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Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal'
Belongs to NATO
by Jared Israel
[Originally posted 30 June 2001]
[Updated and expanded 7 January 2002]

Of course you've heard of the ICTY, also
known as The Hague 'War Crimes
Tribunal.' That's the outfit that kidnaps
Serbian leaders (including
Slobodan Milosevic) and puts them on 'trial.'
Did you think the ICTY was a
fair-minded UN court, free to indict anyone
charged with crimes in
Yugoslavia, regardless of nationality?

Think again.

Exhibit A: Press Conference by NATO spokesman
Jamie Shea. Took place May 17,
1999, that is, during the NATO aggression
against Yugoslavia.

"QUESTION: Jamie, I wonder if you could
comment on a speech made by Justice
Arbour of the International Criminal Tribunal
last week, a copy of which I
left with your very fine secretary so that
you would have reference to it.
Judge Arbour in her speech said that as a
result of the NATO initiatives
being initiated on 24 March the countries of
NATO have "voluntarily
submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of
her court whose mandate applies
to the theatre of the chosen military
operation and whose reach is
unqualified by nationality and whose
investigations are triggered at the
sole discretion of the prosecutor who has
primacy over national courts."
Does NATO recognise Judge Arbour's
jurisdiction over their activities?

"JAMIE SHEA: First of all, my understanding
of the UN resolution that
established the Court is that it applies to
the former Yugoslavia, it is for
war crimes committed on the territory of the
former Yugoslavia.

"[SHEA CONTINUES] Secondly, I think we have
to distinguish between the
theoretical and the practical. I believe that
when Justice Arbour starts her
investigation, she will because we will allow
her to. It's not Milosevic
that has allowed Justice Arbour her visa to
go to Kosovo to carry out her
investigations. If her court, as we want, is
to be allowed access, it will
be because of NATO so NATO is the friend of
the Tribunal, NATO are the
people who have been detaining indicted war
criminals for the Tribunal in
Bosnia. We have done it, 14 arrests so far by
SFOR, and we will continue to do it.

"[SHEA CONTINUES] NATO countries are those
that have provided the finance to
set up the Tribunal, we are amongst the
majority financiers, and of course
to build a second chamber so that
prosecutions can be speeded up so let me
assure that we and the Tribunal are all one
on this, we want to see war
criminals brought to justice and I am certain
that when Justice Arbour goes
to Kosovo and looks at the facts she will be
indicting people of Yugoslav
nationality and I don't anticipate any others
at this stage."

[Our Emphasis. May 17, 1999 Transcript of
NATO press conference by Jamie
Shea & Major General W. Jertz in Brussels
Transcribed by M2 PRESSWIRE (c)
1999. To see the excerpt above in context of
the full transcript, go to:

Washington Created It; NATO Makes It Possible

Did you think critics were indulging in
hyperbole when they said Madeline
Albright was "Mother of the Tribunal"?

EXHIBIT B: Excerpts from speech by Gabrielle
Kirk McDonald, President of the
Hague Tribunal, at her award ceremony at the
American Supreme Court on April
5, 1999.

"[Gabrielle Kirk McDonald:]I am also pleased
to be here tonight as a guest
of the Coalition for International Justice,
which was founded in 1995 with
assistance from CEELI and the Open Society
Institute. The Coalition has been
a great source of support to the Tribunal.
CIJ jumped in early and has
stayed involved ever since. From running a
workshop to assist the defense
counsel in the very first trial, through
seminars for the judges...

"[Gabrielle Kirk McDonald:]Without the
co-operation of the states and
entities in the former Yugoslavia and the
international community as a
whole, the Tribunal had no way of bringing
even a single accused to trial.

"[Gabrielle Kirk McDonald
Continues:]Nevertheless, we persevered and
did what we could to build the institution. We
benefited from the strong support
of concerned governments and dedicated
individuals such as Secretary
Albright. As the permanent representative to
the United Nations, she had
worked with unceasing resolve to establish
the Tribunal. Indeed, we often
refer to her as the "mother of the Tribunal".
And I am proud of what we have
accomplished. After those first years of
struggling to simply establish the
court, we have now really gotten on with the
substance of our mandate."

to see the quotations in context of the full
Speech, go to:

Emperor's Clothes Note: The Open Society
Institute, which Ms. McDonald found
so helpful, is George Soros' outfit. Soros
acts as a kind of high-profit
wing of the CIA. On the one hand, he is a
ruthless currency-pirate (that is
polite), implicated in savaging the Thai
economy, which launched the great
Asian crash. On the other hand, his
foundation sets up and funds front
groups throughout the former Socialist
countries and elsewhere as beachheads
for U.S. penetration.

In his testimony at the July, 1999 hearing on
overthrowing democracy in
Yugoslavia, Special Yugoslav Envoy Gelbard
spoke of the Open Society
Foundation as a great help in carrying out
Imperial penetration. CELLI
appears to be part of a group of governmental
and semi-governmental
organizations which work together to develop
Fifth Column organizations in
countries targeted by the U.S. Empire. One of
the main coordinators of this
apparatus is a CIA spin-off, the National
Endowment for Democracy, about
which see:
'US Arrogance And Yugoslav Elections' at
'Eviscerating Democracy' at

Washington Finances It

Did you think this "United Nations" War
Crimes Tribunal was funded by the
United Nations?

Exhibit C: The Tribunal Thanks Washington for
Donating the Money to Do
Washington's Propaganda Work

"Press Release · Communiqué de presse
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an
official document)
The Hague, 19 April 1999




"On behalf of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,
the President of the Tribunal, Judge
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, has expressed
her deep appreciation to the U.S. Government
for its pledge of USD 500,000
for the Tribunal’s Outreach project.
Harold Koh, the US Assistant Secretary
of State for Democracy, Human Rights and
Labour, announced the donation at a
press briefing at the Tribunal on Friday 16
April 1999.

"This generous contribution, which makes up
over a third of the total
Outreach budget, will, as Assistant Secretary
of State Harold Koh noted
'allow the Tribunal to carry its message of
impartial justice not only to
governments and legal practitioners in the
former Yugoslavia, but, most of
all, to the families of victims.'

"The President urges other countries and
organisations to support this vital
project, which is aimed at bridging the
communications gap between the
Tribunal and the people of the former
Yugoslavia and helping in the
international community’s overall
reconciliation effort."


[See Below]
Some Useful Articles on the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former

* In 'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment'
Dr. Hans Koechler, the
distinguished philosopher and social-legal
analyst associated with the
United Nations examines the Tribunal and does
not like what he finds. Can be
read at

* The big so-called case before NATO's
so-called Tribunal is that of former
Yugoslav President Milosevic. For a decade he
has been on trial in the
Western media, convicted daily of doing - and
saying - terrible things. It's
easy enough to discover that the media
reports of Milosevic's views and
statements are lies. Go to

* In 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?',
Attorney Chris Black examines the
Tribunal's history and methods of operations.
Can be read at

* Dr. Kosta Cavoski, a distinguished Yugoslav
legal scholar, has written a
mind-boggling four-part series.

In 'The War Crimes Tribunal vs. Gen. Djordje
Djukic' at
and 'The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa
Krsmanovic' at
Professor Cavoski deals
with the torture and physical destruction of
Serbian 'defendants'.

In Illegal Origins' at
Professor Cavoski analyzes the Tribunal's
legal rationale, or lack of same.

In 'Learning from the Inquisition' at
Professor Cavoski
describes the practices of the Tribunal,
which thoroughly violate what we
would consider natural legal guarantees.

[This appeal was posted January 2002]

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