> http://www.diplomatiejudiciaire.com/Tpy/Milosevic17.htm

Entretien avec Jacques Vergès
«Le procès Milosevic est un rituel de diabolisation»

Il n?y a pas de dialogue possible avec ce tribunal, ce
tribunal est fait pour le condamner. Et sa condamnation est
faite pour justifier l?agression. Ces éléments de preuve,
on peut les apporter devant l?opinion.
C?est toute la stratégie des procès de rupture.

> http://www.diplomatiejudiciaire.com/Tpy/Milosevic17.htm


> http://www.workers.org/ww/2002/milosevic0124.php

'Judge is English, prosecutor is English ...'

Milosevic defies his NATO captors

By John Catalinotto

> http://www.workers.org/ww/2002/milosevic0124.php


The Trial Of Slobodan Milosevic
Public Meeting - Friday 1st Feb. 7pm

Featured Speakers:
Christopher Black: Canadian barrister, war crimes
expert and defence lawyer at International war
tribunal in Rwanda. He is also chair of the legal
panel for the International Committee for the Defence
of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
Misha Gavrilovic: of the British-Serbian Alliance is a
prominent broadcaster and member of the Serbian
Community in Britain. He has had over 800 media
appearances in the past decade relating to the
conflict in Yugoslavia.
The trial of Yugoslav Ex-President Slobodan Milosevic
is about to begin at NATO?s Tribunal in The Hague. For
twelve years, Mr Milosevic has been vilified and
accused of the most heinous acts in order to justify
NATO?s war policiesagainst his home country.

The Tribunal was established by the UN Security
Council, which had no mandate to do so. Its purpose
has been to justify NATO?s first military intervention
in its history and in advance delegitimise its prime
victims, the Serbian nation, by equating them with
Nazis. Mr. Milosevic, who was kidnapped against the
ruling of the Yugoslav Supreme Court, has been denied
his fundamental rights by this tribunal.
The War however has not stopped. NATO has now
unleashed war in Macedonia using its proxy forces of
the KLA terrorists.
Come to the meeting. Hear why Mr Milosevic?s record of
resistance to foreign aggression must be defended.
Hear and discuss key issues suppressed or avoided by
the mainline media in Nato countries like Britain.

Conway Hall - Red Lion Square, London W1 (Holborn)
Organised by the Committee to Defend Slobodan
CDSM, PO Box 19598, London E11 2XB Tel 07786 853565