(srpskohrvatski / francais / english)

Srebrenica ? 
2: 19-year-blueprint for US intervention

1) NEWS: Le criminel de guerre Naser Oric celebre a Srebrenica / Obeležena godišnjica stradanja Srba u Bratuncu
2) Interview with Stephen Karganovic (Srebrenica Historical Project)

On the "Srebrenica" issue see all documentation at our dedicated page:

=== 1 ===

Le Courrier des Balkans

Commémorations de Srebrenica : Naser Orić, l’ancien chef militaire de l’enclave, marche « pour la paix »

De notre correspondant à Sarajevo

Vendredi 11 juillet 2014 - Les restes de 175 personnes ont été ensevelis ce vendredi au cimetière de Potočari au cours de la commémoration du 19e anniversaire du massacre de Srebrenica, où des milliers de personnes sont venues leur rendre un dernier hommage. Naser Orić, l’ancien commandant des forces de l’Armée de la république de Bosnie-Herzegovine dans l’enclave, était présent à la cérémonie.

Par A. De Noni

L’ancien chef de la défense de Srebrenica, Naser Orić, a participé à la « marche de la paix » qui, depuis dix ans, refait le trajet que des centaines de Bosniaques ont parcouru pour s’enfuir de la ville, le 11 juillet 1995.
Naser Orić, condamné en 2006 par le TPIY à deux ans de prison, a passé en revue les vétérans de la 28e division de l’Armija présents au départ de la marche à Nezuk, près de la ville de Sapna. Pendant la guerre, ces soldats étaient chargés de défendre la ville, finalement tombée entre les mains de Ratko Mladić.
L’ancien commandant des forces de l’Armée de la république de Bosnie-Herzegovine, accompagné par l’ambassadeur de Turquie et l’actuel maire de Srebrenica, Čamil Duraković, a exhorté les participants à respecter l’esprit de la marche et de la commémoration. « Chaque centimètre de cette route est couvert de sang », a-t-il souligné.
Dans une interview au portal Klix, Naser Orić a affirmé que la ville « devrait être enlevée à la République serbe de Bosnie-Herégovine Srpska et donnée à la Fédération ». Il a également exprimé son regret de n’avoir pas été en mesure de défendre la ville. « Tout aurait été différent si j’étais resté jusqu’à la fin », a-t-il déclaré, faisant allusion à son retrait en tant que commandant de l’enclave, le 28 mai 1995. « Srebrenica aurait pu être sauvée », a-t-il conclu.


22-esimo anniversario della strage dei serbi nel circondario di Srebrenica. Soltanto nella giornata ortodossa di S. Pietro, il 12 luglio 1992, l' armata della Bed E (di Izetbegović) con a capo Naser Orić ha ammazzato 69 civili, mentre a Bratunac, Srebrenica e dintorni fino al 1995, sono stati uccisi più di 3000 serbi.

Obeležena godišnjica stradanja Srba u Bratuncu

Tanjug | 12. jul 2014. 10:47 > 15:51 | Komentara: 9
Služenjem parastosa ubijenim i poginulim i polaganjem venaca na spomen obeležju na Zalažju kod Srebrenice, obeležena godišnjica stradanja Srba ovog kraja koje su tokom rata ubili pripadnici Armije BiH

Služenjem parastosa kod spomen-kosturnica stradalima u dva poslednja rata na Zalazju kod Srebrenice, paljenjem sveća za pokoj duša 69 poginulih na današnji dan 1992. godine i polaganjem cveća na spomen-obeležje, danas su obeležene 22 godine od velikog srpskog stradanja u srebrenickoj opštini, javio je RTRS.

Cveće na spomen-obeležje položili su izaslanik predsednika Republike Srpske Duško Četković, delegacije republicke i opštinskih organizacija porodica zarobljenih i poginulih boraca i nestalih civila, boračkih organizacija Srebrenice, Bratunca i Zvornika i nekoliko stranačkih delegacija.

Prethodno su članovi porodica poginulih, saborci i boračka i opštinske delegacije Srebrenice i Bratunca položile cveće na Vojničkom groblju u Bratuncu, gđe je sahranjen najveći broj stradalih i na srpskim stratištima u Biljači i Sasama.

Osim 69 poginulih na Petrovdan 1992. godine, nestalo je i zarobljeno još 22 Srba, a veliki broj ih je ranjen.

Nakon mučenja i zlostavljanja u srebrenickim logorima svi su ubijeni, a posmrtne ostatke njih 10 slucajno je pronašao tim za traženje nestalih iz Tuzle 10. juna 2011. godine na Zalazju, prilikom traženja muslimanskih žrtava. Nakon više od godinu dana ovi posmrtni ostaci su identifikovani i sahranjeni lani na Petrovdan, a za još 12 Srba nestalih tog dana i dalje se traga, navodi RTRS.

Četković je zapitao kome su smetali mirni ljudi toliko da ih svirepo pobiju, koji su na veliki pravoslavni praznik Petrovdan bili u svom selu.

"Smetali su samo što su Srbi i nikada ih nećemo zaboraviti i odustati od traženja pravde i odgovornosti onih koji su počinili zločin nad ovim ljudima", rekao je Četkovic.

Članovi porodica i predstavnici boračkih organizacija i organizacija porodica zarobljenih i poginulih boraca i nestalih civila iz Srebrenice ponovo su danas izrazili nezadovoljstvo radom Haškog tribunala, te Tužilaštva i Suda BiH.

Oni su ukazali na to da još nije niko procesuiran za brojne masakre i zločine koje su muslimanske snage iz Srebrenice počinile nad Srbima u poslednjem ratu, ubivši oko 1.500 srpskih civila i vojnika, od kojih su više od polovine masakrirali.

Predsednik Opštinske organizacije porodica zarobljenih i poginulih boraca i nestalih civila iz Srebrenice Mladen Grujičić istakao je da niko za 22 godine nije odgovarao za ovaj, kao i ostale zločine počinjene nad Srbima u srednjem Podrinju.

"Deset zarobljenih još nije nađeno, a naše majke, braća i sestre još čekaju pravdu", rekao je Grujičić.

On je poručio međunarodnom pravosuđu da je u Srebrenici srpsko stanovništvo procentualno više stradalo od bošnjackog, a institucijama Republike Srpske da ne dozvole da ovaj zločin ostane bez kazne, te da učine sve da se pocinioci zlocina otkriju i procesuiraju ili da se ukinu Tužilaštvo i Sud BiH koji procesuiraju i osuđuju samo Srbe, a opstruišu procese protiv onih koji su počinili zločine nad srpskim stanovništvom.

Jake muslimanske snage iz Srebrenice pod komandom Nasera Orića 12. jula 1992. godine upale su u više srpskih sela u srebreničkoj i bratunačkoj opštini ubijajući, pljačkajući i paleći sve pred sobom, navodi RTRS.

=== 2 ===



11 July 2014, 03:09

Srebrenica: 19-year-blueprint for US intervention - president of Srebrenica Historical Project
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_07_11/Srebrenica-19-year-blueprint-for-US-intervention-Stefan-Karganovic-9752/

On July 11, 1995, two NATO warplanes bombed Serbian forces, advancing on Srebrenica. But due to the bad weather and the fact that Serbian forces were holding French and Dutch prisoners of war, NATO called off what was to be a massive bombing campaign. Late in the afternoon, Serbian general Mladic and other commanders entered into Srebrenica. They had won, for the moment. This loss by NATO could not accept and through indirect manipulation and false representation of the facts, US and NATO slandered the Serbs and successfully changed the presentation of a legal military operation. Radio Voice of Russia spoke to Stephen Karganovic on the history of Srebrenica in this special interview on the nineteenth anniversary of those events.

Hello, this is John Robles, I am speaking with Stephen Karganovic, he is the president of the Srebrenica Historical Project.
Robles : Hello sir, how are you this evening?
Karganovic: I am fine, thank you very much.
Robles : We have an anniversary of a very tragic event coming up on July, 11. Some might say it was a part of or the beginning of the rule of international lawlessness and wanton impunity by the architects of Yugoslavia’s and Serbia’s destruction by the US and NATO. Why do you think that is important and give us some of the history, please?
Karganovic: Yes, it is definitely what you have just said and it has become the starting point for a process in international relations. I wouldn’t quite say in international law because, as you correctly put it, the process involves the breakdown of law, lawlessness in fact. What happened was that Srebrenica became a propaganda paradigm that was then used to justify military interventions under the guise of the “right to protect” and as a result it served as the rationale for a couple of very destructive military adventures: Kosovo in 1999, and Iraq, then Libya, and now in Syria, and who knows what is next, and the basic rationale for all these adventures was “We must prevent another Srebrenica”.
Well, the ironic thing is that the death toll in Srebrenica, if you take it at its highest, would be about 8,000. And as you and your listeners, probably, know, the death toll in each of these interventions was far more than that. If you are talking about Syria, you can add another zero to the Srebrenica 8,000 and you probably still would not come close to the carnage that occurred there over the last three years. I just might remind you that it was motivated in large part by the presumed need to “prevent another Srebrenica” as the forces of the current president there supposedly were slaughtering their own people. Much the same thing happened in Libya. According to some estimates, the death toll in Libya was 40,000 or 50,000, a bit more modest, and needless to say in Iraq it was enormous. The figure is still controversial, but nobody puts it at less than 100,000 and some estimates go as far as a million, and so on and so forth.
Oh yes, let’s not forget Kosovo. There the death toll was relatively modest but you have to calculate the impact of depleted uranium bombs that were dispersed all over the country and that over the next couple of thousand years will be killing every living thing there, and people are already massively dying of cancer. So you can imagine that too should be attributed to the “humanitarian intervention” that was conducted there.
So Srebrenica has huge geopolitical implications. I am not saying that there was an idea to turn it into that, but it was an opportunistic move. The potential for Srebrenica, once it took shape as a propaganda concept, to serve in that role as the rationale for future “humanitarian interventions” was seen and seized upon. So that would be part of the answer to your question.
The other part is what actually happened in Srebrenica: there is no doubt that what happened was a massacre. That is not controversial. What is controversial - how many people were killed and – even more important – the legal character of the crime that was committed. As you and your listeners are aware, by now whenever the word “Srebrenica” is mentioned we are all indoctrinated to associate it with genocide. That is precisely the way it works, and in its geopolitical application that I mentioned earlier that is the key point. Whenever they get ready to bomb a country and take it over for its resources they say “Well, we have to prevent the genocide that is being perpetrated by the local rulers, so we have to remove them and install a group of people that would be friendly to us and willing to obey our orders”. And – of course – deliver the goods that we covet in that particular country.
So genocide is a very important point when you are talking about Srebrenica and it so happens that, the judgments of the Hague Tribunal takes place, notwithstanding, no evidence was produced for genocide after about half a dozen or more Srebrenica trials. So what we can say with a fair degree of certainty is that after a bitter inter-communal war in that part of Bosnia that lasted for about three years the Serbs took over Srebrenica, and some of them took the law into their own hands, so to speak, and decided to take revenge for all the people on their side that, previous to that, were murdered in raids that were conducted by the units of the Bosnian Muslim army that were operating from Srebrenica. That doesn’t justify a single murder, but it explains it in a far better way than the idea of genocide. There was no intention of exterminating Bosnian Muslims. The most that happened there was that neighbors were very angry at other neighbors and they decided to let them have it for what they had been doing to them over the previous three years. In three or four days they killed, we estimate, up to a thousand Muslim prisoners, which is without the slightest justification, but certainly it was not genocide and there is no forensic or any other type of evidence to support the figure of 8,000 executed prisoners that you hear about all the time.
Robles : What was the actual number, then?
Karganovic: We can only go by the forensic investigations that were conducted by experts of the Hague Tribunal, of the Prosecution, between 1996, beginning right after the massacre that occurred in 1995, and their exhumations of mass graves that went on until 2001. In that period they uncovered the physical remains of about 1,920 individuals. However, we then looked at the pattern of injury. That is very important because at the same time that this massacre of prisoners was going on another significant event was occurring as well. The division of the Bosnian Muslim army that was in Srebrenica was conducting a military breakout from Srebrenica to Muslim-held territory in Tuzla, which is about 60 kilometers away. Along their way they had many clashes with Serbian forces, which used guns and other implements of war, as they were entitled to do, against the military column. As a result of these clashes, thousands of Muslim soldiers and the civilians who were with them were killed, and I just want to make the point that when you have a mixed military-civilian column, the opposing army is entitled to shoot at it. That is not a war crime, it is a legitimate military operation, so everyone that was killed in the breakout of the Muslim army unit was a legitimate casualty, which sounds very bad, I know, in human terms, and it is, but in international law terms that is the way it is. What they have been doing, in effect, was to exhume the graves where the casualties from the fighting were buried and then they would use them to reinforce the numbers of those who were really executed, in order to boost the figure, essentially. So that’s what has been going on.
Robles : Thank you very much for that detailed answer. Now, would you characterize Srebrenica. Not by itself, but the entire situation surrounding it, as a blueprint for what we are seeing now in multiple countries, in particular in Ukraine?
Karganovic: Well, it is different and yet there are striking similarities.
Robles : But the thinking behind it. Unless it is just to destroy as many people as possible.
Karganovic: I think that destroying people is something that occurs naturally when you undertake such a brutal operation which aims only at achieving a certain political effect and doesn’t ask about the human cost. So yes, people will be killed, Muslims, Christians, whatever they may happen to be, and that is a huge tragedy. But to return to your original question as I understood it, Srebrenica in Bosnia has become a huge stumbling block to the reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of the ethnic and religious communities, mainly the Serbs and the Muslims. Croats are not a part of that because there were not any to speak of in that area during the war. So, by creating this narrative that Srebrenica signifies genocide of Muslims by Serbs, you can see how that makes it very difficult for the two communities to come together on any issue, and that is perfectly natural. How could you just calmly sit and have coffee with someone who has committed genocide on your family?
So that makes it very important to clarify what happened, not to minimize the crime – call it by its right name, put it in the proper perspective, and make sure that all sides are aware that they committed crimes in that particular area. Each community committed crimes against the other community and people should be punished as individuals for the crimes that they committed in both communities. And we should not try to impose on one community the burden of a particularly heinous crime just for political effect. And the political effect is pretty obvious: as long as they cannot get together on anything, you need a foreign arbitrator to keep them in check. So, Srebrenica is an example of how the classical “divide and rule” technique operates and in this particular case as long as Muslims hang on to the genocidal narrative they are never going to come to the same table with their Serbian neighbors and plan either a common future, or a civilized divorce, or whatever, although they can still be good neighbors, they can still cooperate and be on good terms even if they live in separate states instead of in a common Bosnian state. That is a completely separate issue. However, as long you have this burden of genocide that is not likely to happen. But what is very likely is that foreign tutelage, and foreign arbitration, and foreign interference in the internal interference and lives of these people is going to go on for a very, very long time and that is a tragedy because they need to seize control of their own destiny and to be masters in their own house.
Robles : Is there any realistic way that we can stop all this meddling? We are seeing it in the Ukraine all over again.
Karganovic: Of course, taking into account the local peculiarities, which they always do, that is roughly the scenario that is taking place in the Ukraine. In Ukraine you don’t have two completely different religions, not that Islam and Christianity are so completely different, in Ukraine you have varieties of the Christian religion. But people have been indoctrinated to exaggerate the differences and to downplay the similarities. As long as you brainwash them in those terms you can always use them as political pawns for your purposes.