> http://emperors-clothes.com/docs/refutat.htm

[Emperor's Clothes]

ARTICLES ON SREBRENICA (with brief descriptions)
[3 August 2001]

The media is using the - in our opinion -
outrageous conviction of General
Krstic by NATO's Hague 'Tribunal' to
broadcast massive amounts of sheer
misinformation about what happened in
the town of Srebrenica 6 years ago. The
following list of articles about Srebrenica
includes brief descriptions:

following two articles deal with the
brutal mistreatment of General Krstic.
(Abuse of Serbs by The Hague
'Tribunal' is commonplace; the latest
example is the completely unjustified
confinement of President Slobodan Milosevic
in total isolation from other
prisoners, and even from his wife.)
The articles on Krstic are: 'Appeal:
Help Save The Life of Gen. Krstic, Tormented at the Hague' at
and 'Statement of the Daughter of General Krstic' at

'Refuting the Srebrenica Myth: An Islamist
Perspective' by Konstantin Kilibarda.
Statements from embittered leaders of the
Islamist forces in Srebrenica and
information from the United Nations
suggest that Washington and the
Izetbegovic government in Sarajevo
conspired to fabricate a massacre story
for propaganda purposes. Can be read at

3 - Jared Israel's 'Five Years On & the
Lies Continue' appeared last year as
a full page ad in the 'Sydney Herald'
and the 'New York Post.' The article,
which can be read at http://emperors-
clothes.com/articles/jared/texts.htm ,
argues that it wasn't the Islamists but
ordinary Serbian villagers who were
slaughtered by the terrorists under Nasir
Oric at Srebrenica. The Australian
advertisement led to an intense debate
on Australian Public Radio between
Israel and the 'NY Times' Srebrenica 'expert' David Rohde.

3- David Rohde vs. Max Sinclair and Jared Israel

David Rohde wrote the original Srebrenica
massacre story when he was a
'Christian Science Monitor' reporter in
1995. By making loud if unsubstantiated
accusations against the Bosnian Serbs he landed a perch at
the 'NY Times' from which he has been
issuing fanciful Srebrenica updates at
strategic intervals ever since.

The debate between Emperor's Clothes
and Rohde began with the publication of
'Why has the War Crimes Tribunal
suppressed testimony about Srebrenica?' by
Max Sinclair and Jared Israel at

David Rohde replied to Sinclair and
Israel in an email which he sent to Prof.
Drasko Jovanovic, with whom he had been
corresponding about Srebrenica. Go to

Jovanovic forwarded Rohde's comments
to Sinclair and Israel who answered
Rohde by email at

Prof. Jovanovic also sent Emperor's
Clothes a short memoir concerning his
experience as a boy in Nazi occupied
Yugoslavia. which can be read at
Here Prof. Jovanovic dealt
with real genocide, as opposed to
the Rohde's unsubstantiated claims.

Rohde then took his dispute with
Emperors Clothes to the pages of the 'NY
Times,' writing an article in which he
omitted nothing but Israel and
Sinclair's actual arguments. Jared
Israel replied to Rohde's 'Times' piece at

Prof. Jovanovic also replied, at

4 - George Pumphrey has written perhaps
the two best- documented articles
exposing government and media fabrications
about Srebrenica. The first is
'Srebrenica: 3 Years Later and Still Searching;' it can be read at
The more recent piece is 'Scandal in the Hague' at
which includes an introduction by Jared Israel
dealing with 'justice' as practiced at the Hague 'Tribunal.'

5 - Ren� Gr�maux and Abe de Vries'
analysis, 'The Construction of a Trauma.'
is ostensibly noncommittal regarding
whether there was in fact a massacre,
but the documentation argues against.
Here you will find firm refutation from
the Dutch -UN command as well as
self-contradictory testimony from supposed
witnesses. Can be read at http://emperors-

6 - Sarah Standefer has written a
sharp rebuttal to the Srebrenica argument
which has been revived, as she points
out, to suit NATO's current propaganda
needs. See 'Thoughts On Srebrenica ' at

7 - Here are some Useful Articles
on the 'International Criminal Tribunal for
Yugoslavia' (ICTY) also known as The Hague 'Tribunal'

* In 'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment'
Dr. Hans Koechler, the distinguished philosopher
and social-legal analyst associated with the United
Nations examines the Tribunal and does not
like what he finds. Can be read at

* In 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?',
Attorney Chris Black examines the
Tribunal's history and methods of operations. Can be read at

* Dr. Kosta Cavoski, a distinguished
Yugoslav legal scholar, has written a
mind-boggling four-part series.

In 'The War Crimes Tribunal vs. Gen. Djordje Djukic' at
and 'The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic' at
Professor Cavoski deals with the torture and
physical destruction of Serbian 'defendants'.

In Illegal Origins' at
Professor Cavoski analyzes the Tribunal's
legal rationale, or lack of same.

In 'Learning from the Inquisition' at
Professor Cavoski describes the practices of
the Tribunal, which thoroughly violate what we
would consider natural legal guarantees


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Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia (CNJ).
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