Medjunarodno Pravo

ICTY seat

On October 5th 2018, the Giuseppe Torre Award Jury assigned the prizes for critical essays on the Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

Demonstration at The Haag against the Tribunal

June 1st, 2018, is the deadline for submitting to the Italian Coordination for Yugoslavia (Jugocoord) the essays to run for the "Giuseppe Torre" Award. The submitted works should deal with origin, functioning, activities and effects of the "International Criminal Tribunal for crimes committed in the territory of former Yugoslavia" (ICTY), which has been recently closed

Demonstration at The Haag against the Tribunal

With the aim of spreading a critical view regarding the birth and the activity of the “International Criminal Tribunal for the ex-Yugoslavia” (ICTY), JUGOCOORD ONLUS [a no-profit organization for social benefit, based in Italy] banishes two prizes for the year 2018.