

              In a conflict, good guys and bad guys aren't always
clearly defined
              By PETER WORTHINGTON -- Sun Media
For those interested in knowing how the Balkans got that
way -- Bosnia and Kosovo -- a rare, three-part TV documentary
concludes tomorrow evening on the History Channel.
              Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War is a product of New York's
Frontier Theatre and Film Inc., co-produced by George Bogdanich and
German TV producer Martin Lettmayer.
              Four years in the making, the documentary has been amended
as events unfolded, including the Kosovo war and its effects,
and was judged the Best Social Documentary at the New York
International Independent Film and Video Festival.
              There is a minimum of editorializing or unsubstantiated
comment in the documentary -- unusual for a topic as volatile,
controversial and emotional as the Balkans.
              The segment on Kosovo is of special interest to Canadians,
since we joined the war because the U.S. wanted a united front,
not because we had a clue what was going on, or why.
              Canada's former ambassador to Yugoslavia, James Bissett,
argued against the war, and history is proving him right. Truth
in Kosovo -- the Balkans -- is cloaked in half-truths and propaganda.
              The documentary shows Madeleine Albright, first as UN
ambassador and later as U.S. Secretary of State, not only opposing
Serbs, but mindlessly endorsing Bosnia and eager for war in
Kosovo. She hand-picked Canada's Louise Arbour to be war crimes
prosecutor, who had no experience with the Balkans and
tended to believe every atrocity claimed by the Muslims.
           Video footage shows Albright rejecting evidence that
Bosnians bombed or mortared their own people, then blaming the
Serbs in order to persuade NATO to attack the Serbs -- a ploy as
ancient as warfare itself, and repeatedly proven both in Bosnia
and Kosovo.
              The supposed massacre at Racak, in Kosovo, which lit the
fuse for the 78-day air war, has been shown to be a hoax -- dead
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) fighters (since given military
funerals) were arranged in a gully to appear as if massacred,
complete with mutilations and torture -- proclaimed by both Albright and
              President George Bush (Dubya's dad) was also captive of
anti-Serb mania, perhaps because the Bosnian and Kosovo sides hired
New York public relations firm Ruder-Fenn. Serbs were too dumb
to do likewise.
              Retired U.S. generals were actively involved in advising
and guiding both Bosnians and Croats against Serbs of Krajina,
massacring and "ethnically cleansing" some 300,000 of them
in Operation Storm -- mindful of Desert Storm (the same
              To his credit, Canada's General Alain Forand defied orders
in efforts to save Serb refugees in Knin from massacre.
              In conflicts, we -- the allies -- like good guys and bad
guys to be clearly defined.
              Who is right, who is wrong; who are victims, who villains.
White hats versus black hats.
              The Balkans don't work that way. The tragedy of the Serbs
(apart from having Milosevic as president) is that their public
relations was so inept that they were effectively demonized.
             From the start, Croatia got clandestine help and weaponry
from the U.S. and Germany, despite reviving Nazi symbols (checkerboard
flag) of the Ustashe.
              The West conveniently forgot -- and wasn't reminded --
that Serbs were first to fight the Nazis in Yugoslavia and at
enormous risk saved downed Allied airmen in the Second World War.
              In Kosovo, after the Second World War, 80% of the Serb
population was pushed out by Albanians. Post-war Albania was the
world's most paranoid country -- too recalcitrant for even the Red
              KLA atrocities to incite reprisals by Yugoslav security
forces in turn incited anti-Serb reaction from the U.S. --
overriding European reluctance to get involved. The U.S. pushed NATO
from being a defensive alliance into an aggressive one.
              Interviewed in the documentary are the likes of Lord
Carrington, Lord Owen, the New York Times' wise David Binder (with
laser-like insight about the Balkans), Generals Lew MacKenzie and
Britain's General Sir Michael Rose (whose proof that Muslim
atrocities against Muslims in order to blame Serbs was ignored).
              In a perfect world, what the U.S. and NATO did in the
Balkans might constitute a war crime.
              But the international tribunal in the Hague is winners
against losers; a conspiracy of silence among 19 NATO belligerents
guarantees protection.
              What's done is done, but have lessons been learned?
              So far, some 2,100 bodies have been recovered in Kosovo
(no mass graves), while the Red Cross lists 3,368 missing among all
ethnic groups -- a far cry from the 100,000 dead initially
announced by U.S./NATO. Canada's former ambassador Bissett put it
succinctly and sadly:
              "There's no question that Kosovo was an unnecessary war
... an attempt to bomb Yugoslavia into submission that should be
of concern to all people ... We have the United States as a
very powerful military force that no longer sees diplomacy and
negotiation as worth their while."
              In retrospect, if Yugoslavia had been left alone, Balkan
people would have worked things out with fewer casualties, less
misery and more hope for the future.
              The U.S. blew it -- as it often does when it dabbles in
areas it knows nothing about.

              Worthington is founding editor of the Toronto Sun
              /for fair use only/


Comunichiamo a tutti i compagni che abbiamo appena aggiornato il nostro
sito con una intera galleria di foto sulla manifestazione contro la NATO

svoltasi a Cesena il 24 marzo:

> http://www.tuttinlotta.org


Belgrade, April 14, 2001 - S T A T E M E N T
Today in Belgrade, in front of the Government of Serbia building, second
rally of support for Slobodan Milosevic was held.
25.000 of citizens and leadership of SPS demanded in the rally that
president of
SPS Slobodan Milosevic should continue medical treatment in Military
Academy. After political pressure on physicians, president Milosevic was

returned yesterday afternoon from that hospital to Central County Jail
Yugoslav and international social, professional and humanitarian
are called in action of support to demands for release of Slobodan
from detention, so that he could defend himself free on bail, and for
of persecutions and political trials.
Speakers emphasized that new regime is transforming Serbia into
camp, but people demands freedom and dignity.
Those who spread hatred and fear (advocating foreign, not Serb
interests), will
get the same in return, but doubled.
Citizens of Montenegro are greeted and called to vote against separatism
and for
Yugoslavia, free and common state of Serbian and Montenegrin people and
all it's citizens.
The wave of demonstrators then moved trough Nemanjina street to the
Palace of
Justice with intention to deliver a petition for release of Slobodan
The petition could not be delivered with the explanation that there is
no one in
the court authorized to receive the delegation of the rally.
Demonstration ended with a call for new rally next Saturday in capital
Vojvodina, Novi Sad.

To join or help this struggle, visit:
> http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
> http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
> http://www.24casa.co.yu/ (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia)


Recensione del documentario: JUGOSLAVIA: LA GUERRA EVITABILE
("Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War" - a product of New York's Frontier
Theatre and Film Inc., co-produced by George Bogdanich and
German TV producer Martin Lettmayer)
a cura di PETER WORTHINGTON -- Sun Media

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/916

* LE NOVITA' SUL SITO DELLA Ligue Anti-Impérialiste

> http://www.lai-aib.org

Nouveaux articles



Les victimes serbes de Milosevic
Marc-Antoine Coppo

«(...) les médias refont l'histoire à leur guise, et au fond
vision des choses arrange (presque) tout le monde : même les
Serbes, naguère démonisés en bloc, apparaissent à présent
comme de simples victimes prêtes à accueillir avec enthousiasme
leurs nouveaux maitres.»


Uranium appauvri

UA: une étude britannique contredit le rapport des Nations Unies

Frédéric Loore




John Catalinotto

Even in prison, Slobodan Milosevic remains at the center of
politics. On April 7, thousands of people filled the plaza
before the
Serbian republic government building to denounce "Fascists, NATO

murderers" and demand they "Release Slobodan."


Police Planted Weapons in Milosevic's Villa

Yugoslav Left (JUL) spokeswoman Dragana Kuzmanovic said on
Monday that the party had information that the weapons found in
villa of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic in Uzicka
had been planted by the police.


The hoax that started a war
Peter Worthington

«It changes nothing, but Racak should make people wary of
propaganda about areas where they have little knowledge, but
feelings. Remember the emotions generated about "ethnic
cleansing" in
Kosovo? At the end of World War II, the population of Kosovo was

50-50 Serb and Albanian. By 1999 it was 90% Albanian. Today,
close to96%. Over 50 years, who's been "ethnically cleanse! d"?


Not as it seems... Was 'Racak' Kosovo's Gulf of Tonkin?
Armen Georgian and Arthur Neslen

«The Sunday Times [...] last year reported claims by
European diplomats that William Walker was "inextricably linked
the CIA". In their story, diplomatic and intelligence sources
alleged that
the team led by Walker had been a 'CIA front' helping the KLA
logistical and technical support. Walker had previously been an
ambassador to El Salvador in the 1980s, when Washington backed
extreme-right wing paramilitaries in that country's civil war.
Echoes of the Gulf of Tonkin, the CIA-manipulated story of the
'torpedoing' of two US destroyers that escalated the Vietnam
war, are
resonant. On 12 August 1998, the US Senate Republican Policy
Committee had commented: "Planning for a US-led Nato
intervention in
Kosovo is now largely in place. The only missing element seems
to be an
event - with suitably vivid media coverage - that could make the

intervention politically saleable ..."»


Humiliation and Absolution in the Balkans
George Szamuely

The arrest of former President Slobodan Milosevic revealed the
of the men the United States installed to run Yugoslavia. A
that timidly asks NATOs permission to send a few hundred lightly
men to fight KLA terrorists in Southern Serbian sends thousands
heavily armed men wearing ski masks and stockings over their
heads to
storm a family home in suburban Belgrade.


Arrest of Milosevic continues U.S. attack on Yugoslavia
John Catalinotto


«International War crimes Tribunal» financed by the United States
Government and US Multi-Nationals
Michel Collon

The «Tribunal» is only interested in putting Milosevic on trial
- not
Sharon, nor Pinochet nor the Murderer Generals from Turkey: Is
impartial? Financed by the United States government and by
millionaires, it refuses to investigate the war-crimes committed
NATO and by the Albanian terrorists: Is it independent? Its
modus-operandi throws overboard numerous principles of law: Is
legal? We have a portrait of a very bizarre «Tribunal»...


Free Milosevic, Jail Eagleburger, Zimmermann (etc.)...
George Szamuely

"The real Milosevic has never had the remotest connection with
idiotic cartoonish figure depicted by the U.S. government, the
op-ed-page articles a year" denizens of the
think tanks and the ignorant reporters passing for "Balkans
experts" on
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer..."


NATO forces behind International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague
Christopher Black

Private justice has replaced public justice, the appearance of
fundamental justice has been replaced by an open contempt for


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> http://anti-usa.virtualave.net/yugosl.htm
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