Mrs. Jela Jovanovic wrote:
> After the criminal last-week arrest of Mr. Dragoljub Milanovic, the
> former general director of Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS) and member
> of the leadership of SPS, demonstrations in Belgrade were held four
> times (in front of Parliament of Serbia, Central Prison, City Court,
> Government of Serbia and Ministry of Justice). The series will be
> continued next week - with biggest mass rally expected on Wednesday,
> 21st February at 2:30 p.m. in front of the Government of Serbia. The
> rally will also raise the voice against the Amnesty Lows (republican
> one adopted last week, and federal one in procedure of adoption in
> Federal Parliament), that have to pardon all Albanian terrorists, who
> are still brutally killing innocent civilians in Kosovo and Southern
> Serbia.
> These are still demonstrations against the NATO aggression and NATO
> quislings!
> Any form of public support or expression of solidarity is welcomed!
> The article below was originally published in Yugoslav daily "24 casa"
> (24 Hours) , a week before the arrest of Mr.
> Milanovic. It is written by an engineer, one of the senior technicians
> in RTS (most of the 16 victims of NATO criminal bombing of RTS on 23rd
> April 1999 were from technical staff, because the target was TV
> "Master", technical heart of any broadcasting TV and clearly seen from
> the sky due to its radiation, wherever it might be placed).
> What transpired in 1999
> I hereby admit I was informed that RTS building in
> Aberdareva Street will be bombed
> I, Slobodan Dragicevic, B. Sc. Eng., employed with the Serbia
> Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) admit voluntarily, without duress and
> of sound body and mind that NATO Alliance informed me they will bomb
> organization I am employed with as follows: building in Aberadreva
> Street, Belgrade, broadcasting stations Avala, Jastrebac, Crveni Cot,
> Iriski Venac and others.
> Mentioned Alliance of the Western democratic countries also informed
> me that it is going to bomb hospitals, trains, housing buildings,
> bridges and other civilian structures.
> At the same time, I declare that NATO countries also informed of the
> above all these who absolutely believe that mentioned countries are
> capable of doing what they say they will, that they do not shrink from
> any evil if it would serve their purpose.
> Sources of the information
> Hereby, I also voluntarily denounce the channels above mentioned
> information were delivered to me:
> 1. Works of Mr. Noam Chomsky, "What America Wants?", "Year 501: The
> Conquest Continues", "Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in
> Democratic Societies";
> 2. Raff Eperson?s book "Introduction Into Theory of Conspiracy";
> 3. Works of Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Chosich, Nyegosh, Evgeni Zamyatin,
> George Orwel and other writers;
> 4. Knowledge of global history confirming that Western countries are
> the origin of eternal evil;
> 5. Memoirs of Guderian, Zukov, Mannheim, Churchill and other world
> renown personalities;
> 6. Current global and internal policies winding down to forcing the
> happiness upon these who are even not conscious they are not
> happy, until told by the democrats, with the weapons, if
> necessary.
> 7. Experiences from the wars in Bosnia where broadcasting stations
> of the Radio-television of the Republic of Srpska were bombed
> with more eagerness then military objectives, because, truth is
> more lethal then bombs.
> 8. Experiences from the war in Iraq. They were not able to compel
> Iraq to surrender until started bombing civilian targets, and
> then they destroyed Iraqi Army after reaching agreement on their
> withdrawal from the combat positions.
> 9. Experiences of all the countries that tried to confront them
> 10. Other sources.
> What Else I Learned
> From the mentioned sources of information I have learned the
> following;
> 1. Democratic countries of the West are populated by the barbarian
> peoples. Ever since they created early strong communities and
> started building ships, they are navigating the seas, plundering,
> killing and taking into slavery naïve indigenous population. That
> was called discovery of the world, as if peoples living there did
> not know about themselves and needed to be told they are
> discovered. In the modern world, terminology has changed, and the
> same actions of the Western countries are now termed "struggle
> for democracy and human rights".
> 2. Within the last 501 years all the evil that transpired at the
> planet originated from the West. In the 20th century, at the soil
> of Central and South America, USA executed over 90 military
> interventions, with numerous victims, destroying all who dared to
> confront them.
> 3. Persons ruling the West, and now almost all the world with the
> exception of Cuba, China, Iraq and Libya have no any scruples nor
> any moral norms. They do not trust in God, though they are
> avowing their fate.
> 4. Even though they represent only one sixth of humankind, developed
> countries of the West call themselves ?international community?
> and are forcing their vassals in the occupied countries to
> convince the population to accept that as an universal truth.
> 5. "War is not caused by the conqueror, but by its victim! Aggressor
> would not wont to draw out his sword, but what to do when victim
> does not voluntarily allow what the conqueror is requesting?"
> This are the words of Alfred Von Schliffen, Chief of German
> General Staff up to year 1905. These words become the motto of
> the articulated world policy and the motto of "DOS" (read:
> vassals) as justification for the terror unleashed upon Serb
> people.
> 6. Methodology of occupation of certain parts of the world goes as
> follows: Terrorists get infiltrated into the state that should be
> destroyed (in Nicaragua called ?Contras"). Then, after the
> conflagrations started, peace process is offered. With the peace
> process all the world scum of journalists from CNN and BBC and
> officials of ?humanitarian? organizations like UN and OSCE arrive
> to the scene. With their help, confrontations are made permanent,
> so as to make possible bringing of peace. ("War is peace" -
> newspeak, G. Orwel). As in other previously occupied countries
> that happened both in Bosnia and the Kosmet, and now process
> continues in the south of Serbia.
> Always ready Vassals
> However, main force of the conqueror are domestic vassals. Without
> them process of occupation would not been possible. That?s why
> countries where, at the given moment, do not exist persons ready to
> collaborate, are temporarily left alone, at peace. (This experience
> dates back to times of Turkish sultan Murat who attacked Georgia, but
> since was not able to find any domestic vassals, quit the invasions
> and, instead, attacked Serbia).
> In the mentioned countries persons ready to collaborate get organized
> in the pacifist political parties, who, as a rule, in their title
> contain word ?democracy?.
> (Note: Also, indicative are titles like "Contras" in Nicaragua and
> "Resistance" in Serbia.)
> 7. All what evil world bullies, personified in the mighty developed
> states of the West, say they will do, they will do. As well, what they
> do not say, they will also do. Whatever they do is beforehand
> justified by ordaining democracy and human rights, by ordaining
> happiness. AT the places where West did not arrive yet, people
> actually "do not know they are not happy" (Yevgeni Zamyatin, novel
> "Us".).
> 8. Gravest crimes in the history of mankind are committed by the
> democratic, developed countries, for democracy and in the name of
> democracy.
> That democracy is not, in fact, the source of general happiness was
> foretold by the murder of Socrates in the democratic Greece of
> Pericles?s times, while usurpation of power by DOS in contemporary
> Serbia is further proof, as well as all the countries of the world
> occupied by the West.
> 9. Regarding countries and persons confronting mentioned evil, they
> are being satanised and persecuted as wild beasts since they may be
> ?bad? example for others and, ?as rotten apple may corrupt the whole
> barrel" (Noam Chomsky, "Necessary Illusions").
> A Joint Posse
> In addition to the posse staged by these who want themselves to be
> called ?international community?, there is a posse staged by the
> domestic vassals. Posse of the domestic vassals is more fiery and
> ominous, but quite understandable. Namely, if they may prove that
> resistance to the evil is wrong policy, if they are able to show that
> evil that bombed and killed their own people is not evil, and, at the
> same token, their vassal treachery is recognized as co-operative,
> peaceful policy, then the act of high treason does not exist.
> Guilty is one who defended the country and the people. In their own
> conscience and sub-conscience guilty for their shameful acts are these
> who led brave and honorable struggle for freedom of the people,
> leadership that was at the helm of the resistance.
> However, if the domestic vassal?s activity was motivated by the money
> they were given, then their treason has some sense. But one who, out
> of conviction, goes to the side of the enemy and believes in humanity
> and democratic progressiveness of the West has something wrong in his
> head.
> In CIA terminology, such persons are called "useful idiots".
> 10. The right policy of the vassal regimes consist of the following:
> "manufacturing consent to be a slave to the master of social relief
> with necessary illusion of absolute happiness." (Naomi Chomsky,
> "Necessary Illusions?).
> Brain Washers
> One would be able to cite innumerable bits of knowledge any person,
> unless his process of thinking is blocked by democratic brain washers,
> could have acquired.
> It was clear that if evil doers said they will bomb Serbia
> Broadcasting Corporation (RTS), they will do that.
> For contemporary "democratic", "new" , "free" media and
> D-Occupation-S politicians, ipso facto quilt for bombing moves from
> the evil doers to us who know they are evil doers and that they would
> commit that crime.
> More monstrous then crime is the act of justification of the crime and
> giving an alibi to the criminal. Transferring the quilt for murder of
> innocent victims, our colleagues, mostly technical staff, to someone
> else from these who launched killer, lethal, evil and hell-bearing
> missile and the one that gave the order, is crime worse then the
> murder itself.
> Only these who do not allow us to erect monuments to our heroes, that
> is D-Occupation-S authorities are capable of such crime.
> Because of that I declare that in the last war, under the then
> leadership of Serbia and Serbia Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) 200
> workers of the Broadcasting Equipment Team at the various places, from
> building in Aberdareva, to all the destroyed structures at Avala,
> Jastrebac, Ovcar, Kopaonik, Crni Vrh, Crveni Cot, Iriski Venac etc.
> made possible broadcasting of the programme almost permanently and
> without anyone killed.
> Perhaps because we knew with what kind of criminals we are dealing
> with!
> Because of that, democrats, please, surrender us to The Hague!
> Slobodan Dragicevic, B. Sc. Eng.
> Belgrade
> To join or help this struggle, visit:
> (official SPS website)
> (forum for the world of equals)
> (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia)


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