* Balkanac (D. Maksimovic)
* Ai lavoratori italiani... (M. Simovic)
* We are the ones (N. Pavic)
* Prkosna Pesma (D. Eric)
* Il buon senso (I. Slavo)


BALKANAC (Desenka Maksimovic)

Ne stidim se sto sam-
kako vi velite-
varvarin sa Balkana
tla prljavstine i bure.
Cucete sad
i kod nas ima neke
vama nepoznate kulture.

Vi prvo ispitujete i sumnjate
daleki ste i od rodjenih sinova,
za trpezu svoju ne posadite
svakog tudjina.
Vi mozete da pijete
a da svakom ne pruzite
case vina.

A kod nas su jos obicaji grubi
mi pustamo svakog pod svoje sleme,
kod nas se jos i s namernikom ljubi,
kod nas se podvizi zbog gostoljublja cine,
kod nas svaki covjek ima
citavo pleme
prijatelja i rodbine.

nekoliko miliona Hristovih kipova
na svakog covjeka po jednoga
imaju ga drumovi i polja,apsane i skole,
a kod nas,kad ljudi veruju u Boga
u sebi ga nose
i tiho mu se
skoro u snu,mole.

Vi,istina,za svaki kut zivota
imate sprava i masina,
sve ste sracunali i sve znate
izumi vasi su za divljenje,
a mi jos imamo starinske alate,
ali sve je kod nas jos zdravo
i prirodno ko glina
i umiranje,i radjanj,i zivljenje.

Vi imate citave zbirke
pravila i nauka o slobodi
o svemu se kod vas pise i pripoveda
ali mi po nepisanim zakonima
slobodno zivimo
i nekog prirodnog drzimo se reda
slicno ognju,vetru i vodi.

Kod vas je zbilja sve tacno propisano
kako se jede,govori i oblaci,
a mi kad govorimo,vicemo
i masemo rukama
i corbu glasno srcemo
i u rukavicama smo
obucu nosimo od svinjske koze,
puno je kod nas seljackih navika i stvari
i kraljevski preci nasi
doista su bili govedari.

Narod nas,zbilja,u gnevu moze da kolje
rusi i pali,
ali mi nismo oni sto smisleno tlace
mi ne smatramo da je svet celi nase polje
mi ne bismo podneli
ni urodjenik prasumski da zbog nas place.

Dusa je nasa prostrana
iako smo brojem mali.


"The Balkan Character" (Desenka Maksimovic)

I am not ashamed to be -
as you say -
a Barbarian from the Balkans:
that soil of dirt and tempest.
You will hear now
we also have some,
unknown to you, culture.

You first examine and doubt,
estranged you are even from your own sons,
and you do not invite just anyone
at your abundant tables.
You can drink,
yet not offer to everyone
a glass of wine.

Yet by us the customs are rough
we let everyone under our roof,
by us we kiss even the stranger,
by us heroic deeds are done in the name of hospitality,
by us every man has
a whole tribe
of friends and relatives.

You do, truth is, have
a few million statues of Christ
one for everyone of you
on your roads and fields, in your jails and schools,
but by us, when people believe in God
they carry Him within
and quietly, as in a dream, they
pray to Him.

You have, truth is, for every aspect of life
devices and machines,
you've calculated all and omniscient you are,
your inventions are marvelous,
but we still use obsolete tools,
yet everything by us is still healthy,
and natural as clay
dying, giving birth, and living.

You have entire collections
of rules and sciences on freedom
you write and speak of everything
but we, by unwritten laws,
freely live
and keep to some natural order
like the fire, wind and water.

By you, everything really is precisely prescribed
how to eat, speak and dress,
yet when we speak - we shout
and wave our arms
and we slurp our soup
and we wear gloves
and shoes of pig's leather,
there are many peasant habits and things by us
and even those royal ancestors of ours
really were a cow-herding lot.

Our people, the truth is, can slaughter in rage
bring down and burn,
but we are not of those who deliberately oppress
we do not consider the whole world as our field
we could not stand
even that natives in the jungles cry because of us.

Our soul is all-embracing
although our numbers are small.


Da Simovic Milica ai lavoratori Italiani ed ai loro figli

Dov' questo mare delle lacrime dei bambini
che ogni giorno diventa pi grande ............
Si trova forse su qualche carta geografica
perch lo veda tutto il mondo ?

Si abbattuta una tempesta feroce
su questo pallido mare delle lacrime dei bambini
E' stata la tempesta a distruggere i sogni ...
oppure stato il frutto delle mani di qualcuno ?

Per i bambini hanno trovato l'aiuto di qualcuno
di quelle persone che combattono per i diritti dei bambini
Persone che amano e che saranno amate
perch questo si chiama amicizia



WE are the ones,
The mighty ones!
That stand with honor and pride.
Though fear may knock us down,
Two seconds or so...
We rise!
We stand straight and tall,
Defending what is ours...
With our souls.
We fought for centuries like that.
Until lies to all the other ones,
Have been told...
They told the world,
That we were the enemy,
They provided false proof.
Lies were told to the world
That we were the enemy,
And must be destroyed...
What happened to us?
The world shall ask tomorrow.
Yet only we know...
The truth...

(Natalija Pavic, 12 years old, Toronto)


Prkosna pesma (Dobrica Eric)

kci Bozja
izjavljujem dragovoljno
kroz lance i zicu
pred svedocima
Silom, Mukom i Nepravdom
da kriva sam i da priznajem krivicu!

Kriva sam sto sam neko
a ne niko i netko
Kriva sam sto u doba
opsteg Srbobrsta
idem u pravoslavnu crkvu
doduse, poretko
i sto se krstim ovako
s tri prsta!

Kriva sam sto jesam
a treba da nisam
Kriva sam odavno
sto stojim uspravno
i gledam u nebo, umesto u travu
Kriva sam sto se drznuh
protiv krivde
kriva sam
sto opet slavim svoju krsnu slavu!

Kriva sam sto pisem i citam

Kriva sam sto pevam
smejem se i psujem
(a ponekad i lajem)

Kriva sam, i priznajem
da ne znam sto znam, i da znam sto,
ne znam

Kriva sam i da zavrsim
s najvecom krivicom
(pre nego sto se zacenim od smeha)
Kriva sam, tvrdoglavka
sto sam Pravoslavka
i Svetosavka i sto ne verujem
u sveti zlocin i oprostaj greha!
Kriva sam i gresna, dakle sto

i kad vec postojim i jos drsko stojim
sto bar ne priznam da ne postojim!

Ako to priznam
da sacuvam glavu
izgubicu casni krst i krsnu slavu
Ako ne priznam
crno mi se pise
ceo svet ce na moju Zemlju da kidise
Rulje bivsih ljudi
lopova i golja
copori robota i drugih monstruma
kidisanje na moje vocnjake i polja
i na moje bele kuce pored druma
oko kojih, kao najlepse odive
cvetaju tresnje, jabuke i sljive, (...)

Moja ruza slika
ozaerena lika
koju umnozavate u veceri i jutra
to je slika vase svesti i podsvesti
To nisam ja, spolja
to ste vi - iznutra!
Mnogo smo vazne
Zemljo moja mila
Ja i Moje sestre
Istina i Pravda
cim se na nas digla ovolika sila
cim su na nas zinule krivda
i nepravda.

Sta ce ovde dzihadlije
koji Mi cerece sinove i kceri
Mora da su cule belosvetske bande
da imamo zlatna Srca
pa ih vade
da ih presade u sopstvene grudi
ne bi li i oni tako bili ljudi (...)

Ja se ne plasim smrti crne duge
vec ropskog zivota i bolesti duge
Smrt je cesta pojava medj nama Srbima
kao sto su prolece
I nije strasnija
pogotovo danju
od suse
kad je covjek sretne na svome imanju
okadjene duse i svetla obraza,

siti i maniti
sve mi zabraniste u rodjenoj kuci
al ne moze mi niko zabraniti
da pevam i da se smejem, umiruci
A to se vama vise ne dogadja
ni kad svadbujete
ni kad, vam se radja!

Postedite me koca i konopca
i razapnite me na vrhu planina
kao vasi praoci sto su mog praoca
Isusa Hrista Nazarecanina.

Ja cu da gledam
a vi zazmurite
Inace ce vam se oci rasprsnuti
od sjaja mog lica
Samo pozurite
Sto me pre razapnete
pre cu vaskrsnuti!


Spiteful Verses (Dobrica Eric)

divine daughter
hereby freely state
with shackles and through the wire
before my witnesses
Force, Suffering and Injustice
that I am guilty and that I confess!

I am guilty of being someone
instead of no one or niemand
I am guilty of going
to the Orthodox church
in times of general Serb-hunt
and guilty of crossing myself
not too often though
thus, with three fingers!

I am guilty of existing
instead of being unreal.
I have a long standing guilt
of standing upright
and looking up to the sky
instead of down at the grass
I am guilty of daring
and challenging injustice
I am guilty of celebrating again
my family patron saint!

I am to blame for reading and writing
in Cyrillic

I am guilty of singing,
laughing and cursing
(and sometimes barking)

I am guilty, and I confess
that I do not know what I do,
and that I know why I don't know

I am guilty and to name
my greatest guilt
(before I die laughing)
I'm guilty - pig-headed as I am
of being Orthodox
devoted to St. Sava
and of not believing in
the Holy crime and the absolution!

My sin and my guilt is that I exist
and with all that I stand spitefully
refusing to confess I am not real!

Should I confess
to save my life
I will loose the sacred cross
and the patron saint.
Should I refuse
dire future awaits
the entire world will raid my land
Swarms of former men
Thieves and paupers
Packs of robots and other monsters yet
will pounce on my orchards and fields
and my little white houses along the roads
adorned by green goddesses
cherry, apple and plum trees (...)

My ugly image
With monstrous features
That you multiply morning and evening
It's the image
of your conscience and subconscience
That's not me on the outside
That's you - on the inside!
We are very important,
I and my sisters
Truth and Justice
for such mighty forces have rallied against us
and Wrong and Injustice are sneering at us.

Why are Jihad warriors
Crusaders or
to quarter my sons and daughters
I suppose that foreign hordes have heard
that we have hearts of gold
and they are ripping them out
to replace their own
hoping to become human. (...)

I fear not death - the black conclusion
but slavery and endless sickness
Death is a common thing among us Serbs
Just like Spring
and it is not so fearsome
especially in daylight
no more than the drought
if one meets with it on his farm
his soul cleansed with incense
his honor untarnished.

well-fed and deranged,
you've banned all in my own home,
but no one can stop me
from singing and laughing as I am dying!
For you no longer laugh or sing
neither on weddings
nor when a child is born!

Spare me the rope and the spear
and crucify me on a mountain top
as your forefathers did my forefather
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I will look on
and you close your eyes
for they might shatter
in the brightness of my face
hurry now,
crucify me this day
and I shall be resurrected sooner!



Nati molto dopo il sessantotto, non urlavamo
per piacere
se occupammo scuole era per futili motivi
e ancora esplodiamo di rassegnazione.

Ma voi canaglie, esseri vuoti di morale,
voi reticenti sulle stragi della NATO
e complici di crimini di Stato
sciacalli, opportunisti, masnada di assassini

voi che il massimo di sforzo lo impiegate in battimani
a fare le troie e gli avvocati degli americani
con quel pessimo buon senso - vi dovreste vergognare
ancora nessuno vi ha presentato il conto da pagare.

Voi zitti su Jasenovac, voi bugiardi fino in cima,
che non avete mai memoria ne' speranza ne' autostima
e dopo trenta anni non capite ancora Piazza Fontana:
voi triste buoncostume, ignobili figli di puttana

noi - viceversa - non abbiamo da dimenticare
dobbiamo solo capire cosa andremo a raccontare
ai figli ed ai nipoti, ai popoli fratelli
voi decadenza, cimitero dei cervelli

(Italo Slavo)

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj