

Kako se zove mali Taliban?
Odgovor: Kinderladen

Wie heisst ein kleiner Taliban?
Antwort: Kinderladen

Come si chiama un Taliban da piccolo?
Risposta: Kinderladen (in tedesco: negozio per bambini)

(da BLIC)


Negli ultimi anni una serie di film e documentari prodotti in vari paesi
d'Europa hanno mirato a presentare la guerra fratricida jugoslava di
volta in volta come esplosione irrazionale di atavica barbarie oppure
come aggressione panserba al resto del mondo. In questo filone si
inseriscono ad esempio il cortometraggio razzista di Adriano Sofri "I
cani di Sarajevo", nel quale i cani sono, implicitamente, i serbi, e la
recentissima produzione propagandistica di B. Henri-Levy "Bosna". In
questi giorni sta uscendo una nuova pellicola statunitense, prodotta con
uno sforzo congiunto di Hollywood, del Pentagono e delle agenzie di
Public Relations che dal 1991 in poi hanno lavorato per l'appoggio ai
separatismi ed a favore dello squartamento della Jugoslavia. Il film si
chiama "Dietro le linee nemiche", e si presenta come autentica
immondizia propagandistica.



Film américain 2001, Film de guerre, Drame,
Action.Durée: 1h 46mn .
Date de sortie: 16 Janvier 2002
Avec Owen Wilson, Gene Hackman, Gabriel Macht, Charles
Malik Whitfield, Joaquim de Almeida Plus...
Réalisé par John Moore
* Synopsis: Propagande antiserbe à tous les niveaux :
Chris Burnett, un jeune lieutenant des forces armées
américaines, se voit confier une mission de
reconnaissance à la veille de Noël. Accompagné de
Stackhouse, il doit survoler une zone démilitarisée de
l'ex-Yougoslavie. Là, les deux hommes découvrent
l'existence d'une fosse commune. Burnett la
photographie, mais les troupes serbes au sol
déclenchent des tirs de DCA. L'avion, touché par un
missile SAM, s'écrase.
Les deux pilotes s'en sortent indemnes, mais les
représailles continuent et Stackhouse se fait tuer.
Chris, désarmé et sous le choc, n'a pas d'autre choix
que de prendre la fuite avec sa radio. En plein
territoire inconnu, il se retrouve traqué par des
Serbes dont il ignore les intentions. Aux États-Unis,
l'amiral Leslie Reigart reste convaincu que les deux
hommes ont survécu à l'explosion. Ecoutant son
instinct, il met sur pied sa propre mission de
On retrouve là tous les thèmes de la propagande
anti-serbe de l'OTAN et du Pentagone!
* Réalisé directement avec l'aide du Pentagone:
Et l'accord exceptionnel du DOD. Pour les extérieurs
du porte-avions, l'équipe de En territoire ennemi
(Behind enemy lines) obtint, à titre exceptionnel,
l'accord du Département de la Défense (DOD) de filmer
sur deux bâtiments de guerre. Six mois de démarches
administratives, de planning et de présentations
détaillées furent nécessaires pour l'obtention des
deux navires U.S.S. Constitution et U.S.S. Carl
Ceci pour ceux qui oublient que Hollywood est avant
tout un des éléments principaux de la machine de
guerre yanquee contre les peuples du monde!

URL for this article:

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www.tenc.net * [Emperor's Clothes]

by Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff
[Posted 16 September 2001]

Most people began reading Emperor's Clothes
because of our articles on 9-11.
We urge you to read the following, about
Kosovo. Since NATO and the UN in
Kosovo are very much under U.S. domination,
their behavior towards the Kosovo
terrorists clarifies the real relationship
of the U.S. Establishment to
terror. And looking at Kosovo we find the
same patterns of dishonesty and
public obfuscation that we have witnessed
around 9-11.

To help understand how NATO and the UN
operate in Kosovo, consider the news
dispatch below. It was issued by KFOR on May
24, 2001. (KFOR stands for
Kosovo Force. KFOR is the NATO occupation
force in Kosovo. COMKFOR is the
Command of the NATO occupation force in

Here's the KFOR dispatch:

"KFOR News Update
Pristina, 24 May 2001
By Maj. Axel-Bernd Jandesek, KFOR Spokesman

"More Than 450 UCPMB Members Surrendered
"By the end of COMKFOR's soft policy towards
UCPMB extremists, more than 450
former extremists had taken advantage of
this policy. These people
voluntarily laid down their arms and turned
themselves in at several KFOR
checkpoints. KFOR screened and released all
UCPMB members who are not
suspected of having committed serious
crimes."--KFOROnline 24 May 2001 (1)

UCPMB are the initials used by ethnic
Albanian terrorists when they are
attacking inner Serbia.

Some thoughts:

1) Note that the headline of this news
update speaks of '450 UCPMB members
surrender[ing]' but the text suggests all
except perhaps a few have been

2) The news update calls the UCPMB members
'extremists.' This suggests people
with far-out political positions. But in
fact these people are terrorists
organized in military units which conduct
heavily armed raids against inner
Serbia. They plant land mines. They
terrorize uncooperative ethnic Albanians.
They kidnap, torture and kill Serbian
villagers and policemen. They fight
battles against Yugoslav soldiers. Since all
this is illegal, and much of it
is murder, on what basis would KFOR conclude
that most of these terrorists
have not committed serious crimes?

3) Once the terrorists were released, why
wouldn't they return to their
previous occupation - laying land mines,
terrorizing, kidnapping and killing
people in inner Serbia?

To understand the significance of these
questions, consider the official
obligations of KFOR and its sister
organization, UNMIK (United Nations
Mission in Kosovo). These responsibilities
are laid out in the agreement
under which KFOR and UNMIK have occupied
Kosovo. That agreement is UN
Security Council Resolution 1244, or UNSCR
1244 (or just UN 1244 for short)
and the following is one of its overall

"Reaffirming the commitment of all Member
States to the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia and the other
States of the region, as set out in the
Helsinki Final Act and annex 2..."
Note: Helsinki Final Act can be read at

Regarding specific responsibilities:

"[The Security Council] decides that the
responsibilities of the
international security presence [that is,
KFOR and UNMIK] to be deployed and
acting in Kosovo will include:

Deterring renewed hostilities, maintaining
and where necessary enforcing a cease-fire...;
Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) and other armed Kosovo
Albanian groups as required in paragraph 15
Establishing a secure environment in which
refugees and displaced persons can
return home in safety, the international
civil presence can operate, a
transitional administration can be
established, and humanitarian aid can be
-- KFOR Online on UN Security Council
Resolution 1244 (2)
By setting free 450 terrorists who have been
committing mayhem in inner
Serbia (which is part of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia) KFOR flatly
contradicts its core principle:

"Reaffirming the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia..."

And what about:

Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups...
[And] establishing a secure environment...
According to U.S. President William Clinton,
these requirements were largely
fulfilled by June 2000. In a letter to
Congress, Clinton stated:

"The KLA agreed on June 21, 1999, to a cease
fire, to withdraw from the zones
of conflict in Kosovo, and to demilitarize
itself. On September 20, 1999,
KFOR Commander Lieutenant General Sir Mike
Jackson accepted the KLA's
certification that the KLA had completed its
demilitarization in accordance
with the June 21 agreement. The UNMIK
thereafter established a civil
emergency services entity known as the
Kosovo Protection Corps that is
intended to provide civic assistance in
emergencies and other forms of
humanitarian assistance.

...The KFOR personnel provide a security
presence in towns, villages, and the
--President Clinton's Letter to Congress on
U.S. Forces in Kosovo. 16 June 2000 (3)


Regarding this, the Russian Press Digest

"The head of the U.N. mission in Kosovo,
Bernard Kouchner, has announced that
KLA representatives had turned in 10,000
units of various types of weapons
which allows the mission to speak about the
completion of the disarmament
process. 'We are satisfied that the OAK
[KLA] handed in 10,000 firearms, even
if we know that they still have another
100,000 guns,' joked one of the
members of the U.N. mission in Kosovo."
--Russian Press Digest 21 September 1999 (4)

Reports in other newspapers confirm that the
supposed demilitarization of the
KLA was a bad joke. Thus it is no surprise
that, following this
'demilitarization,' the KLA continued its
practice of gangsterism and
terrorism. This is documented in the
chilling article, 'Concentration Camps
and Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo.' (4a)

CLINTON'S LIE # 2: "UNMIK Established the
Kosovo Protection Corps [which
is]...civic and humanitarian"

An article in La Stampa, the Italian
newspaper, vividly described the way the
civic and humanitarian Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC) was set up.

"Shortly after midnight a local commander of
the KLA delivered to the Italian
KFOR troops the first shipment of weapons.
The delivery was preceded by a
short ceremony ...in the course of which a
group of KLA guerrillas
symbolically turned over six machine-guns to
a squad of Italian troops,
receiving in exchange new uniforms of the
'Kosovo Protection Corps,' the
civil protection group into which the KLA
have to be transformed. The base
commander, Gezim Ostremi was asked if his
forces were still part of the
Kosovo Liberation Army, to which he replied,
after looking at the clock,
'It's after midnight, so we are Kosovo
Protection Corps.'"
--La Stampa, 20 September 1999 (5)

This was not the exception; it was the rule.

KFOR and UNMIK simply changed Kosovo
Liberation Army (terrorist) to Kosovo
Protection Corps (civic and humanitarian).

The KLA war criminals were not given jail
terms. They weren't even forced to
attend re-education classes, like a person
convicted of drunk driving.
Instead they were rewarded with new KPC
uniforms, a respectable title, UN
status (!) and paychecks (!).

And they got a leader. This was Agem Ceku.
For Mr. Ceku's curriculum vitae,
see 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo.' (6)

In brief, until he was appointed to the top
position in the KPC, Agem Ceku
led the KLA. And before that he was a
Croatian military officer, implicated
in war crimes against thousands of Serbian
civilians in the Krajina section
of Yugoslavia. (7)

Did KFOR and the UNMIK somehow transform the
terrorists who staffed the KPC
into good citizens?

Consider the case of Gezim Ostremi, the KLA
commander mentioned in the La
Stampa article, above.

During the summer of 2001, two years after
the formation of the KPC, some
Western newspapers revealed that Ostremi was
leading the terrorist assault on
Macedonia! The Irish Times commented:

"Before launching war in Macedonia,
Commander Gezim Ostremi was paid by the
UN to help set up the Kosovo Protection
Corps (KPC), [then] being appointed
its chief-of-staff." --The Irish Times, 5
July 2001 (8)

According to the Irish Times, Ostremi's role
as terrorist leader was a shock
to the leaders of the UN and NATO in Kosovo:

"The co-ordination of the international
community in the Balkans has been
thrown into confusion [by the revelation]."
The Irish Times, 5 July 2001 (8)

Ahh, confusion.

It seems that anytime the leaders of our new
Empire are implicated in some
vicious act that suggests not only hypocrisy
but criminal misconduct, they
and the media put the 'blame' on confusion,
inefficiency, bewilderment, lack
of preparedness - that is, human error.
"These vast bumbling bureaucracies
don't plot evil deeds, they just totally
screw up," is the idea.

Apparently someone did a study which
revealed that ordinary people will
forgive any official misdeed as long as the
guilty party quickly and freely
'confesses' to stupidity or incompetence
(rather than evil intent...)

Thus when he was asked why no planes took
off from Andrews Air Force Base,
which is right beside Washington, DC, to
intercept American Airlines Flight
77 during the 55-or-so minutes it was flying
towards the Pentagon, Secretary
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld offered the
following 'confession:'

"RUMSFELD: Tony, it happens because the
United States has not said to itself
that it needs to stay on high alert every
minute of the day."
--Fox News Sunday, (09:00) 16 September 2001

And when U.S. war planes bombed the clearly
marked and geographically
isolated Red Cross warehouses in Afghanistan
for the second time, the media
universally called it a mistake. (Actually
the second bombing was carried out
in two or more waves by several different
types of bombers.) Here are several
samples of the coverage:

* "In a costly mistake Friday, a Red Cross
warehouse was accidentally bombed
again." (The Lexington Herald Leader, 30
October 2001)

* "...twice mistakenly hit a Red Cross
warehouse" (The Herald (Glasgow), 30
October 2001)

* "...a second mistaken strike on a Red
Cross warehouse" (USA TODAY, 30
October 2001).

Emperor's Clothes interviewed Red Cross
officials in Switzerland about the
bombings. Based on what these officials told
us, it is simply impossible to
believe the U.S. military bombed the
warehouses by mistake. (10)

Returning to Mr. Ostremi, the Kosovo
Protection Corp (KPC) Chief-of-staff,
how could his terrorist activities come as a
surprise to KFOR and the UNMIK?

According to the Irish Times,

"The lack of close supervision [of the KPC]
meant it was weeks before the UN
realised Commander Ostremi had left to
command the rebels in Macedonia - with
some assuming he had gone on holiday."--The
Irish Times, 5 July 2001 (8)

Ahh, lack of close supervision, the cousin
of confusion and the curse of the
'bumbling bureaucrat.'

Note that not one bureaucrat has been
arrested for the criminal neglect
involved in allowing the Chief-of-Staff of
the KPC, an official UN
organization, to run a terrorist invasion of
a sovereign state. All is
forgiven because 'we all make mistakes.'

But wait. It wasn't just Ostremi that the UN
and KFOR overlooked due to lack
of close supervision.

"Hundreds of KPC reservists were called up
by their Albanian commander, Agim
Ceku, in March. They subsequently
disappeared to former KLA training camps in
Albania and are now re-emerging [as
terrorist fighters] in Macedonia."
--London Times, 10 June 2001 (11)

Sounds like the whole skeleton of the KLA
organization was activated, in the
form of KPC reservists, to go off and fight
in Macedonia.

You might wonder how KPC 'reservists' would
be able to commit terrorist acts
on unfamilair Macedonian territory.Wouldn't
they get lost?

No problem.

"Embarrassingly for the alliance, they [the
KPC reservists attacking
Macedonia!] are making use of maps issued by
Nato for the Kosovo Protection
--London Times, 10 June 2001 (11)

We comment on these maps in 'Sorry Virginia
But They Are Nato Troops, Not

[START QUOTE from 'Sorry Virginia']
"Isn't it charming how the Times employs the
term, 'embarrassingly,' as if
NATO had committed some breech of etiquette?
Let's see. Would that be
'embarrassingly' as in you order the wrong
wine to go with your date's
grilled shark? Or would that be
'embarrassingly' as in you get nabbed driving
the getaway car at the St. Valentine's Day

"Since NATO issued them and the KLA is using
them for an invasion, it is
reasonable to assume these are detailed
maps, including roads, the location
of various facilities and topographical
features such as hills, etc.

"Macedonia is a sovereign state. It is not
under NATO or UN control. The
Kosovo Protection Corps has no valid reason
to set foot on Macedonian territory.

"The KPC is officially not a military entity.

"Putting all this together, for what purpose
did NATO provide the KPC with
military maps of Macedonia? If not for the
obvious purpose: to attack it!"

[END QUOTE from 'Sorry Virginia']
This can be read at

For evidence that the KPC terrorists use
NATO-supplied weapons to attack
Macedonia, and that they are led by U.S.
'advisers,' see 'Emperor's Clothes
Articles on Macedonia,' at

CLINTON'S LIE # 3: '...KFOR personnel
provide a security presence in towns,
villages, and the country-side.'

This sounds comforting. But Emperor's
Clothes has published interviews with
eyewitnesses who report the exact opposite:
that KFOR and the UNMIK are
responsible for a massive reign of terror
since they took over Kosovo. For

* KFOR opened the border with Albania,
allowing KLA-connected gangsters to
pass freely between Kosovo and their bases
in Northern Albania. (12)

* KFOR watched while people with the wrong
loyalties were terrorized and
driven from their homes. (13)

* Serbs who remained in Kosovo were forced
into concentration-camp-style
ghettos, run by KFOR and terrorized by the
KLA. (14)

* Those Serbs who remain in Kosovo live in
constant fear. Speaking the wrong
language can get one killed by making one
appear to be a Serb. (14a) Even
standing by one's window can be deadly if
you are a Serb in one of the new
Kosovo ghettos. (14)

UNMIK and KFOR are entirely aware of the
monumental terrorism of the
UN-created Kosovo Protection Corps. The UN
even prepared a special report for
Secretary General Kofi Annan documenting the
KPC's violent racism and
gangsterism. (15) But of course UNMIK and
KFOR don't need a special report.
These high-power management and military
organizations with their redundant
intelligence organizations are perfectly
capable of seeing what is going on
before their eyes.

Consider the following case in point.

On 16 February 2001:

"...[an] explosion destroyed a bus carrying
more than 50 Serbs who were
returning to Kosovo after visiting their
ancestors' graves in Serbia. [The
attackers] killed 11 Serb civilians,
including a two-year-old child."
--The Daily Telegraph (London), 28 March
2001 (16)

Four suspects were arrested but "the
identity of the men arrested is bound to
prove highly embarrassing for Western
governments." (The Daily Telegraph
(London), 28 March 2001) (16)

Why 'embarrassing?'

Isn't 'embarrassing' an odd word to use
regarding such a crime?

Embarrassing because:

"They are all members of the Kosovo
Protection Corps, the Western-backed
civil defence organisation which sprang from
the Kosovo Liberation Army when
it was demilitarised in 1999. Some members
of the KLA had been trained by the
"Links between the KPC and organised crime
and political violence are an open
secret in Kosovo. The KPC's alleged
involvement in the killing of the 11
Serbs - an incident which was condemned
around the world - comes at a highly
sensitive time for Nato and the UN in
--The Daily Telegraph (London), 28 March
2001 (16)

Note that when President Clinton was
claiming the Kosovo Protection Corps as
a victory for UNMIK, he wrote:

"UNMIK thereafter established a civil
emergency services entity known as the
Kosovo Protection Corps."

But in its laudably critical comments the
Daily Telegraph states that the KPC:

"sprang from the Kosovo Liberation Army when
it was demilitarised in 1999."

So, even in criticism, the Western media
pulls its punches. The
demilitarization is accepted as fact in an
article which provides evidence
that it is a lie! And the KPC is presented
as having popped out of the ground
like a weed when it was planted and watered
by the UNMIK and KFOR.




The arrest of the KPC terrorists who blew up
this bus is of course 'embarassing' because:

a) "The UNMIK established the Kosovo
Protection Corps"
(see Clinton's Letter to Congress of 16 June
2000 (3)) and

b) the "links between the KPC and organised
crime and political violence are
an open secret in Kosovo" (Telegraph, 28
March 2001 (16)) and therefore

c) KFOR and UNMIK are responsible for the
KPC's murderous attacks.

KFOR and UNMIK apparently recovered from
initial embarrassment. They released
three of the suspects. The fourth, a certain
Florim Ejupi, miraculously
escaped from detention in Bondsteel, the
impenetrable U.S. military base in

Undoubtedly the detention center guards were
'unprepared' for the escape
attempt of this latter-day Houdini, which
therefore threw the poor things
'into confusion,' a fact they subsequently
found 'highly embarrassing.'

And of course nobody was arrested for
letting Florim Ejupi get away because
'everyone makes mistakes.' And isn't the
humiliation of it all punishment
enough? (On Florim Ejupi , see Los Angeles
Times, 15 May 2001) (17)

Contrary to the
/we're-just-bumbling-bureaucrats' line which
KFOR, UNMIK and the apologist
media routinely offer to explain the
unending reign of terror in Kosovo, the
U.S. Army's own rules hold KFOR commanders
criminally responsible for
systematic terrorism carried out on their

"The commander is also responsible if he has
actual knowledge, or should have
knowledge, through reports received by him
or through other means, that
troops or other persons subject to his
control are about to commit or have
committed a war crime and he fails to take
the necessary and reasonable steps
to insure compliance with the law of war or
to punish violators thereof.... "
--US Army Field Manual Law of Land Warfare

Holding onto that thought, let us return to
the KFOR news release posted at
the start. It states that based on KFOR's
'soft policy' toward the UCPMB, 450
terrorists turned themselves in and were
subsequently released unless there
was evidence they had committed a 'serious

A few thoughts:

1) Newspaper accounts routinely describe the
UCPMB 'extremists' attacking
inner Serbia as local Albanians, driven to
rebellion by intolerable
oppression. But these 450 - 450! -
'extremists' were arrested in Kosovo, not
inner Serbia. Obviously they are not people
driven by abuse to take up arms;
they are part of the Kosovo Liberation Army,
now reorganized into the Kosovo
Protection Corps, just like the terrorists
attacking Macedonia.

2) Under UN Resolution 1244, KFOR must not
limit itself to a 'soft policy'
which permits terrorist murderers
voluntarily turn themselves in and be
released. It is KFOR's obligation to hunt
down and jail these terrorists.

So why does KFOR go through this charade of
voluntary detention of terrorists
followed by their release? Because the
charade is calculated to solve a
certain tricky problem.

On the one hand, KFOR wants the citizens of
NATO countries to think it acts
tough against terror. But on the other hand,
the KPC terrorists are its
creation; they constitute a proxy army used
to destabilize the Balkans, which
is NATO's strategic goal.

Moreover, the terrorists require clear
evidence that NATO supports them. This
is discussed in the shortened version of our
third interview with Cedomir
Prlincevic, the Kosovo archivist.
(See 'What's Behind KLA Strategy in the
Balkans?') (19)

Mr. Prlincevic explains that certain
features of Albanian culture make the
powerful Albanian clan leaders highly
susceptible to threats and
demonstrations of power from ethnic
Albanians. Therefore it is crucial that
the KLA show it has super-powerful NATO
behind it.

NATO wishes to provide evidence that it
supports the KLA but it cannot do so
openly without alienating Western public
opinion. After all, the KLA is
attacking Macedonia and inner Serbia. The
Macedonian government has in the
past been NATO's errand boy and the current
government of Serbia is staunchly
pro-NATO. So NATO must seem to oppose the
secessionist attacks on Macedonia
and inner Serbia.

By accepting the voluntary surrender of
terrorists (renamed 'extremists') and
then releasing all those 'not suspected of
having committed serious crimes,'
NATO resolves the paradox of its duplicity.
The detentions say, 'We oppose
Albanian terrorism,' but the releases say,
"We support it."

And that, dear friends, is the truth.

As George Thompson has documented in his
article, 'Roots of Kosovo Fascism,'
the KLA and the KPC are the political
descendents of the Albanian
terrorist/fascists who ruled Kosovo as
puppets of Nazi Germany in World War
II. (20)

By supporting the KLA terrorist/fascists in
Kosovo, KFOR and UNMIK leaders
have not only violated international law,
including the Helsinki Final Act;
they have not only made a mockery of UN
Security Council Resolution 1244.

They have also put the political descendents
of the World War II Nazis back
in power in Kosovo. It is a fact that the
ethnic Albanian Nazis in Kosovo
were the last Nazis to surrender - they kept
fighting until 1950. U.S. and
Euro policies have, shockingly, brought
these, the worst elements among
Kosovo Albanians, to power once again. Read
carefully the following 'L.A.
Times' report regarding the joy of some
ethnic Albanians when German troops
returned to the Kosovo city of Prizren in
June 1999:

[START L.A. Times excerpt]
"...Many Kosovo Albanians sided with the
Nazis during World War II, and
today, some of them do not distinguish
between the past and present German
armies--both of which, to their way of
thinking, accomplished the same feat:
freeing them from Serbian rule. "This is a
second liberation," said Ali Majo,
68, a native of this city in southwestern
Kosovo. "I can't describe how it
felt when we saw German soldiers come to
liberate us again."

"So much for moral victories in the Balkans.

"Majo was 10 years old when the German
Wehrmacht rolled into Prizren in April
1941. The Nazis arrived in the hills around
town on motorcycles, looked
through their binoculars and opened fire on
a partisan artillery position, he recalled.

'"After that, they came in and circled the
town,' Majo said. 'We all shouted,
Heil Hitler. We were proud of the German
soldiers because they liberated us
from the Serbs.'

"Naim Poloshka, 72, remembers how one of the
Wehrmacht soldiers gave him a
chocolate and a ride on his motorcycle. They
drove him around town so he
could point out houses where partisans

"Like much of Prizren, Poloshka was stunned
when he woke one morning to find
that the Germans had hanged nine suspected
partisans--five Serbs and four
ethnic Albanians--in the center of town

"But it did not dampen his enthusiasm for
the Nazis." [END L.A. Times excerpt] (21)

We call on KFOR soldiers and UN employees in
Kosovo, of all nationalities:
implement UN Resolution 1244. Arrest the
terrorist leaders of the KPC,
responsible for forcing hundreds of
thousands of non-Albanians and
anti-Fascist Albanians out of Kosovo, for
kidnapping and murdering untold
numbers of people in Kosovo, inner Serbia
and Macedonia.

By doing this, you will obey both
international law and your mandate under UN
Resolution 1244 and you will uphold your
honor as soldiers rather than thugs.

If anyone dares try to stop you from doing
this, they are criminals -
regardless of rank - and should be arrested
as well.

- Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff

Emperors Clothes Urgently Needs Financial Help!


(1) KFOR OnLine 24 May 2001

(2) United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1244 (1999) at:

(3) President Clinton's 16 June 2000 Letter
to Congress on U.S. Forces in
Kosovo can be found at:

(4) Russian Press Digest, 21 September 1999
is posted at:

(4a) 'Concentration Camps and
Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo' documents the
terrorist character of the 'reformed' KLA is
posted at

(5) Translated by Emperor's Clothes from La
Stampa, 20 September 1999, Page
9, "Kosovo, e' il primo L'UCK consegna agli
italiani deposito di armi" posted

(6) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo' posted at:

(7) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in
Kosovo' posted at:

(8) The Irish Times, Thursday 5 July 2001
"Rebel chief worked for UN funded
force in Kosovo: The leader of the
Macedonian rebels was originally paid by
the UN" by Chris Stephen in Pristina. Posted

(9) Fox News Sunday, 09:00 Sunday 16
September 2001 "Special Report: America
United" transcript posted at:

(10) Red Cross Spokesmen Refute Pentagon
Lies' Interview by Jared Israel
posted at:

(11) Sunday Times (London), Sunday 10 June
2001, "Macedonia on brink of war"
by Tom Walker, Diplomatic Correspondent,
posted at:

(12) Regarding the opening of the border
with Albania, see "Gracko survivors
blame NATO." This include a 24 July 1999
Report from Gracko village, sent out
by the Information Service of the Serbian
Orthodox Church. With introduction
by jared Israel. Posted at:

For documentation of the charge that a
company associated with the U.S.
military and CIA created the training camps
for the KLA in Northern Albania,

(13) 'The shame of NATO: Interviews with
Serbian Refugees from Kosovo' posted

(14) For a list of 'Interviews & other
Articles that Document NATO
Sponsorship of Kosovo Terrorists'
go to
Regarding the potentially fatal act of
standing by a window, see 'Time is so
Short,' an Interview with Simca Kazazic,
which can be read at

14a) Cox News Service, 12 October 1999
"Former University of Georgia graduate
student murdered in Kosovo" by Plott Brice
reporting from Athens, GA. Posted

(15) To read the full text of the London
Observer article with excerpts from
the UN report documenting terrorist actions
by the UN-created Kosovo
Protection Corps, see
'How will you plead at your trial, Mr.
Annan?' at:

(16) The Daily Telegraph (London), Wednesday
28 March 2001 Page 15 "SAS
troops seize Kosovo bomb suspects" by
Christian Jennings in Pristina. Posted

(17) Los Angeles Times, Tuesday 15 May 2001
Home Edition, Part A, Part 1,
Page 4, Foreign Desk, "Kosovo Bus Bombing
Suspect Escapes" at:

The Law of Land Warfare,"1956

BALKANS?' excerpt from interview with
Cedomir Prlincevic at

(20) 'The roots of Kosovo fascism' by George
Thompson at

LIBERATORS FROM SERBS,' 'Los Angeles Times,'
June 17, 1999, Thursday, Home
Part A; Page 18;

Further Reading:

The following articles talk about the attack
on southern Serbia:

a) On the evidence that Kosovo Protection
Corps (that is, KLA) members are
the ones attacking southern Serbia, see:
'Who is Behind Terrorist Attacks on
'Serbia Proper'? by Jared Israel at

b) For an eye-witness account of the attacks
on southern Serbia, see:
'Pentagon Dogs' by Tika Yankovich at
(Mr. Yankovich assisted medical teams
treating wounded Yugoslav soldiers and
Serb policemen)

c) On evidence that the West is training
these KLA forces, see: 'Diplomats
Admit NATO Backs KLA Invasion of Inner
Serbia' at

d) On the participation of Islamist
terrorists from around the world in the
attacks on Macedonia, see 'CHECHEN
Yevgeni Kryshkin, at

Whereas not one member of the Kosovo
Liberation Army has been indicted for
war crimes - even though war crimes are the
KLA's method of operation - a
special UN institution, "The International
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia"
(ICTY) has been set up to prosecute Serbian
leaders who have resisted the
attack on Yugoslavia. Regarding that body,

'Official Statements Prove Hague "Tribunal"
Belongs to NATO'
by Jared Israel at:
'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
by Jared Israel at:
'Back to the Dark Ages?'
by Jared Israel at:
'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment'
by Dr. Hans Koechler, President, at:
'The War Crimes Tribunal: Illegal Origins'
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at:

'The War Crimes Tribunal: Learning from the
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at:
Secret witnesses; some defendants are more
equal than others.


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