Nel giro di pochi giorni in Francia due avvenimenti hanno pesantemente
messo all'ordine del giorno la concreta possibilita' della dissoluzione
del paese in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche.

Da una parte, un Ministro del governo si e' dimesso perche' contrario al
progetto di "devolution" corsicana, appoggiato dal resto dell'esecutivo,
progetto simile a quelli allo studio per L'Italia (ricordiamo che e'
stato lo stesso Bill Clinton a dare il beneplacito alcuni mesi fa
parlando di "devolution dell'Italia settentrionale").

Contemporaneamente giunge la notizia che grandi magnati
dell'imprenditoria e del sistema della (dis)informazione in Europa hanno
sponsorizzato l'inizio delle trasmissioni di una rete TV in lingua
bretone, che si ripromettere di rinforzare la conoscenza dell'ormai
disusato ed artificiale idioma, di coltivare i sentimenti
zoo-etno-identitari di 8 milioni di ex-francesi, e di portare avanti la
cultura "celtica" collegandosi ad altre simili istanze dal sapore
neonazista in giro nel vecchio continente.

Ricordiamo che in base alla stessa filosofia la Francia negli ultimi
anni ha attivamente contribuito allo squartamento della Jugoslavia ed
allo scatenarsi della guerra fratricida su quel territorio: chi di
micronazionalismo ferisce, di micronazionalismo perisce?

(Sul problema del progetto nazista di dissoluzione del vecchio
continente in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche, con relativa distruzione
dei diritti di cittadinanza e delle conquiste dei lavoratori negli
ultimi 150 anni attraverso l'introduzione del federalismo fiscale,
l'abolizione dei contratti nazionali di lavoro, del sistema sanitario
nazionale eccetera, si legga ad esempio:
Europa: unione e disgregazione - dal bollettino "Quemada"
http://www.marx2001.org/nuovaunita/jugo/crj/m_l/130799C.htm )


Breton language flourishes in new TV channel

By John Lichfield
The Independent, 31 August 2000

Tune in to the WestEnders of Europe. The first Breton
television station, and the first regional interest TV station of
any kind in France, goes on air tomorrow evening.
TV Breizh, which will broadcast throughout France in
simultaneous Breton and French-language versions, is no
amateurish community station with radical views and low
production values. It is backed by some of the biggest names
in media, including Rupert Murdoch, Silvio Berlusconi and the
most recognised face on French television, the newsreader
Patrick Poivre d'Arvor.
The station promises up to six hours of new Bretonlanguage
programming each day, as well as Celtic-interest films such
as Braveheart and (less obviously) James Bond, dubbed into
The intention is to make money, but also to satisfy the growing
demand of the 4.2 million Bretons (8 million in France as a
whole) for institutions that recognise their linguistic and
cultural identity.
Patrick Le Lay, the founding father of TV Breizh, said: "If we
satisfy this legitimate aspiration before it becomes a hardline
demand, we will be contributing to the moderation of the
debate." Mr Le Lay, born in Brittany and better known as a
businessman than a regional sentimentalist, heads TF1, the
most popular French channel. His personal contacts brought
in Mr Murdoch's News International (13 per cent of the £10m
capital), Mr Berlusconi (13 per cent) and another Breton-born
tycoon, the famously unsentimental Francois Pinault (27 per
cent). Mr Pinault is proprietor of, among many things, Gucci
and Christie's auction house.
TV Breizh, broadcasting 17 hours a day from a converted naval
canteen on the harbour-front at Lorient in southern Brittany,
arrives at a critical moment in the regional and linguistic
debate in France.
The proposals from Lionel Jospin, the Prime Minister, for
limited autonomy for Corsica - including the teaching of the
Corsican language in state schools - have led to matching
demands from other regions, especially Brittany.
Bretons say their language, which has affinities with Welsh
and Cornish, is older than French and has been deliberately
suppressed by the state since the First World War, and is
spoken by less than 10 per cent of the Breton population.
There is now a vogue for relearning the language among
educated Bretons and a resurgence of interest in Breton
music. The station aims to separate this interest in what Mr Le
Lay calls "Celtitude" from the extreme demands of fringe
groups such as the Breton Liberation Army, which killed a
woman when it set a bomb outside a McDonald's restaurant
near Rennes in April.
Ideologues of French republican centralism - such as the
former interior minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement, who
resigned this week - take the view that any manifestation of
regional identity or minority languages is a threat to the French
state. But there is now a growing alternative establishment
view that it would be sensible to adopt a more flexible
definition of "France".
The Breton station's backers have other motives, including in
Mr Murdoch's case gaining a toe-hold in the fiercely protected
French TV market. They also hope that, with a modest budget
of £8m a year and only 50 employees, TV Breizh will prove a
commercial success.
It will be available to satellite dish owners throughout France
and, on cable, to the 2.7 million homes in the five Breton
départements and to viewers in Paris.
The 4.2 million population of Brittany proper - including
Loire-Atlantique, historically Breton but severed from the
region by the French state - is larger than that of Ireland or
Wales and not far behind Scotland. Mr Le Lay hopes TV Breizh
will become part of a Celtic network, swapping and
commissioning programmes with RTE of Ireland and BBC
Scotland and Wales.
"Our ambition is Europe-wide, to work for the development of
Celtic culture, the inherited wealth of the populations of [the]
extreme west of Europe," said Mr Le Lay.

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