

Un'opportunita' unica per visitare la sala delle udienze
del Tribunale dell'Aia e per fare un tour guidato attraverso
l'evidenza dei crimini commessi durante la guerra nella
ex Jugoslavia: Srebrenica, Vukovar, Kosovo...
La prova della pulizia etnica e, perche' no, anche del genocidio.

Basta cliccare qui:
> http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/aaart/art/tribunal.htm

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrej Tisma"
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 3:03 AM
Subject: Check The Hague Prisoner! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> ---------------------------
> You have a unique opportunity to visit the
> Hague Tribunal court room and have an illustrated tour
> through evidences of war crimes that happened during the
> war in the former Yugoslavia: Srebrenica, Vukovar, Kosovo...
> See the proof of ethnical cleansing, massacres
> and even genocide.
> We hope this web site will contribute to the final
> vedrdict against the proven war criminals.
> Just click here, go there and check the prisoner!
> http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/aaart/art/tribunal.htm

> http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PAS111A.html

U.S. Protects Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Kosovo

by Umberto Pascali

The Executive Intelligence Review, 2 November 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), Montréal, 21 November 2001

While the United States is relentlessly bombing
Afghanistan with the official aim of getting Osama
bin Laden, one of bin Laden's top collaborators is
running a terrorist training camp in an area of
Kosovo that is under U.S. control.

The shocking revelation has been confirmed by
multiple sources: Macedonian intelligence agencies, as
reported by several Macedonian media, including
the leading daily Dnevnik; Russian press agencies,
including Novosti and ItarTass; and the London Independent.

This intelligence coheres with Lyndon LaRouche's
assessment of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United
States, as a strategic covert operation by an enemy
within the U.S. and "allied" security services, for
geopolitical purposes.

The Russian media quoted, as the source of their
detailed revelation, the Russian troops stationed not far
from the reported terrorist training camp. This is in
itself exceptional, in the sense that there is hardly a
precedent of the Russian military in Kosovo reporting
events of such gravity to the leading news agencies.

These revelations, and the clear position
taken by Macedonian intelligence in confirming and expanding
them, are now reopening the explosive question of
the protection and sponsorship granted to the
narco-terrorists by Anglo-American agencies.

But this is only a small part of the new strategic
geometry opened up by the revelations. The red-hot
political point concerns the very basis for the
"war against terrorism" launched after the war-like attacks
of Sept. 11, and the immediate concentration on
bin Laden and Afghanistan as the perpetrators of those
attacks-and the threatened extension of the "infinite
war" to Syria, Iraq, and so on. If the
Anglo-Americans are at "war" with bin Laden's
terrorism, why are bin Laden operatives active in Kosovo
in an area totally controlled by NATO? Furthermore,
in the U.S. zone in Kosovo? Investigations on the bin
Laden connection into the Balkans and Kosovo could,
according to experts, lead to even more explosive
truths in a very short period of time.

Keep The Clash Going On Oct. 16 Novosti reported: "A
training camp of Albanian militants functions near
the village of Ropotovo, close to Kosovska Kamenica,
in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, which is
controlled by the American force, sources from the
Russian peacekeeping force in Kosovo reported on
[Oct. 16]. According to [the sources], the camp is
now training 50 Afghan and Algerian mujahideen, led by
Zaiman Zawahiri. He is reportedly the brother of
one of the closest associates of international terrorist
Osama bin Laden. This camp prepares militants for
terrorist formations in Kosovo and Macedonia. Their
'instructors' are former [ethnic] Albanian officers
who, in 1991-92, deserted from the Yugoslav Army."

The Independent reported on Oct. 21 that Interpol
has linked bin Laden to Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
crime gangs, and that he "supplied one of his top
military commanders for an elite KLA unit" in Kosovo.

That was only the beginning. The target of the terrorist
gangs' deployment into Macedonia: to prevent, by
violence, the return of Macedonian refugees into the
villages "cleansed" by the KLA during this year; and
to take over the water reserve on which the Macedonian
capital, Skopje, depends.

Beyond that, these extremists are out to re-ignite
the ethnic "Clash of Civilizations" in the Balkans, to
crush the escalating resistance of Macedonia-which
has been actively playing the LaRouche card in
response to its national crisis (see EIR, Oct. 19)-and
to continue the march of destruction, possibly
triggering in the near future, an ethnic upheaval
in Greece or Bulgaria.

The fact that such an operation is taking place in
the middle of the "war on the Taliban and al-Qaeda"-the
fact that NATO's Lord George Robertson, U.S. Ambassador
James Pardew, and the European Union's
Javier Solana insist, to this very day, that Macedonia
has to surrender to the KLA ultimata, including the
subversion of the Macedonian Constitution, opens up a
dramatic contradiction. That contradiction throws
light on the virtual reality the world has been
propelled into after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Who Runs Al-Zawahiri? The Macedonian daily Dnevnik
reported on Oct. 19 that the group led by the
brother of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the closest
associate of bin Laden, had crossed the border from
Kosovo into Macedonia. Quoting intelligence sources,
Dnevnik wrote: "The younger brother of the chief of
the Balkan headquarters of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri,
with around 50 mujahideen, has entered
Macedonia and has started building fortifications
in the Skopska Crna Gora region. The aim of the terrorist
group is to attack the water supply" for Skopje.

The newspaper reported that the gang had been
stationed earlier in the training camp near the village of
Ropotovo, Kosovo-as Novosti also reported-and received
orders to enter the Macedonian town of
Matejce. On Oct. 16, a convoy of refugees, who were
previously expelled by the KLA, were supposed to
visit their destroyed houses. However, the observers
from the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe entered the village first, and reported
that at least 50 armed men had communicated they were
going to fire on the convoy if they dared to enter
Matejce. The OSCE order to the heartbroken refugees
was: Go back, we cannot guarantee your security!

But who is Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, whose brother
Zaiman is running terrorist camps under NATO
protection in the U.S. zone in Kosovo? As the London
Guardian wrote recently, "Even to say he is bin
Laden's right-hand man may understate his importance."
He is considered by many to be the real head of
what is known as the bin Laden group. "Some analysts
believe that in his current role in Afghanistan,
al-Zawahiri has taken over control of much of bin
Laden's terrorist finances, operations, plans, and
resources," wrote the Guardian. His known terrorist
career started no later than 1981, with his
involvement in the assassination of Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat; it includes the massacre of 70
people on a tourist bus in 1997 Luxor, Egypt, and
the assassination attempt against Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak in 1995.

Strangely enough, according to an expert who
testified before a U.S. Congressional committee in January
2000, al-Zawahiri was granted U.S. residence by the
Immigration and Naturalization Service-something
almost impossible for many legitimate immigrants
to obtain. Should we be surprised that one of the
centers of operation for al-Zawahiri was London,
where one of his closest relatives resided? President
Mubarak is believed to have referred to him when,
after the Luxor massacre, he stated: "There are people
who carried out crimes and who were sentenced [in Egypt]
and live on British soil."

The URL of this article is:

Copyright, Executive The News, 2001. For fair use only.



(la traduzione italiana in fondo)

Tratto da "Vjesnik", Zagabria, 28.9.89

Skupstina SR Slovenije: U uvodnoj rijeci
predsjedik Ustavne komisije Slovenije
Miran Potrc o spornim amandmanima
i preporuci Saveznog vijeca Skupstine SFRJ.


Sest amandmana na Slovenski ustav koji su u Sloveniji i
Jugoslaviji izazvali najvece polemike i osporavanja.

Amandman X
Socijalisticka Republika Slovenija je u sastavu Socijalisticke
Federativne Republike Jugoslavije na temelju trajnog, cjelovitog i
neotudjivog prava slovenskog naroda na samoopredeljenje, koje
ukljucuje i pravo na otcepljenje i udruzivanje.

Amandman XI
U Socijalistickoj R. Sloveniji radni ljudi i gradjani slobodno
odlucuju o svom radu i rezultatima rada, te slobodno raspolazu
prirodnim bogatstvima i prirodnim izvorima u skladu sa svojim u
Ustavu odredjenim pravima i duznostima.

Amandman XLVI
Organi fedracije na teritoriju SR Slovenije u poslovanju s
pripadnicima drugih naroda i narodnosti uvazavaju ustavno pravo
ravnopravosti jezika naroda i narodnosti.
Ukoliko se radnjama i aktima organa federacije krse ustavni
polozaj i prava SRS, Skupstina SR Slovenije duzna je donijeti mjere u
skladu s amandmanom LXII.

Amandman XLII
Ukoliko organi federacije prihvate odluke u suprotnosti s
njihovim u Ustavu odredjenim nadleznostima i time posezu u ustavni
polozaj i prava SRS, Skupstina SRS duzna je donijeti odredjene mjere u
kojima ce osigurati cuvanje Ustavom odredjenog polozaja i prava SR

Amandman LXIII
Skupstina SRS moze proglasiti izvanredne mjere na podrucju SRS ili
njezinom dijelu na prijedlog Predsjednistva SRS ukoliko iznimn opca
opasnost ugrozava opstanak SR Slovenije, odnosno njezino ustavno
uredjenje . Odluka je donijeta ukoliko su za nju glasale dvije trecine
prisutnih delegata svih vijeca Skupstine SRS.
Ukoliko se Skupstina SRS ne moze sastati, o tome odlucuje
Predsjednistvo SRS i svoju odluku predlaze Skupstini SRS na
potvrdu cim se ona moze sastati.
Na podrucju Slovenije ilio njezinom dijelu nitko ne smije bez
suglasnosti Skupstine SRS proglasiti izvanredne prilike i odrediti
bilo kakve mjere u vezi s njima. U slucaju kada je takva odluka
predlozena Skupstini SFRJ odnosno Predsjednistvu SFRJ, delegati,
odnosno clan tog organa iz SR Slovenije, duzni su o tome odmah
obavijestiti Skupstinu SRS i druge nadlezne organe SRS, te zahtijevati
odlaganje odlucivanja dok Skupstina SRS o spornom pitanju zauzme stav.
Bez njezine suglasnosti ne mogu glasati za odluku. U oizvanrednim
prilikama mogu Skupstina SRS, ili na osnovi njezinog ovlastenja
Predsjednistvo SRS odrediti izvanredne mjere kojima se mogu privremeno
ograniciti pojedina ustavna prava i slobode.
Kakve mjere se u izvanrednom prilikama mogu odrediti, regulira Zakon.
Skupstina SRS moze opozvati clana Predsjednistva SFRJ iz SRS ukoliko on
djeluje u suprotnosti s odredbama tog amandmana.

Amandman LXVI
Kod preuzimanja financijskih obaveza za ostvarivanje funkcija
federacije u okviru ustavno odredjenih zadataka saveznih organa i za
ispunjavanje zadataka za druge zajednicke potrebe federacije u skladu
sa zajednickom razvojnom politikom, odredjenom u Drustvenom planu
Jugoslavije, Supstina SRS uvazva materijalne mogucnosti republike i
potreba njeina razvoja.

Da "Vjesnik", Zagabria 28.9.1989

Il testo integrale dei 6 emendamenti contestati

Ecco i sei emendamenti alla Costituzione slovena che in Slovenia e
nella Jugoslavia hanno provocato grandi polemiche e contestazioni.

Emendamento X
La Repubblica Socialista di Slovenia fa parte della Repubblica
Socialista Federativa di Jugoslavia in base al permanente, completo e
inseparabile diritto del popolo sloveno all’autodeterminazione, che
comprende anche il diritto alla secessione ed alla associazione.

Emendamento XI
Nella RS di Slovenia i lavoratori ed i cittadini liberamente
decidono del proprio lavoro e dei risultati del lavoro, ed inoltre
usufruiscono liberamente delle ricchezze e delle risorse naturali in
relazione con i diritti e doveri inseriti nella propria Costituzione.

Emendamento XLVI
Gli organi federali sul territorio della RS di Slovenia competenti
per la gestione degli affari con gli appartenenti ad altre nazioni e
nazionalità [con "nazione" si intende uno dei "popoli costitutivi",
con "nazionalità" una delle altre minoranze, N.d.t.]
riconoscono il diritto costituzionale dell’uguaglianza della lingua
delle nazionalità.
Se con azioni ed atti degli organi federali si infrangono la
posizione costituzionale e i diritti della RS di Slovenia, l’Assemblea
della RS di Slovenia ha il dovere emanare sanzioni in base
all’emendamento LXII.

Emendamento XLII
Se gli organi della federazione assumono determinate competenze
in contrasto con quelle stabilite nella Costituzione e con ciò
intaccano la posizione e il diritto costituzionale della RSS,
l’Assemblea della RSS è obbligata ad emanare misure con le quali
assicurare la posizione e il diritto espresso nella Costituzione
della RSS.

Emendamento LXIII
L’Assemblea della RSS può emanare misure speciali sul territorio
della RSS o in una parte di esso su proposta della Presidenza della
RSS nel caso eccezionale di pericolo generale in cui venga messa a
repentaglio l’esistenza della RSS, cioè la sua Costituzione. La
decisione viene presa se viene votata con una maggioranza di 2/3
dei voti dei delegati presenti di tutti i consigli dell’Assemblea
della RS di Slovenia.
Nel caso in cui la riunione dell’Assemblea della RSS non possa aver
luogo, in merito può decidere la Presidenza della RSS, e la sua
decisione si sottopone alla valutazione dell’Assemblea della RSS non
appena questa si può radunare.
Nessuno puo' proclamare lo stato di emergenza sul territorio
della RS di Slovenia, o su parte di esso, ne' prendere decisioni
in conformita', senza il permesso dell’Assemblea della RSS.
Nel caso in cui una tale decisione venga proposta all’Assemblea
federale della RSF di Jugoslavia, oppure alla Presidenza della RSFJ,
i delegati, o il rappresentante sloveno in questo organo, devono
subito avvertire l’Assemblea della RSS e gli altri organi competenti
della Slovenia, chiedendo di rimandare la decisione fintantoché
l’Assemblea della RS di Slovenia non esprima la sua posizione.
Senza il suo accordo essi non possono votare la decisione.
In casi eccezionali, l’Assemblea della Slovenia, oppure, con il
consenso di questa, la Presidenza della Slovenia, possono emanare
decisioni speciali con le quali si possono limitare temporaneamente
alcuni diritti e libertà costituzionali.
Quali siano le misure che si possono prendere in tali casi
particolari, viene regolato dalla Legge. L’Assemblea della RSS può
revocare il suo membro dalla Presidenza collegiale federale, nel caso
in cui esso eserciti il suo ruolo in contrasto con le decisioni di
questo emendamento.

Emendamento LXVI
Nell’assumere oneri finanziari per la realizzazione delle funzioni
federali, nell’ambito dei compiti stabiliti dagli organi costituzionali
federali e per l’espletamento di altri compiti federativi,
necessari in relazione alla politica di sviluppo comune decisa dal
Piano comune jugoslavo, l’Assemblea della RSS tiene conto delle
possibilità materiali della repubblica e delle necessità del suo

Traduzione a cura della Redazione di
"Voce Jugoslava" su Radio Citta' Aperta


From: "Gregory Elich"
Subject: This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 20:43:42 -0500

International Action Center
39 W. 14 Street, #206
New York, NY 10011
(212) 633-6646


Dear Friend,

We need your help. The outrageous demonization that
the wars of the past decade in the Balkans are the fault
of the Serbian people and their leaders must be answered.

Our second book on the decade of wars that dismembered
Yugoslavia is ready to go to the printers.
This well-researched and documented book,
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,' has involved
hundreds of hours of work by a dedicated staff of volunteers.

Now we are depending on your support.

Four years ago the International Action Center
published 'NATO in the Balkans.' That book proved to be a
powerful tool for informing the public about US war plans in
the Balkans. It went into three printings, was
translated into Serbian and Greek, and sections of it
appeared in publications in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French,
German and Russian.

Our new book, 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation,'
fills a great void. There is no truthful record published in
the US of NATO war crimes in the bombing of Yugoslavia.
No one has exposed the illegal kidnapping and
detention of President Slobodan Milosevic by the
US-sponsored International Criminal Tribunal on Yugoslavia
or the crime of NATO occupation of the entire region.

The truth needs to be told. The US/NATO attack on
Yugoslavia was truly the "foot in the door," as the late
Sean Gervasi pointed out in 'NATO in the Balkans.' It has
led to yet another US war, this time in Afghanistan. As
the United States military moves deeper into Central Asia,
once again keeping the truth about this new war from the
people of the United States, we must not forget the lies and
aggression in Yugoslavia.

Over 30 of the most courageous and articulate voices
opposing US/NATO war crimes during and after the bombing
of Yugoslavia have contributed to 'This is Peace?
NATO's Balkan Occupation.' This 360-page book details the
media campaign that hid the brutal destruction of
Yugoslavia in the 79-day NATO war. The 20-page photo section
clearly shows the civilian targets.

The historical record of the People's Tribunals held in
the United States and Europe charging NATO with war crimes
are included in this volume along with the US funding and
control of the International Criminal Tribunal based
at The Hague.

You know how important it is that there be an
accurate record of these crimes. You know how difficult it
is to live knowing the truth, but unable to get it out.
'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' will enable
activists and scholars here and abroad to understand what
is at stake. NATO occupation is no solution for any of
the peoples in the region. The prospect for a common
struggle against outside domination and the thugs who
have sold out to the multi-national corporations will be
aided by the knowledge this book has to offer.

You can do something important. You can help the
International Action Center publish 'This is Peace? NATO's
Balkan Occupation.'

Please help to sponsor the printing and distribution of
this vital work, which will be available both in English
and in Greek by February 2002. The Serbian
edition will be available soon after. The budget for this
book is modest because our labor is voluntary, but we need
to raise $25,000 to do a first press run.

You can have your name listed as one of the people who
made this book possible. Donors of $1,000 will be featured
in the book as sponsors.
Contributors of $100 or more will be thanked in print as
well. You will also receive two copies of the book that
can be given to a library, school, journalist, elected
official or whoever you choose. In order to have your
name listed in the acknowledgements we must hear from you
by December 31.

You can make a tax-deductible donation by writing your
check to People's Rights Fund/NATO Book II.

Your help has been decisive in the past. Please
ensure that the truth about Yugoslavia is documented for
the 21st century and for future generations.
Your contribution will enable this to happen.

With enduring appreciation for your generosity and

Brian Becker Heather Cottin Sara Flounders
Gloria La Riva Milos Raickovich Nadja Tesich

This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation

The war in Yugoslavia signalled the start of US
strategy to move into

Eastern Europe and beyond....

How did the United States achieve the breakup and
occupation of Yugoslavia?

What was the role of US media lies and the
manipulation of international agencies, including the UN?

Why did the campaign to demonize the Serbian people
and Slobodan Milosevic accompany the 70 day NATO bombing
of Yugoslavia?

Who benefited? US/NATO military bases have been set
up throughout the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Middle
East and Central Asia to protect Western corporate plunder
of the labor and resources of the region.

'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation' represents
the only historical record in English of NATO's illegal war
in Yugoslavia.

360 pages, photo section, maps, index, chronology.
$19.95 (Bulk orders of 10 or more copies at a 40 percent

Donations written to: People's Rights Fund / NATO Book II
are tax deducible.

Mail your donation or sponsorship to:
International Action Center
39 W. 14th St., #206
New York, NY 10011

Credit card tax deductible donations can be made on-line

www.peoplesrightsfund.org at This is Peace? book project

"My heart is always with the people who are the poorest
and most deprived. For the past ten years, the people in the
Balkans have been the victims of US/NATO war crimes that
remain largely hidden from people around the world.
Help us get out the truth aout the wars in Yugoslavia.
Help us publish 'This is Peace? NATO's Balkan Occupation."
Ramsey Clark