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*** ARTICOLI SEGNALATI su World Socialist Web Site (LINK)
Comunicato stampa (7/01) del Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic, sezione tedesca - 11 dicembre 2001



L'AIA, 24 novembre. (...) A partire da ieri la sua cella viene
illuminata con potenti riflettori per tutta la notte. "Sono
condizioni disumane", ha detto l'avvocato [Ognjatovic]. Egli ha
sottolineato che questo maltrattamento e' da porre in relazione
diretta con il nuovo capo d'accusa [sulla Bosnia] contro Milosevic.
Si vuole persuadere Milosevic a riconoscere finalmente il Tribunale...

Milosevic: Anklage erweitert, "unmenschliche Bedingungen"

DEN HAAG, 24. November 2001. Die Anklage gegen den ehemaligen
jugoslawischen Bundespräsidenten Slobodan Milosevic beim
"Kriegsverbrechertribunal" in Den Haag wurde erweitert. Milosevic
wird nun "der Völkermord in Bosnien zwischen 1992 und 1995"
Milosevics Verteidiger in Belgrad Dragoslav Ognjanovic sagte
heute, daß Milosevic einem "drastischen Druck" in seiner
Gefängniszelle ausgesetzt ist. Seine Zelle wird seit gestern die
ganze Nacht durch mit starken Scheinwerfern beleuchtet. "Es sind
unmenschliche Bedingungen" sagte der Anwalt. Er betonte, daß
diese Mißhandlung in direktem Zusammenhang mit der neuen Anklage
gegen Milosevic steht. Man will Milosevic dazu bewegen, das Tribunal
endlich anzuerkennen, sagte Ognjanovic. (TANJUG / www.amselfeld.com)



PARIGI, 10 dicembre (Tanjug) - Il primo ministro serbo Zoran Djindjic
ha affermato che il Tribunale Penale Internazionale dell'Aia per la
ex Jugoslavia (ICTY) e' come una situazione meteorologica "che non puo'
essere cambiata, ma uno ci si puo' adattare." (...)


PARIS, Dec 10 (Tanjug) - Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic has
said The Hague International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) is like a meteorological situation "which cannot be changed,
but one can adapt to it."
Djindjic expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that no indictments
have been raised yet against ethnic Albanian war leaders in Kosovo and
Metohija. He also said he was shocked at the opening of investigations
against generals Nebojsa Pavkovic, chief of General Staff of the
Yugoslav Army, and Sreten Lukic, head of the Serbian Department of
Public Security.
In an article entitled "European Horizon of Zoran Djindjic," the Paris
daily Le Figaro on Monday quoted Djindjic as saying that he does not
regret having organized the extradition of former Yugoslav president
Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague.
Speaking about relations within the Yugoslav federation, the Serbian
prime minister pointed out that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic
is unnecessarily dividing the people of Montenegro over the issue of
that republic's independence.



World Socialist Web Site

Milosevic trial: Hague Tribunal shows its partisan nature
[15 October 2001]

> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/oct2001/milo-o15.shtml

Behind the Milosevic trial: the US, Europe and the Balkan catastrophe
[4 July 2001]

> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/jul2001/milo-j04.shtml



Comunicato stampa (7/01) del Comitato Internazionale per la Difesa
di Slobodan Milosevic, sezione tedesca - 11 dicembre 2001


Pressemitteilung (07/2001) des Internationalen Komitees
für die Verteidigung von Slobodan Milosevic- Deutsche Sektion -
vom 11.12.2001

Am Vormittag des 11. Dezember 2001 wechselten in den Berichten der
Nachrichtensender CNN, BBC, Euronews und anderen ständig die
Kriegsschauplätze: Von den Tausenden Leichen in Kandahar als Ergebnis
der US-Bombardements zu den von israelischen Kampfhubschraubern
getöteten palästinensischen Kindern, dann in den Saal des "Tribunals" in
Den Haag, wo die Verfolgungsbehörde Slobodan Milosevic des Völkermords
anklagt, und zurück nach Tora Bora, wo US-Flugzeuge weiterhin sieben
Tonnen schwere Bomben abwerfen.
Die Ereignisse haben mehr miteinander zu tun, als dass sie nur wegen
ihrer Gleichzeitigkeit zu einem militärischen Potpourri gemixt werden.
Ihr Zusammenhang besteht darin, dass die USA, ihre Klientelstaaten und
die NATO unter Bruch der UN-Charta Kriege führen, Terrorakte gegen die
Zivilbevölkerung und schwerste Kriegsverbrechen begehen, und dabei keine
Strafe fürchten müssen. Zugleich können sie unter abermaligem Bruch der
UN-Charta Sondertribunale kreieren, um ausgewählte Gegner zu
kriminalisieren, Regierungen zu stürzen und Staaten zu zerstören
Das "Verbrechen "von Slobodan Milosevic besteht darin, dem von
Washington seit 1988 verfolgten Plan der Zerschlagung Jugoslawiens
ebenso Widerstand geleistet zu haben, wie der NATO-Aggression 1999.
Demjenigen, der die Erhaltung Jugoslawiens und gleiche Rechte für alle
Bürger verteidigte, der sich der Zerstückelung eines multiethnischen
Bundesstaates in ethnische Kleinstaaten widersetzte, wirft die "Anklage"
wahrheitsverdrehend vor, ein "Groß-Serbien" angestrebt zu haben. Der
Vorwurf der Teilnahme an einem "gemeinsamen kriminellen Unternehmen"
fällt voll auf das Haager Femegericht und seine Auftraggeber zurück.
Slobodan Milosevic nannte die von Carla del Ponte fabrizierte Anklage
treffend einen "tragischen Text von höchster Absurdität. Mir sollte
Anerkennung gezollt werden, dass ich Frieden, nicht aber Krieg für
Bosnien-Herzegowina gebracht habe. Die Verantwortung für den Krieg in
Bosnien tragen jene Mächte und ihre Agenten in Jugoslawien, die
Jugoslawien zerstört haben, aber nicht das serbische Volk oder serbische
Der Schauprozess in Den Haag soll auch vergessen lassen, dass Truppen
des CIA-Söldners Bin Laden und andere islamistische Terroristen
seinerzeit in Bosnien mit US-Unterstützung für die Balkanisierung
Jugoslawiens kämpften, um einen islamistischen Staat in Bosnien mit
minderen Rechten für die 40%-"Minderheit" der Serben zu erschaffen. Die
Öffentlichkeit soll sich daran gewöhnen, dass für dieselben
Weltherrschaftsinteressen der USA und ihrer Verbündeten, für die
Jugoslawien zerschlagen wurde, heute unter dem Vorwand des Krieges
"gegen Terror" eine ständige westliche Militärpräsenz in
Zentralasien installiert wird.
Der Kampf von Slobodan Milosevic gegen das Haager "Tribunal" ist der
Kampf gegen einen Modellversuch der Anpassung internationalen
Strafrechts an die neue Weltkriegsordnung der USA, Deutschlands und
ihrer Verbündeten, ein Kampf gegen den Rechtszynisrnus der
konzerngesteuerten Medienöffentlichkeit.
Dafür gebührt ihm Anerkennung und Solidarität aller friedliebenden und
rechtsbewussten Menschen.
Die deutsche Sektion des Internationalen Komitees für die Verteidigung
von Slobodan Milosevic wird am 2. März 2002 in Berlin das Kolloquium
"Der 'Fall Milosevic' - Internationales Strafrecht und die neuen Kriege
der Großmächte" durchführen. Prof. Dr. Norman Peach und andere
Völkerrechtsexperten werden dabei nachweisen, dass ad-hoc-Tribunale à la
Den Haag illegal und zu gleicher Rechtsprechung nicht imstande sind, und
Bemühungen um ein universell geltendes internationales Strafrecht
vereiteln, wenn nicht gänzlich ad absurdum führen.

c/o Klaus Hartmann
Sprecher der deutschen Sektion des ICDSM
Schillstraße 7
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
T/F: -69 - 83 58 50
e-mail: vorstand@...
URL: www.free-slobo.de



The URL for this article is http://www.icdsm.org/more/faculty.htm

Letter from 20 Members of Belgrade Faculty of Law
on Illegal Use of Amicus Curiae by Hague 'Tribunal'
[posted 29 November 2001]

Certified Translation

From: Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

Bulevar Revolucije, 67

11000 Belgrade Tel:(381-11) 32 41 501 and:(381-11) 32 30 116

Fax:(381-11) 32 21299

To: Bars of Serbia, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands and Great Britain

Dear Sirs,

The Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for former
Yugoslavia issued, in the case No.IT-99-37 against the accused Slobodan
Milosevic, at the status conference held 30 August 2001, the order
inviting the Registrar to designate counsels to appear before it as
amicus curiae, pursuant to Article 74 of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence of the Tribunal. Further to the order, the following lawyers
were designated to act in such a capacity: Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic, of
FR of Yugoslavia, Mr. Michail-Mischa Vladimiroff of the Netherlands and
Mr. Steven Kay, QC, of Great Britain.

We are of the view that the appointed personalities are top class
lawyers, highly experienced who could provide a valuable assistance to
the Tribunal in pursuit of its mandate provided Article 74 of its Rules
of Procedure and Evidence were correctly applied.

However, although the order of the Trial Chamber, mentioned above,
described the task of the persons to be designated to act in the
capacity of amicus curiae "not to represent the accused but to assist in
the proper determination of the case" with the view to "securing a fair
trial", which is in keeping with the institute of amicus curiae, the
elaboration of the stated task in the first three of totally four items
is quite contrary to the meaning of this institute and constitutes, de
facto forcing of counsels upon the accused, ex officio, in an evasive
but awkwardly disguised way, and annihilation of the concept of
self-defense opted by the accused. Such a conduct constitutes a serious
breach of his right to defense guaranteed under Article 14 of the
International Covenant of Civil Rights and a series of other
international documents and constitutional and legal provisions in
the national legal systems of the civilized world.

The three items mentioned set out that "amicus curiae is to assist the
Trial chamber by:
Making any submissions properly open to the accused by way of
preliminary or other pre-trial motion;
Making any submissions or objections to evidence properly open to the
accused during the trial proceedings and cross-examining witnesses as
Drawing to the attention of the Trial Chamber any exculpatory or
mitigating evidence..."

The above assignments, obviously enough, pertain not to those who are to
assist the court, but fall within the realm of entitlements of the
accused and his counsels, exclusively.

The Statute of the Hague Tribunal (Article 21) and the Rules of
Procedure and Evidence (Articles 44 and 45) stipulated on one hand, the
right of the accused to chose his counsel himself, meaning that he
cannot be imposed a counsel whom he did not want, and on the other, they
set out no possibility of designating ex officio counsel, providing lee
way to the accused to defend himself on his own, which Slobodan
Milosevic opted for.

Designation of de facto counsel of the accused, as mentioned, and
moreover the individuals he doesn't want, entrusted with the tasks,
which belong to the accused and his counsels only, all under the mask of
the institute of amicus curiae constitutes but a breach of both the
stated provision of the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence,
and Article 14, Par 3, items b), d) and e) alike of the International
Covenant of Civil and Political rights.
The right to defense, protected by the mentioned provisions of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been violated
also by the fact that the designation of de facto counsel to the accused
and with the assignments mentioned diluted his defense concept, based on
repudiation of legality of the foundation of the Tribunal itself and
denial of the accused to recognize, by his own conduct, so disputed
legality. The accused is entitled to such repudiation, the more so as he
invokes the UN Charter and suggested that the establishment of the
Tribunal was in violation of the Charter.

Without contesting the benefits of a duly applied institute of amicus
curiae we find it unacceptable, illegal, contrary to the nature of
lawyers' function, ethics and Codes of respective Bars, and finally
immoral, for anyone, and particularly for the members of the lawyers
profession, to enter amicus curiae so distorted, as described, in misuse
of that institute to deprive the accused of his right to defense.
Therefore, we are asking the Bars of Serbia and Yugoslavia, the
Netherlands and Great Britain to invite their respective above-mentioned
members not to accept this part in the proceedings at stake in the
manner exposed in the above quoted three items.
We are inviting the appointed personalities themselves to refuse to
participate in the proceedings in the way that violates the right of the
accused to defense, without denying in any way the possibility of their
participation in keeping with the nature of the institute amicus curiae.
Finally, we are asking the mentioned Bars, in case their members choose
to ignore this appeal and do take part in the violation of the rights of
the accused in the proceedings at stake, to take respective measures
under the regulations of each of the three states mentioned, and the
internal rules of the three Bars mentioned, against the members of their
Bar, who would in such a dramatic way, in blatant violation of the right
of the accused in any proceedings and particularly the right to defense,
misuse their status and the rank of lawyers.

Yours truly,

The undersigned lecturers and associates of the Faculty of Law,
University of Belgrade

The following is the transcribed list of signatories of the Appeal of
the Lecturers and Associates of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade to
prevent the participation of the lawyers in violation of the right of
Slobodan Milosevic to Defend himself in ICTY by Misuse of the Institute
Amicus Curiae:

Prof Dr Mirjana Stefanovski, Associate Professor
Prof Dr Kosta Cavoski, Full Professor
Miodrag Jovanovic, M.A., Assistant
Dr Milan Škuljic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Mirko Vasiljevic, Full Professor
Aleksandar Gajic, Assistent Probationer
Dr Sasa Bovan, Assistant Professor
Zoran Mirkovic, M.A. Assistant
Dejan Djurdjevic, Assistant-Probationer
Dr BrankoM.Rakic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Oliver Antic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Dragutin Šoskic
Dr Vladan Joncic
Dr Natasa Delic, Assistant Professor
Prof Dr Ratko Markovic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Zorak Stojanovic, Full Professor
Prof Dr Zagorka Jekic, Full Professor
Dr Aleksandar Jakisic, Assistant Professor
Dr Slobodan Panov, Assistant Professor
Balsa Kascelan, Assistant-Probationer

End of Translation

I, the undersigned Smiljana Kijurina, sworn court translator, appointed
under the Decision of the Ministry of Justice of Serbia
No.740-06-72/97-18 of 19.02.1997, certify with my signature and court
seal that the above translation is done under my own hand and is true to
its original submitted to me in the Serbian language.

Done in Belgrade, 10 October 2001

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by Jared Israel
[Posted 12 December 2001]
Slobodan Milosevic, the kidnapped former President of Yugoslavia,
appeared before The Hague 'Tribunal' yesterday. (1)

"Asked how he pleaded to the charges, guilty or not guilty, Mr.
Milosevic reacted like his old defiant self and said: 'This miserable
text is the ultimate absurdity. I should be given credit for peace in
Bosnia, not war.'
Responsibility for the Bosnian war, he went on, 'lies with the Western
powers that broke up Yugoslavia and their Yugoslav agents.' Because he
failed to respond with a plea, the court entered a plea of not
guilty... (1)

"The charges against him in Kosovo, he said, 'will inevitably open up
the issue of the Clinton administration's cooperation with the
terrorists in Kosovo, including the bin Laden organization.' He was
referring to ethnic Albanian rebels of the Kosovo Liberation Army who,
he contends, attacked Serbian forces with help from foreign Islamic
militants." ('N.Y. Times,' 12/12/01 * Note: the 'Times' uses the term
Islamic, meaning Muslim, when it should use 'Islamist,' meaning Muslim

The charge for which Milosevic has been tried and convicted in the
Western press is that he suppressed a popular movement using brutal
methods. (2)

But what if they lied to us about Kosovo and Milosevic, just as they
lied to us about the bombing of the Red Cross, or that bin Laden was
fighting the CIA throughout the 1990s? What if in fact Yugoslavia used
relatively humane methods to fight the U.S.-supported secessionists in
Kosovo - which by the way is the oldest part of Serbia. What if this
contrasts favorably with the tactics employed by the U.S. in
Afghanistan - which is not part of the U.S.A.? (3)

What if the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is a terrorist organization,
created by the USA and Germany, trained by U.S. and British covert
forces, installed in power in Kosovo as a proxy force for NATO?

What if hundreds of thousands of Serbs, 'Gypsies,' Slavic Muslims,
Turks, non-fascist Albanians and Jews have been driven from the
province by the KLA - with NATO's apparent approval? (4)

These are the issues Milosevic promises to expose.

We have posted evidence of the KLA's ties to Osama bin Laden's
terrorists. (5)

New evidence emerged today. We are informed that an Australian,
captured in Afghanistan, had previously fought for the KLA, then went
for training with al Qaeda in Pakistan, and ended up a Taliban soldier.
(http://au.news.yahoo.com/011212/2/1onh.html )

But the KLA is terrorist regardless of its links to al Qaeda. The
evidence is overwhelming. Consider, for example, the case of Mr. Ramush

According to a December 4th BBC report, Mr. Haradinaj, who leads the
so-called Democratic League of Kosova (sic!) or LDK, has been meeting
with leaders of the Alliance for the Future of Kosova (also sic!) to
plan a 'broad based' government in the province. (Why did I put 'sic!'
after 'Kosova'? See footnote 6 )

Who is Ramush Haradinaj.

by Tom Walker

"THE 'ethical dimension' of Robin Cook's foreign policy has come under
renewed attack after it emerged that a Kosovo Albanian leader whom the
foreign secretary met last week may be linked with war crimes.

"On his return from Kosovo, Cook promised that 'a principled defence of
democracy and human rights' would remain a cornerstone of his foreign
policy should he retain his portfolio after the general election.

"However, Francis Maude, the shadow foreign secretary, accused him of
"encouraging a culture of impunity" by holding talks with Ramush
Haradinaj, 32, a former nightclub bouncer and guerrilla commander
suspected by United Nations officials of possible involvement in the
murder of civilians, and of helping to run smuggling rackets across the

"A French official said last week he was amazed that Haradinaj, leader
of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, had been invited to the
British residence in Pristina, the capital, during Cook's visit...
Haradinaj could face charges over what may be the biggest atrocity
carried out by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Forty civilians were
killed during several months in 1998 in the village of Glodjane in
western Kosovo, where Haradinaj was then the KLA commander. Many of the
bodies - of Serbs, Albanians and gypsies - bore marks of torture.

"Moderate Albanians in the Democratic League of Kosovo have implicated
Haradinaj in the murders of civilians suspected of collaborating with
Serbian forces. But Haradinaj has dismissed accusations of war crimes
and treats talk of indictment at The Hague as 'propaganda by political

"...In common with other senior KLA commanders, he was equipped with a
satellite phone during Nato airstrikes in 1999, helping the alliance to
pinpoint targets.

"...When the KLA emerged, he... established himself as commander of the
western Decane region, basing himself in Glodjane, one of his clan's

"When the UN took charge of the province's administration, he became
second-in-command of the Kosovo Protection Corps, the KLA's peacetime

"Diplomats in Pristina said Haradinaj entered politics last year at the
behest of Britain and America, which wanted to see the KLA's support
base split. 'He said it was too early for independence,' said a
European official introduced to Haradinaj. 'He was coached to say what
was needed.' Last April Haradinaj made a fundraising trip to
Washington..." ('Sunday Times,' (London) of 29 April 2001: April 29,
2001, Sunday)

A few quick points about this article:

First, note that the 'Times' quotes nameless "Diplomats" saying
"Britain and American wanted to see the KLA's support base split;" thus
the 'Times" attempt to prettify the ugly facts: that the U.S. and
British governments coached this war criminal and funded him, thus
thrusting him into politics, instead of jail.

Second, note that Mr. Haradinaj helps lead the Kosovo Protection Corps
(KPC). This group was set up by the UN mission in Kosovo, at
Washington's behest. It is composed of former KLA terrorists. Here's
how a special UN report described the KPC:

"Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United
Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

"The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of
'criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal
policing, abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political
neutrality and hate-speech'." ('The Observer,' 12 March 2000, quoted in
http://emperors-clothes.com/news/howwill.htm )

Corps members, paid by NATO, have comprised most of the terrorists
fighting to destroy Macedonia. (7)

Here's more about Ramush Haradinaj. (Note that some newspaper articles
spell his name 'Hajredinaj').

On December 14, 1998, six children were murdered when a masked gunman
sprayed bullets into the Panda Cafe in the Kosovo city of Pec. This
crime was so horrific, even US Balkans envoy Richard Holbrooke
denounced it.

'"Because of its cruelty and its cowardice, this crime stands above all
crimes,' said Mirko Simonovic, principal of the slain teenagers'
school." ('Agence France Presse,' 16 December 1998)

The KLA was responsible. But what part of the KLA?

"...His [Ramush Haradinaj's] men already are suspected of carrying out
the Panda Cafe murders, when masked rebels opened fire in December on a
restaurant the city of Pec, killing six Serbian youths. His men also are
suspected of shooting at U.S. diplomatic monitors..." ('AP,' 8 March

As mentioned earlier, Haradinaj was implicated in the slaughter of
civilians in the town of Glodjane. These civilians included:

"...Serbian farmers, some gypsies and Albanians suspected of being
collaborators."('Sunday Times', (London) 3 September 2000)

How could Ramush Haradinaj be sure that an Albanian or a 'Gypsy' was a
'collaborator'? One way was if he or she refused to support the
secessionist-organized boycott of Public schools (taught in the Albanian
language!) Another sure clue was that he or she worked for the
government, as a forester for example. (8)

When Washington officials met with Haradinaj to discuss funding his
political campaign last year, they were of course violating Yugoslav
sovereignty. Aside from that, is it possible that they didn't know who
he was and what he stood for?

"'Washington knows what we want,' he [Ramush Haradinaj] added with a
smile. 'We've been clear from the very beginning.'" (Kosovo Rebels
Won't Give Up Guns By ANNE THOMPSON, 'Associated Press,' 8 March 1999)

Haradinaj has been competing with another ex-KLA thug, Hashim Thaci,
also been transformed into a proper politician. Thaci's group is called
the Democratic Party of Kosova (sic!) or PKK. Isn't it nice that both
these terrorists have the word 'democratic' in their party names? (6)

Thaci and Haradinaj have been fighting over who gets the graft in
impoverished Kosovo - for example, over the "control of certain petrol
stations." (See 'Daily Telegraph', June 12, 2000)

The 'Telegraph' does not come right out and say these men are
gangsters. But 'Jane's Defense Review' does:

"[Thaci's] PDK has good links with Albanian exile groups in America,
Switzerland and Germany, although the bulk of Thaci's funding is now
believed to come from racketeering and other crime-generated sources."
('Jane's Intelligence Review' September 1, 2000)

Note that 'Jane's Defense' calls the money that Thaci gets from
racketeering 'funding,' as if he had applied for a grant for a
community orchestra or a home for unwed mothers.

Apparently gangsterism is now routine in Kosovo.

Washington gave Hashim Thaci a bigger reception than his competitor,

Here's how 'Voice of America' described Thaci's U.S. tour last year:

"Hashim Thaci, who leads the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK)... spoke
at a press conference at UN headquarters. He is concluding a trip to
the United States, during which he met with U.S. State Department and
congressional officials. He also attended the convention in Los Angeles
last week at which the U.S. Democratic Party chose Vice President Al
Gore to be its candidate for president.

"In response to questions, Thaci repeatedly said he saw democracy
progressing in Kosovo. He said local elections would help provide a
basis for general elections in the province and contribute to what he
called the democratization of the Balkans.

"Thaci pointed to democratic changes in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
Macedonia and said he believed pro-democracy forces would eventually
win out in Montenegro. He also said he considered the general elections
planned for Yugoslavia next month as "elections in a neighboring
country." (From 'Radio Free Europe,' 22 August 2000)

Thaci's tour was barely mentioned in the US press. But 'Voice of
America' (VOA) broadcast the story far and wide in the Balkans; thus
VOA made it perfectly clear that the US government was behind this

Thaci became a KLA media star during the so-called peace negotiations at
Rambouillet in the winter of 1999. Before that he was the main KLA
leader in the Kosovo town of Klecka, which had been seized by the KLA.
When Yugoslav forces liberated town in August, 1998, they made some
gruesome discoveries.

[Start Quote] "Captured KLA Men Say Serbs Were Executed

"Klecka, Yugoslavia

"...Police escorted journalists into the area on Friday after three
days of fierce fighting to dislodge its KLA defenders. [Note the use of
the word defenders to describe the KLA terrorists.]

"Reporters for Western media said two captured KLA men showed them a
spot in Klecka where 10 Serbs-- including three women and two children
- were shot by a KLA firing squad.

"Pristina country court investigating magistrate Danica Marinkovic said
four burned bodies found in the village were believed to be those of
victims of the shootings. There was no trace of the other corpses."
('Reuters' 28 August 1998) [End Quote]


[Start Quote] "Domestic and foreign reporters, residing in Pristina,
were allowed to follow questioning of a witness, at the site of the
crime. The arrested Bekim Mazreku was answering to questions of Ms.
Danica Marinkovic, an investigation officer. In presence of police,
translator and the journalists, Mr. Murzeku said the following:

"Mr. Bekim Mazreku: We executed ten here. Two were children, three
women, two young boys and three men."

"Ms. Marinkovic: Could you tell us the age of the children?

Mr. Bekim Mazreku: From seven or eight to eleven.

"Ms. Marinkovic: "And women?"

"Mr. Bekim Mazreku: From 28 to 32.

"Ms. Marinkovic: Who was executing them?

"Mr. Bekim Mazreku: The Kosovo Liberation Army.

"Twenty one year old Mr. Bekim Mazreku was then returned to jail.
Journalists were then shown the fence and trees where the execution
bullets landed. Also we saw the mentioned pit with chlorine as well as
few semi-burned skulls and numerous bones belonging to victims of this
crime. The police have also shown to us photographs of a dead man with
head chopped off and mutilated body. The police told us that the
photographs were found in a basement of a house in Klecka.

"The village of Klecka has a dozen of houses on few acres of land. It
had been turned into a military camp by KLA." [End Quote]
(From 'Radio B92,' 29 August 1998. You should know that in the fall of
1998, 'Radio B92' was fiercely anti-government.
It was funded by Western government sources. Regarding this, see
As you will see if you check out the above link to our interview with
two people from the station, B92 did not have a pro-Yugoslav Army bias;
quite the contrary.)


[Start Quote] "The killings in Klecka have been linked to Thaci, who now
heads the Democratic party of Kosovo." ('Sunday Times' (London)
September 3, 2000, Sunday) [End Quote]

We who labor to expose media lies about Yugoslavia have argued that the
KLA's links to al Qaeda prove the KLA is a terrorist group.

Maybe we've got it wrong. Maybe we ought to be arguing that the KLA's
links to al Quaida prove al Quaida is a terrorist group.

-- Jared Israel


1) Milosevic was literally kidnapped from Yugoslavia and taken to The
Hague 'Tribunal,' about which see 'NATO's Tribunal: Straight From the
Horse's Mouth'. Includes some amazing facts about this institution. Can
be read at http://www.emperors-clothes.com/docs/h-list.htm

2) 'KLA Attacks Everyone; Media Attacks...Miloshevich?' by Jared Israel.
Challenges much of what you have been told about the man. Can be read at

3) * For our interview with people at Red Cross headquarters concerning
the bombing of their warehouses in Kabul, go to

* For the evidence the bin Laden is still, in some form, a CIA asset,
go to http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm

4) "What NATO Takeover Would Mean for Macedonia: The Lesson of Orahovac
in Kosovo." Eye-witness accounts of NATO's occupation of a Serbian town.

5) 'Bin Laden in the Balkans' includes several mainstream media
accounts of the link between the KLA and al Quaida. Can be read at

6) To understand why there's a sic! after 'Kosova,' see Linguistics
Professor Peter Maher's 'KosovO/KosovA - What's in a Name?' at

Israel, can be read at http://www.emperors-clothes.com/mac/times.htm

8) For a discussion of the attempts by the ethnic Albanian
secessionists in Kosovo to intimidate non-secessionist Albanians, see
Ms. Johnstone's article is filled with mind-stretching observations
about Yugoslavia. Worth reading twice.

Emperor's Clothes can use your help.




Un documento sulla situazione tra il Sud della Serbia, il Nord del
Kosovo e il Nord della Macedonia, a cura di Zivkica Nedanovska:

1.FONTE: Politika.
2.TITOLO: I Serbi, la popolazione non albanese e l'Esercito jugoslavo
sempre di più esposti all'attacco.
3.INDICE: Sul peggioramento della situazione della sicurezza nel sud
della Serbia, nel nord del Kosovo e nel nord della Macedonia.
4.SITO INTERNET: http://www.politika.co.yu/2001/1201/01_11.htm
6.DATA: 01.12.2001.

La situazione nel sud della Serbia e nel nord del Kosovo e Metohija si
sta pericolosamente complicando. I Serbi e la popolazione non albanese
quotidianamente sono esposti alle minacce e ai ricatti. Sono minacciati
a tal punto punto che la situazione attuale è valutata come la peggiore
negli ultimi anni.
Nello stesso tempo, anche al nord della Macedonia la situazione si
sta complicando con i "giochi" nei confronti dell'Esercito Jugoslavo.
Questi fatti aggravano e peggiorano una pace già ingannevole in queste
parti dei Balcani.
Nel nord e nel nord-ovest della Macedonia, di nuovo si osserva il
raggrupparsi delle forze terroristiche. L'Esercito Jugoslavo dispone di
dati secondo cui forze terroristiche notevoli si sono trasferite dal
Kosmet nella regione di Kumanovo e di Tetovo.
Nelle vicinanze di queste due città sono sempre più massicci gli
attraversamenti del confine tra la RFJ e la Macedonia.
Dopo le elezioni nel Kosovo, e in particolare dalla giornata dello
Stato di Albania, il 28 novembre, la situazione di sicurezza in Kosovo e
Metohija è molto peggiorata.
"E' sempre più forte la pressione su tutti noi che viviamo qui e
che non siamo Albanesi. Siamo anche molto preoccupati perchè i Serbi e
gli altri cittadini di nazionalità non albanese vendono le loro case e
proprietà e scappano da qui. Abbiamo paura di perdere il Kosovo.
Abbiamo paura che rimanerremo soli e che saranno sempre di meno quelli
che lottano per gli interessi della Serbia e della Jugoslavia. Tre
giorni fa, per esempio, hanno provato a fare un attentato contro Rada
Trajkovic, unica rappresentante serba nella Presidenza del Kosovo.
Questo vuol dire che gli Albanesi non ci lasciano e non ci lasceranno
mai in pace, finchè siamo in Kosovo", dice Nebojsa Jovic, abitante di
Kosovska Mitrovica.
Anche nel sud della Serbia, vicino a Gnjilane, il nostro Esercito sa
che si stanno concentrando, vicino alla Zona di sicurezza, consistenti
forze terroristiche. Accanto a questo, vanno avanti le nuove richieste
degli Albanesi della regione di Presevo e Bujanovac sulla
demilitarizzazione di quelle zone. I 1500 abitanti di Bujanovac hanno
firmato una petizione indirizzata al vertice statale chiedendo di essere
difesi da minacce e ricatti quotidiani.
Anche qui sta crescendo il numero delle case e proprietà serbe vendute
agli Albanesi.
"Cosa faremo quando, dopo il 15 aprile del 2002, l'Esercito se ne andra'
da Presevo e Bujanovac, secondo l'Accordo?", si chiede Dragisa Savic,
preoccupato. "Senza il nostro Esercito e la nostra Polizia, la
popolazione serba e le etnie non albanesi non hanno di che cercare qui",


> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011210133432072422.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 10 DIC - Un attentato incendiario ha completamente
distrutto nella notte tra sabato e domenica l'antica
chiesetta ortodossa di ''San Giorgio'' nel villaggio di Golema Recica
(Macedonia nordoccidentale). L'attentato e' avvenuto in
concidenza con la festa di ''San Giorgio'', particolarmente sentita
dalla comunita' ortodossa. La chiesa, la cui prima costruzione
risale al 14/mo secolo ma che era stata piu' volte distrutta e
ricostruita, ospitava antichissimi affreschi ed icone ora ridotti a un
ammasso di cenere. La zona di Golema Recica (che si trova nel
distretto di Tetovo) e' rimasta per molti mesi sotto il controllo della
guerriglia albanese (di religione musulmana) e attualmente e'
considerata una delle aree a rischio nelle quali la polizia macedone
non ha ancora fatto rientro.(ANSA) BLL
10/12/2001 13:34


TETOVO, 9/12/2001 - Banditi albanesi hanno devastato e fatto
saltare in aria la chiesta-convento di San Giorgio nel paese di
Golema Recica, nei pressi della citta' di Tetovo, nella Macedonia
occidentale. Anche gli appartamenti dei monaci sono stati incendiati
oggi. Quando la polizia e' giunta sul luogo del fatto, i banditi
hanno incominciato a spararle contro. (http://www.amselfeld.com)

+++ Albanische Banditen sprengen Kirche +++

TETOVO, 9. Dezember 2001. Albanische Banditen plünderten und
sprengten anschließend die Kirche des Hl.-Georgius-Kloster im
Dorf Golema Recica unweit des westmazedonischen Tetovo. Auch die
Wohnungen der Mönche wurden heute in Brand gesetzt. Als die
Polizei zur Tatort kam, eröffneten die Banditen Feuer auf sie.
(STIMME KOSOVOS - http://www.amselfeld.com)


> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011121143732052525.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 21 NOV - L'Unione socialdemocratica (Sdsm),
secondo piu' importante partito macedone, ha deciso di uscire
dal governo di unita' nazionale costituito nel maggio scorso
per superare la crisi armata. La decisione e' stata adottata nel corso
della notte con voto unanime dalla direzione del partito,
ma le ragioni dovranno essere rese note in giornata giornata dal leader
dell'Sdsm, Branko Cernenkovski.
Un atteggiamento simile e' stata adottato anche dal partito
liberal democratico.
Secondo osservatori politici l'uscita dall'esecutivo dell'Sdsm
(che detiene importanti ministeri, compreso quello della Difesa),
costituirebbe una mossa strategica in vista delle prossime
elezioni politiche generali attese per la fine di gennaio.
Del governo di unita' nazionale, costituito il 13 maggio su
pressione della comunita' internazionale, fanno parte, oltre all'Sdsm e
partito liberal democratico, due formazioni albanesi e la
Vmro-Dpmne, partito nazionalista macedone del premier Ljubco
Georgevski. (ANSA) BLL*COR
21/11/2001 14:37

> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011123155732056048.html


(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 23 NOV - L'attuale governo di Skopje ''deve
portare avanti il processo di pacificazione'' avviato. Cosi' il
presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi ha espresso oggi
il suo sostegno al governo macedone,alla luce delle dimissioni di
ministri accolte oggi dal Parlamento locale. Abbiamo bisogno
che questo governo e questa maggioranza ''resistano'', ha detto
Berlusconi, perche' una ferita che si era rimarginata non torni
ad aprirsi causando nuovi scompensi nei Balcani.(ANSA) TI*PAE
23/11/2001 15:57

> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011130145532062226.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 30 NOV - Il parlamento macedone ha approvato
oggi a maggioranza la nomina di quattro nuovi ministri dopo
l'uscita dall'esecutivo dell'Unione socialdemocratica. Vlado
Popovski (partito liberale) e' stato nominato ministro della Difesa,
Slobodan Casule ministro Affari esteri (partito Nova Democratja),
Gorgi Oreovcanec ministro della Sanita' (Nova Democratja) e
Dosta Dimovska (Vmro-Dpmne), vice primo ministro. Con questo
ennesimo rimpasto il primo ministro Ljubco Georgevski inaugura
cosi' il suo settimo governo in appena tre anni. La uscita
dell'Unione socialdemocratica dal governo di unita' nazionale (al quale
aderiscono anche due partiti albanesi) dovrebbe preludere
allo scioglimento dell'assaemblea e alla convocazione di elezioni
anticipate. La data in cui si svolgeranno le consultazioni
appare tuttavia ancora incerta: il presidente della repubblica, Boris
Trajkovski, ha espresso l'auspicio che le votazioni possano
tenersi in aprile e non alla fine di gennaio come invece chiesto dai
socialdemocratici.(ANSA) BLL*COR
30/11/2001 14:55

> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011126153032058209.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 26 NOV - Il presidente macedone Boris Trajkovski
ha dichiarato che la Macedonia conta di riprendere entro
meta' gennaio il controllo totale delle aree in mano agli
ex-guerriglieri albanesi.
Trajkovski ha anche detto di sperare che il Parlamento, nelle votazioni
in programma oggi, rinvii ad aprile le elezioni fissate per il 27
gennaio, in modo da poter consolidare prima del voto legge e ordine in
quelle aree.
Secondo il presidente, dopo lo scioglimento la guerriglia dell'Uck
non ha motivo di opporsi alle autorita' dello stato, in particolare
dopo l'approvazione del piano di pace e l'amnistia per gli ex
Fonti macedoni hanno d'altra parte confermato il ritrovamento dei
resti di almeno sei civili macedoni in una fossa comune scoperta
mercoledi' nei pressi di Tetovo. ''Durante gli scavi sono stati
rinvenuti ossa e resti umani'', ha confermato la giudice Alesandra
Zafirovska in una conferenza stampa. ''Ora dovremo procedere
all'identificazione, per la quale saranno necessari quattro o cinque
mesi di lavoro'', ha aggiunto Zafirovska.
Alle ricerche hanno partecipato anche esperti del Tribunale penale
internazionale per i crimini di guerra nella ex Jugoslavia (Tpi).
(ANSA) RIG 25-NOV-01 21:12 NNNN
26/11/2001 15:30


> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011207172432070779.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 7 DIC - Il presidente della Repubblica macedone, Boris
Trajkovski, ha concesso oggi l'amnistia ad altri 22 ex
combattenti albanesi dell'Uck. La lista dei guerriglieri albanesi
graziati dal Capo dello Stato sale cosi' a 33, anche se il numero
complessivo dei ribelli che, avendo deposto le armi, pretendono
l'amnistia e' di almeno 2.000. L'amnistia, prevista dal piano di pace
sostenuto dalla comunita' internazionale, ha suscitato le proteste
di una parte dei deputati macedoni che l'hanno considerata una
violazione del codice penale. Essa costituisce tuttavia un'altra,
importante, tappa del difficile processo di pace in corso in
Macedonia. Ora il parlamento e' chiamato ad approvare le leggi che
servono ad attribuire maggiori diritti alla minoranza albanese, a
cominciare da quella sulle autonomie locali. Il dibattito parlamentare
procede pero' con grande ritardo, e i rappresentanti diplomatici
hanno gia' fatto sapere alle autorita' di Skopje che se questa legge
non sara' approvata in tempi brevi, rischia di saltare per la
seconda volta la prevista conferenza dei donatori attesa prima di
Natale. (ANSA). BLL*COR
07/12/2001 17:24

> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/macedonia/20011205155832068008.html


(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 5 DIC - Il presidente della repubblica macedone,
Boris Trajkovski, ha ordinato oggi l'applicazione dell'amnistia
per 11 ex combattenti dell'Uck arrestati prima del 26 settembre,
quando il movimento di guerriglia si e' ufficialmente disciolto. E' la
prima volta che il capo dello Stato applica l'amnistia nei confronti
degli estremisti albanesi decisa con l'accordo di pace firmato ad
Ocrida lo scorso 13 agosto. L'applicazione appare tuttavia ancora
parziale: gli undici ex guerriglieri graziati sono stati infatti scelti
da una prima lista di altri 77 albanesi, stilata dal ministero della
Giustizia, che attendono l'amnistia in stato di detenzione, al pari di
almeno altri 2.000 ex guerriglieri tuttora in liberta' ma che
rischiano l'incriminazione. L'amnistia non sara' applicata in alcun modo
per coloro che risultassero incriminati dal Tribunale penale
internazionale (Tpi) per i crimini di guerra nell'ex Jugoslavia, e
che ha avviato indagini anche in Macedonia.(ANSA). BLL*COR
05/12/2001 15:58

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[Emperor's Clothes]

by Petar Makara and Jared Israel
[Posted 9 December 2001]

DOGS" - Text of signs on public establishments in
secessionist Croatia in June, 1941.

In the article, "Worst Kept Secrets of the Bumbling Bear," we talked
about the Vatican/U.S. government 'rescue' of Nazis from Eastern
Europe and the Balkans at the end of World War II. (1)

Many of those people and their children were sent back to Europe
in the late 1980s and early 1990s to help establish 'pro-Western'

To get a better sense of what this actually meant, we have to look
more closely at whom it was that the U.S. Establishment, and the
Vatican, rescued.

The following are scholarly snapshots of the so-called Independent
State of Croatia, comprising Croatia and part of Bosnia

Croatia was a clerical-fascist state, set up after the German Nazi
invasion of Yugoslavia during the spring of 1941.

Jumping ahead to the 1990s, it was commonplace for the Western
media to accuse Serbs of paranoia for resisting Croatian
secession. Were they paranoid? Or did they have something very
real to worry about?

During the 1990s, the Yugoslav press referred to the Croatian
secessionist forces as 'Ustashi.' Allow us introduce you.

- Jared Israel

by Petar Makara


[Start Quote] "The greatest ethnic slaughter took place as
Yugoslavia was carved up after the German invasion in April 1941.
The creation of a separate Croatia ... controlled by the fascist,
Catholic, extremist Ustasha movement was the catalyst for the
tragedy... Now, historic Croatia was expanded to include
Bosnia-Herzegovina and other territories, and the Ustasha were
left ... to govern a population of nearly 7 million people, of whom
about half were Croats, just over 2 million were Serbs, about
750,000 were Muslims, and small numbers were Protestants and
Jews.... The Minister of Education, Mile Budak, made clear the
Ustasha aims: 'Our new Croatia will get rid of all Serbs in our midst
in order to become one hundred percent Catholic within ten years.'
[End quote]

Professor Clive Ponting, "Armageddon," Random House, Inc., New
York, 1995, pages 231-232.



[Start Quote] "In Bosnia... the Croatian fascists began a massacre
of Serbs which, in the whole annals of World War II was surpassed
for savagery only by the mass extermination of Polish Jews." [End

The above quote was repeated by all versions of Encyclopedia
Britannica from 1971 until 1987. You can find it for example in
Encyclopedia Britannica Edition 1971, Volume 23, page 922 or in
Encyclopedia Britannica, Edition 1987, Volume 29, page 1054.
(The entry is entitled, "Yugoslavia, W.W.II") You may not find it in
subsequent editions. Much of the previous record became
politically incorrect since the U.S. and German Establishments
began sponsoring a new, Independent Croatia in the late 1980s.



[Start Quote] "Croatia [under Fascist control called itself the
'Independent State of Croatia' or 'Nazavisna Drzava Hrvatska,'
hence the initials NDH) ... Established during W.W.II...[it] was in
existence from April 1941 to May 1945. Its area... consisted of
what are today the Federative Republic of Croatia and the
Federative Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina... Its capital was
Zagreb. It had a population of 6.3 million, of whom 3.3 million were
Catholic Croats, 1.9 million Serbs, 700,000 Muslims... 40,000
Jews, 30,000 Gypsies...

" ... Shortly after taking control, the Ustasha, with the support of
many Croats, embarked upon what it called 'The Purge of Croatia
from Foreign Elements,' which had as its main purpose the
elimination of the Serb minority.

"In a brutal terror campaign, more than half a million Serbs were
killed, a quarter of a million expelled, and 200,000 forced to convert
to Catholicism.

"The Ustasha regime in Croatia, and particularly this drive in the
summer of 1941 to exterminate and dispossess the Serbs, was
one of the most horrendous episodes of World War II.

"The murder methods applied by the Ustasha were extraordinarily
primitive and sadistic: thousands were hurled from mountain tops,
other were beaten to death or their throats cut, entire villages were
burned down, women raped, people sent to death marches in the
middle of winter, and still others starved to death. " [End quote]

'Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,' Vol. 1, page 323, entry: 'Croatia.'



[Start Quote] "In April 1941 separatist Croats of the fascist terrorist

organization 'Ustasha' set up in Zagreb an Independent Croat
regime with Dr. Ante Pavelic as fuehrer, or "Poglavnik," and with
Marshal Slavko Kvaternik as minister of war.

"The new state, organized on strictly fascist and authoritarian lines,
excelled quickly by the special ruthlessness and cruelty with which it
persecuted, and partially exterminated the large Serb minority and
the small Jewish population..." [End quote]

"Encyclopedia Britannica, 1943 - Book of the year," page 215,
Entry: 'Croatia'



[Start Quote] "Slavko Kvaternik explained [in a radio program on
April 10, 1941, the day the 'Independent State of Croatia' was
formed] how a pure Croatia should be built - by forcing one third of
the Serbs to leave Croatia, one third to convert to Catholicism, and
one third to be exterminated. Soon Ustasha bands initiated a
bloody orgy of mass murder of Serbs unfortunate enough not to
have converted or left Croatia on time.

"The enormity of such criminal behavior shocked even the
conscience of German commanders, but Pavelic had Hitler's
personal support for such actions which resulted in the loss of the
lives of hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina." [End quote]

'Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations,' Europe, edition 1995,
page 91, entry: 'Croatia.'


QUOTE #6 - 'ONLY' KILLED 750,000

[Start Quote] "The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustashi leader
and Croatian Fuehrer, reminds one of the religious wars in [their]
bloodiest aspects: one-third must become Catholic, one-third must
leave the country and one-third must die. The last item was
executed. When the leading men of the Ustashi movement are
stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including
infants, children, women and aged) this in my opinion is a
self-praising exaggeration. According to the reports that have
reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless
slaughtered is some three-quarters of a million. [750,000]" [End

Herman Naubacher, "Sonderauftrag Sudosten 1940-1945. Bericht
eines fliegenden Diplomate," Gottingen, 1956, 31. Mr. Naubacher
was Hitler's personal assistant for Southeastern Europe and
Balkan affairs.



[Start Quote] "The Ustashi murdered and tortured Jews and Serbs
in indescribably bestial fashion. One of the most notorious camps
in Hitler's Europe, Jasenovac, was in Croatia. Here the Ustashi
used primitive implements in putting their victims to death - knives,
axes, hammers and other iron tools. A characteristic method was
binding pairs of prisoners, back to back, and then throwing them
into the Sava River. One source estimates that 770,000 Serbs,
40,000 Gypsies and 20,000 Jews were done to death in the
Jasenovac camp." [End quote.]

Dr. Nora Levin, "The Holocaust - The destruction of European
Jewry 1933 - 1945," Schocken Books, New York, Edition 1973,
page 515



[Start Quote] "In Croatia the indigenous fascist regime set about a
policy of 'racial purification' that went beyond even Nazi practices.
Minority groups such as Jews and Gypsies were to be eliminated,
as were the Serbs: it was declared that one-third of the Serbian
population would be deported, one-third converted to Roman
Catholicism, and one third liquidated. ... Ustasha bands terrorized
the countryside. The partial collaboration of the Catholic clergy in
these practices continues to be a component of Serb-Croat
suspicion." [End quote]

'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' Edition 1991, Macropedia, Vol. 29,
page 1111.



[Start Quote] ""Nonpartisan sources agree that mass genocide
was authorized by the state of Croatia. They concur the state
instigated, planned, and executed masses against the Serbian
Orthodox minority... and that the Catholic clergy approved, led, or
failed to denounce these massacres. The Croats' collective hatred
of the Orthodox Serbs was explicit in folk sayings such as ["Srbe o
vrbe" -] "Serbs to the willows [hang the Serbs]."


By June 1941, signs on public establishments read, 'NO SERBS,

Professor Helen Fein, "Accounting for Genocide - Victims and
Survivors of the Holocaust," The Free Press, New York, Edition
1979, pages 102, 103.



[Start Quote] "Catholic monks and other priests are alleged to have
taken an active part in this struggle for the 'purity' of the Croatian
land." [End quote.]

'The New Encyclopedia Britannica,' edition 1986, Macropedia
(Knowledge in Depth), Volume 27, page 467, entry: 'Fascism in the
Balkans (1930's).'



[Start Quote] "The greatest genocide during World War II, in
proportion to a nation's population, took place, not in Nazi Germany
but in the Nazi-created puppet state of Croatia. There, in the years
1941-1945, some 750,000 Serbs, 60,000 Jews and 26,000
Gypsies - men, women and children - perished in a gigantic
holocaust. These are the figures used by most foreign authors,
especially Germans, who were in the best position to know...

"...The magnitude and the bestial nature of these atrocities makes
it difficult to believe that such a thing could have happened in an
allegedly civilized part of the world. Yet even a book such as this
can attempt to tell only a part of the story." [End quote]

Professor Edmond Paris, 'Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941-
1945,' November, 1961, The American Institute for Balkan Affairs,
from the introduction.



[Start Quote] "Even the most extraordinary massacres in the
darkest era of history would not soil its name - Croatia... Kill, kill,

scream the Ustashi against Serbs. And they cut their heads off and
throw bodies away into the Sava River which flows slowly and
gravely in the direction of Belgrade...

"Go back to your motherland, go back to your motherland.

"Neither Fascists nor Nazi have the remotest resemblance to the
Ustashi, they are a fauna absolutely extraordinary and strange..."
[End quote]

Alfio Russo, "Revoluzione in Jugoslavia," Roma 1944



[Start Quote] "The real ruler [of W.W.II Croatia] was Ante Pavelic, a
zealous Croatian nationalist and fanatical hater of Serbs... Pavelic
lead a terrorist group called the Ustashi... 'A good Ustashi,' he told
his men, 'is he who can use his knife to cut a child from the womb
of its mother.' [End quote]

"Partisans and Guerillas, W.W.II," Time-Life books, page 87.



[Start Quote] "For now I began to get news from Croatia that told of
slowly rising tide of murders, of unrepeatable atrocities, of
massacres of defenceless Serbs by berserk-mad Croatians and
by [fascist] Moslems in Bosnian Croatia. In the little back parlors of
trusty men, the tales were whispered. I could not believe a quarter
of them. Unfortunately, I was soon to know that they were a weak
understatement of the truth. Men were to arrive in Dubrovnik itself,
hung with strings of Serbian tongues and with bowls of Serbian
eyes for sale." [End quote]

Ruth Mitchell, "The Serbs Choose War," Doubleday, Doran, 1943,
page 148. Miss Mitchell, sister of the founder of the U.S. Air Force,
General Bill Mitchell, was in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in April 1941,
when Yugoslavia fell to the Nazi occupation and the Ustashi came
to power.



[Start Quote:] "Jasenovac [was] the largest concentration camp in
Croatia. Jasenovac was in fact a complex of several subcamps, in
close proximity to each other, on the bank of the Sava River...
established in August 1941 and was dismantled only on April

"Some six hundred thousand people were murdered at Jasenovac,
mostly Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, and opponents of the Ustasha
regime... The living conditions in the camp were extremely severe...
A particularly cruel regime, and unbelievably cruel behavior by the
Ustashe guards...

"The acts of murder and of the cruelty in the camp reached their
peak in the late summer of 1942, when tens of thousands of
Serbian villagers were deported to Jasenovac from the area of the
fighting against the partisans in the Kozara Mountains." [End

'Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,' Vol. 2, page 739.



[Start Quote] "...It is estimated that a total of about 200,000 people
met their death [in Jasenovac] during 1941-1942 [alone!]. Crowds
of Jewish children were burned alive in the old brick ovens,
transformed into crematories.

"Vjekoslav Luburic, commander-in-chef of all the Croatian camps,
announced the great 'efficiency' of this slaughterhouse at a
ceremony on October 9th, 1942... During the banquet which
followed, he reported with pride: 'We have slaughtered here at
Jasenovac more people than the Ottoman Empire was able to do
during its occupation of Europe.'" [End Quote]

Professor Edmond Paris, "Genocide in Satellite Croatia 1941-
1945," The American Institute for Balkan Affairs, edition 1961,
page 132



[Start Quote] "In the concentration camp at Jasenovac, on the night
of August 29, 1942, orders were issued for executions. Bets were
made as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates.
Peter Brzica cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with a specially
sharp butcher's knife. Having been proclaimed the prizewinner of
the competition, he was elected King of the Cutthroats. A gold
watch, a silver service, and a roasted sucking pig and wine were
his other rewards..." [End quote]

Avro Manhattan, "The Vatican's Holocaust," 1986, page 48. During
World War II Mr. Manhattan operated a radio station called "Radio
Freedom" which broadcast to occupied Europe.



[Start Quote] "And there can be no return to the past, to the times
when they the Serbs were spreading cancer in the heart of Croatia,
cancer which was destroying the Croatian national being and which
did not allow the Croatian people to be the master in its own house
and did not allow Croatia to lead an independent and sovereign life
under this wide, blue sky and within the world community of
sovereign nations...They [Serbian refugees driven from their homes
by the Croatian Army] didn't even have the time to take with them
their filthy foreign currency or their knickers." Croatian Radio,
transcribed by BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, August 28, 1995

That quote was from Franjo Tudjman, President of the Independent
State of Croatia. This state was modeled on its Nazi predecessor.
It was created when Croatia violently seceded from Yugoslavia in
June, 1991, as a direct result of the German-U.S. strategy of using
terrorist forces to break up Yugoslavia. Tudjman was speaking
during a train tour of what had been Serbian Krajina, near Croatia
in August, 1995. Trained by U.S. forces, armed by Germany, with
U.S. fighter-bombers flying air support, the Croatian Army had just
driven some 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral homes.

Serbian farmers owned the land and lived in the Krajina for over
400 years, but the 'New York Times' called these Serbs "rebels,"
thus lending legitimacy to this nightmare. The 'New York Times'
caption under pictures of Serbian refugees being stoned as they
fled the neo-Ustashi offensive read: "Thousands of Serbs have
been displaced in the Croatian offensive that recaptured
three-quarters of a territory seized by Serbian forces in 1991."
('The New York Times,' August 10, 1995)

We will discuss Western government and media support for the
reborn Croatian fascism in Part 2.


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1) On the Nazi-CIA marriage, see "Worst Kept Secrets of the
Bumbling Bear,' by Jared Israel. It can be read at

2) On the breakup of Yugoslavia, the following are good

* Diana Johnstone's 'Seeing Yugoslavia Through a Dark Glass:
Politics, Media and the Ideology of Globalization,' which can be
read at
Johnstone is former International Editor of the magazine, 'In These
Times,' and former Press Secretary of the Greens in the Euro

* 'A Not-So-Nonviolent Debate on the Nonviolence 'Board' at
http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/nonviole.html This is a
debate between tenc.net editor Jared Israel and Tony Frye

* 'Germany and the US in the Balkans- a Careful Coincidence of
National Policies?' by T.W. Carr, the Associate Publisher, Defense
& Foreign Affairs

* On the Vatican-Nazi connection, see 'Hitler's Pope,' by John
Cornwell at

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