[srpskohrvatski / english] Among other celebrations, an international Conference was held in Belgrade on 19 April 2019 to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (unified party of the communists). For a more general Introduction to the Conference see the dedicated JUGOINFO post

Si è tenuta a Belgrado lo scorso 19 aprile una importante conferenza internazionale nel centesimo anniversario dalla fondazione del Partito Socialista dei Lavoratori di Jugoslavia – precursore del Partito Comunista jugoslavo. 
Alla conferenza, organizzata dal Coordinamento dei Partiti Comunisti e dei Lavoratori dello spazio jugoslavo, hanno partecipato le delegazioni delle forze che fanno parte del Coordinamento stesso – SRP (Croazia), KS (Serbia), KPM (Macedonia), JKPCG (Montenegro) e SKBiH (Bosnia-Erzegovina) – oltre a rappresentanti di partiti, organizzazioni e associazioni da Bulgaria, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Romania, Russia.
Di seguito il contributo del Partito Comunista Tedesco (DKP):
In English:
Belgrade, April 19, 2019
Dear comrades from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Slovenia,

first of all let me thank you for the kind invitation to this conference which honours the foundation and existence of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, in its 100th anniversary. I bring you the revolutionary greetings from the membership of the German Communist Party (DKP) and its central committee, and, of course, from its president Patrik Köbele.

We would like to express our content and gladness that you were able to create a coordination committee which helps you to strengthen your colaboration, but at the same time fulfills the very important task to maintain alive the memory of what was the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

What a special shame for me that imperialist Germany was the country which made most efforts to destroy Yugoslavia! Although officially the war aggression twenty years ago was made by the NATO forces, we cannot forget that Germany was the first important country to recognize the independence of Slovenia and Croatia. This had consequences for the cohesion of Yugoslavia, and it provoked that the Federal Republic could fall apart faster.
This destruction of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was not by chance. After the subjugation of the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany was looking for possibilities to make sure that it could be not only an important economic power but as well an important military power once again. As the importance of German imperialism in economic affairs was already proved, the „best target“ in this sense was Yugoslavia, because in both imperialist world wars, started by Germany in the 20th century, Serbians were one of the hardest enemies, and there remained some revenge open. Partizans from this region, in first line the Yugoslavian communists, were part of those European peoples which showed most resistance against German fascist troups between 1939 and 1945. Yugoslavia was invaded by Germany, Hungary and Italy on April 6, 1941. The resistance started immediately.
And it was not by chance that especially Croatia was recognized by Germany because there had been historical connections: Fascist Germany founded the so called „Independent State of Croatia“ in April of 1941. The historical friendship of German capital and bourgois class with the clerical fascistic regime under dictator Pavelic was strong enough that it could be renewed in 1991, without any shame, with the political followers of Pavelic and the Ustashe.

It was the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, born now hundred years ago, which was the real founder of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. It is part of the worldwide history of communism and quite well-known that the split between Tito and the USSR led to the change of your Republic's name and to a similar change of your party's name to „League of Communists of Yugoslavia“. Yugoslavia was used to create problems in the worldwide communist movement, but survived longest as an independent socialist state in Europe, although being officially independent from influences both frome „east“ and „west“.
Anyway, being a socialist country was the main reason that first Germany and than the United States declared what remained, the Federal Reublic of Yougoslavia, as the first enemy in Europe, what they called the „last dictatorship in Europe“. Finally NATO troups started to bomb Belgrade on March 24, 1999, and 420 000 missiles and bombs were dropped. 2 500 persons were killed in that war. Germany made its first war after Europe's liberation from fascism, in 1945. It was the start for the third attempt to get the world leadership in one century.

This is what German communists actually are fighting against. We oppose all rearmament and the membership in the NATO. On the other hand, we fight against German economic leadership in the European Union which is just another creation of free capital flow. The creation of the currency Euro since 2002 helps German capital to maintain the good economic position by suppressing other EU countries (we remember especially Greece , but as well other countries of EU's periphery) and to maintain the European leadership in exports.
We share a socialist past, if you allow me to refer to the German Democratic Republic which was not less than the third part of what is now the FR of GermanySo the history of the communists of Germany and of Yugoslavia (which means all of your six parties) is linked very closely. All of us have a big responsibility and – at the same time – a hard task to do.
We would like to declare our solidarity with your struggles for democracy and socialism and hope to strengthen our unity in the future.

Long live the six parties who organize this conference!
Long live the spirit of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Essen, 13th of April, 2019 
Guenther Pohl, International Secretary ok DKP

Na srpskohrvatskom:
Beograd, 19. Aprila 2019.god.
Dragi drugovi iz Srbije, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije i Slovenije,
Pre svega dozvolite mi da se zahvalim na vašem ljubaznom pozivu na ovu Konferenciju koja je organizovana u čast osnivavanja i 100. godišnjice postojanja Komunističke partije Jugoslavije. Prenosim vam revolucionarne pozdrave članstva Nemačke Komunističke partije (DKP), njenog Centralnog komiteta i naravno predsednika Patrika Kobela.
Izražavamo našu radost u punom smislu jer ste bili u stanju da formirate Koordinacioni odbor koji će vam pomoći da učvrstite saradnju i u isto vreme sačuvate živu uspomenu na ono šta je predstavljala Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija.
Mene lično je sramota što je imperijalistička Nemačka bila zemlja koja je najviše doprinela raspadu Jugoslavije! Iako su zvanično agresiju pre dvadeset godina izvele NATO snage, ne možemo zaboraviti da je Nemačka bila prva značajna zemlja koja je priznala nezavisnost Slovenije i Hrvatske. To je imalo uticaja na koheziju Jugoslavije i doprinelo je da se Federativna Republika brže raspadne.
Raspad SFRJ nije bio slučajan. Nakon propasti Demokratske Republike Nemačke, Savezna Republika Nemačka je tražila mogućnosti da osigura ne samo ekonomsku moć, već da ponovo postane značajna vojna sila. Pošto je značaj nemačkog imprijalizma u ekonomskom smislu već bio osiguran, „najbolja meta“ u tom smislu bila je Jugoslavija, jer su u oba imperijalistička svetska rata, koje je Nemačka započela u 20. veku, Srbi bili jedan od najtežih neprijatelja, tako da je to ostavilo prostor za osvetu. Partizani sa ovih prostora, a u prvim redovima Jugoslovenski komunisti, bili su deo onih evropskih naroda koji su pružili najveći otpor nemačkim fašističkim trupama u razdoblju od 1939. do 1945.godine. Jugoslavija je bila napadnuta od strane Nemačke, Mađarske i Italije 6.aprila 1941.godine. Otpor je odmah započeo.
Nije slučajno što je Hrvatska izabrana od strane Nemačke da bude istorijska veza: Fašistička Nemačka je osnovala takozvanu “Nezavisnu Državu Hrvatsku” u aprilu 1941. Istorijsko prijateljstvo nemačkog kapitala i buržoaske klase sa klero-fašističkim režimom diktatora Pavelića je bilo toliko jako da se obnovilo 1991.godine, bez ikakvog srama sa političkim sledbenicima Pavelića i ustaša.
Komunistička partija Jugoslavije koja je osnovana pre sto godina, bila je osnivač Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije. To je deo svetske istorije komunizma i dobro je poznato da je rascep između Tita i SSSR-a doveo do promene imena vaše zemlje kao i promene imena vaše partije u „Savez Komunista Jugoslavije“. Jugoslavija je optuživana da stvara probleme u svetskom komunističkom pokretu, ali je najduže opstala kao nezavisna socijalistička država u Evropi, mada se zvanično ograđivala od uticaja i „istoka“ i „zapada“.
U svakom slučaju to što je bila socijalistička zemlja je glavni razlog da su Nemačka i SAD prve proglasile da je Savezna Republika Jugoslavija glavni neprijatelj u Evropi i nazvali je “poslednjom diktaturom u Evropi”. Rezultat svega je bilo NATO bombardovanje Beograda, 24.marta 1999.godine, a ispaljeno-bačeno je 420 000 raketa i bombi. U tom ratu poginulo je 2500 ljudi. To je bio prvi rat u kome je Nemačka učestvovala nakon oslobođenja Evrope od fašizma 1945.godine. Ovo je bio treći pokušaj da Nemačka postane lider u jednom veku.
Upravo je to protiv čega se nemački komunisti stvarno bore. Suprotstavljamo se ponovnom naoružavanju i članstvu u NATO. Sa druge strane, borimo se protiv nemačkog ekonomskog vođstva u EU što je samo drugi oblik slobodnog protoka kapitala. Uvođenje Evra 2002.godine pomoglo je nemačkom kapitalu da održi dobar ekonomski položaj i baci na marginu ostale članice EU (naročito je upečatljiv primer Grčke, kao i drugih zemalja sa periferije EU) kao i da zadrži evropsko liderstvo u izvozu.
Mi delimo socijalističku prošlost i ako mi dopustite da se osvrnem na Demokratsku Republiku Nemačku koja je bila manja od trećine Savezne Republike Nemačke, dakle istorija komunista Nemačke i Jugoslavije (vaših 6 partija) je blisko povezana.Svi mi imamo veliku odgovornost i istovremeno težak zadatak.
Izražavamo našu solidaranost sa vašom borbom za demokratiju i socijalizam i nadamo se jačanju našeg jedinstva u budućnosti.

Živelo šest partija koje organizuju ovu konferenciju!
Živeo duh Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije!
Živeo Proleterski internacionalizam!
Esen 13. april 2019.
Ginter Pol, Internacionalni sekretar DKP