
Di ritorno da Belgrado...

Una delegazione di 6 compagni dell'ASSIJUG (Associazione
Italia-Jugoslavia) di Perugia,
la sera del 23 marzo, dopo un viaggio in macchina di 14 ore è giunta a

La mattina seguente, giorno dell'anniversario dell'aggressione NATO,
siamo stati
fraternamente ricevuti dai massimi dirigenti sindacali, i quali ci hanno
subito accompagnato
alla manifestazione invitandoci a metterci in prima fila con le nostre
bandiere rosse. Inutile
nascondere che eravamo emozionati, non solo per la calorosa accoglienza,
ma per il
sentirci, anche solo per qualche ora, una particella di quella cosa
viva, consapevolmente
antimperialista, che è il proletariato iugoslavo. Fortissimo l'odio per
la NATO e i suoi servi
dell'UCK, ma nessuna traccia dello "sciovinismo cetnico" e del
"razzismo" con cui l'infame
propaganda occidentale ha bollato il fiero sentimento patriottico dei
proletari serbi.
Emozione ancora più forte quando la piazza ha accolto con un fragoroso
applauso la notizia,
data dal palco, della presenza della nostra delegazione.
Alla fine tanti compagni e compagne hanno voluto abbracciarci,
salutarci, cantare con noi
bandiera rossa e le canzoni partigiane. Abbiamo anche riincontrato i
compagni della Zastava
di Kraguievac, i quali hanno voluto ringraziare tutto quanto è stato
fatto e viene fatto in
Italia per loro.


L¹altro importante impegno che la delegazione della Associazione
Italia-Iugoslavia ha
portato a termine nel suo viaggio a Belgrado é stato quello di
incontrare il Sindaco della
cittadina di Bogatic che si trova 80 km a nord di Belgrado.
Già da qualche mese, fra la cittadina iugoslava ed il comune di Pizzo
Ferrato della provincia
di Chieti in Abruzzo si sono stabiliti, grazie alla mediazione
determinante della nostra
Associazione, dei preliminari contatti finalizzati alla realizzazione
del gemellaggio fra i due
Comuni . In questo viaggio abbiamo avuto l¹opportunità di approfondire
meglio questi contatti
e realizzare dei concreti passi in avanti nei rapporti con gli
amministratori di Bogatic.
L¹incontro che abbiamo avuto con il Sindaco ha avuto, infatti, un
esito altamente positivo,
sia per le forme con cui é avvenuto che per i contenuti. L¹ospitalità
che l¹Amministrazione di
Bogatic ci ha riservato é stata infatti splendida ed i contenuti della
discussione veramente
Il Sindaco, opportunamente, ci ha illustrato in modo dettagliato le
caratteristiche della
cittadina: la sua struttura sociale ed economica, le sue risorse ed i
suoi pregi artistici che
non sono pochi. Ma principalmente egli ha espresso grande interesse e
disponibilità all¹idea
del gemellaggio con il Comune di Pizzo Ferrato e si é dichiarato
disposto ad attivare per il
futuro, di converso con l¹Amministrazione del Comune italiano, le
pratiche necessarie per
poter espletare tutti i dovuti passaggi burocratico-amministrativi.
Insomma, i fatti sono andati oltre le nostre più rosee aspettative.
Il Sindaco di Bogatic ha colto appieno il significato e l¹importanza
della proposta di
gemellaggio. Egli stesso, denotando una acuta sensibilità ed
intelligenza politica, ha
affermato: ³il gemellaggio che la Giunta Comunale di Pizzo ferrato ci
ha proposto é un
significativo gesto di stima, rispetto ed amicizia che noi apprezziamo
profondamente e di cui
ringraziamo di cuore sia l¹Amministrazione del Comune di Pizzo Ferrato
che gli amici
dell¹Associazione Italia-Iugoslavia che hanno reso possibile con il loro
encomiabile impegno
tutto ciò². ³Questo atto é tanto più importante poiché, anche se
formalmente indirizzato alla
cittadina di Bogatic, esprime solidarietà ed amicizia a tutto il popolo
³...proprio perché viene da un luogo istituzionale (il Comune italiano,
N.d.R.), concordiamo
con gli amici dell¹Assijug che esso sia un gesto coraggioso ed in
controtendenza, vista la
posizione del Governo italiano; ed é per questo motivo che l¹apprezziamo
molto di più ³.
³......Restiamo in attesa che ci arrivi la lettera del Sig. Sindaco di
Pizzo Ferrato che ci avete
preannunciato, per dare l¹inizio formale alle pratiche di gemellaggio
tra le due cittadine; spero
vivamente che esso si possa realizzare con successo e nei tempi dovuti².
Questo stesso augurio il Sindaco lo ha poi ribadito al momento del
congedo che é stato
intenso, da veri fraterni amici.
Come Assijug non possiamo che esprimere tutta la nostra soddisfazione
per l¹esito di
questo incontro che rappresenta un importantissimo passo in avanti per
la concretizzazione
del rapporto di gemellaggio fra Pizzo Ferrato e la cittadina di Bogatic,
a cui teniamo
particolarmente. Riteniamo infatti che esso, se come é prevedibile si
rappresenterà un esempio altamente significativo qui in Italia che, ci
auguriamo di cuore,
possa poi essere seguito da altri Comuni altrettanto coraggiosi e
democratici come sta
dimostrando di essere quello di Pizzo ferrato.
Anche per questo siamo stati ben felici, nonostante i sacrifici e gli
sforzi compiuti di aver
inviato una nostra delegazione in Iugoslavia, e di essere stati presenti
a Belgrado
nell¹importante anniversario dell¹aggressione della NATO.

Lo stesso giorno, il 24 marzo, un centinaio di persone hanno partecipato
a Perugia al sit-in
organizzato dalla ASSIJUG e dal Comitato Umbro Antimperialista. Oltre
alla comunità degli
iugoslavi residenti in Umbria, hanno portato i loro saluti numerosi
compagni e cittadini, il
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista e Voce Operaia.

Per contatti con l'ASSIJUG: assijug@...



----- Original Message -----
From: "Dhkc" <dhkc.bruxelles@...>
To: "Tabe Kooistra" <tabe@...>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: declaration 108 (French)


Date: 24 mars 2000 Déclaration: 108

L'intervention en Yougoslavie a mis une vérité en évidence:

Un an vient de passer depuis l'intervention en Yougoslavie des
européens agissant au sein de l'OTAN, avec à leur tête l'impérialisme
US. Un
an que les peuples de Yougoslavie, Serbes et Albanais subissent des
souffrances accrues, sont victimes sur leur sol des massacres perpétrés
les occupants, sont victimes du mépris de ces derniers, victimes
d'humiliation, des fouilles à plat ventre et sont dévisagés comme s'ils
étaient des coupables. Et aujourd'hui, les peuples de Yougoslavie
ce que signifient la paix et la démocratie des impérialistes. Ils
que l'intervention est un euphémisme pour dire "occupation". L'OTAN
prétendument distribuer paix et démocratie aux peuples de Yougoslavie.
Albanais seraient libérés de la tyrannie serbe. Voilà pourquoi les
d'occupation auraient fait pleuvoir les bombes sur les terres

Le nationalisme a accueilli les forces d'occupation en applaudissant
deux mains.
Or aujourd'hui, les Albanais comme les Serbes affrontent les soldats de
l'OTAN et d'autre part, ils s'entre-tuent. Voilà le résultat de
l'intervention impérialiste et du nationalisme.

Sa politique est entièrement déterminée par la chasse au profit et la
de nouveaux débouchés pour ses monopoles.
Il y a de cela un an, nous avions dit ceci: "Pour affaiblir ces pays en
de les conquérir, l'impérialisme recourt à la politique du "diviser pour
régner" en exacerbant les différences nationales et religieuses".
C'est ce qui se produisit en Yougoslavie.

Au nom du Nouvel Ordre Mondial et pour créer de nouveaux marchés,
l'impérialisme agresse, bombarde, assassine et sème le trouble entre le
peuples. Et il repasse à l'offensive chaque fois que sa soif de
n'est pas satisfaite.
On a ainsi largué des tonnes de bombes sur le peuple irakien, puis on a
divisé les terres irakiennes.

Dans les Balkans, on a d'abord veillé à ce que les peuples
puis on a morcelé la Yougoslavie.
L'impérialisme veut reproduire la même chose dans le Caucase,
contrôler la région en créant des états après avoir préalablement attisé
différences nationales et religieuses. La Turquie joue un rôle de
ordre dans ce plan. Mais toutes ces interventions sont patronnées par
Religieux, "démocrates", nationalistes kurdes et compagnie, vous qui
applaudissez l'intervention en Yougoslavie, admirez la démocratie et la
impérialistes! Sang, larmes, boucheries...
Les peuples doivent éviter de tomber dans ces manoeuvres. Il faut
que l'impérialisme sème la discorde et la division entre les peuples.






SKOPJE, Macedonia, March 26, 2000 (Agence France

At least 2,000 people gathered here Friday at
an anti-NATO rally organized by a Macedonian Serb
political party to mark the first anniversary of the
start of NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia.

The rally was organized by the Democratic Party
of Serbs (DPS) in Macedonia, whose leader Dragisa
Miletic addressed the protesters, gathered at
Skopje's main square Macedonia, criticizing the
"servile attitude" of Skopje and other neighboring
countries towards NATO.

They were also burning leaflets with American
flags where the stars had been replaced by swastikas.

After an hour the protesters started to disperse
peacefully, although under a heavy police presence.



Thursday, March 23 12:02 PM SGT

Yugoslav Airstrikes Museum hunting NATO air strike
BELGRADE, Mar 23 (AFP) -
One year after the first NATO bombing raids on
Belgrade, the Yugoslav Aviation Museum is hunting down
everything from bomb parts to aircraft wreckage to
join a collection which has become a major tourist

Thousands of people have visited the NATO bombing
exhibition since it opened in December on the first
floor of the Aviation Museum, near Belgrade's
international airport in Surcin, 15 kilometers (nine
miles) northwest of the capital.

Top draws include the wreckage of a sophisticated US
F-117A Stealth fighter, brought down by an Yugoslav
anti-aircraft missile on March 27, 1999, near
Budjanovci, west of Belgrade.

On display are the ejection seat and the plane's
canopy, bearing the inscription "Capt. Ken 'Wizz'

The exhibition also includes a piece of a bomb that
severely damaged the Chinese embassy in Belgrade,
killing three people -- a gift from the embassy, said
museum director Cedomir Janjic.

The more items put on display, the bigger the crowds,
Janjic noted, adding: "We are still hunting for NATO
bomb parts and airplane wreckages that fell on our
soil during the aggression."

On March 24, 1999, NATO launched a 78-day bombing
campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in
order to force Belgrade to accept Alliance troops in
Kosovo and end what it termed Serbian repression
against ethnic Albanians in the province.

The bombing campaign killed up to 2,000 civilians,
according to the official Tanjug news agency, or
around 1,500, according to the G17, a group of
independent Serb economists.

The airstrikes ended on June 10, 1999, with Belgrade's
agreement to withdraw its troops from Kosovo and the
arrival of a NATO-led international force (KFOR) to
ensure security in the province.

Although the Stealth fighter is, in Janjic's words,
"the pride of the collection," the museum also has
wreckage from an F-16 fighter plane, shot down May 2,
1999, near Sabac in western Serbia, displaying the
rear of the cockpit and a vertical stabilizer with an
eagle on it.

An American Predator spy plane shot down near Urosevac
in southern Kosovo on May 13 hangs on the roof of the
exposition hall, which attracts foreign visitors as
well as Yugoslavs.

Remains of radio-locators, CBU-87 cluster bombs and
BLU-114 graphite bombs are displayed in showcases next
to the first Tomahawk cruise missile shot down in the
war, near Kraljevo, in central Serbia, during the
first night of airstrikes.

NATO has given out few details on its losses, although
it acknowledged the downing of the F-117A and the
F-16A on display in the museum. The pilots of both
planes were rescued.

The Yugoslav side claimed to have shot down a total of
61 NATO planes, 30 drones, seven helicopters and 238
cruise missiles, according to Tanjug, but the
authorities did not provide evidence of destroyed
manned aircraft other than the two on display.

Janjic said the displays were only a "small part" of
the 1,500 items the museum has gathered from 90
locations. Thirty other locations were yet to be
inspected, Janjic added.

"Through what we call aero-archaeology -- searching
for remnants of crashed planes -- we had found in the
past wreckages of planes from World War I and II. With
the same process, we expect to find more evidence that
there were many more NATO planes shot than the two
publicly acknowledged" by the Alliance, he said.

Janjic added he expected to find wreckage in rivers
and lakes as well as in the Adriatic Sea.

Many countries are interested in getting items for
their collections, including museums from "aggressor"
NATO countries, he said, without giving details.




South Africa News 24
March 24, 2000

Protestors commemorate Kosovo bombing

Pretoria - About 80 South African citizens and
residents of Yugoslavia held a peaceful protest in
Pretoria on Friday to commemorate the first
anniversary of Nato's bombardment of Yugoslavia.

SABC radio news reported that memorandums were handed
to the British High Commission and the American

The protesters were demanding, among other things, the
rebuilding of their country and also requested a
peaceful resolution of the situation.

Thousands of Yugoslavian civilians were killed and
scores injured on this day when Nato forces attacked
and bombed their country.

In remembrance of all innocent victims, a minute of
silence was observed. - Sapa



Current Headlines


The Balkans:

Yugoslavia Hoped For More Russian Support In War

Chasing a Balkan Mirage

Nato's mistakes


The Lies Last Time ( by Phil Hammond)

British Media Follow Cook's Instructions Not to Commemorate Kosovo War

Europe's Dirty Secret (by Rick Rozoff )

Venice on a sea of bombs

Ideological Opposites Gather Against War

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj


BELGRADE, 24 March 2000 No. 2969


(Belgrade, 24 March 2000.)

Dear friends,
Distinguished guests,

It is my great pleasure and honor to greet you and wish all participants
of today's meeting a fruitful exchange of views and enjoyable stay in
Today, exactly a year ago, the eyes of the world public were on the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia because the NATO military machine
spearheaded by the United States, launched a brutal aggression against
FR of Yugoslavia, an independent and sovereign country, a founding
of the United Nations and of other international organizations.
The aggression was perpetrated because Yugoslavia, as a sovereign
with deep freedom-loving roots, did not want to accept the disgraceful
diktat of Rambouillet and Paris based on the deception of an alleged
violation of human rights. Yugoslavia rejected the diktat which demanded
the capitulation and occupation of the entire country.
If the eyes of the world were on Yugoslavia a year ago because of the
outset of aggression looking with apprehension and uncertainty as to
whether this country and its people will succeed in defending freedom,
whether David will overpower the Goliath of the post-industrialist era,
than there is no longer such a dilemma. Yugoslavia succeeded in
dignity, it confirmed its freedom-loving traditions and gave hope to
that there is no force which can defeat a nation which is united and
determined to defend its own at any cost.
We believe that today, a year later, the eyes of the world public are
again on Belgrade and on this meeting, but now in recognition of courage
and support for rebuilding what was destroyed, for building new and
Many eyes are precisely on this high meeting in which the most famous
creators from all parts of the world take part, those who represent the
conscious of mankind and its noblest humanistic values. The people in
hall in the heart of freedom-loving Belgrade expect fresh encouragement
an inspiration for a better future.

Distinguished guests,
How come that it was the FR of Yugoslavia that was chosen to be the
proving ground for testing the model of the "New World Order"? First, in
the analysis of the strategists of the New World Order, Yugoslavia is
treated as a "real problem", as a physical obstacle standing in the way
achievement of the goal of expansion into Eastern Europe and of
natural resources and sources of energy in the rich regions of the
East, the Caucasus and Central Asia which is a key to Europe and
and an access to Russia and China from the West. Second, if it is true
during the period of the bloc division of the world Yugoslavia was seen
a buffer zone and that it valorized its geostrategic importance on that
basis, then it is also true that today, at a time of integration
Yugoslavia with its known geostrategic advantages is becoming a bridge
linking north and south, eastern and western Europe. Third, Yugoslavia
chosen as a target of aggression, because by "bringing to its knees" of
countries which on a world scale symbolize freedom and independence it
meant to intimidate all other countries and peoples and to discourage
opposition to hegemony and imperialism. NATO and the US administration
even the very existence of Yugoslavia and what it stands for today - a
multiethnic, multicultural State, which is, despite the pressures and
sanctions and despite a million refugees, developing faster and more
comprehensively than its neighbors which, at least in words, enjoy every
assistance and support of the rich NATO members, the United States in
The NATO aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia was a culmination of
American aspirations to establish, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a
unipolar world order in which the United States will be the pivot and
NATO alliance its chief instrument. In conditions when NATO has lost its
global adversary and any national justification for its existence, the
aggression should have assigned a new role for NATO and confirmed the
global supremacy of the United States. It was an arrogant demonstration
the fact that the new masters of the world are making their own rules
taking into their own hands the role of the judge, the jury and

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Distinguished guests,

The consequences of the NATO aggression may be viewed at several levels.
The first level is Yugoslavia as a direct victim of crimes and
The second is a regional one as part of South Eastern Europe. The third
a European one, the fourth global or the world level.
Although they are all mutually closely related, it is difficult to
them in isolation. However, for this occasion the basic facts should be
recalled about the consequences at each individual level.
NATO has caused a humanitarian, economic and environmental disaster in
Yugoslavia by using the most destructive means, including cluster bombs,
depleted uranium ammunition, carbon fiber bombs. Leaders of NATO
the US administration in the first place, are responsible for the
of several thousand inhabitants of Yugoslavia, including women,
babies, refugees, travelers on the busses and international passenger
trains, for the destruction of hospitals, schools, the water supply
the power system, heating of larger cities, residential areas, bridges,
railways and roads. The damage caused by war is estimated at more than
100 billion. Such losses and civilian destruction cynically explained by
the NATO propaganda as "collateral damage" were the core of the NATO
strategy, especially after promises made in public that Serbia will be
brought to its knees within 3 or 7 days at the latest, proved to be at
least narrow-minded arrogance. By systematically bombing civilian
and causing a massive loss of human life, NATO targeted the people and
morale, to which it obviously paid very little attention in its
calculations. In particular, they underestimated the determination,
patriotic feelings and unity of the people and leadership of the
At the regional level, the aggression drastically halted and set back
processes of normalization, the development of good-neighborly relations
and promotion of both bilateral and multilateral cooperation in South
Eastern Europe, whose prospects were opened up by the signing of the
Dayton/Paris Peace Agreement in 1995, by the Royaumont initiative and
Crete Summit in 1997. By combining the dirtiest methods of pressure and
promises, the US administration drew Yugoslavia's neighbors to take part
one way or another in the aggression. Through the policy of divide and
and by encouraging even territorial claims of some neighbors against
Yugoslavia, the US administration not only undermined the important
of the regional cooperation and all known regional initiatives, but
attempted to sow as much division and as much mistrust in the region as
possible by involving the neighboring countries in the criminal
In this way, it clearly revealed that its real purpose was longer term
destabilization of the region aimed at justifying the movement of its
troops from Central to South Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe through
establishment and interconnection of the new chain of its military
What the pro-American governments in neighboring countries did not or
not understand was very well understood by the broadest public in these
countries namely that the goal of the American policy was total
and colonialization of the peoples and countries of South Eastern
exploitation of their human and economic resources, provision of a
head to the Caspian region, Central Asia and western borders of Russia
The model of an alliance between NATO and the separatist and terrorist
organization such as the so called "KLA" - in which the roles were so
assigned that the criminal, mafia and terrorist gangs acted as the foot
soldiers to NATO and conversely in which NATO served as an air support
the terrorists - is very important for understanding not only regional
also less European and global consequences of the aggression. It remains
for military analysts to study such pearls of NATO strategists as
of protection to terrorist gangs by a squadron of B-52 strategic bombers
their attempts to infiltrate from Albania into Serbia in the regions of
Pa{trik and Ko{are. This alliance was created even during the so called
Rambouillet and Paris talks, at Thaci-Clark meetings and even much
at the meetings of US representatives with the seasoned terrorists and
criminals at Junik, Davos and London. These are only the most drastic
of abuse of separatism and terrorism which are incidentally resorted to
US intelligence and administration in one way or the other, ranging from
South Eastern Asia, Tibet, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan,
and Metohija to Gibraltar and from the North Sea to the Cape of Good
To force on Europe attrition, to slow down the process of its
and access of the developed West and to resources of rich Russia is the
strategic goal of the US administration in order to preserve its
and technological domination over the whole world. That goal was
even during the work of the so called Contact Group which served the
States gradually to draw Europe into the preparations for and later on
perpetration of the aggression itself. This was testified to by the
destruction of transport routes on Europe's corridor E-10, the bridges
the Danube near Novi Sad so as to prevent the use of economic lifelines,
especially important for the profitability and competitiveness of
products and services, for links between northern and southern parts of
European Union, between Europe and the Caspian Basin, between the Middle
East and Central Asia. The NATO aggression against Yugoslavia inflicted
enormous long-term damage on Europe, both economically and politically
well as security and culture-wise. It revealed the major weaknesses of
Europe, and a striking lack of political leaders who care about breaking
away from American blackmail and projecting their own vision of European
identity. This is borne out, for instance, by the fact that neither the
parliaments nor the governments of Italy, France, Germany, Britain or
and many other European countries respected their own constitutions in
deciding to take part in the aggression, whereas the parliaments and
governments of some of them like Italy never had the issue of
in the aggression on its agenda. If these are democratic societies, than
the question arises as to who made the decisions in the first place and
committed these countries to rain destruction on Yugoslavia and to kill
citizens? Or is it not that important for the quality of democracy to
decide on the participation in aggression against a sovereign country.
Whereas it is more or less clear that the US administration made
decisions on the participation of European countries in the aggression
against Yugoslavia, more and more facts come to light confirming that
American diktat in the decisions taken within NATO itself during the
aggression was effectively accepted as a fait accompli. Clearly, such
experiences and treatment of the allies will not strengthen NATO nor
it open up the prospect of its development. Quite the opposite. Only
newly admitted members and those from Eastern Europe who lack confidence
their own people and look for a bulwark in their NATO masters have faith
NATO and vow to it.
There are signs that there is a growing awareness in Europe of an
increasing violation of European interests due to the blind following of
the US administration. It is a fact, however, that such trends of
and readiness for greater attention to the European interests, if the
impression is not wrong, are more present in public opinion in Europe
in its administrative structures which grew accustomed to US blackmail
drawing very often personal benefits from it. We hope that Europe will
finally find the strength to put together its own European, rather than
now prevailing US agenda. We believe that this is an inevitable trend
although we harbor no illusions that it will be a fast and easy process.
Europe has not yet given a clear answer to the share of responsibilities
according to the American prescription: we destroyed by the bombs and
aircraft, so it is now up to you, the Europeans, to build what was
destroyed and to repair the consequences, if you have any use of it!
As far as the global consequences of the NATO aggression are concerned,
they are simply though understandably not sufficiently concretely
in an assessment made during the aggression itself: after the aggression
the world and world relations will in no way be the same after 24 March
1999. The NATO alliance called its game by the aggression - instead of
criterion of equality, the criterion of hierarchy is forced upon the
Forces above the law, above the principles and the UN Charter
NATO is above the UN Security Council and the United States above NATO
The architects of such a strategy gave a special place to the right to a
so-called "humanitarian intervention". By establishing a monopoly over
judging where and how human rights are violated, the US administration
opens the door wide for gross interference in the internal affairs of
countries even for military intervention using its monopoly of the most
influential global media. Thus, the US administration has developed a
technology of indoctrinating the American and world public in order to
justify by its care for human rights and the lofty democratic ideals
interference in internal affairs, arbitrary proclamation of certain
in the world the "zones of US vital interest" and preparations for armed
aggression by covering up its true hegemonistic and colonialist goals
as control over energy sources, strategic resources, large markets and
important geopolitical regions. It goes without saying that the
of the proponents of this policy leaves no scope for asking questions
the massive violation of basic human rights in the United States itself
the world at large through an arbitrary imposition of US sanctions which
have at this very moment been in place for 87 countries or for 42 per
of the population on this planet. An accompanying lever of this
hegemonistic strategy is the doctrine of limited sovereignty which is
attempted to be imposed, above all on the non-aligned and developing
The proponents of this doctrine do not mind seeing and reacting by
even to the non-existent and imagined interference in US internal
demanding absolute respect for its hyper-sovereignty. At the same time,
sovereignty of other countries has no worth to them. They adopt a racist
attitude towards developing countries, maintaining that they are
conservative and that they do not understand that limitation of their
sovereignty is in the interest of their modern democratic development.
The fact is that the global messages and dangers of the NATO aggression
against Yugoslavia are understood well in the world. An overwhelming
majority of the Member States of the World organization strongly rejects
the concept of interventionism, the doctrine of limited sovereignty and
American pretension to act as the world policeman. This was clearly
demonstrated on numerous occasions so far, including at the 54th session
the UN General Assembly.
By its successful defense from the aggression, Yugoslavia has made a
historic contribution to the protection of the rights and principles of
international relations in confrontation with the brute force. It has
at the same time, restored confidence in the lasting values of the UN
Charter and in the sustainability of the system of international
based on the equality, sovereignty, territorial integrity and
non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign States. What
impossible or highly unlikely before the NATO aggression, Yugoslavia
not only possible but a must: it resolutely resisted the most powerful
military machine and the strategy of bringing other peoples into
submission, and it succeeded in defending its freedom, dignity and

Distinguished guests,

All hopes that the Cold War era will be followed by the democratization
international relations and that we shall enter a period of a stable and
durable peace, have been betrayed. Unfortunately, we are witness to the
opposite processes of a radical revision of the system of international
relations established after the Second World War of a conscious and
intentional violation of the fundamental principles enshrined in the
Charter of the United Nations and attempts at imposing the New World
and "globalization" of international relations. This trend is followed
attempts at sociological and cultural globalization, that is of basing
whole world on the same type of a society, namely on liberal democratic
capitalism of the West through a kind of "liberal imperialism" and a new
totalitarianism. The stories of a free trade, free circulation of goods
capital is only a cover for the imposition of a global economic order in
which to ensure complete control over markets, most important
regions, raw materials and resources. The bottom line is to ensure the
right to prosperity and riches for an exclusive group of countries and
condemn the rest of them to the role of colonies, vassals and permanent
The policy pursued by the US administration and by NATO Member States,
based on its economic and military power and on control of the money
is a dangerous one because it leads to the rich getting richer and the
getting poorer. There is a conscious effort to disrupt the entire system
international relations, to produce destabilization and fragmentation of
independent countries. The United Nations and its Security Council have
been further marginalized while senior US representatives openly issue
threats that they will finance the United Nations only if it works in
that is, US interest. We have come to the situation where delegations of
the Security Council negotiate with lower-rank US officials only because
they are threatening to tighten the screws on the finances of the UN.
The chief protagonist of the new world unipolar order is the Anglo-Saxon
axis. It is not accidental at all that the United Kingdom appears to be
most ardent executor of the US policy and a country which is always
to block any more independent action of the EU and to prevent it from
acting as an independent political factor. It is not an exaggeration to
that basically one of the main activities of the Anglo-Saxon axis is
directed precisely against the idea of unification of Europe which along
with China, Russia and India could be a serious counter-weight and a
of curbing the uncontrolled power of the new world supreme power.
In this so called "New World Order", through permanent destabilization
civil wars as well as through creation and management and regional
encouragement of separatism and terrorism, force as the only criterion
international relations is being promoted and excuses are being found
domination and rule over less developed and smaller States and peoples.
aggressive policy of the United States is particularly focused on the
ethnically mixed communities and countries through an undisguised
encouragement of separatism, religious and ethnic exclusiveness and
production of terrorists, through arbitrary interpretation and abuse of
such categories as human and minority rights. Organized campaigns of
"public lies" and creation of realities by the use of the enormous newly
created power of the world media is in the function of domination of the
world. The tendum of world power centers and the world media has created
"virtual reality" which is then presented as the final truth all over
world. As part of regular preparations for the conduct of an aggressive
policy towards a particular region is also a systematic demonization of
whole nations and individual cultures. The example of the FR of
is the best illustration of it, since in the last ten years a nation
has made an enormous contribution to the struggle against Fascism and
the freedom of Europe and the world has been portrayed in the most
influential world media as an uncivilized criminal nation whose victims
unworthy of sympathy.

Distinguished guests,

It should be recalled that until the spring of 1998 the situation in the
southern Serbian Province of Kosovo and Metohija was calm irrespective
the problems which existed as a result of the boycott of the State
institutions by a part of the Albanian separatists. The separatist
was not caused by any repression or violation of human or minority
of the Albanian ethnic minority, but primarily by constant outside
encouragement with a view to weakening opposition to the spread of
and the new NATO strategy. By separating Kosovo and Metohija from the
Republic of Serbia as its integral part and the creation of the so
"Greater Albania" from parts of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and
NATO aims to reshape international borders and cause longer term
destabilization of the entire South Eastern Europe and thus justify its
movement from Central Europe and the expansion to the East.
It is indicative that parallel with prospects for improved relations
between Yugoslavia and Albania following the Crete meeting between
President Milosevic and Prime Minister Nano and later for the solution
an important segment of outstanding issues in Kosovo and Metohija that
an understanding on the implementation of the Education agreement that
would provide an opportunity for the resolution of other open issues as
well - there emerged all of a sudden in early spring 1998 the so called
"Kosovo Liberation Army". Through intimidation and by employing other
proven methods of terrorists, the so called "KLA" took all the
of Kosovo and Metohija practically hostage and rendered more difficult
political settlement of unresolved issues and afforded an excuse for
internationalization and an interference of the so called "international
Equipped and funded by the secret service of Albania, the US, Germany
the United Kingdom, with the great assistance of the international narco
mafia and Islamic terrorists and extremists, the so called "KLA" killed
several hundred citizens and committed scores of terrorist attacks
the course of 1998 and 1999.
"KLA" terrorism was an excuse to step up pressure on Serbia and the FR
Yugoslavia, which accepted even the deployment of OSCE monitors in
and Metohija and the opening of negotiations with the participation of
foreign mediators concerning a substantial future autonomy for the
Province, all in good faith and the hope that it would be possible to
a just and durable solution to all open issues. Regrettably, very soon
turned out that some western countries above all the United States,
regardless of the fact that immediately prior to that it publicly
the so called "KLA" as a terrorist organization, directly stood behind
terrorists and bandits and that their real goal was not to arrive at any
just and acceptable political solution but to occupy Kosovo and Metohija
militarily and to fragment the FR of Yugoslavia further.
Parallel with these activities directed towards the "KLA", the US and
allies continued to exercise ever more blunt pressure and threats
the FR of Yugoslavia, offering more and more unacceptable frameworks for
political settlement of issues in Kosovo and Metohija culminating in the
shameful and unprecedented ultimatum at Rambouillet, calculating in
that it would not be accepted and being so designed as to make it
unacceptable to any country.
The so-called "negotiations" in Rambouillet and Paris in fact never took
place. The US did not allow any direct talks between the delegations
never met and talked. The draft agreement was kept by the US delegation
top secret and was not known even to the international mediators or the
other delegations of Contact Group countries which were supposed to
in the negotiations. The very draft document was badly disguised prelude
the legalization of secession of Kosovo and Metohija with simultaneous
provision of a massive military presence and occupation of all territory
the FR of Yugoslavia by the NATO forces. This was actually a tactic of
buying time in order to prepare the public for the aggression on which
decisions were made even before the simulation of talks in Rambouillet
Upon rejection of the ultimatum, there followed NATO's military
which was presented to the public as preventing a "humanitarian crisis"
Kosovo and Metohija.

Dear friends,

In its barbarian aggression, NATO has committed serious crimes against
humanity, violated virtually all rules of international law: from the UN
Charter banning a war of aggression and the use of force without the
authorization of the Security Council to all more important
conventions. The total war imposed on the FR of Yugoslavia and
to destroy completely its economic potential, to cause the mass killing
its population and genocide, is amoral and illegal by all standards -
according to international law, according to the founding act of NATO as
"defensive organization" and according to the constitutions of the NATO
Member States themselves. True, the NATO aggression, by its barbarity
massacre of civilians is more horrible, in many ways than the crimes of
W.W.II. NATO member States have committed serious international crimes:
crimes against peace through aggression and unauthorized use of armed
force; crimes against humanity, a crime of genocide and war crimes
the use of prohibited means such as cluster and depleted uranium
chemical weapons and massive killing of civilians. The FR of Yugoslavia
instituted proceedings before the International Court of Justice, for
determination of the responsibility of States participating in the
aggression as well as before the national courts of the aggressor States
for determination of responsibility of individuals and governments of
States for violation of the constitutional and criminal law of these
States. In the States taking part in the aggression people's courts
consisting of individuals and non-governmental organizations have been
spontaneously set up to condemn morally individuals bearing the greatest
responsibility for these crimes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The heroic defense and resistance of Yugoslavia to the aggression was a
serious moral and political defeat for the aggressor which was prevented
its intention to impose its own will as a fait accmpli and to prove its
power in the world. Once again, Yugoslavia has demonstrated that no
however technologically superior in weapons, is capable of defeating the
numbers and the equipment of a people determined and united to defend
freedom. NATO has achieved none of its military and political goals and
doctrine of the "right to a humanitarian intervention", which was to be
triumphantly inaugurated at the current session of the UN General
after the aggression on the FR of Yugoslavia, was condemned in general
terms by the Member States of the World organization. Instead of
contributing to the prestige of NATO and of scaring the world of the
enormous military and political machine, the aggression has had an
effect. It encouraged the countries true to their freedom and policy of
independence to join their efforts in fighting more effectively this
hegemonistic neo-imperialist and neo-colonialist policy.
Yugoslavia has succeeded in returning the resolution of the Kosovo
to the framework of the United Nations, insisting that the UN only has
mandate to maintain international peace and security. By the Belgrade
document, the Military-Technical Agreement of Kumanovo and ultimately
resolution 1244 (1999), the UN Security Council temporarily took
responsibility for the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija. At the
same time, the Security Council reaffirmed guarantees of the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia, a political solution
the basis of equality of citizens and all ethnic communities within the
framework of an autonomy. The international community has established
presence in the province through the UNMIK and KFOR missions entrusted
a task of ensuring the security of the population. It is clear that a
political settlement for Kosovo and Metohija must be based on an
within the Republic of Serbia guaranteeing the equality of all citizens,
and ethnic communities in the southern Serbian province.
Regretfully, the situation in the Province is characterized by the daily
terror of the so called "KLA", killings, an ethnic cleansing of Serbs,
Roma, Muslims, Goranci and non-Albanians in general as well as by total
lawlessness. The Province has thus been turned into a center of
and organized international crime in Europe. This clearly shows that the
missions mandated by the United Nations have not fulfilled their basic
of guaranteeing a safe environment, public order and peace and return of
refugees and displaced persons almost nine months from their deployment.
The terrorist "KLA", instead of being disarmed and disbanded, has been
renamed into the so-called "Kosovo Protection Corps", with which
international representatives closely cooperate. These decisions, which
in direct violation of UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), are a
clear indication of open links between the leadership of the UN civil
mission and KFOR on the one hand, and terrorists and separatists on the
The consequence of such an attitude of international civil and security
presences is the exodus of about 350,000 non-Albanians, close to 5,000
terrorist attacks made since 12 June 1999, of which more than 4,000
the non-Albanian population. Since the deployment of international
representatives, over 933 persons (more than 800 Serbs and Montenegrins)
have been killed, over 800 have been kidnapped and more than 50,000
have been destroyed or burned down, 85 Christian churches and
as well as cultural monuments have been destroyed.
More than 200,000 foreign nationals are currently illegally present in
Kosovo and Metohija. The terrorists from Albania walk the length and
of Kosovo and Metohija. Islamic extremists arrive from various parts of
world and the whole province is in the hands of mafia clans and
The government of the FR of Yugoslavia has addressed more than 50
communications to the Security Council drawing attention to the
deterioration of the general situation in Kosovo and Metohija and
for the taking of appropriate measures, including determination of the
responsibility for the continued genocide of the Serbian and
population in Kosovo and Metohija perpetrated under the auspices of the
All this is confirmation that the aggression against the FR of
continues by other means - through sanctions and attempts at wearing out
and exhausting the Yugoslav economy and halting the economic development
the FR of Yugoslavia through subversive activity and attempted
destabilization of Serbia and the FRY, through fresh military threats,
the way to the media aggression and deliberate sabotage and violation of
the UN Security Council resolution on Kosovo and Metohija.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Clearly, Yugoslavia as the victim of a brutal aggression, cannot nor has
it the right to forget the crimes for which the leaders of the US
administration and NATO are responsible. No one can forget nor has he
right to forget the responsibility of those who have in any way
participated in the preparation or the perpetration of aggression.
Thousands of innocent human losses, including women, elderly people,
children, even babies on the maternity wards make us bound not to
We insist on the identification of every responsibility of the
for the crimes against peace and humanity as well as on the compensation
for the damage caused by war, in respect of which the government of the
of Yugoslavia submitted a Memorial to the International Court of Justice
the Hague. Just as we heroically defended our freedom and dignity, we
to the aggressors' forces that we will be equally successful in
ourselves from all forms of an extended aggression through sanctions,
interference in the internal affairs, encouragement of separatism and
destabilization and systematic violation of the decisions of the
Council concerning the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija. We
equally united and efficiently with our reconstruction and economic
development that you will, we hope, have the opportunity to see
at least partly.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Distinguished guests,

Yugoslavia has a long tradition of openness for equitable cooperation
respect for the common interests of all our partners and
in the internal affairs. With such a policy it has been and remains to
an indispensable constructive factor of peace, stability and cooperation
the Balkans, in Europe and the world.
Allow me to say a few words now about the priorities of Yugoslavia's
The foremost priority is the protection of the sovereignty and
integrity of Yugoslavia, i.e. prevention of any separatism and
removal of all threats, pressure and outside interference.
Second, ensuring conditions for the reconstruction and rebuilding of the
country, encouragement of the participation of foreign partners.
Third, strengthening of the reputation and international position of
Yugoslavia on the international scene by developing cooperation on an
basis and friendly relations with all countries respecting Yugoslavia as
equal partner.
Fourth, normalization of its membership status in international,
political, economic and other organizations and the lifting of
In our neighborhood and in South Eastern Europe, we continue to pursue
active, open and principled policy of normalization of relations with
former Yugoslav republics, development of good-neighborliness with all
neighbors while respecting the principle of sovereignty and territorial
integrity as well as respect for mutual interests and non-interference
the internal affairs.
This implies that all countries of the region should respect the rights
ethnic minorities in accordance with the European standards, notably the
right to use one's own language, to education in one's native language,
foster one's own cultural heritage on a national identity and customs.
We are in favor of strengthening in economic integration processes
dismantling all customs, administrative and other barriers to free
of people, capital, goods, services, scientific, cultural and other
including the creation of free trade areas.
The development of a multilateral regional cooperation with an equal
participation of all countries and respect for the original interests of
peoples and States of the region is our major commitment. The more so
the process of this cooperation was inaugurated in Belgrade in 1988 at
First Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Balkan countries.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The people of Yugoslavia aspires for peace and cooperation with its
neighbors, wishing a developed and upright Balkans, which will not serve
a testing ground for inhuman experiments of the architects of the New
Order, desirous of a Europe and a world where common sense and
understanding among people and nations will prevail. We are aware of all
the dangers and challenges on that road just as we are aware of the fact
that this was not going to be an easy struggle. In our efforts for a
and happier future of all the world, all the people and all nations, we
ready to cooperate with all those who care about equality, peace and
understanding among people. We are convinced that a large majority of
mankind shares our goals and convictions.
Therefore, if it is true that the NATO aggression has had global
hegemonistic aims, then it is equally true that the defense of
from that aggression has had global freedom values.
Thank you.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj

"La NATO usava i campi profughi come base per i riservisti dell'UCK".

Dichiarazione di Rony Brauman, responsabile di "Medici senza frontiere",
intervistato su "24 heures" (Losanna); in italiano su "Il Manifesto",

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj
> Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 08:38:47 -0500
>1. Persistent warnings to the violations of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999)
> Since the adoption of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) and the
>of international security (KFOR) and civilian (UNMIK) presences in
>and Metohija, under the auspices of the United Nations, the Government
>the FR of Yugoslavia has continuously warned the responsible
>representatives of the UN, above all the Security Council, to the
>violation of key provisions of the Resolution and insisted that all
>measures from its competencies be undertaken with a view to its
> - Memorandums of the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia: By its
>Memorandums of 27 July and 4 November 1999, containing examples
>in detail of flagrant violations of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) and its
>related documents, the Yugoslav Government warned the Security Council
>the worrisome developments in Kosovo and Metohija since the deployment
>KFOR and UNMIK in the southern Serb Province.
> On the basis of clear examples on the failures, i.e. on illegal
>and direct violations of the key provisions of the Resolution and its
>related documents by KFOR and UNMIK, the Government of the FR of
>demanded the Security Council, as an organ with primary responsibility,
>undertake energetic and immediate measures towards strict implementation
>UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) and the Military Technical Agreement (MTA),
>order to put an end to dramatic deterioration of the situation, to
>the normalization of security situation, as well as full safety of
>and property of the entire population in the Province.
> - The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, in more than its 50
>communications to the Security Council, continuously pointed to the
>examples of non-compliance with or gross violations of the mandate of
>and UNMIK, particularly related to the violation of the sovereignty and
>territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Metohija, as
>well as to the continuation of terror, ethnic cleansing and genocide of
>Albanian terrorists and separatists against the Serbs, Montenegrins,
>Turks, Goranci and other non-Albanian population in the Province.
> - Through its Committee for Cooperation with the UN Mission in
>the Yugoslav Government has forwarded more than 100 letters, protests
>demands to the head of UNMIK and KFOR commander, in connection with the
>implementation of their mandate, clearly established by UN SC resolution
>1244 (1999).
> 2. Passive attitude of UN SC and other bodies of international
> - Despite its clear obligations arising from UN SC resolution
>1244 (1999)
>and its related documents, the Security Council has failed so far to
>undertake the measures to ensure its strict implementation seriously
>undermining the authority of the United Nations and thus eroding the
>credibility in genuine readiness of the world Organization to live up to
>its obligations.
> - In view of the continuous and dramatic deterioration of the
>and drastic violations of fundamental human rights, as well as of
>destruction of historical and cultural monuments, constituting an
>part of the world cultural heritage, the Government of the FR of
>has informed timely and in a well-documented way other international
>organizations engaged in Kosovo and Metohija (UNHCR, UNHCHR, UNESCO,
>OSCE, EU, Council of Europe, etc.) about the continued worsening of the
>situation in the Province and demanded that they fulfil their share of
>responsibility in accordance with SC resolution 1244 (1999) and other
>relevant international legal instruments within their field of activity.
>1. Systematic violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
>FR of Yugoslavia and the mandate of UN Security Council
> a) UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) unambiguously confirms the
>sovereignty and
>territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Metohija
>(preambular para 10; subpara 8, Annex 2)
> - Decisions of UNMIK and KFOR: Regulations of UN Secretary
>General Special
>Representative and head of UNMIK B. Kouchner lack basis in the
>and are aimed at severing all ties between Kosovo and Metohija and the
>Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia, i.e. totally separating
>Province from the constitutional, legal, economic, monetary, financial,
>banking, customs, visa, administrative and other systems of the FR of
>Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia.
> - Regulations and decisions of the UN SG Special Representative
>for Kosovo
>and Metohija B. Kouchner, systematically and directly undermine the
>sovereignty of the FRY in Kosovo and Metohija as a basic principle
>guaranteed by SC resolution 1244 (1999) and bring into question the
>basis and attributes of statehood of the State of Serbia and the FR of
>Yugoslavia, in the southern Serb Province, as an integral part of the
>sovereign territory of the Republic of Serbia and of the FR of
> - Special Representative Kouchner has, without consulting legal
>representatives of the Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia,
>illegally established the so-called Interim Administration Council, de
>facto Provincial "Government", composed exclusively of Albanians, mostly
>from the ranks of the terrorist so-called KLA and separatist Albanian
>political parties, which represent an attempt of legalizing ethnic
>supremacy of Albanians, with a view to creating an ethnically pure
>and Metohija.
> - The developments in the Province unambiguously confirm that
>the claims
>of the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia to the effect that the UNMIK
>decision on the transformation of the terrorist KLA in an alleged
>organization - "Kosovo Protection Corps" are justified. This decision is
>not only illegal as it lacks basis whatsoever in SC resolution 1244
>and its related documents. It is also one of the main generators of
>exacerbating the situation and the crisis in the Province. The attack of
>well-armed members of the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps on a patrol
>the Republican Ministry of the Interior near Bujanovac, outside the
>administrative area of Kosovo and Metohija, unambiguously confirms that
>so-called Kosovo Protection Corps is not any "civilian" creation - its
>members are re-cycled terrorists of the so-called KLA, whose combat
>structure and command personnel have been fully kept, creating a core of
>future Albanian army in Kosovo and Metohija, as has been publicly
>out by its "commander", notorious terrorist A. Cheku.
> In that connection, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia
>recalls to its
>clear position presented in a letter to the President of the Security
>Council of 22 September 1999, stating that failure to demilitarize the
>so-called KLA and the establishment of the "Kosovo Protection Corps" was
>farce and a manipulation.
> - Building of military bases: The Government of the FR of
>Yugoslavia most
>energetically opposes the building of military bases of KFOR in a part
>its sovereign territory, without its approval. It represents the most
>flagrant violation of its sovereignty and provisions of UN SC resolution
>1244 (1999), as well as the existing laws of the Republic of Serbia and
>FR of Yugoslavia. The building of foreign bases without the approval of
>receiving State is contrary to the character and spirit of peace
>under the auspices of the United Nations and represents a dangerous
>precedent, contrary to the fundamental principles and purposes of the
>United Nations.
> - Military exercises of NATO/KFOR: Possible military exercises
>of NATO and
>KFOR in the Province, which are according to the international media due
>March, represent the most flagrant threat to the territorial integrity
>sovereignty of the FR of Yugoslavia and is in the function of direct
>support to the Albanian separatism and terrorism. Such provocative
>on the part of KFOR represents a factor of serious destabilization of
>region and directly threatens peace and stability in Europe.
> UN Security Council is obliged to prevent any act of violation
>of UN SC
>resolution 1244 (1999) and to eliminate a source of instability in the
> - Representation of some countries: Tolerating the establishment
>foreign missions in the Province, without consultations and approval of
>Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, represents a gross violation of the
>principle of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of
>Yugoslavia. In line with that, Kouchner's draft regulation on
>and privileges of the liaison offices of foreign Governments in Kosovo"
>totally unacceptable, since it grossly violates the principles of the UN
>Charter, provisions of the Vienna Conventions on diplomatic and consular
>relations and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the
>Nations as well as prevailing international practice.
> - The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of
>Yugoslavia are
>inviolable: overall conduct, decisions of KFOR and UNMIK particularly of
>the UN SG Special Representative and head of UNMIK B. Kouchner,
>disregarding or violating the principle of sovereignty and territorial
>integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia, as well as all measures, acting and
>failing to act, contrary to the UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) or MTA, or
>represent an attempt at their revision, the FR of Yugoslavia considers
>illegal and they cannot have any legal effect or be binding on the FR of
>Yugoslavia or its organs in any way.
> The FR of Yugoslavia warns that it has never ceded or
>intends to cede the
>sovereignty over any part of its territory and resolutely rejects the
>tactics of manipulating or diverting the attention from the alliance of
>UNMIK and KFOR with the terrorist so-called KLA. It particularly refuses
>all moves in line with fait accompli acts.
> 2. Massive violations of human rights
> Terror and violence : Albanian terror and violence, ethnic
>cleansing and
>genocide against non-Albanian population, above all the Serbs and
>Montenegrins, but also Roma, Muslims, Turks, Goranci and others,
>destruction of their homes, usurpation and destruction of private and
>State-owned property, rampant crime and chaos in the Province, continue
>despite the presence of almost 50,000 armed members of KFOR and around
>2,200 UNMIK policemen. That speaks convincingly that KFOR and UNMIK do
>fulfil their basic obligations arising from their mandate, particularly
>terms of guaranteeing full personal and property security and safety of
>citizens in the Province, above all the Serbs and Montenegrins, who have
>been exposed to systematic ethnic cleansing, terror, killings and
> The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia insists that KFOR and
>UNMIK fulfil
>without delay all their obligations and create as soon as possible the
>conditions for a safe return of all expelled persons to Kosovo and
> Ethnic cleansing: Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK, more
>350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Turks, Goranci and other
>non-Albanians were forcibly driven out of the Province. Terrorists are
>increasingly targeting Albanians, loyal citizens of the Republic of
>and the FR of Yugoslavia, who refused to obey the demands of Albanian
>terrorists and criminals.
> - It is worrying that during the course of last week only an
>more than 16,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Turks, Goranci and
>other non-Albanians were driven out of the Province.
> The latest instances of intimidation of Serbs in Kosovska
>Mitrovica, in
>which KFOR directly played a part, are yet another example of the policy
>pressure brought to bear on Serbs, which proves to work, with a view to
>completing the ethnic cleansing of the Province.
> - Terrorism: In the period from 12 June 1999 through 27 February
>there was a total of 4,354 terrorist attacks (4,121 against Serbs and
>Montenegrins); 910 persons (811 Serbs and Montenegrins) were killed; 802
>(751 Serbs and Montenegrins) were wounded; and 821 (757 Serbs and
>Montenegrins) were abducted. More than 50,000 homes, mostly those
>to Serbs, Montenegrins and Roma, were destroyed, burned down or severely
> - The latest serious crimes: Those which were particularly
>gruesome and
>which stuck out by their motive were the following: the shelling of the
>Serbian village of Gora?devac (on 7 January); the brutal murders of the
>Muslim Skenderi family of four in Prizren (on 11 January); the murders
>three Serbs who returned to the village Pasjane (on 16 January); the
>and murder of an 11-year old Albanian girl from Vitina by a KFOR soldier
>(on 11 January); a RPG attack on a UNHCR bus (on 2 February) in which
>Serbs died and several other sustained injuries; a hand grenade attack
>the cafe "Belamy" in Kosovska Mitrovica (on 3 February) injuring 30
>8 of them seriously; armed attacks against the Serbian villages of
>Svinjare and Suvo Grlo (on 5 February), Lipljan and Bresje (on 7
>tearing down of the memorial to the Serbian hero Milo? Obili? in a small
>town also called Obili? (on 7 February); the murder of doctor Josif
>and wounding of doctor Vjenceslav Grozdanovi? from Gnjilane (on 26
> - Terrorists attacks outside the Province: In the belief that
>destabilization of the situation on the widest possible territory
>facilitates the achievement of their separatist goals, Albanian
>are increasingly launching attacks on civilians and law enforcement
>officials outside the administrative boundaries of the Province. The
>recent instance of spilling over terrorism beyond Kosovo and Metohija is
>the attack against a Serbian police patrol on road between Bujanovac and
>Gnjilane, on 26 February 2000. Police major Slavi?a Dimitrijevi? was
>in the attack and three other police officers were hurt. One of the
>attacking terrorists by the name Fatmir Ibi?i got killed. He was a
>of the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC), which is a clear
>that the so-called KPC has continued to act as a legalized so-called
> - "Labour camps" for Serbs: The prisons, run by the terrorist
>KLA throughout Kosovo and Metohija, house several hundred abducted
>civilians, who have been placed in "labour camps" controlled by the
>so-called KLA. The abductees have been subjected to extremely cruel and
>inhuman treatment in these "labour camps" located in the village of
>Mati?ane, 15 kilometres away from Pri?tina, as well as in the village of
>Du?anovo near Prizren and in Drenica. Access to these people is strictly
>forbidden, even by ICRC representatives.
> Additionally, another some 350 Serbs, who have been abducted in
>Kosovo and
>Metohija, are now in the Republic of Albania.
> The international forces in Kosovo and Metohija are aware of the
>of such prisons for the abducted Serbs, but no steps or actions have
>taken to get them released. All this, despite the fact that it
>the most inhuman violation of individual human rights and freedoms.
> - Destruction of cultural and historic sites: The genocidal
>against Orthodox Christianity, holy places and memorials at the time
>when a
>thousand years of Christianity is observed, resulted in the destruction,
>burning or extensive damage to 84 churches and monasteries. The burning
>destruction of the churches, monasteries and cultural and historic sites
>are also aimed at wiping out the historic traces of Serbian spirituality
>and statehood, all serving the purpose of denying the State sovereignty
>territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia over Kosovo
>Metohija, in outright violation of UN Security Council resolution 1244
>(1999) and its related documents.
> - Discrimination against Serbs and a cultural and spiritual
>genocide of
>Serbs is particularly manifest through the closure of universities,
>schools, theatres and media outlets in Serbian language on the pretext
>alleged efforts to keep the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and
>multi-religious structures in the Province. The fact that this is done
>where the Serbs have managed to live in larger numbers clearly shows
>KFOR and UNMIK directly encourage the aspirations of Kosovo Albanian
>terrorists towards breaking apart the ethnically solid Serbian
>and that they openly pressurize Serbs into leaving their ancestral
> - The policy of double standards applied by UNMIK has deprived
>not only
>Serbs but also Roma, Muslims, Turks and Goranci of their jobs in favour
>Albanians, constituting a gross violation of the principle of equality
> - KFOR and UNMIK bear sole responsibility for massive violation
>of human
>rights in the Province, for lawlessness, chaos and breaches of the
>provisions of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), relating to the
>preservation of the multi-ethnic, multi-confessional and multi-cultural
>character of the Province, by becoming outright accessory to ethnic
>cleansing and genocide.
> 3. Disarming of the terrorist so-called KLA
> - Daily terrorization, violence, killings and destruction of
>Serbian homes
>and settlements, cafes and other places frequented by Serbs in massive
>numbers in those remaining Serbian enclaves, as well as attacks on
>civilians and Yugoslav security forces beyond the boundaries of the
>Province, with the use of heavy ordnance even, all testify to the fact
>the terrorist so-called KLA has not been disarmed.
> - Leaders of these terrorist/separatist formations, Hashim
>Thaqi, Agim
>Cheku and others, make no bones that one of their separatist aims is to
>establish an Albanian army in Kosovo and Metohija with the so-called KPC
>its core, meaning nothing else that it would be a "transformed"
>so-called KLA.
> The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia recalls once again its
>expressed in the letter of 22 September 1999 to the President of the
>Security Council, that purported transformation of the terrorist
>KLA into the so-called "Kosovo Protection Corps" was a sham and a
>manipulation, so as to avoid the obligation of a genuine
>and disarming of this illegal terrorist organization, a fact
>openly admitted even by the biased media and some Western politicians.
> - KFOR and UNMIK, in particular Bernard Kouchner, bear full
>that the so-called KLA has not yet been disarmed, and that with their
>blessing, an illegal Albanian armed formation was created, composed
>of proven Albanian but also of international terrorists recruited in
>neighbouring and other States known for sponsoring international
>There is information that Islamic extremists from Chechenya are
>in large numbers in Kosovo and Metohija where they enjoy the protection
> - Thriving crime in the Province: Another direct proof that KFOR
>and UNMIK
>have failed to discharge their mandates strictly, notably with respect
>securing the international borders of the FR of Yugoslavia with Albania
>Macedonia, is their patronizing attitude towards Albanian terrorists and
>separatists who enter the FR of Yugoslavia without hindrance, which is
>main cause for the thriving crime and chaos in the Province.
> - As a result of an unprotected border, in flagrant violation of
>Council resolution 1244 (1999), KFOR and UNMIK have allowed illegal
>into the Province of several hundred thousand criminals and looters from
>Albania, aimed at spilling over the chaos from Albania into Kosovo and
>Metohija. Kosovo and Metohija have, thus, been turned into a stronghold
>organized international crime, terrorism, narco mafia, illicit arms
>trafficking, white slavery, juvenile crime and prostitution rackets in
>Central and Western Europe, with a view to rampant crime and
>destabilization of Europe and preventing the ongoing integration
> 4. Civil registration and elections in Kosovo and Metohija
> - Against a background of continuing terror, final stages of the
>cleansing of Serbs and other non-Albanian population in the Province,
>absence of conditions for the return of over 350,000 expellees and a
>presence of a couple of hundred thousand illegal foreign citizens in
>and Metohija, it is evident that there are not even the basic conditions
>for civil registration in the context of the preparations for the
>to be held in near future. Ignoring these facts and insistence by OSCE
>UNMIK to proceed to civil registration in the circumstances described
>represent an attempt at the policy of fait accompli and at encouraging
>further destabilization of the Province along the lines of achieving the
>separatist goals of Albanian extremists.
> The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia strongly rejects any
>attempt at
>calling for early elections in the Province until basic conditions are
>met, i.e. consolidated peace and stability on the basis of Security
>resolution 1244 (1999) implying first of all a free and safe return of
>expelled Serbs and other non-Albanian population, and until basic
>parameters for the political settlement in Kosovo and Metohija are
>with the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia.
> 5. Delaying the return of Yugoslav Army (VJ) and police (MUP)
> - In a situation in which KFOR and UNMIK do not carry out their
>mandate of
>guaranteeing full personal safety and safety of property for all the
>population and of providing conditions for a safe and unimpeded return
>all displaced persons and refugees, undue delays in the implementation
>the provisions of the Military Technical Agreement relating to the
>of VJ and MUP (UNSCR 1244, op. para 4; Annex 2, subpara 6 and 10; MTA
>paragraph 4) additionally encourage Albanian terrorists to continue with
>their daily terrorization of Serbs and other non-Albanians with the aim
>completing the ethnic cleansing of the Province.
> The Yugoslav Government insists that this obligation is
>immediately and without any conditions.
> 6. Responsibility of the United Nations Security Council
> The Security Council, as guarantor for its resolution 1244
>(1999), is
>responsible for strict compliance with all provisions of the resolution
>its related documents, primarily those reaffirming the sovereignty and
>territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia on all its territory, as
>as for the respect of general standards in the implementation of UN
>peace-keeping operations, above all the universal principles of the
>Nations Charter, International Covenants on human rights, etc. This
>responsibility includes the obligation of the Council to prevent any
>departing from, delaying of the implementation or arbitrary
>of the provisions of its resolution 1244 (1999) and its related
>Only the Security Council has the authority to give a binding
>interpretation of the provisions of its resolutions. Continued gross
>violations of the provisions of the Resolution and its related documents
>KFOR and UNMIK which brought about an alarming development of the
>in the Province, have not been responded to by adequate measures of the
>Security Council to put an end to such dangerous developments. This
>confirms that the Security Council has not fulfilled its obligations and
>therefore it is held directly accountable for the detrimental
>caused by such conduct.
> Proceeding from the fact that it has fulfilled all its
>obligations under
>Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and its related documents, the
>Government of the FR of Yugoslavia insists that all other responsible
>factors, and primarily the Security Council as the most responsible
>carry out immediately and unconditionally their share of responsibility
>1. Overall performance of KFOR and UNMIK
> The results of the nine-month long international security (KFOR)
>civilian (UNMIK) presence in the south Serbian Province are extremely
>The utterly disturbing situation is characterized by wide-spread crime
>terror, chaos and lawlessness, genocide and ethnic cleansing of Serbian
>other non-Albanian population, destruction of their private property,
>looting and usurpation of the property of the State and of private
>carried out by armed Albanian extremists, members of the terrorist
>so-called KLA in particular.
> - Multiethnic Kosovo and Metohija - hypocrisy of KFOR and UNMIK:
>In spite
>of verbal pledges of KFOR and UNMIK to preserve multiethnic character of
>the Province, the activities and behaviour of international presence in
>Kosovo and Metohija are quite opposite. The fact that over 350 thousand
>citizens of the Province, out of whom 270 thousand Serbs and
>have been forcibly driven out of Kosovo and Metohija in the presence of
>international force and under its auspices and mandate, is totally
>and disastrous for the reputation of the world Organization.
> - Ethnic cleansing of Serbs and Montenegrins in the largest part
>of the
>Province has been already accomplished. Now, the remaining isolated
>enclaves, above all Kosovska Mitrovica as the largest one, have become
>target of Albanian terrorists and of sensless moves of KFOR and UNMIK
>add more fuel to the flames.

> The insisting of KFOR and UNMIK on the establishment of
>communities in the remaining Serbian enclaves in particular is both
>unconvincing and cynical, since at the same time no one is even
>for example Pri?tina in which about 40 thousand Serbs and Montenegrins
>to live before the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK, and now less than two or
>three hundred of them remain. There is not a word about the situation in
>Prizren, Pe?, Orahovac, Djakovica, Glogovac and many other towns,
>and areas in Kosovo and Metohija, like Kosovo Pomoravlje, which are also
>completely ethnically cleansed of Serbs and Montenegrins, while the
>of their return to their homes is not even the subject of at least
>rhetoric of responsible KFOR and UNMIK representatives.
> The action of searching the houses of Serbs in Kosovska
>Mitrovica brutally
>carried out by the members of American and German contingent of KFOR,
>coincided with unhampered arrival of thousands of Albanian extremists
>by terrorists of the so-called KLA to Kosovska Mitrovica in order to
>threaten and frighten the remaining Serbs irrefutably testifies to the
>cooperation and collusion of KFOR and UNMIK with Albanian terrorists, as
>well as of their active engagement in the concept of changing borders in
>the Balkans to create the so-called Greater Albania. At the same time,
>is the latest confirmation of the proven policy of demonizing Serbs in
>order to justify the real goals -the ending of the campaign of ethnic
>cleansing of Serbs in the Province, and to conceal the facts that the
>members of the so-called KLA have been neither demilitarized nor
>This is the main reason why, the OSCE condemned in its report of 21
>February the house searching operations pointing out that KFOR has
>thereby the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and
>Rights and establishing that the action was illegal which was also
>to the attention of the head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner.
> - Non-compliance and gross violations of the basic provisions of
>Council resolution 1244 (1999) and its related documents by KFOR and
>has resulted directly in the dramatic security and general situation in
>Province, above all in the continuation of Albanian terrorism, violence
>ethnic cleansing of Serbs and other non-Albanian population and wide
>crime and lawlessness in the Province. Thus KFOR and UNMIK have become
>accomplices in the most serious crimes committed against Serbs and other
>non-Albanian population and they are responsible mostly for the
>non-existence of elementary security of Serbs and non-Albanian
>in the Province.
> The tested tactics of deluding the world public and of diverting
>attention from the complete fiasco of international mission under the
>auspices of the United Nations is being applied in Kosovo and Metohija.
>After practically completed ethnic cleansing and destruction of
>that is related to Serbs and non-Albanians, any attempt to look for the
>guilty ones among few Serbs who remained is not only a cynicism but also
>proof of direct protection of terrorists and separatists, of organized
>international crime and of the continuation of a new form of aggression
>against the FR of Yugoslavia which characterizes the alliance between
>and terrorist so-called KLA. Such activity is obviously aimed at
>the destabilization over the entire region of southeastern Europe. In
>way Kosovo and Metohija is being transformed into a centre of prolonged
>destabilization of Europe, and the entire region into a centre for the
>concentration and spreading of international terrorism which deeply
>penetrated into the tissue of Europe and through Kosovo and Metohija
>be spread and jeopardize the process of integration.
> The continuous deterioration of the overall situation in the
>Province is
>in line with the efforts to provoke artificially the prolonged
>destabilization in the region which should justify the existence of NATO
>and to rehabilitate its prestige and credibility which have been
>brought into question by its illegal aggression against the FR of
> Therefore, the statements of KFOR and UNMIK representatives of
>success of the international mission in the Province are unacceptable
>completely biased, since it is clear that they are not founded on real
>situation on the ground and consequently this can lead to the conclusion
>that they are based on the assessment of some other goals which are
>different from those set up in Security Council resolution 1244 and its
>related documents. The statements that the number of crimes has been
>reduced in absolute terms are unacceptable because this is the result
>of a continuous reduction of the number of Serbs and other non-Albanian
>population who are the victims of Albanian terrorists.
> - Cooperation of KFOR and UNMIK with separatists and terrorists
>jeopardizing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a sovereign
>Member State of the United Nations, in systematic violation of the
>of the United Nations, international law, Security Council resolution
>and Military Technical Agreement, incites not only the security and
>chaos in the Province but dangerously undermines the security
>in the entire region. Such behaviour of international forces under the
>auspices of the Untied Nations is without a precedent in the history of
>United Nations peace-keeping missions, whereby the reputation and
>of the United Nations are seriously brought into question.
> - Strict implementation of the Resolution and its related
>documents is
>the main precondition for the normalization of the overall situation in
>Province and the obligations of all to unconditionally observe that.
>2. An imperative to normalize the situation in Kosovo and Metohija
> All parameters unambiguously confirm that the developments in
>the Province
>are moving towards the further worsening of the overall situation which
>will become even more complex and dangerous with possible far-reaching
>adverse consequences on the entire region. By the gross violation of the
>provisions of the Resolution and by their overall conduct, KFOR and
>have unambiguously confirmed that the presence of international forces
>under the auspices of the United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija is a
>complete fiasco. The United Nations Security Council bear primary
>responsibility for this since it failed to undertake necessary and
>energetic measures it was bound to under the Resolution, and to ensure a
>strict implementation of the provisions of the Resolution and its
> Therefore, it is necessary to put an end as soon as possible to
>shameless mission of the so-called international community in Kosovo and
>Metohija since it is obvious that it could not or did not want to
>the mandate entrusted upon it by Security Council resolution 1244
>and to let the competent authorities of the FR of Yugoslavia and
>of Serbia to restore in the Province: order and peace, rule of law and
>legality; personal protection and the protection of the property of all
>citizens irrespective of their ethnic origin or religion, as well as to
>ensure normal functioning of all commercial entities and local
>and normalization of entire life in the Province, as a necessary
>prerequisite for launching political dialogue between the
>of the State and ethnic communities in Kosovo and Metohija about the
>parameters of autonomy and self-governance in the Province.
> Proceeding from its sovereign rights, guaranteed by Security
>resolution 1244 (1999), Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin document and Military
>Technical Agreement, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia reiterates
> - that the Security Council undertake urgently energetic
>measures to
>ensure strict respect of all provisions of the Resolution and its
>documents, above all those which confirm sovereignty and territorial
>integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia on its entire territory;
> In this context, the Yugoslav Government insists in particular :
> - that UNMIK and KFOR unconditionally and without delay respect
>implement the mandate set up in the Resolution and its relevant
> - that sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of
>Yugoslavia and
>the Republic of Serbia be strictly respected in Kosovo and Metohija and
>this context full normalization of functioning of customs, border
>public services (PTT, power supply system, railway, banking system) be
>ensured in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia and the FR
>Yugoslavia and principles of market-oriented economy in view of
>the ties of the Province with the Republic of Serbia and the FR of
>Yugoslavia which have been artificially broken and of guaranteeing the
>unconditional return of Yugoslav border authorities, customs and
>control to the State border of the FR of Yugoslavia with Albania and
> - that all regulations and other decisions of UNMIK and KFOR
>which violate
>territorial integrity and sovereignty of the FR of Yugoslavia and the
>Republic of Serbia be revoked, that the respect for the laws in force of
>the FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia be ensured on their
> - that all illegally seized State, public, socially-owned and
>property primarily PTT, power supply system, railway, banks, mines,
>factories, firms, be returned to legal owners.
> - that immediately a safe environment for all citizens and their
>personal safety and safety of their property be ensured;
> - that energetic measures be taken to end terrorization,
>intimidation and
>ill-treatment of the population belonging to the Serbian, Roma, Muslim,
>Goranci, Turk and other non-Albanian ethnic communities, as well as a
>to the use of force resulting in the violation of their fundamental
>rights and an immediate end to the ethnic cleansing of the Province of
> - that a free and safe return to the Province be ensured to more
>350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Goranci, Turks, Egyptians and other
>inhabitants expelled in a campaign of ethnic cleansing after UNMIK and
>came to the Province;
> - that immediately several hundred thousand citizens of Albania
>who have
>illegally entered the Province be expelled;
> - that the combat structures of the terrorist so-called KLA be
>and all its members disarmed as well as other Albanian armed gangs, that
>all their weapons be destroyed, which is the main reason for the lack of
>security in the Province and for overall thriving crime, and in
>to declare null an void the document on the "transformation" of the
>so-called KLA;
> - that, without delay, an unhampered return of the mebers of VJ
>and MUP to
>Kosovo and Metohija be allowed, in compliance with the MTA, in the
>of normalizing security and preventing further massive expulsions of the
>remaining Serbs and other non-Albanian population from the Province;
> - that full freedom of movement on the entire territory of the
>Province be
>ensured and that all existing ghettos, detention camps, blockading of
>and villages, such as Kosovska Mitrovica, Orahovac, Gnjilane and others,
>where the remaining Serbs now live, be removed;
> - that an unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance be
> - that normal functioning of education, respect for the autonomy
>university and other educational and cultural institutions and the
>especially those in Serbian language and wherever Serbs are predominant
>(Kosovska Mitrovica, etc.) be ensured;
> - that full and permanent protection of remaining cultural and
>monuments, medieval monasteries, churches and cemeteries be ensured;
>without delay, the leaders of the so-called KLA, H. Thaqi and A. Cheku
>the first place, as well as all other instigators of serious crimes,
>genocide, ethnic cleansing and terrorist acts against the non-Albanian
>population, their property and State and public property, and against
>cultural and historic sites, educational, health, commercial and other
>institutions and facilities, be held accountable and punished in an
>exemplary fashion;
> - that without any further delay, a comprehensive agreement
>between the FR
>of Yugoslavia and the United Nations on regulating the status of the
>international presence under the auspices of the United Nations in
>and Metohija and on other relevant issues, be concluded without further
> Belgrade, 1
>March 2000

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj