<<Non c'e' niente di jugo-nostalgico, ne' di patetico del tipo
"Fratellanza ed Unita'". Siamo semplicemente pragmatici... Siamo stati
costretti ad unirci>> dice il signor Hamovic, editore di Belgrado,
commentando la nascita di un cartello di case editrici delle varie
repubbliche jugoslave ex-federate. Poiche' separatamente nessuna casa
editrice balcanica era in grado di sostenere le spese di uno stand alla
Fiera del libro di Parigi, e' stato necessario creare gli "Editori
Riuniti dei Balcani". Idea geniale. L'esempio andrebbe seguito in tanti
altri campi: ad esempio nel cinema - dopo le secessioni, sono
praticamente morte le cinematografie croata, bosniaca,
albanese-kosovara, eccetera, che invece avevano risorse e specificita'
nei decenni della tanto vituperata "Fratellanza ed Unita'".

L'importante e' non proclamarsi "jugonostalgici", perche' senno' alla
Fiera del libro di Parigi col piffero che ti concedono lo stand. (Italo


Udruzeni izdavaci Balkana - United Balkan Publishers

The publishers from Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Skopje and LJubljana,
founded an Association of balkanian publishers, and are making first
steps in their inter-regional collaboration, and towards the world. For
next year, they plan a group presentation on the book saloon in Paris.

"There's nothing jugonostalgic nor the pathetic of the brotherhood-and-
unity type. Simply, we are pragmatic," says Zoran Hamovic, director of
the publishing company "Clio" from Belgrade. While explaining how the
"Balkanian Association of publishers" was founded, he points out: We
were forced to enter into the union, by the same publishing problems,
and by a mutual interest", and explains that, on a concrete example.
The rent of the fair space in the fair zone at the Versailles gates is
so expensive, so that there are no publishers from the south-slavic
region, capable to present themselves singularly on the Parisian book
saloon. "We are here solely for the purpose to get informed with the
new production in French language and to make contacts with authors and
publishing houses. Next year in this united form, we shall participate
on the Saloon and present ourselves. It would not be possible to do it,
for anyone of use, alone," says Hamovic.

Publishing is an activity that requires continuous investments and
costs. In the circumstances of five new states created of one, and when
the quantity of languages, at least officially speaking, increased,
publishers encountered an unpleasant situation mostly for the
enormously decreased the area for books placement, so that each new
edition is a real adventure. Due to this precise publishing problems,
on the conference bout the cultural co-operation in Balkans, which had
been held upon the initiative of the Stability Pact for Southeast
Europe, held in Sarajevo in December 1999., the idea of founding an
balkanian association of publishers, was born. That idea got realised
so that already on the last years' Frankurt's book fair, several
independent publishers were present under the name of "Balkan
Association of Publishers" [BAP], such as:
Durieux from Zagreb, Geopoetika from Belgrade, Omnibus from Sarajevo,
Beletrina from LJubljana, Templum from Skopje. "Literaturen vestnik"
from Sofia joined them as well.

"The point is in a joint presentation in order to change the imagine
that Europe has about us. That imagine is generally speaking a very
ugly one, in spite of the fact that life circumstances in each of the
south-east European country, differ. We are still looked upon as a
region that possesses some mutual characteristics, so this kind of
political openness and stimulation by side of the Europe, towards a
regional unity, should be exploited. This was what countries of Latin
America had already done. They presented themselves in the form of
Latin-American literature, and entered "on great doors" into Europe. I
do not see a reason why we shouldn't attempt the same," says Hamovic,
but as well ads that there are a series of very practical reasons for
the union. For example, the association will deal with acquisition of
authors' rights, instead of each publisher, the editions of all members
will be placed onto the linguistically similar areas, and electronic
publishing will commence, as well as joint editions.

One of them is "Balkan express", where books of eminent south-European
authors will be printed. The edition in fact is already started.
Belgrade's "Geopoetika" and Sarajevan "Omnibus" are preparing a book of
essays by Dubravka Ugresic. The book will be distributed in Croatia
through its Croatian members, where Dubravka Ugresic did not have
anything since her voluntary exiles in 1993. godine.
Dz. Sabljakovic (Sense)


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