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Eventi per il 16.mo dei bombardamenti NATO

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1) Belgrado non dimentica le bombe umanitarie
Да се не заборави - Не у НАТО (видео) / Findings and conclusions of the round table “Not to forget – NO into NATO”

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NOVI "HLADNI" RAT. Agresija NATO 15 godina kasnije
// La nuova guerra "fredda". La aggressione NATO 15 anni dopo //

Interventi dei partecipanti al Meeting internazionale tenuto nel marzo 2014 a cura del Forum di Belgrado
provenienti dall' Irlanda, Venezuela, Austria, Francia, Russia, USA, Germania, Ucraina, Grecia, Canada, Bielorussia, Italia, Danimarca, Cipro, Turchia, Croazia, Serbia, Rep. Ceca, ecc. Altre info: https://www.cnj.it/24MARZO99/2014/index.htm#skup 
Edizione Beoforum. In cirillico. 
Il libro costa 15 euro + spese di spedizione. Per ordini: jugocoord @ tiscali.it


Живадин Јовановић у ТВ емисија РТС-а „УПИТНИК“ 24.3.2015.
25 mar 2015 – У ТВ емисији РТС-а, „Упитник“, коју води реномирана новинарка-тв водитељка, Оливера Јовићевић, у којој су учествовали министар правде, Никола Селаковић, председник Београдског форума, Живадин Јовановић и председник Управног одбора Атлантског савета, Владан Живуловић, господин Живуловић је изједначио понашање НАТО са понашањем Хитлера. Живуловић је, поред осталог, рекао: „Наш народ каже, „Сила Бога не моли“, па ако ћемо сада, легалитет свих тих акција, када погледамо историју, Хитлер никох није питао, кренуо је у обрачун, НАТО није питао никога када је кренуо на Србију, односно Југославију...“

НАТО ПОСТУПИО КАО ХИТЛЕР рекао је председник Управног одбора Атлантског савета, Владан Живуловић, на програму националне телевизије РТС

Лапсус или тренутак искрености

У ТВ емисији РТС-а, „Упитник“ која је емитована 24. марта 2015., поводом 16. годишњице агресије НАТО, у којој су учествовали министар правде Никола Селаковић, председник Београдског форума Живадин Јовановић и председник Управног одбора Атлантског савета Владан Живуловић, господин Живуловић је изједначио понашање НАТО 1999. према Србији (СРЈ) са понашањем Хитлера уочи Другог светског рата. Живуловић је, поред осталог, рекао: 
„Наш народ каже, `сила Бога не моли`, па ако ћемо сада, легалитет свих тих акција, када погледамо историју, Хитлер никог није питао, кренуо је у обрачун, НАТО није питао никога када је кренуо на Србију, односно Југославију...“

Целу емисију „Упитник“ можете погледати на линку РТС-а:
(Цитирани део од 17:48 до 18:05 )

Београд, 25.03.2015.                                      
Београдски форум за свет равноправних


See also / Isto pogledaj:

Serbia: Belgrade marks 16th anniversary of NATO bombing (RuptlyTV, 24 mar 2015)
Several hundred people gathered in front of the former military headquarters in Belgrade on Tuesday to commemorate the 16th anniversary of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's (NATO) bombing of the country, then a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia...

PHOTOS: When History Teaches Nothing: Anniversary of NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia

Краљево: ОДЛУКЕ  ЗА  ПРАВЕ  АКЦИЈЕ (SUBNOR, 29. март 2015.)


Il mito dell’invisibilità del caccia statunitense F-117 A è stato distrutto 16 anni fa in Serbia
da www.glassrbije.org – 27. 03. 2015. – Il mito sull’invisibilità del caccia statunitense F-117 A è stato distrutto in un villaggio della Serbia settentrionale sedici anni fa, quando le unità anitiaeree dell’esercito serbo l’hanno colpito e distrutto durante i bombardamenti della NATO contro la Federazione jugoslava. L’aereo il „Falco della notte“ ha avuto la fama di essere invisibile dopo molte azioni in Libano, Panama, Iraq e in altri Paesi. L’aereo F-117 A è caduto il 27 marzo del 1999 nel villaggio Budjanovci, tre giorni dopo l’inizio dell’aggressione della NATO. L’aereo è stato colpito alle ore 20 e 42 minuti con due proiettili „Neva“ del terzo divisione della trecentocinquantesima brigata della difesa antiaerea, i cui membri sono riusciti a identificarlo grazie al coraggio, l’addestramento e le innovazioni tecniche.

Kako je pao "Duh Misurija" (Dragan VUJIČIĆ | 21. mart 2015.)
Ni 16 godina od rata sa NATO, priča o rušenju američkih B-2 i F-117 do kraja nije rasvetljena (1). Ponos avijacije SAD prinudno sleteo u Spačvanske šume. Vest o pogotku stigla u 00.23 , a potvrđena tek posle rata...


XVI Anniversario della aggressione NATO contro la RF di Jugoslavia /16. godišnjica od NATO-agresije protiv SR Jugoslavije

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Belgrado non dimentica le bombe umanitarie

25 marzo 2015 
Manifestazione di massa a Belgrado nell’anniversario delle prime bombe sulla città. La destra ultranazionalista irrompe nella piazza. La stampa italiana si accorge solo di loro

Carlo Perigli, inviato a Belgrado

Il suono delle sirene invade di nuovo le strade, il rumore dei caccia che sorvolano la città precedono di qualche secondo le esplosioni, quelle bombe “umanitarie” che per 78 giorni martoriarono senza sosta il popolo serbo. Per pochi secondi Belgrado rivive il dramma di quei giorni, i volti dei presenti si fanno scuri, gli occhi diventano lucidi, in un’atmosfera che tocca anche il più disinteressato dei turisti. Nessuno dimentica, nessuno tace, si rimane in silenzio soltanto per un minuto, intorno alle 19, ora in cui, esattamente 16 anni prima, l’Angelo Misericordioso – nome dato dalla Nato all’operazione militare – iniziò ad abbattersi sull’allora Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, spazzando via oltre 2000 vite innocenti. Sullo sfondo, le rovine dell’ex ministero federale della Difesa; sul palco, allestito a pochi metri, i bambini intonano l’inno nazionale, a precedere il discorso del primo ministro Aleksandar Vucic.

È soltanto la chiusura di una giornata il cui tempo è stato scandito dai presidi svolti in diversi punti della città; di fronte alla sede della Rts – Radio Tv Serba – dove una lapide ricorda i 16 lavoratori morti la notte del 22 aprile, quando la Nato decise di spegnere a suon di missili quella fastidiosa emittente, le cui immagini contraddicevano la bontà di quell’aggressione, assurda dal punto di vista morale e illegittima da quello legale; al parco Tasmajdan, distante poche decine di metri, dove si è reso omaggio al monumento eretto per ricordare tutti i bambini uccisi dalla guerra; in piazza della Repubblica, dove, come ogni anno, il Movimento Socialista ha steso un telo, sul quale alcuni passanti, tra i quali molti bambini, hanno iniziato a disegnare messaggi contro la guerra. Un’atmosfera piacevole, purtroppo rovinata dal corteo degli ultra-nazionalisti del Partito Radicale Serbo, la cui entrata in piazza ha nei fatti impedito lo svolgersi dell’iniziativa. Solamente qualche piccolo attimo di tensione, dopodiché il corteo, composto perlopiù da giovani e giovanissimi, ha lasciato la piazza, insieme alle loro bandiere delle “Aquile Bianche” e ad una manciata di celtiche cucite sulle giacche, l’ennesima dimostrazione di quanto possa essere assurdo il revisionismo storico che vuole dipingere i cetnici della II guerra mondiale come contrapposti militarmente all’invasore italo-tedesco.

“Sfortunatamente oggi abbiamo vissuto una situazione poco piacevole – ha dichiarato a Popoff Nebojsa Petrovic, presidente della sezione di Belgrado del Movimento dei Socialisti e deputato all’Assemblea Nazionale – il Partito Radicale ha rovinato la manifestazione. Sta diventando chiaro a tutti il motivo per cui Seselj – presidente del partito, negli ultimi 10 anni recluso nelle prigioni dell’ICTY all’Aja – è tornato in Serbia. È assolutamente un elemento di disturbo – ha concluso – non è benvenuto nella società”. Un elemento di disturbo a cui la stampa italiana ha dedicato decine di articoli, appiattendo su di lui le commemorazioni del 24 marzo e tacendo sul resto, sulla stragrande maggioranza dei serbi, quelli che 16 anni fa sceglievano di diventare “bersagli umani” sui ponti di Belgrado e che ogni anno continuano a scendere in piazza, per chiedere a gran voce giustizia e verità.

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Vedi anche / Isto pogledaj:

Беофорум - Отварање фото изложбе поводом 15 год. рада 
Поводом обележавања 15 година рада Београдског форума за свет равноправних, 23.3.2015. у Сава Центру u Beogradu је отворена фото изложба о досадашњем раду Беофорума...
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJXiyqxQeFQ

Беофорум - Фото изложба поводом 15 год. рада
Поводом обележавања 15 година рада Београдског форума за свет равноправних, 23.3.2015. у Сава Центру u Beogradu је приказана фото изложба о досадашњем раду Беофорума. Пред вама су снимци свих изложених паноа...
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNUI-cwuGW0


Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals
23 March 2015


The 16th anniversary of the beginning of NATO aggression against Serbia (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) has been marked by the Roundtable “Not to Forget – No into NATO” held in the “Sava Center”, whereas 15 years since the establishment of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals has been marked by the exhibition of photographs and by promotion of the Belgrade Forum’s latest published book.

The Roundtable was convened by the Belgrade Forum, the Club of Serbian Generals and Admirals, and the SUBNOR of Serbia, as co-organizers. The participants of the Roundtable were: Živadin Jovanović, General Jovo Milanović, Aleksej Čagin, President of the Association of Russian Heroes, Dr. Momčilo Vuksanović, President of the Serbian National Council of Montenegro, Prof. Radoš Smiljković, Prof. Radovan Radinović, Milica Arežina, Dr. Stanislav Stojanović, Admiral Boško Antić, Đurđina Turković (Podgorica), Neven Đenadija (Banja Luka), Branislava Mitrović, Natalija Šatalina, and many others.

The gathering paid their tribute to all victims of the NATO aggression by a moment of silence. The audience comprised a large number of the co-organizers’ members and their friends from the independent and non-partisan associations, representatives of the local self-governments, representatives of the cultural, educational, and scientific institutions, Academicians from the SANU, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Diaspora, and the diplomatic representatives from Russia and Belorussia.

The exhibition of photographs was opened and the Belgrade Forum’s latest edition was introduced by Živadin Jovanović. The event was accompanied by appropriate cultural program, performed by members of the Cultural Artistic Society “Kosovski Božuri”.

The exhibition will be open every day, until 30 March 2015.


Да се не заборави - Не у НАТО (видео)

среда, 25 март 2015 

Округли сто Београдског форума за свет равноправних, на тему: "Да се не заборави - Не у НАТО", одржан у Сава Центру у Београду, 23. марта 2015-те, и то поводом 16. годишњице агресије НАТО против Србије (СРЈ).

Учесници округлог стола су:

1. Живадин Јовановић (Председник Београдског форума за свет равноправних)
2. Јово Милановић (Генерал-потпуковник)
3. Алексеј Чагин (Председник Асоцијације хероја Русије)
4. Наталија Шатилина
5. Проф. др Радош Смиљковић
6. Милица Арежина
7. Ђурђина Турковић
8. Др Станислав Стојановић
9. Невен Ђенадија (Бања Лука)
10. Бранислава Митровић
11. Бошко Антић (Адмирал)
12. Проф. др Радован Радиновић (Генерал)
13. Др Момчило Вуксановић

Коментари присутних:

1. Проф. Веселин Вујнић (Medical Physicist Inst. of Oncology and Radiology)
2. Проф. др Рајко Унчанин (Члан надзорног одбора Инжењерске коморе Србије)
3. Др Љубомир Грујић

Pubblicato il 25 mar 2015 – Округли сто Београдског форума за свет равноправних, на тему: "Да се не заборави - Не у НАТО", одржан у Сава Центру у Београду, 23. марта 2015-те, и то поводом 16. годишњице агресије НАТО против Србије (СРЈ).


Београд, Сава центар, 23. март 2015.


Belgrade, Sava Center, 23 March 2015

NATO Aggression against Serbia (the FRY) in 1999is a crime against peace and humanity, a crime whose perpetrators have not been brought to justice.
This aggression was the introducing of the NATO’s global interventionism strategy under the harshest violation of the fundamental principles of the international law and the role of the United Nations, most notably, the Security Council. Thus, in the vital area of the peace and security, NATO has usurped the role of the United Nations.

NATO demonstrated a new principle: wherever the law presents an obstacle for the achievement of its goals of conquest, the law should be removed.

The panelists and all participants in the Round table have unanimously assessed that NATO, as an aggressive imperialist alliance, has nowhere in the world been a part of the solution, but rather the factor of conquests, contributor to divisions and conflicts, tearing the states apart, wreaking a “controlled” chaos (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya.

The gathering voiced are solute opposition to Serbia’s entry to the NATO military system through the means of accepting the “Individual Partnership Action Plan”, assessing this document as the single most serious blow to sovereignty, freedom and dignity of the nation, as abandonment of the status of military neutrality, and the act of surrendering the fate of the country into the hands of NATO. 
By virtues of regulating not only the military issues, but also all areas of the economic, cultural, informative and social life in general, this IPAP is embodiment of NATO’s militaristic, authoritarian and imperialist concept. The official explanations, aiming at pacifying and misleading the public, were evaluated as utterly irresponsible, dismissive and indecent. The participants referred to the IPAP’s request to finalize the process of privatization, concluding that such request reveals the true nature of NATO as the leverage of the multinational corporate capital, whose goal is to establish the complete control over the economic, natural and human resources in the world. 
The gathering sent a unanimous appeal to the authorities to suspend the preparations for the sale of Telekom, the EPS, the PKB, Dunav Insurance, the mines, the agricultural land, waters, and other national riches. A robust public sector in any country serves as a pillar of country’s democracy, independence, and the care for the future. The question was raised–what remains of freedom and democracy if all economic, financial and natural resources are handed over to the hands of the multinational companies of the western countries? What would remain for Serbia to administrate?

NATO aggression of1999and establishment of military camp “Bondsteele” in Kosovo and Metohija were the first step in the practical implementation of NATO’s conquest strategy in the East, its deployment to the Russian borders, and nailing the wedge in the relations between Europe and Russia. The civil war in Ukraine is the corollary of NATO’s strategy of Eastward expansion.
NATO and the leaders of some of its member states have publicly admitted that the aggression of 1999 had been committed in violation of the international law and the role of the United Nations Security Council. NATO and its member states are thus liable to compensate the war damage to Serbia (the FRY)in the amount of USD 100 billion.
President of Serbia, Mr.Tomislav Nikolić,in his last year’s speech in Užice on the occasion of the National Day of Statehood, stated request for the compensation for war damages caused by the aggression of NATO. This presumes that the Government of Serbia should take appropriate concrete steps in order to officially present this initiative raised by the President of the Republic, publicly stated on behalf of the nation, to NATO and its members, and to launch the relevant negotiations.
An appeal was made to the competent authorities to initiate activities to determine the exact number and names of the civilian victims of NATO aggression.
An appeal was made to the competent authorities to establish, in cooperation with expert and scientific institutions, the consequences of the use of weapons with the deleted uranium, and to take appropriate measures in order to eliminate a huge public concern over the mass scale of cancers and deformities in newborns, especially in Kosovo and Metohija, with a view to protecting the health of the people against any further tragic consequences.

The UNSCR 1244 and the Constitution of Serbia are the enduring basis for a peaceful and just political solution for the status of the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Nobody is entitled to undervalue, violate, or replace this basis. Nobody is entitled to trade the rights Serbia has to Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of the Serbian state territory, in exchange for any short-term interests, since this would be tantamount to undermining Serbia as a state.

The government institutions of Serbia are invited to promptly request satisfying of all obligations towards Serbia as set forth under UNSC Resolution 1244, and, in particular, the following: 
-Free and safe return of 250,000 Serbs and non-Albanians to Kosovo and Metohija, as soon as possible,
-Return of specified contingents of Serbian military and the Police to Kosovo and Metohija
-Economic reconstruction of Serbia, as set forth under UNSC Resolution 1244,
-completing the decontamination of areas in which NATO had used weapons with depleted uranium, at the expense of NATO member states,
- Deactivation of the NATO’s unexploded ordnances – aircraft bombs, cluster bombs, and other ordnance, at the expense of NATO member states.

Finally, the gather requested the prompt reconstruction and completion of the ”Eternal Fire”, Monument to the victims of NATO aggression, in the Park of Friendship, Ušće, Novi Beograd.
Panelists and participants of the Round table sent the appeal to the relevant institutions not to use the funds from the Republic Budget to finance anyone acting contrary to the national and state interests, and, in particular, those who advocate the recognition of the forcibly invaded Province of Kosovo and Metohija, and those advocating the relinquishing of the policy of the country’s military neutrality.

Belgrade, 23March 2015