(2/2 fine)

The lies and fabrications of the western politicians and media reached
their climax during the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia,
supported more or less by the EU. The ICTY tried as much as possible to
justify the US/NATO crimes. But, fortunately, those lies were generally
short-lived, but they are still present. To explain it, the title of an
article by D.Pearl and R.Block in the Wall Street Journal (Dec. .31,
1999) may be quoted: "War in Kosovo Was Cruel, Bitter, Savage; Genocide
it wasn't", with a subtitle "Tales of Mass Atrocity Arose and Were
Passed Along Often with Little. Proof - No Corpses in the Mine Shaft".
It must be stressed here that the pundits of this journal were renowned
for their anti-Serb attitudes. But here - they were honest. A.Cockburn
published a cogent article ridiculing the western (and ICTY)
fabrications "Where's the evidence of Genocide of Kosovar Albanians?"
(Los Angeles Times, Oct.29, 1999):..Unfortunately, the western
propaganda and fabrications, devised by the obedient servants of
US/NATO, by the ICTY, had dire consequences for the Serbs. The US/NATO
orchestrated the frame-up of Racak {Jan.16, 1999)- They contri ved
there the evidence against Yugoslavia (Serbs), so that a verdict of
guilty was assured. The framers had a good organizer there, the boss of
the OSCE verificators in Kosovo, Mr.William Walker, a veteran of
criminal interferences by the State Department in the Central America"
(Balkans Infos, No.42, March 2000). All the above was immediately
abused by the big "framer" Mrs M. Albright, during the farce
called "the talks at Rambouillet", that enabled her to persuade the war-
mongers of the New World Order to start the criminal war of aggression
against Yugoslavia. It was her "very personal war", as her spokesman
J.Rubin wrote ( The Financial Times, Sept.30/Oct. 1, 2000). Instead of
accusing the war criminal Mrs.Albright (see the resolutions of the
Tribunals in Kiyev, Berlin, New York in 2000) of starting the
bloodbath, the ICTY wholeheartedly supported the US/NATO bosses. The
prosecutor general Ms.Arbour, in an attempt to help them, when the
public of the West started to doubt the US/NATO claims to wage
a "humanitarian war" in Kosovo, Ms.Arbour accused (May 27, 1999) the
Serb leaders Milosevic, Milutinovic, general Ojdanic and others, of
genocide, of war crimes in Kosovo with a simple objective: to show the
world that the aggression against Yugoslavia was actually an ACTION
AGAINST CRIMINALS. What a fabrication, hypocrisy good for the feeble
minded!...For this dirty role of her, two internationally well known
lawyers, C.Black (Canada) and E.S.Herman (USA) called Ms.L.Arbour - the
war criminal not yet accused (Balkans Infos No. 42, March 2000).

There is plenty of evidence now that Racak was not a massacre of
innocent civilians. The final findings by the Finnish pathologists have
shown it without doubts (Berliner Zeitung, Jan. 2001). Many articles in
western journals have described the appalling mendacity of many
Albanians whose eyewitness accounts have been taken for granted by the
West. It is well known .now that the"EYEWITNESSES" have been well
indoctrinated, instructed what to say by their KLA mentors. And it is
sad that the ICTY took all those fabrications as an absolute reality,
truth (similar "ideology" of the ICTY was applied many times when
charging the alleged Serb war criminals from Bosnia). The
Albanian "eyewitnesses" told the western media, politicians, US/NATO
authorities, and to the ICTY - and they considered that it was a truth,
that Serbs, after murdering 700 Albanians, dumped their corpses into
the shafts of Trepca mines. But a special commission of the ICTY
informed (Oct.12, 1999) that absolutely no corpses had been found there
(Kelly Moore). Other "eyewitnesses" told the western authorities that
350 Albanians had been killed (by the Serbs, naturally) and buried in a
mass grave near Pec, at Ljubenic - only seven bodies were found, etc.
etc. In connection with the Trepca mines, a "fascinating stupidity and
arrogance" was published in some otherwise renowned journals. The Daily
Mirror wrote (and did not apologize) :"Trepca - the name will live
alongside those of Belsen, Auschwitz and Treblinka.", while the New
York Times, trying to give its report even more morbid authenticity,
wrote about an "unusual, pungeant, bittersweet smell.. .coming from
Trepca..." The lies, arrogance, even a sort of stupidity of a part of
the western media, of a part of its politicians, even of a part of the
ICTY, is almost unbelievable. And a trump card more against, the ICTY -
it refused to tell the names (the identity) of those Albanians found
dead at Racak, because it would be obliged to confess that they were
the KLA men.

When the Racak frame-up started, Ms.L.Arbour pushed to Kosovo, Without
any valid Yugoslav visa, to help her US/NATO masters. But, when the
mass graves at Klecka (together with a crematorium-like facility),
Glodjani, and Volujak with many murdered Serbs, Gipsies, pro-Yugoslav
Albanians had been found (in 1998), she was silent. She was silent too,
when the KLA terrorists killed 5 Serb children at Pec, in a cafe near
their high school (Dec.14, 1998).

All those stooges who spoke so often about genocide, ethnic clean, mass
murder, perpetrated allegedly almost exclusively by one side only,
never mentioned one fact. In spring 1998, when the KLA terrorists
started their campaign of terror in Kosovo and Metohija (the western
part of Kosovo) , the Serb Ministry of Health organized and carried
out, with the help of the World Health Organization. (WHO) a mass
vaccination against poliomyelitis of 100 000 (!) children in Kosovo,
most of whom were the ^Albanian children, all of that free of charge.
Did the ICTY notice it?

A short-lived canard, supported especially by the German ministers
R.Scharping and J.Fischer, by the western media, even by the ICTY, was
the so-called HORSE-SHOE OPERATION in which the Yugoslav (Serb) army
allegedly planned and started to expel, even before the NATO bombs, the
Albanians from Kosovo. It was an absolute humbug, a baloney, exposed
e.g.,by H.Loquai, a just retired German general, well informed about
the events in the Balkans (see the already mentioned book by
J.Elsasser "The War Crimes", 2000).

It is very strange, that the. ICTY never tried to accuse those who
planned and prepared all the tragedy in Yugoslavia. Nobody indicted Mr.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the German foreign minister (and a criminal
against peace No.one) who compelled at Maastrich (Dec.17, 1991) the
European Community (later Union) to recognize prematurely, and
illegally the independence of Slovenia and Croatia, followed later by
Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus provoking the start of the civil-ethnic-
religious war.

The Slovene's were considered to be pro-Yugoslav in their attitudes,
especially during the kingdom of Yugoslavia. The victorious Serbia,
when it agreed (1918) with the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats
and Slovenes}, helped the Slovenes to maintain their national identity,
very much endangered by germanization from the north and by
italianization from the south. The university of king Alexander
Karageorgevich was the first university in Ljubljana. The activity of
H.D.Genscher, of the German government of Mr. H. Kohl created a "bloody
frontier" between the Serbs and the Slovenes. The hatred triumphed
again...Why did the ICTY not indict the German government on charges
that it allowed (and helped) the presence of training camps of the
Albanian KLA terrorists in Germany? Nobody from the ICTY did accuse
Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA, etc. ,because
they allowed the collection of money, buying of arms and uniforms, a
propaganda campaign, event training of terrorists, organized by the.
KLA? They have been the primary culprits. Did the ICTY accuse any OSCE
observers (verifiers) in Kosovo for their flagrant support of the KLA?

Officially, the ICTY is financed by the UN, but Mrs.Albright, her
spokesman Mr.Rubin, and the NATO's spokesman (and a desinformer par
excellence) Mr.Jamie Shea, declared without any hesitation who was the
boss, who paid the bills. An American professor of political sciences
Raju Thomas wrote about it (January 2000);"NATO now dispenses justice
on all but itself and the terrorist-turned-freedom fighters KLA.
The "independent prosecutors" and the Hague Tribunal authorized by the
Security Council are mainly American concoctions with the financial
heli of (the financial shark-turned-filantropist) George Soros and
Saudi Arabia...Ultimately the key mischief makers and hate-mongers were
to be found among the media and leaders of the US and Britain... "Too
many leading members of the "independent (sic!)" tribunal are coming
from the NATO countries: L.Arbour from Canada, the former chief judge
Ms. Gabrielle Kirk McDonald from the USA, the judge C.Jorda is from
France, the former president of the Tribunal C.Cassese was an Italian,

During the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, it looked like a
competition in the West: who could put a higher number of the dead or
missing Kosovo Albanians (the same happened during the "rape hyste- j
ria" during 1992-93 in Bosnia). It was a sad and stupid bidding,
degrading all those who participated, including the ICTY - it never
tried to stop the humbug. Among the most noted disinformers, even liars
who played that morbid "poker" where even hundreds of thousands of
missing and feared dead were used during the propaganda game, were in
addition to the irresponsible, journalists, reporters, editors, very
many prominent persons, e.g., president Clinton, the gang of
Mrs.Albright (J.Rubin, D. Scheffer, etc.), the defense secretary
W.Cohen, the British prime minister T.Blair and his foreign (R.Cook)
and defense (G.Rpbertson) secretaries, many members of Mr.Schroeder's
government, especially its defense (R.'Scharping) and foreign
(J.Fischer) secretaries, some members of the French government, NATO's
former general secretary J.Solana, general W.Clark, etc. Fortunately,
the astronomic figures used by them dropped to very modest ones. But
the hatred remained, as well as the unpunished politicians who had
fomented the tragic events in Yugoslavia.

There existed some hope that the new prosecutor general of the ICTY
Ms.Carla del Ponte, could start a more honest approach to the Kosovo
and Yugoslav problems, but, unfortunately, she continued in the same
farce as her predecessors. On June 2, 2000, she declared bluntly in the
UN Security Council that there existed no data, no justification, to
investigate the charges that NATO comitted crimes when bombing
Yugoslavia She was not interested in the crimes against the Serbs
comitted en masse by the Kosovo Albanians, after the withdrawal of
Yugoslav army (June 1999), when Kosovo was occupied by the NATO forces
(KFOR) that were not able to protect the non-Albanian population of

To better understand the two main offences of the western media,
politicians, of the ICTY, the LIE and the DISINFORMATION, their
definition is here included (BBC English Dictionary, HarperCollins,
London, 1993). A LIE is something that someone says which (they know)
is untrue. DISINFORMATION is false or misleading information which has
been issued by a government or other political organization to
discredit someone or something.

Officially, the ICTY had to represent the honest, impartial and just
western judiciary. But it was just the opposite. If such a court
(tribunal) existed in any western democracy, it would be immediately
dissolved, in disgust. There are many "offences" that make a farce out
of the ICTY:

1. it excluded from its procedures the presumption of innocence;

2. it introduced (during the era of Ms.L.Arbour) the shocking
application of "SEALED INDICTMENTS", very similar to the "lettres de
cachet" of the French kings;

3. many of those secretely indicted have been kidnapped by armed thugs
and transported (by force) to The Hague; those thugs even did not
hesitate to kill (the SAS men assassinated Simo Drljaca, a Serb,when
arresting him on July 10, 1997);

4. the arrested, have to wait in detention for months, even years, for

5. the Tribunal acts as both prosecutor and judge, without jury,
without any possibility of a bail;

6. most trials relied only on eyewitness accounts, some of which were
well "prepared" by the Muslim authorities (e.g., the trial of Dusko

7. if the prisoner confesses while in custody, the confession is
presumed to be voluntary;

8. the accused face often unknown, even hidden accusers

9. the ICTY is very selective, almost no Muslims have been brought
before the Tribunal, and only a few Croats,

10. it was neither impartial nor independent, because it was the US
money that enabled the ICTY to carry out its operations (the
US/NATO "employee" in the ICTY, Ms.L.Arbour,had been appointed to the
only after the approval of Mrs.):

11. the most serious charge against the ICTY is its adamant refusal to
indict NATO leaders for violating international law and the UN Charter
by waging an aggressive war against a sovereign stata without UN
approval, by bombing many civilian targets, by using prohibited
weapons, the mutilating cluster bombs, the murderous Depleted Uranium
(DU) ammunittion. (see J. Bisset "Tribunal on Trial", The Ottawa
Citizen, Jan.30, 2001, as well).

There is probably one problem more with the ICTY, with US/NATO/EU. An
honest Tribunal, an impartial judge, politician, journalist would try
to get as many independent, unbiased informations as possible about the
case at issue, e.g., about the history in Kosovo - and not only the
half-truth, even disinformations, supplied en masse by the prejudiced
US/NATO/EU (a part of it). And, unfortunately, a "bible" about Kosovo
(800 pages) for the West appeared recently (Noel Malcolm:KOSOVO-A short
History, London, 1998), it was one-sided, biased, prejudiced. A Serbian
academic, historina M.Ekmecic wrote about it; "It is a classical
literature of war propaganda, as it used to be called. It is written
with specific objectives for those countries or organizations that pay
for it. Because the author of that book is an intellectual hireling,
mercennarius scriba.e in Latin, that ancient epigone, philosopher only
because of his coat. Here toga speaks, not the wisdom, or the

The famous French philosopher, historian, poet, P.M.Voltaire(1694-1778)
did not like the Catholic Church. His slogan was ECRASEZ L'lNFAME! -
CRUSH THE SHAMELESS! He would surely use that slogan for the present
ICTY and its practices as well. He surely would not like/"US/NATO


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