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[Emperor's Clothes]

"Humanity" on the Danube
by Rick Rozoff [13 April 2001]

[Mr. Rick Rozoff is a tireless researcher, prolific
political analyst and definite annoyance to the New
World Order. ]

"The Danube has been blocked along a vital
stretch in Serbia since 1999, when NATO
bombings destroyed several bridges....The
economies of Romania, Bulgaria and
Yugoslavia have lost more than a half billion
Euros because of the blocked river at Novi
Sad, in addition to thousands of layoffs in the
shipping industry...." (From 'Reuters' article,
excerpts below)

The fact that the bridges in question had no conceivable
connection with Kosovo, the supposed reason for the
NATO aggression, is not mentioned in the 'Reuters'
article (excerpts below). The article does report that
the domestic economies of several already
impoverished countries were further devastated by the
blocking of the Danube, with a terrible cost to the living
standards of millions of people. Please note that the
article avoids any criticism of NATO on this count - and
rightly so for the NATO pilots who bravely bombed
civilians (and their bridges) from 50,000 feet were
preventing Humanitarian Disaster, so the suffering of
millions was no big deal, plus most were Slavs anyway.

So why the rush to open the Danube now? Because
Germany, a leading Humanitarian Bomber, needs it
opened, that's why. Because without the Danube, the
German Establishment is losing money, and they're
Humanoids too, you know.

President Milosevic (see below) refused to halt repair
work on homes, factories, rail lines, maternity wards,
broadcast facilities, power grids, energy and water
plants, which NATO bombed, and clear the Danube,
which NATO also bombed. What was his problem? Why
couldn't he get with the program? Didn't he know that
German Foreign Minister Fischer needs the Danube to
ship 1,000 Leopard tanks to Turkey so they can
slaughter the Kurds, at an affordable price? (1)

Here follow excerpts from the 'Reuters' piece. - RR.

Danube Through Serbia Closed to
Year End

BUDAPEST, Apr 13, 2001 -- (Reuters) Shipping on the
Danube River through Serbia will not resume before
the end of the year, despite a deal to begin clearing
NATO bomb debris, [Hellmuth Strasser] head of the
Danube Commission said on Thursday.

The Danube has been blocked along a vital stretch in
Serbia since 1999, when NATO bombings destroyed
several bridges...

The economies of Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia
have lost more than a half billion euros because of the
blocked river at Novi Sad, in addition to thousands of
layoffs in the shipping industry, he said.

Almost two years after the bridges were bombed, the
11-nation Danube Commission awarded a 26 million
euro contract to a Danish-Hungarian consortium to
begin clearing the debris...

"Basically (Slobodan) Milosevic's government had
stalled our project at least five or so months," he said.
"But when the new government came to power,
literally, we had the green light."

The [non-Yugoslav] consortium that won the contract
will begin clearing debris in the next few weeks,
Strasser said. The first agenda item will be de-mining
the area from NATO bombs that destroyed the three

[Note: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky points out that the
Danish-Hungarian consortium will be paid at standard
world rates for clearing the Danube. They will employ
highly skilled Yugoslav workers and pay them one
twentieth of what they'd have to pay a Danish worker.
- RR]


Further Reading:

(1) On the highly successful Yugoslav program to
rebuild after the bombing, see "The Other Side," an
interview with Minister Ivkovic, who was in charge of
that rebuilding program. At

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