From: "JVP Italia" <jvpitalia @>

Cari Amici e Compagni

come avrete senz'altro saputo dai mezzi di informazioni, la
popolazione dello Sri Lanka ha subito vittime e danni ingentissimi a
seguito dello Tsunami di questi giorni. Il nostro Partito (JVP) è
fattivamente impegnato attraverso la sua Brigata di Servizio Sociale
in interventi di primo soccorso alla popolazione, tramite la
distribuzione di viveri, coperte e medicinali. Facciamo appello alla
vosta coscienza internazionalista per un intervento solidale a
sostegno del nostro Popolo e degli sforzi della nostra Organizzazione.

Vi invitiamo pertanto a collaborare attraverso un contributo in denaro
da effettuarsi tramite versamento sulconto corrente di " RADIO ONDA
11200, SPECIFICARE LA CAUSALE "solidarieta'sri lanka"

Una mano sul cuore, l'altra sul portafogli!

JVP-SRI LANKAComitato in Italia – Via G.Giolitti 231 – 00185, Roma

Tel/Fax;06 30609546 Cell;3200844252 Cell;3396267506

E-mail; jvpitalia@...

Aderisci al programma di sostegno alla popolazione vittima delle
devastazioni dello Sri Lanka! - JVP
Il JVP fa appello a tutti i suoi membri che ancora non hanno aderito
al Programma Nazionale di sostegno alle vittime dello tsunami a farlo
il prima possibile recandosi presso la sezione di Partito di zona il
prima possibile.

Già la Brigata di Servizio Sociale del JVP sta operando attivamente
con ufficiali governativi per intervenire in aiuto dei più bisognosi.

Il JVP attraverso la sua Brigata di Servizio Sociale sta già
adoperandosi nella distribuzione di pasti caldi e medicinali e in
operazioni di primo soccorso verso la popolazione.

Il JVP fa apppello a quanti vogliano contribuire al Programma
Nazionale a portare il loro sostegno e i loro contributi presso le
sezioni del Partito di zona.

Inoltre il JVP ha aperto un conto corrente presso la People's Bank
branch at Nugegoda per raccogliere fondi per interventi strutturali.
Quanti desiderino intervenire attivamente sono pregati di effettuare
un versamento con causale "Relief Services Fund-JVP" sul numero di
conto corrente 0174 165 010815 6.

Ulteriori dettagli verranno forniti telefonando al numero 094-011-2822379.


Step forward to overcome the catastrophe!

Our beloved Motherland is going through the worst calamity it has
faced in its long history. It is evident that of all the countries
that were devastated by the tsunami, our country was the worst hit. At
the moment the beloved people in many coastal areas are going through
immense hardships and trauma.

It is indeed befitting that the Government decided to declare an
emergency disaster situation as soon as the natural calamity unfolded.
Now what should be done is to declare the next week as a week of
National disaster management week and get the attention of the whole
nation and embark on a massive operation of people's participation.
We are confident that our beloved people are more than ready at a
natural calamity, as the one we have faced, to shed petit differences
and line up for a common objective.

One of our main tasks is to find the bodies of the victims of this
natural calamity and make arrangements to have decent funerals. The
other would be to bring to normality those thousands who survived the
ordeal but have lost all their belongings, loved ones and are
destitute and in trauma. It does mean that not only the necessary food
and water should be made available but also the whole process of
carrying them through from a refugee camp to their future homes should
be executed. Another important task is to take necessary steps to
prevent deceases that would spread with the aftermath of the calamity.

It is necessary to mobilize the whole nation to accomplish these three
primary tasks. It is indeed appropriate that the Government's
attention is drawn to steer the operation of fulfilling these three tasks.

This is not a catastrophe we ever expected. No one has the capacity to
avoid such natural disasters. This is evident in the way other more
advanced countries which faced the destruction were unable to predict
the nature and scale of the catastrophe. What is now necessary is to
stand up to it. We should turn the catastrophe to a platform for
positive ness and muster vigour of the whole nation to break free of
the tribulation. The JVP has already mobilized its membership into a
Social Relief Brigade and launched a "National Programme of bringing
to normality the victims of the calamity." Our membership has already
spread out in areas devastated by the tsunami and is engaged in relief
work. It is necessary that steps should be taken to direct
disorganized enthusiasm in a constructive manner. Finally we would
like to extend our sympathy to all those who have lost their loved
ones and belongings and call upon all patriotic people to come forward
to stand determine to overcome this calamity.

Political Bureau,

Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna(JVP)
