effective day of operations..."

Less than 24 hours earlier, NATO had just murdered hundreds of ordinary
people in and around Korisa-
ordinary people moving in different groups and in different directions.
Ordinary people in Yugoslavia who
were moving to begin with because hours earlier NATO had bombed them out
of their homes in what
everyone tells us was an example of "protection" from the Serbs who had
defended them while they were still
in their homes.

That answers any of my questions, and any of yours I'm sure. For me, it
answers how 19 countries can share
the technology to sit on the edge of outer space and read a license
plate miles below, and yet tell us that they
can't read the correct address of an embassy listed in a phone book an
inch away from their faces. It
answers how a TV station can be bombed because they tell us it's
reporters are a propaganda machine of
Milosevic, while the same types of bombers sit together with the
reporters at CNN and invite an elected
Yugoslav Member of Parliament to an interview in that same TV station-
at the exact time the station is
scheduled to be bombed- by those who are sitting at those same desks at

We all know what has happened here. We all know that there is no shame
amongst the plotters of murder,
theft, and deception. We all know that I'm speaking of the highest
elected officials of this country. We all know
who elected them and we all know most of those don't bear any shame

The best thing we can do is to keep asking the questions for which we
already know the answers to; only by
embarassing the electors can we hope to unsettle the elected. Ask your
police chiefs and your police officers
why those who fought cold-blooded murderers and drug traffickers are
considered 'criminals' by those whom
the same police chiefs and their officers are sworn to protect. Ask the
representatives of all religious
denominations in this country why their leaders have not come out with
ongoing, direct statements
condemning the targeting of innocents. Ask your school boards why they
can't find the will to author a joint
statement condemning the theft of taxpayer dollars that should have been
used for education here, rather than
being stolen and then used for the destruction of buildings of learning
in Yugoslavia. Ask your medical boards
and the federal Health Ministry why money could not be found by the
Canadian federal government to keep
hospitals open in this country, while at the same time revenue was
stolen to finance the bombing of hospitals

Put them all on the spot. Ask your elected Members of Parliament why
they have always been silent on these
issues except to patronize us and insult our intelligence with
propaganda. Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis may
prove to be an exception if approached with written questions in this
regard- he's the only one I've found who
(once, and I believe it was in the House of Commons, May 10/99) decried
this government's targeting of
civilians during those 78 days of murder.

Commemoration of the dead means remembering the honourable, the
innocent, and the perpetrators. Let's
remember-and remind- the guilty with our questions.

Ask these same federal MPs what their definition of a 'two-tier' health
system means in practice. Ask them
why their 'two-tier' actions have supported one level of health safety
here, and one level of health destruction

Ask your Globe and Mails and your National Posts and your local papers
how they can call something
'collateral damage' when it is planned many years ahead of time, and how
this 'collateral damage' is caused
by repeatedly and deliberately circling over a target before firing.

Call your CBC office and inquire as to when they plan to do an
'exclusive interview' with the Spanish Air
Force pilot who told us early on in these Canadian-sponsored atrocities
in Yugoslavia that the ordinary
people were the target from Day One.

And ask all of these people this: if our government embarked on such a
noble cause, then why is it that they
still have to keep lying to us?

Thank you again for your time today. I hope to meet some of you one day
and shake the hands of those with
such spirit and determination.

Sincerely, Chris Soda


WORLDNETDAILY, Saturday, February 10, 2001

How the New World Order is 'helping' Serbia

By Aleksandar Pavic
(C) 2001

The way things are going, it seems that it's just a matter
of time
before Bill Clinton, the man who ordered the NATO bombing
of Yugoslavia
in 1999 will come to Belgrade offering "help." For, this
past week, the
country was a positive place of pilgrimage for all those
who had
previously contributed to its ruin in one way or another.

It started a week ago when U.S. Senators Biden and McCain
led a
delegation of senators and representatives to Belgrade to
wave the
carrot and stick. Back in 1999, Biden was one of the
louder proponents
of arming the Albanian KLA guerilla force fighting the
Serb population
and police in Kosovo - the same force that effectively
cleared the
region of its Serb population, in the wake of the bombing,
and went on
to transform Kosovo into the main European center of drug
white slavery and prostitution. John McCain, on the other
hand, was a
fierce advocate of launching a ground invasion of
Yugoslavia when the
bombing failed to give the expected "results."

Now, these two gentlemen have come humbly to Belgrade to
offer to do
their part so that Yugoslavia would recover a fraction of
a percent of
the estimated damage from the bombing and the resulting
after effects --
but not so humbly as to make the offer unconditional. No,
the generous
gift of $100 million was conditioned on the country's
agreeing to turn over ex-president Slobodan Milosevic to
the Hague "war
crimes tribunal." Thus, one man who openly called for the
arming of a
guerilla insurgency inside a sovereign country -- who
openly called for
an invasion of that same sovereign country without even a
declaration of war -- came to that country asking for
justice" to be satisfied.

At the beginning of the week, a second great "helper"
appeared on the
scene a little further south -- in the Presevo and
Bujanovac region of
Serbia -- where the Kosovo Albanians "disarmed" by the
NATO-led force are trying to import the virtues of the
"democratized" Kosovo to the south of Serbia by starting a
brand new
guerilla insurgency. The man in question was U.S. diplomat
James Pardew,
now "U.S. Special Envoy to the Balkans," but a man far
better known for
running the "arm-and-train" program in neighboring Bosnia
(formerly a
part of Yugoslavia) during that country's civil war. Under
this program,
U.S. arms and training were used to "level the playing
field" in that
country by arming the Bosnian Muslims and Croats until
they eventually
became twice as well-armed as the Bosnian Serbs. Now,
Pardew's sense of
sportsmanship was set on firmer legal ground than was
Biden's. For,
although the Bosnian Croats and Muslims also had their
beginnings as
illegal secessionist paramilitary units within a sovereign
country, by
the time Pardew came on the scene, Bosnia had already been
recognized as
a newly sovereign country by the "international
community." (That's the
way things are done according to international law
nowadays. As soon as
recognition came in the spring of 1992, the Yugoslav Army
troops on the
territory of Bosnia all of a sudden became the
"aggressors," while
yesterday's illegal guerillas became a legitimate army
worthy of Western
support and arms.)

Anyway, Mr. Pardew was in the south of Serbia offering his
good offices
at the beginning of the week. He publicly called for the
insurgents to "seriously consider" the Serbian
government's call for a
peaceful settlement of the problem. Coincidentally or not,
a couple of
days later came a statement from NATO and U.S. Admiral
Ellis, saying
that the "international community" should appoint some
sort of a "Peace
Minister" to mediate between the legally-elected
government of Serbia
and the illegal guerilla force. This possibly shed light
on the "Special
Envoy's" earlier visit: to help the negotiations along,
could Mr. Pardew
once again do something to "level the playing field?"

Then on Thursday, the influx of peace pilgrims reached its
height when
the present E.U. Commissioner for Security, Javier Solana,
made his way
to Belgrade. Before his present position, Solana held the
post of NATO's
Secretary-General, which made him the formal number one
during that
military organization's illegal bombing campaign of
Yugoslavia. But now
he had come to "help." He wouldn't have come if he didn't
think he could
help, he said, adding that he was very happy to be in
Belgrade and that
the visit personally meant a great deal to him. After
Solana, nothing
less than Bill Clinton will do -- except, perhaps, for

It would be too easy to say that these were cases of
criminals returning
to the scene of the crime. It has more to do with the
development of Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil" -- evil
that has
become so banal as to become unrecognizable to many of its
bearers. So
unrecognizable, in fact, that they have started seeing it
as something
that is, in fact, good. "Leveling the playing field,"
"arming the
oppressed," "bombing to prevent (unproven) genocide,"
"international justice." It is under these abstract,
noble-on-the-surface battle-cries that the Devil is
currently doing his
finest work.

It is no surprise that Javier Solana was once a fierce
opponent of NATO, as was Joschka Fisher, the current
German Defense
Minister and another supporter of the NATO bombing. In
their youthful
projections of heaven-on-earth, NATO was something evil,
militaristic that openly contradicted the ideals of their
peace-and-flower generation. Having come to positions of
political power -- where they could actually help mold the
ideal world
with their own hands -- the raw military power of NATO had
become their
instrument for bringing good and righting the world's
wrongs. And, of
course, in this way, anything and everything can be
justified. Even
NATO's aggressive march eastward can be portrayed as the
advancement of
the benefits of Western democracy. The hunger to gain
control of natural
resources can also be seen as a way to bring "prosperity"
to previously
poor regions.

Of course, not all the mavens of intervention and carriers
of the New
World Order's institutionalized cynicism are secularized
blinded by their own hubris and lack of humility. What is
sad is that
they are the best of the bunch and that they actually
believe many of
the things that come out of their mouths.

Aleksandar Pavic in Belgrade has covered Yugoslavia's
historic election
and its dramatic aftermath for


The url for this article

'These Djindjic people are brown shirts!'

An Interview with a Serbian political activist, by Jared Israel
[Emperor's Clothes]

The following interview took place several days after the October 5 coup
in Belgrade. The person interviewed has been a member of the Serbian
Radical party, a nationalist group. When I conducted the interview, I
had the impression she was still a member but she has informed me that
now she is in no party.


Jared: What's going on?

Gordana: Some very aggressive people from the opposition are grabbing
everything around here, in particular taking the institutions that have
some money, for instance the telecommunications company. They are
scaring people and beating people.

They want to destroy the results of previous elections by declaring that
new elections have to be held for the Serbian Parliament. Elections are
not supposed to be held for a year but they want them this fall. That
would mean the Serbian people would lose their representatives because
the elections would be held in an impossible situation. Whole groups of
political parties have no access to media. In the past we had many
viewpoints because we had government media and even more widespread was
various shades of opposition media. Now only one view. And there is day
to day terrorizing of people. Mr. Djindjic hopes that people will be too
scared to run as candidates from those parties which stand in his way.

Jared: You say there is "day to day terrorizing"?.

Gordana: Take this example. A friend of mine is intellectual. Every time
her phone rings she gets a threat from the other side. They stop her car
in traffic to threaten her, and so on. And this is a professional woman,
the daughter of a well-known professor. Even these people who are well
known are subject to threats. Another such woman, a reporter, visits me,
and she is afraid to go home alone and stays over - and this is in
Belgrade! Can you imagine how the common people feel? They are even more
afraid. I was on a bus full of tired, worried working people and one of
these Otpor types got on and demanded that the bus stands still and he
says: "Listen! We have the power now and you will see what we do!"

Jared: So you think that people will be afraid to vote for the Socialist
or Radical parties or other parties that oppose the coup?

Gordana: No, I think that people may be afraid to run as candidates for
these parties.

The Djindjic people took over all the radio stations and TV stations and
newspapers. On TV now you can't see even the regular old shows. It is
propaganda. The old ladies in Serbia like to watch soap operas from
South America but now they can't do that. You see they are poor and they
have such a hard life and now they don't have even this small pleasure.
Instead we have to watch stupid American government lies, even about the
wars in Bosnia and Croatia and so on. They have programs that blame the
Serbs, for everything. Can you believe this? Do they think we are
morons, not to know our own history. But the purpose here is also a kind
of terror, to break the spirit. To make people feel hope is lost.

Today they had a show on the television telling lies about Dubrovnik,
showing pictures to prove it was burned down in 1991 by the Yugoslav
army. But Dubrovnik has all the old buildings in perfect condition and I
know this because friends have been back to see the town, and it was not

And these movies they now show to prove to us that the Serbs were
responsible for the wars this past decade. Why? Did we try to secede?
Doesn't Yugoslavia have a right to exist? .Would other countries allow
secessionists and foreign factors to destroy their nation? I have never
seen such lies. Can you imagine, having a situation where you can't
stand to watch the TV or read the papers.

Jared: I'm afraid I can imagine. What we mainly do on Emperor's Clothes
is expose lies. They create 'em faster than we can expose them. All I do
is expose fiction.

Gordana: Today is 1941 in Yugoslavia. If there are people who don't
know, well, they will know it very soon. Even some people I spoke to who
were supporting the DOS now see this violence that is going on and they
say, "These Djindjic people are brown shirts."

[Brown shirts is a term for Fascists or Nazi's - E-C]


Afterthoughts - The lies they now tell in Serbia

I am writing a book on Western media lies about Yugoslavia. As part of
the research, I've read news reports written in 1991 about Dubrovnik. As
Gordana says, the Western claim is that the Yugoslavs (read: Serbs)
burned down the priceless Old City. This lie was broadcast in the
Western mass media in order to prove the Serbs were ruthless monsters.

When the first stories broke describing the (in fact fictitious) burning
of the Old City, they produced popular anti-Serb response. So, wanting
to make the most of a good thing, the controllers of the media has the
lie repeated.

But there is only so much mileage you can get from a single burning; so
they burned it down several times.

The first time Dubrovnik was fictitiously burned down, a decent interval
was allowed, whereupon it was fictitiously burned to the ground a second
time, and then a third, and so on. Dubrovnik is Burning, Redux.

The London "Independent" reported that Dubrovnik was burned to the
ground no less than five times over a four months period. These reports
were mostly signed by one Phil Davison.

Despite multiple burnings, Prof. Peter Maher, a knowledgeable witness,
shot a film of the Old City in March, 1992. Dubrovnik was still
standing, untouched by Yugoslav shells. It remains a prime tourist

(I have seen the film.)

So what DID happen in Dubrovnik in 1991? There was indeed fighting. But
the Yugoslav Army deliberately avoided shelling the Old City. (This is
not surprising because, after all, they viewed it as a Yugoslav

Actually it was the secessionists who deliberately put Old Dubrovnik at
risk, trying to trick Yugoslav loyalist forces into shelling it. In this
they failed, so the media made it up.

Here is the basic sequence of events.

Croatian secessionist troops attacked Yugoslav Army barracks near
Dubrovnik. The Yugoslav Army gave chase. The secessionists retreated
behind the old city digging in areas dangerously close to hotels in
which they had housed refugees from the fighting . In a moment of
candor, Phil Davison, the reporter from the British "Independent" who
holds the record for reporting total destructions of Dubrovnik the most
times, admitted that by setting up near the hotels, the secessionist
army virtually guaranteed that hotels would get hit:

"The Croats have set up a mortar close to our hotel, just as they have
next to hospitals and refugee centres. This may make us a target for the
army. Sooner or later, they are going to lay a couple of rounds on us.
The army is zapping Lokrum island, 300 yards from my hotel. Mortars,
machineguns, ack-ack guns. It is deafening. A machinegun barrage rattles
my windows. It is just a matter of time."
(The 'Independent' November 17, 1991)

Other than this single, honest report, the Western media was full of
stories about how the heartless Yugoslav Army was shelling hotels that
housed refugees.

Did the secessionists set up their positions behind the Old City and
near hotels in order to get the Yugoslav Army and Navy to shell the Old
City and the hotels and thus provide ammunition for anti-Yugoslav
propaganda? Common sense suggests they did. And more than common sense:
consider the following, which appeared in only two English language

"Women And Children Barred From Leaving Croatian Town

"The six-member Dubrovnik crisis committee decided six days ago that the
defense of this coastal Adriatic city required the presence of all the
remaining women and children. UNICEF was informed of the decree three
days ago, and on Tuesday, it was first implemented when 200 people were
prevented from leaving the city on a UNICEF relief vessel that had
brought supplies to the city.

"First, he said, if the women and children stay, it will mean that the
attacking army would be shooting at them and not just at a walled city.

"Second, he said, their presence might force the army to hesitate before

"Third, if there is an attack, the international public reaction to such
an attack would be a public-relations coup for Croatia, which has been
trying desperately for months to get diplomatic and military support
from the West…

"Only 100 of 300 people scheduled to leave on a ship Tuesday were
allowed to depart, and UNICEF was told by Dubrovnik officials that no
one else would be able to leave."(My emphasis, 'The Orange County
Register,' December 5, 1991.)

Note that the story was not covered by the 'N.Y.Times' .


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