(english / italiano)

Processo a Ejup Ganic

1) Witness to Ganic guilt...
2) Independent: gli orrori della guerra in Bosnia sono stati ricordati nell'aula britannica

(sul caso di Ejup Ganic, protagonista del secessionismo bosgnacco di Izetbegovic e mandante della strage dei soldati jugoslavi sulla Via Dobrovoljacka, a Sarajevo nel 1992, si vedano i post recenti:

=== 1 ===

Witness to Ganic guilt...

   Posted by: "Tim Fenton" 
   Date: Wed Jul 7, 2010 6:49 pm ((PDT))


The above link is to George Kenney's interview with a senior CIA guy who was intimately involved with the US interference in Yugoslavia.  
It is from April just after Ganic was arrested in London and the start of the conversation talks about this episode.

The important thing is that George openly states that there is a US  journalist Jonathan Landay  who heard Ganic instruct people to shoot the soldiers even though they were meant to be under an agreement of safe passage out of Sarajevo. It is for this crime that I believe the indictment from Serbia is based. George says Landay is willing to testify. The relevant section starts at 7min 50sec into the interview if you don't have much time but best to listen from around 04:30 or from the beginning.

=== 2 ===


Independent: gli orrori della guerra in Bosnia sono stati ricordati nell'aula britannica

6. luglio 2010.

Il processo contro l'ex membro della Presidenza della Bosnia ed Erzegovina Ejup Ganic, il quale e' iniziato ieri a Londra e dovrebbe durare fino al 14 luglio, ha suscitato molta attenzione nei media della Gran Bretagna. Le cose terribili, acccadute durante la guerra in Bosnia ed Erzegovina sono state ricordate di nuovo nell'aula della corte britannica, ha riportato il giornale Independent. Il giornale scrive che e' stata presentata l'accusa contro Ganic, secondo la quale egli era l'organizzatore principale di una serie di crimini di guerra all'inizio degli anni 90, quando per un breve periodo di tempo svolgeva la carica di Presidente dello stato. L'Independent ha riportato le parole del procuratore britannico, il legale della Serbia, che l'ordine dell'attacco contro la colonna dell'Esercito jugoslavo a Sarajevo nel maggio del 1992, come negli altri attacchi, e' arrivato direttamente da Ganic e dal comando militare dell'esercito musulmano bosniaco. Il legale della Serbia ha detto che la richiesta di Belgrado perche Ganic sia estradato, si basa sulle prove attendibili e niente e' esagerato nei capi d' accusa, e' quanto e' stato riportato dalla BBC. 
Ejup Ganic e' stato arrestato il 1. marzo allo scalo di Londra, su mandato ci cattura che e' stato spiccato dalla Serbia, perche' accusato di aver ordinato che fosse compiuto il crimine di guerra contro gli appartenenti dell'esercito jugoslavo il 2 e il 3 maggio del 1992 nella Strada dobrovoljacka a Sarajevo. In quell'attacco contro la colonna militare dell'esercito jugoslavo, mentre abbandonava la citta', come e' stato accordato con il vertice musulmano, 42 soldati e ufficiali sono stati uccisi, 73 sono stati feriti e 218 sono stati catturati.

=== 3 ===

IWPR’S ICTY TRIBUNAL UPDATE No. 651, June 30, 2010



Defence reportedly dismiss some of the new material as Serbian government propaganda.

By Rachel Irwin

The Serbian authorities have provided fresh evidence in their bid to extradite former Bosnian president member Ejup Ganic, British prosecutors revealed last week during a hearing in London.

According to various news reports, the new material – totaling some 200 pages and two videotapes – was not considered in previous investigations conducted by the Hague tribunal and the prosecutor’s office in Sarajevo, which claims to still be investigating the case.

Serbia is seeking to extradite Ganic to stand trial for charges related to a May 1992 episode in Sarajevo, known as the Dobrovoljacka (Volunteer's Street) incident. At the time, Ganic was a member of the Bosnian presidency, effectively serving as a deputy to then-president Alija Izetbegovic.

A day before the incident, on May 2, 1992, Izetbegovic had been kidnapped by the Yugoslav army, JNA, at Sarajevo airport when he returned from peace negotiations in Lisbon.

On May 3, a deal was done according to which Izetbegovic would be released and a JNA column allowed out of the besieged city by the Bosniaks. But subsequently the column was fired upon. Belgrade says 18 soldiers were killed, and blames Ganic, who was effectively in charge while Izetbegovic was being detained.

Ganic maintains he is innocent of the charges, and his lawyers are fighting the extradition request and also claiming abuse of process.

Last week, prosecution lawyer Ben Watson, acting on behalf of Serbia, said that the two “illuminating and important” videos show footage of the convoy leaving Sarajevo. One of the videos was reportedly filmed by journalists accompanying the column, while the other was made by Serbian television in 1995. The videos will be shown during the formal extradition hearing, which will take place July 5-10 in London.

Ganic’s defence dismissed the videos as “racist propaganda made by the Serbian government”, reported the AFP.

The defence plans to present 11 witnesses to testify in the July hearings, while the prosecution will call two members of the prosecutor’s office in Belgrade, plus another individual whose role remains unclear, the news service Balkan Insight reported. The identities of the prosecution witnesses have not yet been released.

Ganic, now president of Sarajevo's School of Science and Technology, was arrested at Heathrow Airport on March 1 after attending a degree ceremony at the University of Buckingham, with which his school has links. He was released on bail on March 11 under several conditions, including a nightly curfew and a daily check-in at a police station.

Rachel Irwin is an IWPR reporter in The Hague.