(italiano / english)

Leonid Ivashov: The Struggle will Get Fiercer

1) Kosovo and Metohia: The Struggle will Get Fiercer (01.09.2007.)

...Russia has been adamant in its refusal to resort to treason the like of that committed in
its time by the then Russian premier Viktor Chernomyrdin... The pro-American enclave in
Kosovo provides for the concentration of U.S. armed forces in the region and the
development of its military base Camp Bondsteel...

2) L'Occidente interferisce negli affari interni della Russia. Molto probabili scenari
inquietanti e pericolosi (31.05.2007.)

...L'Occidente attua una politica di ingerenza negli affari interni della Russia... Nel corso
della storia, non c'è mai stata una fase di cooperazione autentica tra Russia e Occidente...

3) FLASHBACK: Russian troops withdrew from Serbia too early (14.05.2004.)

=== 1 ===


Strategic Cultural Foundation (Russia)
September 1, 2007

Kosovo and Metohia: The Struggle will Get Fiercer

Leonid Ivashov

Despite its territorial locality, the Kosovo problem
continues to be in the focus of attention of
international community, affecting the character of
interaction of the United States, Russia and Europe
and threatening to provoke a serious aggravation of
Russian-U.S. relations.

What is the most profound reason of this battle that
promises the emergence of new dividing lines in
European and global politics?

Had something of the kind happened somewhere in
Africa, everyone would have long forgotten all about
it, whereas the Kosovo problem has come to the fore,
and keeps exciting the whole world.

My explanation is that what is being modelled in
Kosovo and Metohia in the most critical form are the
models of mankind's development, where the interests
of different civilisations clash and where strategies
of the action of different power centres are taking

The main players on the Kosovo field include
international financial capital that is using the
United States as its high-power battering ram, Europe
that is now under U.S. control, and NATO as a military
arm of the U.S., as well as European capital and
Russia that is getting its feet on the ground, no
longer willing to toe the Western line.

The clashes of the parties, each with their own
positions, indicate the disappearance of the
illusionary end of the "cold war", thus refuting the
lies about the existence of a unipolar world.

The departure of the Soviet Union from the global
political arena was trumpeted as a victory of the
West, and "Western values" were proclaimed as
universal for all the nations, states and

Understandably, there can be no diversity of
traditions, faiths, socio-economic development models
and models of interrelation between the state and
society. Everything here is flatly uniform and
everyone obeys the power of money.

Serbs who retain their sense of national pride refused
to live in this generally faceless and spiritless

Quite like us, Russians, they are unwilling to turn
into bio-robots whose only dream is food and pleasure.
Quite like us, they wish to be human beings saving
their souls and memories of their history, speaking to
God rather than Mammon.

However, new lords of the world, oligarchs of the
global empire of capital are unwilling to see
disobedient nations and states choose an independent
way of development, denying the Judaic-Protestant
standards that are actually nothing but surrogates of
spiritual and moral values.

That is why the Greater Yugoslavia was thrown into
war, broken down to pieces and placed under the
control of oligarchs.

The leaders of Serbian resistance movement were taken
into custody by the illegal Hague Tribunal.

Slobodan Milosevic was murdered, and genocide against
Serbs started. It all happened due to the fact that in
the late 1990s Serbs became a symbol of unbroken
spirit and an example of the struggle waged by Slavs
for the preservation of their national identity.

A wide arsenal of techniques and means was used in the
fight for the subjugation of Serbs, including secret
operations of special services, mass brain-washing of
Serbs, the creation and funding of a "fifth column",
building up of separatist sentiments, the formation
and arming of gangster groups, the use of economic
sanctions and political isolation, encouraging drug
trafficking, and finally, an overt military

That was followed by the adoption by the UN Security
Council of Resolution 1244. Paradoxically, it was
voted for with an eye to achieving results that were
the total opposite of what had been intended.

International peace-keepers and the UN mission did
their best to actually separate Kosovo and Metohia
from Serbia, tearing its spiritual heart out of the
body of the Serbian people.

Everything seemed to be ready for the legal
reinforcement of what had been done, for the
mortification of Serbs before the whole world and
establishing of a pro-American regime in Serbia, and
of Albanian fascist rule in Kosovo.

But things did not work out that way. The political
forces in Serbia, (with the exception of the "fifth
column" represented by Liberal Democrats) enjoying the
support of the nation rejected the capitulation.

They still continue their struggle.

Russia has been adamant in its refusal to resort to
treason the like of that committed in its time by the
then Russian premier Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Europe is currently making attempts – feeble as they
are – to identify something to substitute for the plan
worked out by Ahtisaari, who, according to mass media,
has been bought by Americans with the money of
Albanian Mafiosi.

Europe is on the lookout for a compromise, and that
was exactly how the German EU representative W.
Ischinger has described the idea of the division of
Kosovo into an Albanian and a Serbian zone.

The US attempts to take the Kosovo problem away from
the UN Security Council, handing its solution over to
the international Contact Group, have stumbled upon
the firm position of the Russian Foreign Ministry that
stated that "the suspension of the activities over
Kosovo at the UN Security Council does not signify the
removal of this subject from the framework of
activities of the United Nations. The final decision
as to Kosovo status should be made by the UN Security
Council based on the agreements between Serbs and
Kosovo Albanians."

What this means is Serbs have won a temporary victory,
and they continue to fight.

This fight is going to become more and more fierce
each and every day.

Serbs should not disregard the fact that the arsenal
of hostilities they are facing will be extending from
political pressure all the way down to the attempts to
strangulate Serbia by economic sanctions, terrorist
attacks and armed provocations.

The United States and the financial oligarchic circles
above it would hardly agree to lose control over the

The pro-American enclave in Kosovo provides for the
concentration of U.S. armed forces in the region and
the development of its military base Camp Bondsteel;
acting hand in hand with the U.S. military contingent
in Bosnia, Hercegovina and Bulgaria this would ensure
them control of the transit of hydrocarbons, carrying
out operations in the southern and south-eastern
directions and, when necessary, deploying any type of
weapons, including the elements of the U.S.
anti-missile system in Kosovo now under its control.

Indeed, such an ally of Washington as Agim Ceku is
tied up to Americans by the blood of hundreds of
murdered Serbs, supplies of drugs and the smuggling of
weapons to Europe and elsewhere.

Leaning on his assistance, the U.S. can finally make
true its idea of creating the "Greater Albania"
presenting Europe with a never-healing wound and a
criminal nursery for years to come.

Implementation of the project of a "Greater Albania"
would become a source of chronic instability for
Europeans similar to Iraq and Palestine in the Middle
East, Afghanistan and Kashmere in the Near East and
South Asia, the Caucasus and the Baltic states on the
space formerly taken by the USSR.

U.S. control over the Balkans would become for Russia
an obstacle in pursuing its policies..., facilitating
the process of destruction of historical ties with
Serbia and other Moscow's allies. On top of that
Americans and Britons would aggressively play the card
of "the clash of civilisations ", that is the standoff
among the Islamic, Orthodox Slavic and Western
Christian worlds.

The setting up of a gangster state based on the Kosovo
enclave meets the interests of the world's oligarchate
that is striving to consolidate the power of money and
criminal organisations globally.

Kosovo and Metohia are now the most important joint
strong point in the fight for a just world order; for
the preservation of national statehood as the basis of
development of international relations and for the
prospects of people retaining their Russian, Serbian,
German or French identities.

Who will win? No doubt the victory will be Serbian.

First, the winners in clashes of civilisation are they
whose historical roots are deeper, whose culture is
richer and whose spiritual foundations are firmer.

Americans, their masters and satellites have neither
the former, nor the latter two. Theirs is a Mammonish,
spiritless and perverted civilisation that has no

The wars in the Balkans, the Middle East and
Afghanistan have smoothly transformed into the battle
for the spiritual and moral values, which the opposite
side is lacking.

Second, there exists an ethnic category of Chimera,
described in great detail by L.Gumilev.

Worming into the body of another ethnos (or state) the
chimera begins destroying it as a worm or a virus
killing the healthy body.

Kosovo Albanians Ceku, Thaci, Paccoli and their likes
have already found their way into the bodies of Europe
and the United States, and their systems that suffer
from lack of energy required for simple reproduction
are getting more and more sick.

Third, the time of the Western dominance in world
politics and the economy is getting near the end.

Super-big dynamically developing Oriental countries
are overtaking the historical initiative in the
development of mankind.

Russia is also turning its face to the East.

Russian society is more and more consistently and
consciously clearing itself of the
Yeltsinist-Chubaisit ideology of negation of the
Russian tradition and neglect of its history. And that
means that Russia will stand firmer on the side of
Serbs and their just cause.

=== 2 ===


www.resistenze.org - popoli resistenti - russia - 14-06-07

da: www.voltairenet.org/article148632.html

L'Occidente interferisce negli affari interni della Russia

Molto probabili scenari inquietanti e pericolosi

Generale Leonid Ivashov*

31 maggio 2007

L'Occidente attua una politica di ingerenza negli affari interni della Russia, e attualmente
lo fa "abitualmente e a livello ufficiale", - è l'opinione di Leonid Ivashov, esperto russo di
problemi geopolitici.

"Nel corso della storia, non c'è mai stata una fase di cooperazione autentica tra Russia e
Occidente", pensa Ivashov.

L'Occidente, secondo lui, vorrebbe destabilizzare la Russia, ridurre la sua popolazione,
circondarla di strutture di controllo militare e impedire che ricostruisca la propria industria
della difesa e delle alte tecnologie.

Nel prossimo autunno, ci saranno tentativi di approfittare della campagna elettorale per
incrementare tale ingerenza e portare i cittadini russi, soprattutto i giovani, nelle strade,
ha affermato Ivashov in una tavola rotonda dedicata al futuro delle relazioni tra l'Occidente
e Mosca.

"E' uno scenario basato sul pessimismo, ma è anche il più probabile, e sarà accompagnato
dalla destabilizzazione nel Caucaso, dagli attentati terroristici e dai conflitti alle frontiere",
ha affermato.

Ivashov pensa che il Governo russo dovrebbe opporre a questa evoluzione drammatica un
proprio "progetto geopolitico nazionale" e tentare di raggruppare attorno alla Russia i
numerosi Stati che vedono in essa il leader spirituale del mondo.

* Il Generale Leonid Ivashov è vicepresidente dell'Accademia di Problemi Geopolitici. E'
stato capo del dipartimento Affari Generali del Ministero della Difesa dell'Unione Sovietica,
segretario del Consiglio dei Ministri della Difesa della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti
(CSI), capo del Dipartimento di Cooperazione Militare del Ministero della Difesa della
Federazione Russa. L'11 settembre 2001 ricopriva l'incarico di capo di Stato Maggiore
delle forze armate russe.

Traduzione dallo spagnolo per www.resistenze.org a cura del Centro di Cultura e
Documentazione Popolare

=== 3 ===


Russian troops withdrew from Serbia too early



URL: http://english.pravda.ru/world/europe/5583-serbia-0

Before the 5th anniversary of the beginning of NATO aggression against Yugoslavia,
massacre of Serbs took place in the area.

28 people were killed, 850 wounded, more than 3,500 evacuated. The NATO aggression
was started under the excuse of stopping ethnic cleansing. However, genocide to Serbs
was not stopped by NATO troops. Even Commander of NATO
peace-keepers in Southern Europe recognizes that ethnic cleansing is in progress in

International peace-keeping forces in Kosovo were not ready for such developments of
the situation . More than 60 peace-keepers were wounded during Albanian separatists
uprising. Today international troops protect only NATO prestige and their own lives, but
not the minorities of the region.

They did not really have this purpose in mind. As a participant of the negotiation on
Kosovo, I realized long time ago that the NATO and the forces behind it were looking any
excuse to interfere in Yugoslavia s domestic affairs, establish pro-NATO government,
disintegrate the country and oppress Serbs.

Kosovo radicals were acting as NATO allies, the alliance provided them with weapons and
training, encouraging their activity on disintegrating the country.

In December 1998 Russian Army General Staff gave NATO Commander general Wesley
Clarke detailed information on the weapons the Albanian radicals had, the ways of their
supplying with weapons, the location of the combatant bases and so on.
Joint actions could stop this dangerous process. However, NATO did nothing to stabilize
the situation. Moreover, in January 1999 general Clarke complained that NATO intelligence
was weak and could not confirm the information of

The drama was Russia s failure to support Serbia. Russia wanted to be good for everybody,
it did not want conflicts with NATO (after Russia-NATO Act was signed in 1997, but could
not support NATO either.

Russian mass media depicted Slobodan Milosevic as the murderer of innocent civilians in
Kosovo. Only after NATO started bombing Yugoslavia, the Kremlin urged by Russian
society, expressed its protest against the aggression. But it
did not provide the victim of the aggression with the assistance as UN Chapter requires.
Russia did not even request the UN to have urgent meeting of the Security Council.

Serbs were fighting with courage, while NATO was exhausted. The main anti-Serbian tool
was used special envoy of Russian President Mr. Chernomyrdin. He was appointed on this
post under the US administration request.

Victor Chernomyrdin ignored the requests of Russian President, Foreign and Defense
Ministries and supported NATO by signing the ultimatum prepared by American
Mr. Chernomyrdin arrived in Belgrad and submitted this ultimatum to Yugoslavian
authorities. Even President Yeltsin was indignant with his envoy s conduct and sent the
telegram in Belgrad to force him to follow President s orders. No result, and Serbs being
friendly to Russia, had to accept the ultimatum.

The advance of Russian paratroopers and deploying them in strategic aerodrome Slatina
inspired Serbs again. Russian soldiers did not allow to intimidate civilians and destroy
Orthodox churches in Kosovo.

??wever, this support did not last long either. Russian Ministry of Defense considered the
mission completed and withdrew the troops from Kosovo. This was the second case of
letting Serbs down.

This was the result of Russia's failure to introduce coherent foreign policy. Too many
Russian officials want to be good for Washington and Brussels in the first place.

Russia is encircled by NATO bases. Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan allowed NATO troops
on their territory. Belarus has been under pressure both from the East and the West, and
can join NATO in future. NATO aircrafts patrol the air space of the Baltic countries former
Soviet republics. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry and Army General Staff continue
saying that there is no threat from the West for Russia.

UN resolution # 1144 authorizes and urges Russia to interfere in the Kosovo events. The
situation in the region would be absolutely different if Moscow made a statement of its
readiness to deploy Russian troops in Kosovo. Russia could
have offered Serbian forces to participate, and this would protect Serbian minority in the
region. The Germans and French would act differently under these circumstances as well.

The d?velopments in Kosovo undermine Europe. European politicians realize that the USA
is creating a criminal enclave in the Balkans, and it will shake Europe for many years. This
is revenge to Europe for growing anti-Americanism and resistance to the war in Iraq. Were
Moscow more confident, it could have a support of some European countries, especially
Germany and France.

Russia s lack of firmness contributes neglecting international law and driving Serbs out of
Kosovo and Metokhia. The offer of some Duma deputies to accommodate Serbs in Russia
sounds cynical. Russia cannot solve the problem of millions of
homeless and poor, millions of Russians are living all over the world. Who of our Slavic
brothers will go the country which betrayed them?

Serbs were the last pro-Russian nation in the Balkans. Today Russia is risking to lost the
remains of their support.

Leonid Ivashov

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