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PISE: DIJANA DZONSTON (na kraju poruka!)

In un messaggio precedente abbiamo cercato di chiarire il ruolo
dell'International Crisis Group, organizzazione legata al Dipartimento
di Stato, al Council for Foreign Relations nonche' al grande carrozzone
della Fondazione Soros.
Come esempio pratico del tipo di intervento che si prefiggono questi
personaggi, gettiamo uno sguardo alla loro attuale campagna su
Mitrovica. Alcuni collaboratori dell'ICG hanno iniziato da qualche
settimana a diffondere articoli e commenti sui ben noti problemi di
quella citta' (si veda ad esempio l'articolo
) nei quali si accusa la Jugoslavia - e si continua paradossalmente ad
agitare lo spettro della "Grande Serbia" - per gli incidenti causati in
realta' dagli irredentisti panalbanesi spalleggiati dalla truppe KFOR.

Gia' da alcune settimane, ben prima degli ultimi scontri, l'ICG aveva
messo in circolazione una delle sue ben note "analisi della situazione"
("Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth", 26 November 1999) che ha il
pregio di chiarire - per chi sa leggere - quale sia uno dei veri nodi
del contendere: e cioe' i ricchissimi giacimenti minerari situati nella
zona di Mitrovica (Trepca). Il suddetto "report" si puo' leggere
integralmente alla URL

Di seguito riportiamo invece un commento a riguardo, scritto dalla
bravissima Diana Johnstone, e piu' avanti una analisi di M. Chossudovsky
sulla politica di rapina delle risorse del Kosmet, comprese le miniere,
attuata delle grandi potenze.


How it is done---
by Diana Johnstone (2-28-00)

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]

by Jared Israel

I just got off the phone with Diana Johnstone, the journalist and
student of
international affairs. I called after reading her article, "How it is
I wanted to write a short introduction, but I was at a loss for word.

In the article, Diana reveals that the International Crisis Group,
funded by
George Soros, has plans on how best to take over - may I say 'steal'? -
Yugoslavia's fabulous Trepca Mines. How to steal and how to sell the
greatest effect.

Diana told me that she is speechless about everything the West has done
Kosovo. Albanian terrorists, essentially U.S. proxies, attack French
troops; the French knuckle under; and US Ambassador to the UN Holbrooke
blames - Milosevich? Albanians, many from far away, mass in Mitrovica,
screaming for Serbian blood - and Holbrooke says the Serbian government
better stop, or else?

At the end of Diana's analysis I've posted links to the Crisis Group
and to a rnews story that Diana also mentions.

Here is "HOW IT IS DONE" -

Comparison of two documents, a November 1999 International Crisis Group
paper on the Trepca mining complex, and a February 23, 2000 article in
Toronto Star by ICG consultant Susan Blaustein, provides an
clear glimpse into the workings of the "international community".

The International Crisis Group is a high-level think tank supported by
financier George Soros. It was set up in 1995, primarily to provide
guidance to governments involved in the NATO-led reshaping of the
Its leading figures include top U.S. policy maker Morton Abramowitz, the
eminence grise of NATO's new "humanitarian intervention" policy and
of Kosovo Albanian separatists.

Last November 26, the ICG issued a paper on "Trepca: Making Sense of the
Labyrinth" which advised the United Nations Mission In Kosovo (UNMIK) to
over the Trepca mining complex from the Serbs as quickly as possible and
explained how this should be done. The February article by the ICG
represents a vulgarization of the anti-Serb position designed to prepare
public opinion for carrying out the ICG policy. There will no doubt be

The ICG Paper: Manipulative Ambiguities

Trepca is a conglomerate of some 40 mines and factories, mostly but not
in Kosovo, notably including Stari Trg, "one of the richest mines in
and the richest in the Balkans, currently shut down, and the Zvecan
located northwest of Mitrovica and still being operated by Serb
The ICG calls on UNMIK, headed by Bernard Kouchner, to cut through legal
disputes over the industry's ownership and take over management of

On July 25, Kouchner issued a decree that "UNMIK shall administer
movable or
immovable property, including monetary accounts, and other property of,
registered in the name of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the
of Serbia or any of its organs, which is in the territory of Kosovo".
paper concluded that "UNMIK and KFOR should implement a rapid and
takeover of the Trepca complex, including the immediate total shutdown
environmentally hazardous facilities at Zvecan". What is really wrong
Zvecan is that it is run by Serbs and provides revenue to Yugoslavia.

But in the "game-plan of measures" recommended by the ICG, UNMIK is
to instruct a "Zvecan environmental assessment team" to report on the
of the equipment and thereupon "advise as to what measures must be
Environmental hazards are to be the pretext to shut down Zvecan and
the last Serbs in Kosovo of their livelihood. Meanwhile, "Stari Trg, one
the richest mines in Europe, must be potentially profitable again and
be a priority for donors interested in setting Kosovo on its feet".

The game-plan calls for a gradual start up of mining to reassure the
"Kosovars", meaning ethnic Albanians, of their future. For although the
says that the "workforce and management of all Trepca facilities should
selected on a merit basis only", it adds that "no one with ties to the
Belgrade regime should be considered" -- and it is habitual to identify
Serbs with "the Belgrade regime", even to ignore their existence other
as "agents of Milosevic".

This blatant takeover of valuable property in what is still nominally
Serbia is of course justified as a necessary measure to reassure the
oppressed Albanians. "The return to work of even a few hundred Kosovar
would represent, for all Kosovars, the reclaiming of their patrimony".

The media event is easy to imagine. But if the ICG hostility toward the
seems genuine, the love for the Albanians may be less than perfect. In
ICG's brief account of past ethnic clashes over Trepca management,
the habitual anti-Serb bias is the basic hypocrisy of dominant powers
manipulating two peoples against each other. The ICG report notes that
"has long stood for Kosovar Albanians as the symbol of Serbian
of their own resistance", and recounts that after 1974, finally able to
manage the Trepca facilities themselves, Kosovars "created thousands of
jobs", but that "in 1981-82, a sort of `Trepca-gate' scandal -- in which
Kosovar Albanian workers were accused of having stolen vast quantities
gold and silver -- was the pretext for firing many engineers and
technicians". Whether the theft was real or merely a "pretext" is of no
interest to the international community ... so long as the Serbs were in

But afterwards? The report concludes that: "Simply handing Trepca over
Kosovars is ruled out by the shortage of modern skills available
need for internationally-verifiable standards to avoid corruption" as
damage to the installations. And as for those "thousands of jobs"
created by
and for Kosovo Albanians, they are not on the international community
"The social impact of the reduced work force would need to be balanced
against the need for competitively based private investment", the ICG
observes. Fortunately, the ICG finds that the young leadership of the
Liberation Army" is "somewhat impatient" with the older Kosovo Albanian
leadership group's interest in "a huge workforce" and prefers
that will require foreign investment capital. No wonder Washington chose
back the violent KLA.

The manipulative hypocrisy of the ICG policy designers is even more
concerning the Serbs. The ICG urges UNMIK to hurry up with the game plan
taking over the valuable mining complex _before_ Serbian elections so
that a
new government more to the West's liking cannot be accused of "losing
Trepca". All Serbian leaders, including opposition leaders, the ICG
will have to protest when UNMIK takes over Trepca and the Zvecan
"However they could exploit the argument that the `loss' was due to the
pariah status of Milosevic himself, so that once again Serbia has lost
due to his presence in office. So provided action were taken before any
elections in Serbia it need not upset, and might contribute to, any
for unseating Milosevic." In short, the international community is going
take over Trepca whoever is in charge in Belgrade; better do it while
Milosevic is there, so that the Western-backed "progressive, democratic"
opposition can pretend it was the fault of Milosevic!

Media Propaganda: Familiarity versus Truth

Such cynicism is hard to surpass, but there is always room to add a few
This is the task of the media propaganda aimed at getting the general
to swallow the policies decided by elite think tanks and governments.
February 23, 2000 article in The Toronto Star by ICG senior consultant
Blaustein, "Mitrovica flashpoint for the next Balkan war", deserves a
Shea award for the most shameless war propaganda of the month. The
are all there, "centuries-old hatreds" (not our fault, folks); then
focus on
the single culprit: Milosevic; the unreliable French seeking appeasement
versus the need for the international community to display "backbone"
stand up to "Milosevic's test of its resolve". For Blaustein, it is
Milosevic, of course, who is causing trouble in the city of Mitrovica
of his "keen financial interest" in the Trepca mining complex and the
smelter. NATO has occupied Kosovo and watched for eight months while
Albanians murder, terrorize and drive out most of the non-Albanian
population, but Blaustein is able to write (and the newspaper to
that: "The city is a lynchpin in Belgrade's `Greater Serbia' strategy of
expelling non-Serbs from the region." The November 1999 ICG report noted
that: "International financial officials have long recognized the
industry as being prime for money laundering" throughout the world
its structure and suggested that "the interest of the Milosevic circle
exploiting the Trepca facilities might go beyond the simple operation of
sharing out the profits." This speculation is taken a step further by
Blaustein, who writes that the smelter in Zvecan "is widely believed to
served the regime as an efficient money-laundering mechanism". But in
case, if the Serbs are running Zvecan to their profit, why would they
make trouble? Ah, that Milosevic! It is because "Mitrovica is
only remaining foothold in Kosovo" so "he has decided to call the bluff
the international community". The world is one big "test of wills" where
little guys are forever "calling the bluff" of giants so the giants will
them out. The little guys seem to enjoy doing that, don't ask why.
goes on to excuse the Albanians for recent violence and blame the
French. It
is not the Serbs who are being driven out of Kosovo, but the Albanians
are victims of "Milosevic's operatives" who "monitor, harass, terrorize
expel ethnic Albanian civilians who dare to live in or travel to the
side of town". The rocket attack on a bus carrying Serb civilians, which
killed two of them, was "not unprovoked"; the Albanians were impatient
the international community for turning a blind eye to "Serbs'
oppression of
ethnic Albanians"... By not allowing mobs of angry ethnic Albanians to
over the last part of Kosovo where Serbs are still managing to live more
less normally, "international officials are abandoning the U.N.'s stated
commitment to create and protect a multi-ethnic society in Kosovo",
to Blaustein. This tract is meant to cast the blame in advance for what
Blaustein calls the "next Balkan war". It is in total contradiction to
facts of what has been happening in Kosovo during eight months of

How then can anyone dare to write or publish such an article? The answer
that the propagandists are counting on the tendency of uninformed
readers to
mistake what is familiar for what is true. The cliches about "Milosevic"
"Greater Serbia" are familiar. The truth is not. If and when the "next
war" breaks out and the "international community" takes full control of
Trepca industrial complex, the distracted public need not pay too much
attention, since everybody already knows what it's all about: that evil
dictator Milosevic is causing trouble again.

- Diana Johnstone, 28 February 2000


To read the ICG report, "Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth," please

To read the Blaustein article, please go to

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State terror and the "free market" -
Opening Kosovo to foreign capital
by Michel Chossudovsky (3-3-00)

www.tenc.net [emperors-clothes]

In occupied Kosovo under the mandate of UN peace-keeping, State terror
the "free market" go hand in hand. The concurrent criminalisation of
institutions is not incompatible with the West’s economic and strategic
objectives in the Balkans. Notwithstanding the massacres of civilians,
self-proclaimed KLA administration has committed itself to establishing
"secure and stable environment" for foreign investors and international
financial institutions.

The Minister of Finance Adem Grobozci and other representatives of the
provisional government invited to the various donor conferences are all
appointees. In contrast, members of the KDL of Ibrahim Rugova (in duly
elected parliamentary elections) were not even invited to attend the
Stabilization Summit in Sarajevo in July 1999. More recently UNMIK Head
Bernanrd Kouchner has called for the dissolution of Rugaova’s

"Free market reforms" have been envisaged for Kosovo under the
supervision of
the Bretton Woods institutions largely replicating the structures of the
Rambouillet agreement. Article I (Chapter 4a) of the Rambouillet
stipulated that: "The economy of Kosovo shall function in accordance
free market principles". The KLA government will largely be responsible
implementing these reforms and ensuring that loan conditionalities are

In close liaison with NATO, the Washington based financial institutions
already analyzed the consequences of an eventual military intervention
leading to the occupation of Kosovo: almost a year prior to the
beginning of
the War, the World Bank conducted "simulations" which "anticipated the
possibility of an emergency scenario arising out of the tensions in
Kosovo". 1

While the bombing was still ongoing, the World Bank and the European
Commission were given a special mandate for "coordinating donors'
assistance in the Balkans"2. The underlying terms of reference did not
exclude Yugoslavia from receiving donor support. It was, however,
stipulated that Belgrade would be eligible for reconstruction loans
political conditions there change".3.

With regard to Kosovo, the World Bank rather than providing loans to
the province’s infrastructure has focussed its intervention on providing
"assistance in designing the reconstruction and recovery program" as
well as
so-called "policy advice in economic management" and "institution
namely "governance" 4. In other words, an army of lawyers and
have been sent in to ensure Kosovo’s transition to a "thriving, open and
transparent market economy." 5

Support granted to the KLA provisional government would be geared
"the establish[ment] [of] transparent, effective and sustainable
institutions" 6. An "enabling environment" for foreign capital is to be
established alongside suitably devised "social safety nets" and "poverty
alleviation programs".

Meanwhile, Yugoslav State banks operating in Pristina have been closed
The Deutschmark has been adopted as legal tender and the banking system
been handed over to Germany’s Commerzbank A.G which is the sole private
shareholder in Micro Enterprise Bank (MEB) formed in early 2000 at the
initiative of the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC),
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) together with
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden (FMO),
Germany’s Internationale Micro Investitionen (IMI) and Kreditanstalt für
Wiederaufbau (KfW). Commerzbank AG will gain control over commercial
functions for the province including money transfers and foreign

The Trebca Mines

The "reconstruction" of Kosovo financed by international debt largely
purports to transfer Kosovo’s extensive wealth in mineral resources and
to multinational capital. In this regard, the KLA had already occupied
(pending their privatization) the largest coal mine at Belacevac in
Selo northwest of Pristina. In turn, foreign capital had its eyes
riveted on
the massive Trepca mining complex which constitutes "the most valuable
of real estate in the Balkans, worth at least $5 billion." 8 The Trebca
complex not only includes copper and large reserves of zinc but also
gold, and silver. It has several smelting plants, 17 metal treatment
sites, a
power plant and Yugoslavia’s largest battery plant. Northern Kosovo also
estimated reserves of 17 billion tons of coal and lignite.

The management of some of the State owned enterprises and public
were taken over by KLA appointees. In turn, the leaders of the
Government of Kosovo (PGK) have become "the brokers" of multinational
committed to handing over the Kosovar economy at bargain prices to

In the wake of the bombings, the Zvecan smelter (belonging to the Trebca
Complex) located northwest of Mitrovica, however, remained under Serb
management.9 In July 1999, UNMIK head of mission Bernard Kouchner issued
decree to the effect that: "UNMIK shall administer movable or immovable
property, including monetary accounts, and other property of, or
in the name of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or the Republic of
or any of its organs, which is in the territory of Kosovo".10 .

In November 1999, the International Crisis Group(ICG) a think tank
by Financier George Soros, issued a paper on "Trepca: Making Sense of
Labyrinth" which advised the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
take over the Trepca mining complex from the Serbs as quickly as
possible and
explained how this should be done" prior to their eventual

Meanwhile, the George Soros Foundation for an Open Society had opened a
branch office in Pristina establishing the Kosovo Foundation for an Open
Society (KFOS) as part of the Soros’ network of "non-profit foundations"
the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Together with
World Bank’s Post Conflict Trust Fund, the Kosovo Open Society
(KOSF) will be providing "targeted support" for "the development of
governments to allow them to serve their communities in a transparent,
and accountable manner."12 Since most of these local governments are in
hands of KLA appointees, this program is unlikely to meet its declared
objective. Out of the 20 million dollars budget for this program, only
million dollars is being provided by the World Bank.


1. World Bank Development News, Washington, 27 April 1999.

2 World Bank Group Response to Post Conflict Reconstruction in Kosovo:
General Framework For an Emergency Assistance Strategy,
http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/kosovo/kosovo_st.htm undated).

3. Ibid

4. Ibid

5. Ibid

6 World Bank, The World Bank's Role in Reconstruction and Recovery in
http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/pb/pbkosovo.htm, undated)

7. International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Consortium
Kosovo's First Licensed Bank,
http://www.ifc.org/ifc/pressroom/Archive/2000/00_90/00_90.html Press
Washington, 24 January 2000.

8. New York Times, July 8, 1998, report by Chris Hedges.

9.See Diana Johnstone, How it is done, Taking over the Trepca Mines:
and Propaganda,
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/Johnstone/howitis.htm Emperors
Clothes, 28 February 2000.

10. Quoted in Johnstone, op. cit.

11. See Johnstone, op cit. For the ICG report see

12. World Bank, KOSF and World Bank, World Bank Launches First Kosovo
Project, Washington, http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/extme/097.htm
November 16, 1999 News Release No. 2000/097/ECA.

C Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, February 2000. All rights
reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on noncommercial
internet sites, provided the essay remains intact and the copyright note
displayed. The text can also be photocopied for non-commercial
To publish this text in printed and/or other forms contact the author at
chossudovsky@... or fax: 1-514-4256224.

Further reading...
Articles by Prof. Chossudovsky

"Cooking the books -
NATO's ethnic cleansing claims challenged"

"Seattle and Beyond: Disarming the New World Order"

"NATO's Reign of Terror in Kosovo"

"The KLA: Grim Origins"

* To browse articles at Emperors-clothes please click here or go to
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Prevod i obrada: Nebojsa Malic

Poredjenjem dva dokumenta, izvestaja Medjunarodne Krizne Grupe
Crisis Group (ICG)] o rudniku Trepca iz novembra 1999. i nedavnog clanka
njihovog konsultanta Suzan Blaustajn u Toronto Star-u, moze se doci do
izuzetno jasnog uvida u delovanje «medjunarodne zajednice».

Medjunarodna Krizna Grupa je visokotirazni politicki institut koji
izmedju ostalog, finansijer Dzordz Soros. Osnovana je 1995., pretezno da
savetovala vlade koje su ucestvovale u prekrajanju Balkana pod vodstvom
Medju njenim istaknutim liderima je americki politicki savetnik Morton
Abramovic, siva eminencija NATO-ve nove politike «humanitarne
intervencije» i
sponzor separatizma kosovskih Albanaca.

Dvadeset sestog novembra prosle godine, ICG je objavio analizu pod
«Trepca: Izlaz iz lavirinta», u kom se savetovalo misiji UN-a na Kosovu
[UNMIK] da sto brze preuzme rudnik Trepca od Srba, uz objasnjenje na
nacin bi to trebalo da se postigne. Februarski clanak ICG-ovog
novinara-konsultanta predstavlja uproscavanje antisrpske pozicije koja
trebalo da pripremi javnost za izvodjenje plana ICG-a. U tome bez sumnje
ostati usamljen.

Izvestaj ICG-a: Manipulacija nejasnocama

Trepca je slozena organizacija nekih 40 rudnika i fabrika, koji su
ali ne iskljucivo, smesteni na Kosovu. Medju njima je i trenutno
Stari Trg, «jedan od najbogatijih rudnika u Evropi» i najbogatiji na
kao i postrojenje za preradu rude u Zvecanu, severozapadno o0d
kojim jos uvek upravljaju Srbi. ICG trazi od UNMIK-a i njegovo vodje
Kusnera da preseku pravne sporove oko vlasnistva nad rudnikom i preuzmu
upravljanje Trepcom.

Kusner je 25. jula 1999 izdao uredbu kojom «UNMIK ima nadleznost nad
pokretnom i nepokretnom imovinom, ukljucujuci bankovne racune, i svakom
drugom imovinom koja je vlasnistvo, ili je registrovana u ime Savezne
Republike Jugoslavije ili Republike Srbije, a koja se nalazi na
Kosova». Analiza ICG-a zakljucuje da «UNMIK i KFOR treba pih hitno da u
potpunosti preuzmu kompleks Trepca, ukljucujuci i zatvaranje ekoloski
postrojenja u Zvecanu.». Ono sto im stvarno smeta u Zvecanu je da tim
postrojenjem upravljaju Srbi i ostvaruju prihod u korist Jugoslavije.

Ali u «planu mera» koje preporucuje ICG, UNMIK-u se preporucuje da
«komisiji za ekolosku procenu Zvecana» da podnese izvestaj o stanju
opreme i «savetuje kakve korake je potrebno preduzeti»... Ekoloski rizik
trebalo da bude paravan za zatvaranje Zvecana i otimanje hleba od
preostalih Srba na Kosovu. U medjuvremenu, «Stari Trg, jedan od
rudnika u Evropi, mora da ponovo bude profitabilan i treba da pude
donatorima koji su zainteresovani za osamostaljivanje Kosova.»

Plan predvidja postepeno otpocinjanje rada rudokopa, koje bi obezbedilo
buducnost «Kosovarima», pod cime se podrazumevaju lica albanske
nacionalnosti. Jer iako ICG sluzbeno izjavljuje da «radnike i upravu
Trepca treba birati iskljucivo na osnovu sposobnosti,» dodaje se da «ne
trebalo uzimati u obzir nikoga ko ima veze sa rezimom u Beogradu.» A vec
postao obicaj da se svi Srbi smatraju «rezimom u Beogradu» i da oni
samo kao «agenti Milosevica».

Ovakva pljacka vredne imovine na teritoriji koja jos uvek sluzbeno
Srbiji se, naravno, izvodi pod izgovorom da je to neophodna mera za
ugnjetenih Albanaca. «Povratak na posao maka i nekolicine Kosovarskih
bi za sve Kosovare predstavljao ostvarenje prava na njihovu ocevinu.»

Medijski cirkus je lako zamisliti. Ali mada je mrznja ICG-a prema Srbima
svesrdna, njihova ljubav prema Albancima mozda nije toliko cista. U
kratkom opisu istorijata etnickih sukoba oko Trepce, koji se odlikuje
uobicajenim antisrpskim stilom, ipak se nalazi tracak licemerja velike
koja manipulise dva naroda u medjusobnoj borbi. Analiza ICG-a kazuje
kako je
Trepca «dugo kosovskim Albancima bila simbol sprkog ugnjetavanja i
otpora» i prepricava kako su 1974, kada su konacno preuzeli kontrolu nad
Trepcom, «Kosovari stvorili na hiljde novih radnih mesta», ali da je
«1981-82. godine skandal u Trepci – u kome su rudari-kosovski Albanci
optuzeni za kradju velikih kolicina zlata i srebra – posluzio kao
izgovor za
otpustanje mnogiz inzinjera i tehnicara.» Da li je kradja bila stvarna
samo «izgovor» medjunarodnu zajednicu se previse i ne tice... posto su
Trepcom tada upravljali Srbi.

Ali sta posle? U izvestaju se kaze da «Pradaja Trepce u ruke Kosovara ne
dolazi u obzir, posto na lokalnom nivou postoji nestasica kvalifikacija,
i medjunarodnog standarda koji bi sprecio korupciju» i ostecenje
Sto se tice «hiljada radnih mesta» koje su kosovski Albanci stvorili za
njih na medjunarodnom dnevnom redu nema nigde. «Posledice smanjenog
radnika po drustvo moraju da budu u ravnotezi sa potrebom za
privatnim investicijama,» kaze ICG. Srecom, ICG zakljucuje da su mladi
rukovodioci «Oslobodilacke Vojske Kosova ponesto nestrpljivi» kada su u
pitanju interesti starijih vodja kosovskih Albanaca da zaposle «ogromnu
snagu», i da su naklonjeniji modernizaciji koja bi zahtevala strani
Onda ni ne cudi sto je Vasington odlucio da podrzi nasilnicku OVK.

Manipulacije i licemerje savetnika ICG-a je jos bezobraznije u odnosu na
Srbe. ICG savetuje UNMIK da pozuri sa preuzimanjem vrednog rudarskog
kompleksa pre izbora u Srbiji, kako se nova vlada koja bi vise
Zapadu ne bi mogla okriviti za «gubitak Trepce». Svaki vodja Srba,
ukljucujuci i opozicionare, bi morao da protestuje kada UNMIK preuzme
i Zvecane. «Ali, oni [opozicija] bi mogli da iskoriste argument da je
'gubitak' u stvari posledica Milosevicevog statusa, i da je Srbija jos
izgubila vrednu imovinu zbog njegovog psirustva na vlasti. Ukoliko se
preuzimanje izvrsi pre izbora u Srbiji, nece ostetiti – cak bi moglo i
bude pozitivno – bilo koju strategiju za smenjivanje Milosevica.»
posto ce medjunarodna zajednica da preuzme Trepcu bez obzira ko je na
u Beogradu, bolje je da se to uradi dok je na vlasti Milosevic, kako bi
«progresivna i demokratska» opozicija» koju podrzava Zapad mogla da za
optuzi Milosevica!

Propaganda u medijima: «Vec vidjeno» protiv istine

Ovakav cinizam je tesko nadmasiti, ali zato uvek ima mesta za dodatne
To postaje zadatak medijske propagande, koja javnost mora da ubedi da
gorku politiku elitistickih savetnika i vladara. Clanak vise savetnice
Suzan Blaustajn «Mitrovica: iskra sledeceg rata na Balkanu», objavljen
februara 2000. godine u Toronto Star-u, zasluzuje nagradu Dzejmi Sej za
najbesramniji primerak ratne propagande ovog meseca.

U njemu su sadrzani svi klisei: «vekovna mrznja» (izvinite, narode, ali
do nas); fokus na jednog i jedinog krivca: Milosevica; Francuzi kojima
se ne
moze verovati jer traze kompromis nasuprot potrebi medjunarodne
zajednica da
«pokaze kicmu» suprotstavi se «Milosevicevom ispitu volje». Blaustajn,
naravno, smatra da Milosevic, izaziva nerede u Mitrovici zbog njegovog
«finansijskog interesa» u rudnicima Trepce i postrojenjima u Zvecanu.
drzi Kosovo pod okupacijom vec osam meseci i gleda kako Albanci
ubijaju, terorisu i proteruju ne-albanski zivalj, a Blaustajn ima petlje
napise (a novine da objave) kako je «ovaj grad kamen-temeljac strategije
Beograda o 'Velikoj Srbiji', koja tezi da istera sve ne-Srbe s tog

Izvestaj ICG-a iz novembra 1999. napominje da «Medjunarodni finansijeri
odavno smatraju rudarstvo kao svorenim za pranje novca» sirom sveta zbog
strukture te delatnosti, te predlaze da «intteres Miloseviceve klike za
Trepcu mozda prevazilazi samo iskoristavanje mineralnih potencijala.»
Blaustajn ovu spekulaciju vodi i korak dalje, spominjuci Zvecan «za koji
veruje da je sluzio za pranje novca rezimu». Ali u svakom slucaju, ako
izvlace ekonomsku korist iz Zvecana, zasto onda da oko toga prave
Ah, taj Milosevic! Pa zato sto je «Mitrovica jedina preostala teritorija
Milosevic kontrolise na Kosovu», pa se on «bas tu odlucio da posalje
medjunarodnoj zajednici». Svet je jedan veliki «ispit volje» u kome mali
narodi uvek «izazivaju» divove kako bi ih divovi istrebili. Mali narodi
ovome uzivaju, ne pitajte me zasto.

Blaustajn nastavlja oslobadjanjem Albanaca od odgovornosti za nedavno
i kriveci Francuze. Nisu Srbi ti koje isteruju sa Kosova, vec su Albanci
zrtve «Milosevicevih agenata» koji «prate, terorisu, maltretiraju i
civile albanske nacionalnosti koji se usudjuju da zive u sprskom delu
Raketiranje autobusa punog srpskih civila, u kom je dvoje poginulo, je
necim izazvan». Albanci su izgubili strpljenje zato sto medjunarodna
zajednica gleda kroz prste «srpskom ugnjetavanju lica albanske
nacionalnosti»... Ne dozvoljavajuci rulji ljjutitih Albanaca da zauzme i
poslednji deo Kosova gde Srbi jos zive manje-vise normalno, «UN
sluzbenu platformu stvaranja i zastite multinacionalnog drustva na
kaze Blaustajn. Ovaj njen traktat ima za cilj da unapred odredi krivicu
«sledeci rat na Balkanu». Kao takav je u potpunoj suprotnosti sa
o dogadjajima na Kosovu tokom proteklih osam meseci strane okupacije.

Kako se bilo ko usudjuje da napise ili objavi ovakav clanak? Odgovor
lezi u
saznanju propagandista da neobavesteni citaoci imaju tendenciju da «vec
vidjeno» smatraju za istinu. Klisei o «Milosevicu» i «Velikoj Srbiji» su
poznati vec odranije. Istina nije. Ako i kada izbije «sledeci rat na
a «medjunarodna zajednica» preuzme Trepcu, zbunjena javnost nece morati
da o
tome brine, posto ce svi vec znati o cemu se radi: onaj zlikovacki
Milosevic opet stvara probleme.

•Dajana Dzonston, 28 februar 2000.

* * *

Izvestaj ICG-a, Trepca: Making Sense of the Labyrinth [Trepca, izlaz iz
lavirinta] se nalazi na

Clanak Suzan Blaustajn se nalazi na
i http://www.emperors-clothes.com/serbo-croatian/articles/bl.htm

arevo Novo Odelo mozete da citate ovde ili na

Ako zelite da pomognete Carevom Novom Odelu, posaljite nam donaciju
bezbednog kanala na http://www.emperors-clothes.com/howyour.htm. Vasim
donacijama placamo troskove programa koji nam obezbedjuju potrebne
informacije. Svaka donacija, mala ili velika, je od velike pomoci.

Cekove mozete da saljete postom na sledecu adresu:

Emperor’s Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA 02461-0321. (USA)

www.tenc.net [Carevo Novo Odelo]

[Komentare i primedbe saljite na sledece adrese: srpski82@...]

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
* Ritratti: MR AND MRS DIOGUARDI, CHE BELLA COPPIA! (stopnato@...)


* Per il testo dell'articolo "LA CIA HA SOSTENUTO L'ESERCITO
GUERRIGLIERO DEL KOSOVO", da noi gia' distribuito ieri, si veda pure:



(sullo stesso argomento vedasi anche: TiM GW Bulletin 2000/3-1:
http://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins2000/tim2000-3-1.html )

"Behind the headlines" - by Justin Raimondo
February 25, 2000


George W. Bush has been taken out to the woodshed by
the liberal for appearing on the stage at Bob Jones
University in this day and age, to even appear on a
platform provided by a politically incorrect group
or institution is enough to condemn a candidate to
perdition. And the McCain campaign was quick to
capitalize on it. But why isn't McCain subjected to the
same scrutiny? Please direct your attention to the
photo below [http://www.marx2001.org/crj/IM/mccain.jpg%5d:
the caption informs us that McCain is speaking at "a
pro-Kosovo, pro-McCain rally across the street from his
New York City hotel Friday morning, Feb. 11, 2000.
McCain is in New York for the day to attend fundraisers
and to talk to the press before returning to South
Carolina Friday night." But who is the man on the right,
with the colorful KLA scarf and his big mouth wide open?
The caption-writer is mute on this point, but to anyone
who knows anything about New York's ethnic politics,
the face is all-too-familiar: it is none other than
former Republican Congressman Joe DioGuardi, now the
loquacious leader of the Albanian-American Civic League
(AACL) a group that not only actively represents the
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in America, but whose
leader has become a spokesman for the most radical
fringe elements of the KLA.

"Republican presidential candidate Sen. John
McCain, R-Ariz., speaks to a pro Kosovo, pro
McCain, rally across the street from his New York
City hotel Friday morning, Feb. 11, 2000. McCain
is in New York for the day to attend fundraisers
and to talk to the press before returning to South
Carolina Friday night. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)"


DioGuardi is an extremist who lost his seat in
Congress because his growing preoccupation with
creating a "Greater Albania" did not exactly fit in
with the pothole-fixing skills that must be the first
concern of New York City politicians. Most
Albanian-Americans support independence for Kosovo,
and look with disdain and bewilderment at the US
government's official position that Kosovo is still an
"autonomous" province of Yugoslavia. But DioGuardi
goes one step indeed, several steps further, and
envisions a "Greater Albania." Visitors to AACL's
website ( http://www.aacl.com )are confronted with a
map of this Albanian Empire, which, as Doug Bandow of
the Cato Institute said in his testimony before Congress
( http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-db031099.html ),
illustrates "a breathtaking agenda," including as it
does "Albania, Kosovo, western Macedonia (along with
its capital, Skopje), southeastern Montenegro (along
with its capital, Podgorica), northern Greece, and
southern Serbia (north of Kosovo)." Alexander Cockburn's
comment on this outrageous map hit the nail on the head
( http://www.counterpunch.org/jatras.html ):

"When I first saw this map it struck a recollection of
something I had seen before. It occurred to me that it
is quite similar to one I have (printed by the State
Department in 1947) of interim territorial
arrangements during World War II. I can understand
that there is an element of hyperbole in critics'
calling NATO's air campaign "Nazi," but fail to see
what interest the United States has in helping to
restore the Nazi-imposed borders of 1943 or how this
helps preserve European stability."


It is well-known that the original straight-arm salute
of the KLA was suppressed, by its CIA and German
intelligence handlers, in favor of a less controversial
American-style greeting. While one wing of the KLA
looks to the old-fashioned Stalinism of Enver Hoxha,
the Albanian Communist dictator who aided the early
student organizations that made up the Albanian
separatist movement, the other looks to the "Skanderberg
Division" of the Nazi SS, Albanians recruited by the
Germans to fight for Hitler's cause, for its political
antecedents. DioGuardi has been a vigorous publicist on
behalf of the KLA political commissar, Adem Demaci, a
militant who spent years in Yugoslav prisons. Demaci
denounced the Rambouillet agreement as a sellout and
(along with DioGuardi) rejected all negotiations on
principle. DioGuardi even wrote a letter
( http://www.bosnet.org/archive/bosnet.w3archive/9808/msg00080.html )
congratulating his fellow extremist when Demaci was
appointed chief of the KLA's political wing.


Demaci, DioGuardi, and the KLA militants are now acting
on their dream of a "Greater Albania": this is the
meaning of recent events in Kosovo
( http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a38b4490a4359.htm ).
Madeleine Albright is so frightened by the rising
demands of the pan-Albanians that she made a special
trip to Tirana to denounce the idea as "no more viable
than that of a Greater Serbia." But the genie is already
out of the bottle, and the question is: what will the
next Administration do?


As the KLA conducts its reign of terror in Kosovo,
driving out the Serbs and marching, in tens of
thousands, on the northern city of Mitrovica in an
effort to storm the last Serb bastion, John McCain is
standing alongside a man who is the chief apologist,
organizer, and fundraiser of the KLA in America, a man
who once declared:

"It is unfortunate that misguided European politics,
overly and unfairly influenced by Russia and Greece in
the early part of the twentieth century, resulted in a
partition of the Albanian nation so that more than
half the Albanians in the Balkans live outside the
state of Albania in hostile Slavic regimes, especially
Serbia and Macedonia. . . . With UDBA in Belgrade and
the Sigurimi in Tirana collaborating to buy, trick or
kill those Albanians with democratic aspirations, it
is no wonder that it has been extremely difficult for
seven million. Albanians to organize themselves as a
nation, or even politically within the five
jurisdictions in which they reside. While there is
some cooperation among political parties in certain
areas and across borders, true democratic,
independent-minded Albanian leadership has been
lacking and this has contributed to the divisions,
confusion, and betrayal of the Albanian cause in the
Balkans and in America."


How's that for a conspiracy theory? According to
DioGuardi, all the nations of Europe conspired to keep
his people disunited. Naturally it is assumed that
every living ethnic Albanian must live in an Albanian
state, since, in the neo-fascist ideology of the KLA,
the State embodies the Race and must defend its
interests irrespective of current national borders.
And, oh yes, that's what we definitely need: more
"cooperation among parties in certain areas and across
borders," so as to spread the rabidly revanchist
ideology of the KLA and set the Balkans aflame.


There they are, the two of them, DioGuardi and McCain,
side by side: one who would carve an Albanian empire
in the midst of the blood-soaked Balkans, and the
other who would be President of the United States. It
is a disturbing juxtaposition, to say the very least.
For if we can accuse poor Dubya of endorsing the
anti-Catholic rhetoric of the Bob Jones
fundamentalists simply by speaking at their
auditorium, then what are we to make of would-be
President John McCain appearing with a radical
Albanian nationalist who sees not only Belgrade but
also Skopje and Athens as the enemy? After all, this
is perhaps the wrong signal to the Macedonians, who
have so far enjoyed a fragile peace, and no doubt the
Greeks, our NATO allies, would be less than pleased.
And what of the Montenegrins, whose capital city
DioGuardi and the Albanian lobby covet, and whose
independence we are pledged to defend against the
alleged threat posed by Milosevic? If Bush must be
called to account for supposedly aligning himself with
the forces of intolerance in the US, for the sin of
appearing at Bob Jones U, then should we not call
McCain to account for sharing the platform with a
radical Albanian extremist and endangering the peace
of Europe


Although the McCain campaign piously denied it, it has
since come out that they were responsible for phone
calls during the Michigan primary, run ostensibly by a
group called "Catholic Voter Alert," which demanded to
know why Bush had not disavowed the rhetoric of Bob
Jones and his flock about the church being "a Satanic
cult'! This from the campaign McCain piously described
to his followers as "one you can be proud of"! Well,
then, is it not time to turn the tables, and send out
a "Voter Alert" demanding to know why McCain hasn't
repudiated the rhetoric of Joe DioGuardi and his KLA
friends who want to ignite the Balkan tinderbox with
their crazed scheme to create an Albanian empire?
Indeed, this is a lot fairer than the alleged
Bush-Jones connection, because Bush has no history of
anti-Catholicism – the news of his sudden conversion
to the Jonesian doctrine that the Church is "the great
Whore" foretold in the Bible came as a bit of a
surprise. But McCain's apparent conversion to the
cause of pan-Albanian nationalism is far more
credible. For McCain was the most militant and visible
supporter of the Kosovo war, who demanded Clinton pull
out all the stops and send in the ground troops even
going so far as to introduce a Senate resolution that
went down to a well-deserved defeat at the hands of
his Republican colleagues.


As General Wesley Clark, the US commander of our
troops in Kosovo, calls on NATO and Washington to send
in more troops – and I see, as I write this, that the
Marines are practically on the way the crisis in the
Balkans is approaching critical mass. The NATO-crats
are cranking up the propaganda machine, as the KLA
gets ready to complete the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo
and proceed to the next stage of the ongoing struggle
for a "Greater Albania." Ideologues like Adem Demaci,
in Kosovo, and Joe Dioguardi, in America, want to drag
the US into yet another Balkan war, to "finish the
job" and completely dismember the remnants of
Yugoslavia – using the US and NATO as both their sword
and their shield. With a sympathetic President in the
White House, who remembers how much money and
political support was raised on that trip to New York
at a crucial time in his campaign, DioGuardi and the
KLA may yet see their expansionist dream realized.
With Serbia finally subjugated, Albania would be free
to expand, absorbing not only Kosovo but also
destabilizing Macedonia and threatening Greece.


The last GOP presidential candidate to cash in on the
Albanian connection was Bob Dole: in May 1987, Dole
and DioGuardi attended an Albanian-American
fund-raiser in New York City that raised $1.2 million
for Dole's campaign and $50,000 for DioGuardi's,
according to journalist Diana Johnstone
( http://www.swans.com/library/art5/zig025.html ) and researcher
Benjamin Works. The caption accompanying the above
photo says McCain was in New York doing some
fundraising, and it is fair to ask: how much money did
he get from the Albanian lobby? As the great "reform"
candidate who denounces the influence of "special
interests" and the power of money in politics, McCain
had better tell us exactly how much the Albanian lobby
has thrown his way – and to what effect. Of all the
lobbyists in Washington, it is the "special interests"
represented by the agents of foreign powers that pose
the greatest threat to the integrity of the
Presidency. Joe DioGuardi, rabid Albanian nationalist
and chief American apologist for the drug-connected
totalitarians of the KLA, has spread the money from
his political action committees far and wide
( http://www.siri-us.com/backgrounders/Archives_Kosovo/AlbanianAmericanPac-1980-98.html ),
and no doubt McCain is also the recipient of his largess
but at what price to the American people? The McCain
campaign must immediately release the figures, and
give us some "straight talk" about the KLA-McCain
connection: how much did they get-and in return for
what? The American people have a right to know how
many American soldiers will be put at risk in the
Balkans in the service of paying off President
McCain's political debts.


Republicans are screaming about the panderfest
presided over by the Reverend Al Sharpton, at which Al
Gore and Bill Bradley outdid each other in denouncing
"white skin privilege," but what about McCain's
panderfest with the Albanian warmongers, who want to
drag the US even deeper into the Balkan quagmire? At
least Sharpton isn't demanding the that the lives of
American soldiers be put at risk.


Naturally the American media, which made itself into
the willing instrument of the War Party during the
Kosovo conflict, is reluctant to uncover the fact of
McCain’s connection to Albanian extremists. The
inability or unwillingness of the Bush campaign to
call McCain to account on this question is due in
large part to its own commitment to the Albanian
lobby; their foreign policy advisor, Richard Perle,
was also an advisor to the Bosnian Muslims, who
enthusiastically supported the Kosovo war. The only
major candidate who has made opposition to the Kosovo
war – and opposition to the influence of foreign
lobbyists – a campaign issue has been Patrick J.
Buchanan, the likely Reform Party candidate. Buchanan
is the specter that is haunting this primary season,
with everyone and his brother claiming the mantle of
"reform" – but scurrying away from the vital foreign
policy issue, which only Buchanan has addressed. If
McCain, the would-be conqueror of the Balkans, is the
GOP nominee, then the Republicans, independents, and
Democrats who opposed that war and are horrified by
its frightening results will be driven into the
Reform Party column. Combined with the general
distaste for McCain among conservatives, this is the
one factor that those who prate about the
"electability" of the Warrior Candidate never discuss.
Once again, the Bush people are constrained from
making their best argument against McCain, this time
for fear of breaking the embargo on all discussion of
Buchanan and Reform as viable alternatives. The
impotence of the Bush campaign in the face of the
McCain insurgency is a function not only of the
shortcomings of their candidate, but of the
internationalism of his Establishment foreign policy
advisors and their instinctive fear of the Right. And
that, in the end, will be their undoing.

Please Support Antiwar.com

A contribution of $25 or more gets you a copy of Justin Raimondo's
Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against U.S. Intervention in the
Balkans, a 60-page booklet packed with the kind of intellectual
ammunition you need to fight the lies being put out by this
administration and its allies in Congress. All contributions are
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520 S. Murphy Avenue, #202
Sunnyvale, CA 94086



Albanian Daily News
Albanian Republicans Salute McCain

TIRANA- Albania's Republican Party salutes American runner for US
President John McCain, a daily "Republika" reported on Thursday.
The results published up to now of the American presidential campaign
show that John McCain lies some 6 points ahead of George W. Bush,
pushing Albanian republicans to declare their sympathy to their American
Referring to recent meetings between Albanian republican leader Mediu
and John McCain in Washington D.C, the party's daily underlined that
bilateral relations between the two parties have experienced further
strengthening and enrichment.
Albania's Republican Party hopes that such relations will create a
positive impact both for the party itself and its voters.

>Kosova Crisis Center News <A
>Via AlBanian List
>August 22, 1998
> Adem Demaci
> Prishtina
> Dear Adem:
>The Albanian American Civic League is writing to congratulate you on your
>appointment as the leader of the political wing of the Kosova Liberation Army.
> As you said when you met with us in New York City in the spring of 1997, some time still had to pass before it would become clear who had integrity in the Albanian world and who did not, and some time still had to pass for the realization to take root that Albanians could not be liberated by the United States unless we fought on the ground for our freedom......We believe that you have the ability to lead the Albanian resistance in a courageous and uncompromising manner, and we want you to know that the Civic League is ready to support you and work with you in this important undertaking.
>As you probably already know, the Albanian American Civic League was the first organization in the Albanian diaspora to publicly support the Kosova
Liberation Army, both morally and financially. Most notably, we
successfully transformed the Congressional hearing on Bosnia last March into a hearing on Kosova--one in which, through our lobbying efforts, Clinton administration Balkan envoy Robert Gelbard was forced to concede that the KLA had not been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. This produced an immediate change in the Western media's depiction of the KLA and stopped the attempt to criminalize it.
>[...]It has also been apparent to us that Serbia's activities have been aided
and abetted by the failed policies of the passive resistance agenda in Kosova-policies that misled Kosovar Albanians and prevented them from preparing themselves for war.
Tragically, these policies have been supported and promoted by Western government officials, such as America's Richard Holbrooke and Germany's
Klaus Kinkel, who by their actions have given the green light to Slobodan Milosevic's campaign of state terrorism.[...]
When you visited us more than a year ago now, you agreed that there has to
be coordination on both sides of the Atlantic and that, consequently, serious
groups in Kosova and in the West have to synchronize their work. We want
you to know that we have informed the KLA about our Congressional-based
strategy to stop the war against Albanians, beginning with the introduction of
resolutions by Senator Al D'Amato and Congressman Christopher Smith to
indict Slobodan Milosevic as a war criminal in The Hague and with a campaign to stop the confirmation of Richard Holbrooke as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations[...]
>Sincerely Yours
>Joseph J. DioGuardi, President
>For the Albanian American Civic League



Disgusting! I saw a link titled "Indipendent Kosova - Why" and clicked on.
There was no text, just photos of killed Albanians. Many were from the
Racak "massacre".
So these are the arguments for an "indipendent KosovA".
But why not to writeto this scum Joe DioGuardi? Here is his curriculum
vitae with the e-mail at the end:
Born in the Bronx, New York, on September 20, 1940, Joseph J. DioGuardi
moved to Westchester County with his
immigrant parents, brother, and sister
in 1957. He is a 1958 graduate of Fordham
Preparatory School, and in 1962
he graduated with honors from Fordham

DioGuardi served for twenty-two years,
twelve of them as a tax partner, with
the international accounting firm of Arthur
Andersen & Co., one of the first
public advocates of governmental fiscal
responsibility. In November 1984, he
brought his extensive professional and
volunteer experience to Congress,
when he became the first practicing certified
public accountant ever elected
to the U.S. House of Representatives.

In Congress, DioGuardi took the lead in
sounding the call for truth in federal
budgeting, accounting, and reporting and in
bringing financial accountability
to Capitol Hill. He was the original author
of the Chief Financial Officer's Act,
signed by President George Bush in 1990, which mandated the
assignment of a CFO to each major
department and agency of the U.S. government. Charles Bowsher,
former Comptroller General of the General
Accounting Office, said in testimony before the U.S. Senate that
since the enactment of the bill, "we have
seen important progress in directly confronting serious financial
management weaknesses. "

DioGuardi has distinguished himself by finding bipartisan solutions
to difficult problems. On issues of local
concern, he founded and cochaired the Congressional Long Island
Sound and Hudson River Caucuses, which
secured vital increases in federal support for these embattled
waterways. In 1986, with the late Democratic
Congressman Mickey Leland, DioGuardi initiated legislation to confer
Congressional Medals of Honor on
Black World War I and World War II military heroes, thereby
correcting an historic injustice. More recently,
he cofounded with Congressman Jerrold Nadler the New York Task Force
for Port, Rail, and Industrial
Development in order to restore lost jobs to New York's
manufacturing and transportation industries.

DioGuardi is an advocate for the human rights and self-determination
of oppressed peoples in the Balkans.
Since 1989, he has made fifteen trips to the region. As president of
the Albanian American Civic League, he
and Congressman Tom Lantos made the first official trip to Albania
in fifty years, and he helped open the
doors to democracy in this former Communist dictatorship. In August
1990, DioGuardi persuaded Bob Dole
and six other U.S. senators to visit the two million Albanians in
Kosova under Serbian occupation. In
September 1996, he returned to Albania with Congressman Benjamin
Gilman, chairman of the Committee on
International Relations, to meet with President Sali Berisha to
discuss Albanian national security and
minority rights for the ethnic Greeks in southern Albania. In June
1997, Dio Guardi led a delegation to monitor
the national elections in Albania and in August, 1998 he traveled to
northern Albania to assess the
humanitarian crisis emanating from the war in Kosova, at the request
of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

Since leaving Congress in 1989, DioGuardi has established a
nonpartisan foundation, Truth In Government,
through which he continues his crusade for federal fiscal reforms.
The author of Unaccountable Congress: It
Doesn't Add Up, DioGuardi is a frequent speaker on fiscal
responsibility and public accountability. In August
1994, as a keynote speaker at the annual conference of the American
Accounting Association, DioGuardi
persuaded professors of accounting to play an active role in federal
budgeting and financial management. In
May 1996, he returned to Washington as a keynote speaker on federal
financial management reforms before
the Institute of Management Accountants (formerly the National
Association of Accountants). In April 1997,
the Texas Society of CPAs published an article by DioGuardi in
Today's CPA on the real magnitude of the
national debt.

DioGuardi is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including
investiture as a Knight of Malta in 1979,
the International Humanitarian Award The Boys Towns of Italy in
1986, the Outstanding CPA in Government
Award from the New York State Society of CPAs in 1986, the Torch of
Liberty Award from the New York
State Conservative Party in 1987, the Outstanding Public Service
Award from the Westchester County
Republican Committee in 1987, the Westchester Irish Committee's
Dedication to Peace and Justice Award in
1988, the Paul Harris Fellow Award of the Rotary Foundation of
Rotary International in 1988, and the Annual
Achievement Award of the Association of Government Accountants,
Boston Chapter, in 1992.

You can contact Joe DioGuardi by email at jjd@...

Here is DioGuardi's wife c.v.
Shirley Cloyes

Balkan Affairs Adviser

Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on October 18, 1950, Shirley
Cloyes was raised in Westfield, New
Jersey, and graduated from Westfield High School, where she was a
member of the National Honor
Society. She holds a a B.A. in sociology from Oberlin College,
Oberlin, Ohio, and a Master of Divinity,
specializing in systematic theology and culture, from Union
Theological Seminary in New York City.

Between her second and third year of graduate study, she studied the
Indonesian language at the University
of California at Berkeley and then taught for two years at Satya
Wacana University in Central Java, where
she developed and ran an interdisciplinary program on interethnic
relations and development.

In 1983, she coauthored a book entitled To Work and To Love with
German political theologian Dorothee
Soelle and joined the staff of The Seabury Press as an editor.
Following the closure of the house in 1984,
she became marketing director and editorial consultant in Black and
women's studies at Orbis Books.

In 1986, she joined the staff of Lawrence Hill & Company, an
offshoot of the breakup of Hill & Wang, as
associate publisher. The press specialized in African American and
African studies, the Middle East,
women's studies, and controversial domestic and international
political issues. When Larry Hill died in 1988,
she took over the house and was its publisher until the end of 1995.
Some of the noteworthy titles that she
published are The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global
Drug Trade by Alfred W. McCoy,
Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur, Ghosts in Our Blood: With
Malcolm X in Africa, England,
and the Caribbean by Jan Carew, My Friend, the Enemy by Uri Avnery,
and M.I.A. or Mythmaking in
America by H. Bruce Franklin.

In 1995, she published Yugoslavia's Ethnic Nightmare, the first book
on the causes and far-reaching
consequences of the Balkan conflict written from the perspective of
Bosnian Muslim, Croatian, Serbian,
and Macedonian journalists who opposed the war inside the former
Yugoslavia. That year she became the
Balkan Affairs Adviser to the Albanian American Civic League. She
has since written and lectured widely
about the Albanian dimension of the Balkan conflict and made eight
trips to the region.

Cloyes proposed the first Congressional hearing on the Albanian
dimension of the Balkan conflict.
Following the hearing in February 1995, which included
representatives from
all the Albanian lands in the former Yugoslavia, she and Civic
League President Joseph DioGuardi traveled
with Yugoslav dissident Mihaljo Mihaljov to Macedonia at the
invitation of Albanian leaders there to
monitor the reopening of the Albanian-language University of Tetova.
The Macedonian government
attacked the university on the morning of their departure, killing a
student, wounding hundreds, and jailing
the professors. In September of that year, she traveled to Tirana
with DioGuardi and Congressman
Benjamin Gilman, chair of the House Committee on International
Relations, to meet with then President Sali Berisha and to Istanbul
to make the case for the
the independence of Kosova at the National Press center and at the
University of Marmara.

Cloyes has testified before Congress at two historic turning points
in the life of the Albanian nation. In July
1996, she testified on behalf of the State of Albania before the
House Committee on International Relations
and exposed the role of Nicholas Gage of the Panepirotic Federation
and the Albanian Communists in
attempting to overthrow the democratically elected government of
Sali Berisha. In 1998, she testified in
support of U.S. troop deployment in Kosova, following Bob Dole, Jean
Kirkpatrick, and Henry Kissinger.

In February 1998, after the Serbian army attacked Drenice, Cloyes
worked with CNN to gain more
complete coverage of the crisis in Kosova. In March, she and
DioGuardi shifted the focus of a
Congressional hearing with U.S. Balkan envoy Robert Gelbard from
Bosnia to Kosova, and positioned the
questions that forced Gelbard to retract his earlier depiction of
the KLA as a "terrorist" organization. In
August of that year, she published two major articles on U.S.
foreign policy in the Balkans: "The Agony of
Kosova" and "Presiding over Genocide: The Shame of the West." Cloyes
is the author of the Civic
League's October 1999 public declaration, entitled "Resolving the
Albanian National Question," which
examines the internal and external factors that stand in the way of
creating a free and independent Kosova
and bringing a just and lasting peace to the Balkans.

With the start of the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia in March
1999, Cloyes and DioGuardi
appeared separately and together on more than 50 radio and TV
broadcasts. Since the war ended in June
1999, they have made three trips to Kosova to report back to
Congress on postwar conditions.

Cloyes and DioGuardi were married in June 1998.

What a wonderful couple!


> Great Albania's Project in Action!
> http://www.aacl.com


Original URL: http://home.pacbell.net/fakta/buying.html


Jul 5,1999


By Benjamin Works, Director, The Strategic Issues Research Institute

Hack and I, along with a select group of others, have been at war with
the KLA over its heroin and terrorist connections. We also knew
something about how political money bought this war policy. Here's the
Back in 1995, late in the Bosnian war, I got a reference to a 1986
Senate Resolution proposed by Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, decrying
Yugoslavian official oppression of the Albanian population of Kosovo
--that's 1986, when the Albanian Autonomous government was still fully
Joseph DioGuardi, a New York Republican, sponsored the companion House
Resolution, both of which never emerged from committee.
I got a copy of that Senate Resolution Nr. 150 from the Congressional
Register of June 19, 1986 and then let it sit in my file for a long
time, while the NATO occupation of Bosnia appeared to keep things calm.
Meanwhile, Bob Dole managed to lose the 1996 Presidential Election, then
vigorously supported Mr. Clinton's year-by-year extensions for keeping
some 6900 US soldiers in Bosnia.
As the KLA insurrection in Kosovo reached civil war levels, I began to
think about that resolution and how it misrepresented history. I had
done considerable reading on the origins of the Yugoslav conflicts,
Washington Post, New York Times and other reports from the 1980s,
bearing on Kosovo and the collapse of the Federative Republic's
communist government under the pressure of ethnic-nationalism. Well,
pieces fit together showing that all along it has been the ethnic
nationalist fascist losers of World War II in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo
who have been exploiting the political process in Germany and the United
States. Their goal has been to effect the division of Yugoslavia and the
cleansing of Serbian populations from their territories, while
purporting that "Greater Serbia" was the menace to European security and
not the post-fascist "Greater Croatia" and "Greater Albania."
Survivors of the Croat Ustashe movement in southern Germany began their
work in the 1960s, but Joseph DioGuardi must be given credit for a
sustained campaign to influence Congress beginning in the mid-1970s.
DioGuardi, an Albanian American whose ancestors came from an Albanian
transplant community in the heel of Italy, sat in Congress for several
years in the mid-1980s as a Conservative Republican from New York's
Westchester County, but creating a Greater Albania was his agenda as a
map on his website shows (www.aapac.com). His Political Action Committee
(PAC) activities are easy to follow from 1988 on. What makes the PAC and
individual contributions to campaigns more interesting is the
demonstrated connection between the Kosovo Heroin Mafia, its "pizza
connection" distribution ("inherited" from the Gambino crime family) and
money-laundering networks, and the number of pizzaria owner-contributors
listed in DioGuardi's filings. The Croats and Albanians came up with big
pots of laundered money, then spread it around selectively, with
American politicians helping to persuade other members in Congress.
I have indications of a political alliance between DioGuardi and Bob
Dole going as far back as the early 1970s, but have not yet got all the
evidence in hand. What I do have is sufficient to reach tentative
conclusions about how foreign policy, in a democracy, can be "bought"
--that is precisely what happened in the case of the Kosovo Air War.
In early 1987, kicking off his 1988 bid to wrest the GOP nomination from
then-vice president George Bush, Dole received $1.2 million from
Albanian American supporters in New York City, while DioGuardi received
$50,000 at the same dinner. I expect the funding trail goes back
further, at least to Dole's 1976 campaign. It certainly continued from
1987 through to the present.
As the collapse of Yugoslavia loomed, the Croatian and Albanian lobbies
continued their campaign: Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy,
Mar 31, 1993 issue, reported as much as $50 million was larded around
Capitol Hill in a two-year period which saw the defeat of George Bush
and led to Bob Dole's control of the Republican party: The United States
Congress, still reeling from a series of financial scandals involving
representatives and senators, is now bracing for a new problem: the
massive financial "contributions" which have been made to election funds
of politicians by Croatian sources over the past two to three years. One
Congressional investigator told Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic
Policy that the donations and expenditures on Washington lobbying by the
Croatians over the past two years "could well exceed $50-million." Much
of this came directly from Croatian lobbyists, and some from Croatian
American businessmen" Many of the campaign contributions have been
recorded legally," the investigator said, "but many are questionable.
But what is more important is that there has been a pervasive attempt to
push the United States along a line defined by foreign powers-Croatia
and Germany-and it has not been
subtle. Elected officials are being told to either support the Croatian
line or face either a removal of funding or are told that funding will
be given to their opponents. Or they are literally bribed into
supporting the
Croatian line. This was going on long before Croatia even made its open
bid for recognition as an independent state." Now, as to individual
contributions, there are campaign contribution limits on individuals,
then there are Political Action Committees (PACs), "Soft Money"
contributed to the parties and fed back to candidates, and there is the
time-honored custom of passing bundles of hundred dollar bills in brown
paper bags to favored candidates. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
records are on-line (http://www.tray.com/fecinfo/) and I have been able
retrieve records for Joseph DioGuardi's PACs going back to the 1988
election cycle, and have also tested Bob Dole's 1996 Campaign and Liddy
Campaign-2000. It is all there in the lists of candidates and
In particular, most of the Congressmen speaking loudest against Serbia
and Serbs are those receiving money from DioGuardi's PAC. Some have
simply been beguiled, others may be more disingenuous. Recipients come
from both sides of the aisle but are mostly members of the House or
Senate foreign
relations committees: Joseph Lieberman and Jesse Helms, Benjamin Gillman
and Tom Lantos. These records do not reveal monster sums of money, but
demonstrate the tip of the iceberg, where "soft money," individual
declared contributions and bags full of $100 bills also find their way
to select candidates.
It is clear that Bob Dole and Joe DioGuardi, in league with Croat and
Bosnian fascist emigrees, worked very effectively to set up US foreign
policy to dismantle Yugoslavia and ruin the Serb people. They have
succeeded admirably because they were organized and persistent, while
their opponents were disorganized and, ultimately, outnumbered by the
overwhelming flood of media propaganda. Now, the US taxpayer is on the
hook for Billions of Dollars, while our service personnel will be tied
down for years in Bosnia and Kosovo, again attempting the kind of nation
building that failed so spectacularly in Somalia and Haiti.
For those wishing to inspect the details of these fundraising, I have
loaded the summary lists compiled thus far at my website along with a
companion reading file on the KLA and Heroin:
http://www.siri-us.com/backgrounders/Archives_Kosovo/AlbanianAmericanPac-198 0-98.html and

KLA in the U.S.A.

"These guys [the KLA] have a network that's active on the streets of
this country. The Albanian mob is a scary operation. In fact, the Mafia
relied on Albanian hitmen to carry out a lot of their contracts. They're
the worst elements of society that you can imagine, and now, according
to my sources in drug enforcement, they're politically protected."

In the words of a November 1997 statement issued by Interpol, the
international police agency, ``Kosovo Albanians hold the largest share
of the heroin market in Switzerland, in Austria, in Belgium, in Germany,
in Hungary, in the Czech Republic, in Norway and in Sweden.''

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

Il generale dell'esercito croato Tihomir Blaskic, responsabile delle
violenze a danno dei bosniaco-musulmani soprattutto nella zona di Ahmici
(Bosnia-Erzegovina), immediatamente dopo essere stato messo sotto
inchiesta dal Tribunale dell'Aia fu decorato da Tudjman con una
onoreficenza. Ora, morto Tudjman, Blaskic e' stato condannato a 45 anni
di galera: subito si e' levata in sua difesa la voce della Chiesa
Cattolica Apostolica Romana, nelle persone del Capo dell'Ordinariato
Militare vescovo Jezerinac, del Provinciale dei Francescani della Bosnia
fra Petar Angelinovic, e dello stesso cardinale Vinko Puljic, primate di
Sarajevo (nominato cardinale da questo papa tra un pellegrinaggio e
l'altro alla tomba del nazista Stepinac)

(Fonte: "Il manifesto" 8/3/2000)

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj