
LJUBO CUPIC: una foto ritrovata

Sappiamo che questa foto che abbiamo recuperato [ http://www.diecifebbraio.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/1942.jpg ] non è inedita (era già presente a pagina 73 di Report on italian crimes against Yugoslavia and its people [ http://www.diecifebbraio.info/2012/03/pubblicazioni-sui-crimini-italiani-in-jugoslavia/ ]), ma vale sicuramente la pena conoscerne la storia. Siamo nella primavera del 1942 nel Montenegro protettorato italiano sotto occupazione miltare, solo pochi mesi dopo l’invasione dell’aprile 1941 e la proclamazione nel luglio sucessivo del ”libero e indipendente” Regno del Montenegro che fece invece scatenare una vasta insurrezione popolare. In conseguenza di ciò venne nominato Governatore civile e militare  il Generale Alessandro Pirzio Biroli che attuò da quel momento una feroce repressione che comprendeva rastrellamenti su larga scala, bombardamenti e distruzione di interi villaggi, fucilazioni di massa non solo di partigiani ma anche di civili, donne e bambini compresi. In questa ottica fu particolarmente importante l’alleanza con i nazionalisti monarchici cetnici, ma per tutti questi crimini alla fine della guerra così come per tutti gli altri casi nei territori occupati lo Stato italiano non autorizzò mai l’estradizione dei colpevoli.

Tutto questo fece crescere la reazione partigiana e grosso ruolo ebbe nell’organizzazione delle formazioni il Partito Comunista. Come altri giovani anche il protagonista della nostra storia si unisce ai partigiani diventando in poco tempo comandante di un battaglione. Ljubo Cupic [ http://www.diecifebbraio.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ljubocupic.jpg ] era nato nel 1913 da una famiglia montenegrina emigrata in Nord America e all’età di 14 anni torna con i genitori in Montenegro. Terminati gli studi superiori si trasferisce a Belgrado dove studia legge e diventa membro del Partito Comunista Jugoslavo. Nel 1941, dopo la capitolazione del paese, torna in Montenegro per unirsi ai partigiani ma nell’aprile del 1942 viene catturato durante una battaglia dai cetnici e imprigionato. In carcere fu torturato, ma insieme ai suoi compagni riesce a resistere, sfidando apertamente e mettendo in ridicolo i cetnici nazionalisti come servi degli invasori e impedisce alla sua famiglia di muovere alcuna richiesta di grazia nei suoi confronti. Condannato a morte da un tribunale fantoccio assieme ad altri combattenti e comunisti, viene fucilato a Trebjšje, nei dintorni di Nikšić [il 9 maggio]. Il motivo che ha reso famoso il suo nome è la foto scattata dopo la condanna a morte, in un atteggiamento di aperto contrasto e derisione verso gli organizzatori del processo farsa, un sorriso di sfida alla morte che ha reso celebre quell’immagine.

Le ultime parole gridate contro i suoi carnefici ed alla popolazione costretta ad assistere alle esecuzioni di comunisti e patrioti, “Živjela slavna komunistićka partija!”, “Lunga vita al glorioso partito comunista!”, sembrano risaltare dalla foto che abbiamo pubblicato, dove si vedono in grande numero alpini e soldati italiani.

Un ulteriore motivo di interesse  per questa storia potrebbe venire, se confermato, da un articolo del giornale Vesti del 23 maggio 2010, dove viene pubblicata la foto numero 3 di questa serie di “Ricordo Comunista Fucilato 9.5.1942 XX Niksic M.Negro” [ http://www.diecifebbraio.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ljubocupic3.jpg ] e dove veniamo a conoscenza dell’autore di quegli scatti: Carlo Ravnich.


All’epoca di questi scatti forse era ancora un soldato semplice con la passione per la fotografia, ma all’8 settembre 1943 Carlo Ravnich comandava il Gruppo artiglieria alpina “Aosta” che partecipò alla spontanea rivolta contro i nazisti. Successivamente comandò la Brigata partigiana Aosta e alla fine lo Stato Maggiore del nuovo Esercito Italiano lo nominò, con il grado di maggiore, a guidare l’intera Divisione italiana partigiana Garibaldi dal 2 luglio 1944 fino al rientro in Italia avvenuto l’8 marzo 1945.

In questa intervista del 1980 [ http://digilander.libero.it/lacorsainfinita/guerra2/personaggi/ravnich.htm ] Carlo Ravnich racconta la sua esperienza in Jugoslavia, mentre in questo articolo da Storia Illustrata n.284 del luglio 1981 [ http://www.diecifebbraio.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Storia-Rivelazione-del-Gen.-Ravnich-comandante-della-Garibaldi-in-Jugoslavia-1945.pdf ] con rivelazioni sulla “corsa per Trieste” ci sono numerosi scatti dello stesso autore, più una breve biografia.

Ljubo Cupic è stato nominato  eroe nazionale Jugoslavo  il 10 Luglio 1953.



Biografija Čedomira-Ljuba Čupića

Sedam decenija osmjeha Ljuba Čupića
Polaganjem cvijeća i svečanim akademijama obilježen 9. maj, najsvečanije bilo u Nikšiću

Un articolo di viaggiareibalcani.it menziona Ljubo Cupic

In rete si trovano immagini che mostrano la sua popolarità:

In Montenegro oggi la sua immagine viene utilizzata per promuovere il paese o per campagne politiche...

Appello dell’ANPI di Roma


Il prossimo 19 giugno nella sala Pietro da Cortona dei Musei Capitolini sarà ospitata la terza edizione del “premio Duelli-Gallitto”, un evento dedicato alla memoria dell’ausiliaria scelta Raffaella Duelli e del comandante fascista Bartolo Gallitto, entrambi della X MAS, organizzato dall’associazione X flottiglia MAS e da quelle Campo della Memoria ed Armata Silente. Queste sono organizzazioni di chiara matrice nostalgica e revisionista, nate per celebrare la famigerata repubblica sociale italiana e riabilitare la dittatura fascista.
In particolare, l’associazione che promuove il premio è intitolata alla X MAS (anche se fittiziamente il nome fa riferimento a quello della struttura militare della Marina Reale, dalla quale prese il nome la formazione fascista), una delle più famigerate formazioni repubblichine attiva dal 1943 al 1945, che operò con i reparti nazisti sia in operazioni militari ed in attività antipartigiane, durante le quale impiegò metodi di repressione violenti e terroristici macchiandosi di numerosi crimini di guerra, sia in rastrellamenti e deportazioni di ebrei ed altri civili italiani. Essa fu fondata in seguito all'armistizio dell'8 settembre da Junio Valerio Borghese, condannato nel 1949 per concorso nell'omicidio di otto partigiani a Valmozzola e per il reato di collaborazione militare con i tedeschi per aver fatto eseguire ai suoi uomini continue e feroci azioni di rastrellamento ai danni dei partigiani che, di solito, si concludevano con la cattura, le sevizie particolarmente efferate, la deportazione e l'uccisione degli arrestati, allo scopo di rendere tranquille le retrovie dell'esercito invasore. Lo stesso Borghese fu poi tra i promotori del fallito colpo di stato del 1970.

Già è difficile giustificare perché una associazione che celebri questa famigerata formazione, in palese contrasto con la nostra Costituzione e le leggi della Repubblica Italiana, possa ancora essere tollerata ma è ancora più assurdo constatare che il sindaco Alemanno ne ospiti le iniziative nelle sale più prestigiose del Campidoglio.
La celebrazione di chi ha fatto, in collaborazione con i nazisti, strage di partigiani e civili italiani non deve avvenire nel silenzio dei democratici e degli antifascisti. L’ANPI si fa perciò promotrice, nello stesso giorno, di una manifestazione di tutti gli antifascisti romani ai piedi del Campidoglio, che denunci a tutta la città (che rischia di non accorgersene, come è successo per le edizioni degli scorsi due anni di questa squallida iniziativa) ed ai turisti che la visitano, questo scempio della memoria di una città Medaglia d’Oro della Resistenza, ribadendo altresì l’indegnità del sindaco che la governa. 
A questa manifestazione chiamiamo le forze politiche e sindacali, il mondo dell’associazionismo, la società civile, tutti i sinceri antifascisti che hanno partecipato alla grande, bellissima manifestazione del 25 aprile, i quali siamo convinti che aderiranno al nostro appello perché lo spirito antifascista è ancora forte a Roma. Il sit-in si svolgerà dalle h 16:30 del 19 giugno in Piazza Madonna di Loreto (a fianco della Colonna Traiana). Sempre il 19 giugno, alle 11:30 è convocata una conferenza stampa nella Sala Conferenze Stampa della Camera, che illustrerà le ragioni dell’iniziativa.


(italiano / english / francais)

In Syria like in Kosovo

1) Market Economy for Syria
2) La NATO prepara una vasta operazione di intossicazione mediatica

More Links:

Houla massacre carried out by Free Syrian Army, according to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Les « Amis de la Syrie » se partagent l’économie syrienne avant de l’avoir conquise

=== 1 ===

Market Economy for Syria 


(Own report) - Berlin is preparing for Syria's transformation to a liberal market economy. Under German leadership, a multinational "Working Group" began its work late last week. Immediately following the overthrow of the Assad regime, this "Working Group" is planning to launch urgent economic measures, including the coordination of aid projects and the implementation of economic reforms. Together with the United Arab Emirates, the German government is establishing a "secretariat," under the leadership of a German with Afghanistan experience. In cooperation with the Assad regime, Berlin had already promoted the Syrian economy's privatization. However, the nascent liberalization drove sectors of the population into bankruptcy, thereby contributing to insurgence against the regime. Berlin has already received first drafts for Syria's new economic order. They were written by an activist of the Syrian National Council (SNC), which is under strong criticism by a large part of the opposition because of the pre-eminence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Washington-based Syrian exile politicians hold leading positions in the SNC. They are demanding a Kosovo-style western intervention and consider Kosovo's KLA to be a model for the Syrian opposition.


Late last week, a multinational "Working Group," co-chaired by Germany, met for the first time in Abu Dhabi, with the aim of launching urgent economic measures for immediately following the overthrow of the Assad regime. The "Working Group on Economic Recovery and Development of the Friends of the Syrian People" was established April 1 in Istanbul by the "Group of Friends of the Syrian People," an alliance of western and pro-western countries, which support the Syrian opposition in the civil war and are cooperating mainly with the exiled Syrian National Council (SNC). The UN Security Council has neither legitimized the "Group of Friends of the Syrian People" nor this "Working Group on Economic Recovery and Development of the Friends of the Syrian People," which has empowered itself to serve as a "central forum" for launching necessary economic measures.[1]

Germany in Charge

According to German diplomat, Clemens von Goetze, who, along with a colleague from the United Arab Emirates, had co-chaired the meeting last week, the "Working Group" not only has plans for emergency aid for the immediate aftermath of the regime change, but he finds "it is a good time already to start now for a long-term perspective of the country once change comes in Syria."[2] The Marshall Plan, implemented by the United States after World War II, to provide the material foundation for the establishment of the Western alliance, serves as a model. The "Working Group" set up several sub-committees along the lines of special issues. The member countries have officially agreed on an international division of labor, with Germany in charge of "economic policy and reform." According to reports, the explicit goal is a "long term strategy" [3] for the transition "from a centralized economy to a market economy." The "Working Group" will set up a secretariat, with Germany and the United Arab Emirates each providing 600,000 Euros. It will be headed by Gunnar Wälzholz, of Germany, who had been the director of the Afghanistan branch of the German Development Bank (KFW).

Carrot and Stick

According to a participant at last week's meeting, the measures to be taken under German management will also include short-term goals. The economic projects are aimed at "attracting the silent sectors in Syria which did not completely join or which are still hesitant in supporting the revolt."[4] These projects are therefore a sort of counterpart to the economic sanctions, which are also aimed at inciting entrepreneurs, loyal to the regime, to change sides - under pressure rather than through incentive. Thus, the "Working Group" has declared that the sanctions can be lifted "as soon as their objectives have been achieved" - i.e. after Assad's overthrow, which would be facilitated if interested business circles would change sides.[5]

Consequences of Liberalization

For years, Berlin has been promoting the privatization of the Syrian economy, now being conferred to the "Working Group" - for an extended period in close cooperation with Assad's regime. In 2006, the German development organization GTZ (today GIZ) had initiated a special program entitled "Supporting economic reform in Syria." According to its description, "in 2000, the Syrian Government decided to switch to a social market economy," but "the institutions involved do not have sufficient knowledge," which is why the GTZ has to aid the government.[6] The reform's "expected impact on income and employment will improve the lives of the Syrian population," continues the GTZ - an prognosis that simply did not materialize. Quite to the contrary: the liberalization of the Syrian economy had "harmful effects" on the local manufacturing trade, as the International Crisis Group confirmed last year. For example in Duma, a suburb of Damascus, the residence or numerous artisans, who, facing ruin by the liberalization, renounced their loyalty to the regime.[7] In fact, today Duma is considered a hotbed of protest. Last January, the insurgents briefly took complete control of the town.


The SNC's "National Economic Vision" was presented in Abu Dhabi to the German led "Working Group" by Osama Kadi, executive director of SNC's Finance and Economic Affairs Bureau. This vision indicates that the liberalization would provide a higher living standard only "in the long run." A reliable framework for foreign investments must first be established, the productivity of Syrian workers must be increased, the establishment of industries, accelerated, the bank sector, reformed and new foreign business deals, sought. The "Marshall Syrian Recovery Plan," which should be implemented as soon as possible, could attract more direct investments from the West. The "Working Group's" German led "secretariat" will assist in the implementation of the plan, following Assad's overthrow and a regime change in Damascus.

As in Kosovo

The SNC, which is working in close cooperation with the West within the framework of the "Working Group" and whose staff members are willful candidates for future leadership positions, is heavily contested within the opposition. Secular oriented opponents of the regime are resolutely protesting the predominance of the Muslim Brotherhood in the SNC. Large sectors of the Syrian opposition are resenting the fact that leading SNC members are openly calling for western military intervention. For example, the National Coordination Committee (NCC), an alliance of oppositional forces inside Syria strictly opposes western military operations. The West hardly takes notice of the NCC. Radwan Ziadeh, the SNC's "Director of Foreign Relations," who, like SNC's economic specialist Osama Kadi, works for the Washington based Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies, has repeatedly pronounced himself in favor of Kosovo-style operations. "Kosovo shows how the west can intervene in Syria," declared Ziadeh, who had already visited Berlin's foreign ministry in July 2011, in the Financial Times last February.[8] Soon afterwards he explained that the Free Syrian Army militia plays the same role, as the KLA had in Kosovo.[9] Syrian oppositional forces recently visited Kosovo for instructions on KLA operations in 1999. (german-foreign-policy.com reported [10]). The "Houla massacre," to extend the metaphor, could take on the significance of the "Racak massacre" in early 1999. Soon after the "Racak massacre," evidence was uncovered pointing toward it having been a provocation to furnish a casus belli. It has never been credibly invalidated, but this did not hamper NATO's military intervention.

Further information and background to German policy toward Syria can be found here: War Threats against SyriaIran's Achilles HeelWar Scenarios for SyriaWar Scenarios for Syria (II) and With the UN toward Escalation.

[1] Chairman's Conclusions. Second Conference of The Group of Friends of the Syrian People, Istanbul, 1 April 2012
[2] Donors Mull Marshall Plan for Post-Conflict Syria; www.naharnet.com 25.05.2012
[3] Assad verbreitet Zuversicht; www.faz.net 24.05.2012
[4] Donors Mull Marshall Plan for Post-Conflict Syria; www.naharnet.com 25.05.2012
[5] Chairmen's Conclusions of the International Meeting of the Working Group on Economic Recovery and Development of the Group of Friends of the Syrian People, Abu Dhabi, 24 May 2012 
[6] Unterstützung der syrischen Wirtschaftsreform; www.gtz.de
[7] Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (VI): The Syrian People's Slow Motion Revolution; International Crisis Group Middle East/North Africa Report No 108, 6 Juli 2011
[8] Kosovo shows how the West can intervene in Syria; www.ft.com 14.02.2012
[9] Radwan Ziadeh: Have We Learned Nothing From the Nineties? Syria is the Balkans All Over Again; www.tnr.com 22.03.2012
[10] see also With the UN toward Escalation

=== 2 ===

VIDEO : Thierry Meyssan sur le projet de coup d'État médiatique en Syrie

La Nato  prepara una vasta operazione di intossicazione mediatica

di Thierry Meyssan * 10 giugno 2012, Réseau Voltaire

Alcuni Stati membri della Nato e del CCG (Consiglio di Cooperazione del Golfo) preparano un colpo di Stato e un genocidio settario in Siria. Se volete opporvi a questi crimini, muovetevi subito : fate circolare questo articolo in internet e allarmate i vostri rappresentanti nelle istituzioni democratiche.(t.m.)

Fra qualche giorno, forse a partire da venerdì 15 giugno a mezzogiorno, i siriani, accendendo i televisori, scopriranno che le loro emittenti abituali sono state rimpiazzate da trasmissioni mandate in onda dalla Cia. Vedranno dei filmati in cui truppe governative compiono massacri; vedranno manifestazioni popolari; vedranno ministri e generali mentre si dimettono; vedranno il presidente Assad darsi alla fuga e vedranno infine un nuovo governo installarsi nel palazzo presidenziale di Damasco. Ma saranno immagini false: realizzate dalla Cia. Parte in studi televisivi appositamente allestiti, come stiamo per vedere, e per il resto manipolate al computer ricorrendo ai cosiddetti effetti speciali.
Questa messinscena è direttamente condotta da Washington. Il regista-manipolatore è Ben Rhodes, consigliere aggiunto alla Sicurezza Nazionale degli Stati Uniti. Obiettivo : demoralizzare i siriani per propiziare un colpo di Stato.
La Nato, che si scontra con il doppio veto della Russia e della Cina, riuscirebbe così a conquistare la Siria senza attaccarla illegalmente. Quale che sia il giudizio che si può formulare sugli avvenimenti attualmente in corso in Siria, un colpo di Stato metterebbe fine a ogni speranza di democratizzazione.
Molto ufficialmente, la Lega Araba ha chiesto agli operatori satellitari Arabsat e Nilesat di sospendere la ritrasmissione dei media siriani, sia pubblici sia privai: Syria TV, Al-Ekbariya, Ad-Dounia, Cham TV, eccetera. In questo modo le emittenti nazionali vengono accecate, perché in Siria non esiste una rete televisiva tradizionale (come l’analogico in Italia, ndt); per cui l’unico modo di vedere la televisione è la parabola, irraggiata appunto dai satelliti gestiti da Arabsat e Nilesat.
Non è la prima volta che dei golpisti disattivano dei satelliti: alla vigilia dell’aggressione alla Libia, la Lega Araba aveva censurato la televisione libica per impedire ai dirigenti della Jamahiriya (il governo di Gheddafi, ndt) di comunicare con il popolo.
Questa decisione ufficiale della Lega Araba è però soltanto la parte emersa dell’iceberg. Secondo nostre informazioni, infatti, nella scorsa settimana si sono svolte riunioni internazionali al fine di coordinare l’operazione di intossicazione mediatica. I primi due di questi incontri, a carattere tecnico, si sono svolti a Doha (Qatar); un terzo, politico, si è invece tenuto a Riyad, in Arabia Saudita.
Il primo incontro ha riunito i militari esperti in guerra psicologica, embedded (aggregati), alle redazioni di alcune reti televisive satellitari, come Al-Arabiya, Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future TV, MTV.
Anche questo arruolamento di militari nelle redazioni televisive non è una novità : è notorio che, dal 1998, ufficiali dell’United States Army’s Psychological Operations Unit (PSYOP) (la divisione di guerra psicologica dell’esercito americano, ndt) sono stati incorporati nella redazione della CNN; da allora, questa pratica è stata estesa, dalla Nato, ad altre emittenti strategiche.
Tutti questi “giornalisti in divisa” hanno redatto in anticipo una serie di false informazioni, secondo una traccia (storytelling) elaborata dall’équipe di Ben Rhodes (il citato regista-manipolatore) alla Casa Bianca. Per accreditare le loro menzogne, i manipolatori ricorrono a una sorta di tecnica autoreferenziale, dove ogni emittente coinvolta cita le menzogne di ogni altra per renderle tutte credibili agli occhi dei telespettatori.
Gli organizzatori della messinscena mediatica non si sono limitati a requisire le reti televisiva della Cia per la Siria e il Libano (Barada, Future TV, MTV, Orient News, Syria Chaab, Syria Alghad), ma anche una quarantina di catene religiose wahabite [1], che esorteranno i fedeli al massacro confessionale al grido di: «I cristiani a Beirut, gli alawiti nella fossa!».
La seconda delle tre riunioni preparatorie del golpe ha radunato ingegneri e tecnici per pianificare la fabbricazione dei filmati falsi, in parte  da realizzarsi tramite riprese filmiche (in studio o in esterno), il resto ricorrendo a immagini di sintesi computerizzata. A questo scopo sono stati allestiti, durante le ultime settimane, studi cinematografici in Arabia, dove sono stati ricostruiti i due palazzi presidenziali siriani e le piazze principali di Damasco, Alep e Homs. Studi cinematografici del genere esistevano già, a Doha (dove furono girate, con migliaia di comparse, le scene della conquista del palazzo di Gheddafi, ndt), ma questi impianti sono stati giudicati inadeguati alla manipolazione che si prepara in Siria.
Veniamo alla terza riunione preparatoria del golpe. Vi hanno partecipato il generale James B. Smith, ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti, un rappresentante della Gran Bretagna e il principe Bandar Bin Sultan (soprannominato dalla stampa americana «Bandar Bush», per via dell’abitudine del presidente George Bush padre di considerarlo proprio figlio adottivo).  In questa riunione ci si è occupati di coordinare l’azione dei media con quelle della cosiddetta Armata Siriana Libera (ASL), di cui i mercenari del principe Bandar costituiscono il grosso degli effettivi.
L’operazione golpista era in gestazione da mesi. Il Consiglio per la Sicurezza Nazionale degli Stati Uniti l’ha fatta scattare dopo che il presidente russo Putin ha notificato alla Casa Bianca che la Russia si opporrebbe con la forza a ogni intervento militare illegale della Nato in Siria.
L’operazione comporta due iniziative simultanee : da un lato, diffondere false informazioni, dall’altro censurare ogni possibilità di controbatterle.
Il fatto di oscurare televisioni satellitari allo scopo di condurre una guerra non è nuovo, si diceva. Così, sotto la pressione di Israele, gli Stati Uniti e l’Unione Europea hanno via via neutralizzato le televisioni libanese, palestinese, irachena, libica e iraniana. Un oscuramento che non ha toccato le trasmissioni provenienti da alcun altro Paese.
Neppure la diffusione di notizie false è una novità. Per ben quattro volte vi si è fatto ricorso nell’ultimo decennio:
• Nel 1994, un’emittente di musica pop, Radio libre des Mille Collines (RTML), ha lanciato il segnale del genocidio ruandese esortando gli ascoltatori al grido di: «Uccidere gli scarafaggi!».
• Nel 2001 la Nato ha utilizzato i media per imporre la propria versione degli attentati dell’11 settembre e giustificare così l’aggressione all’Afghanistan e all’Iraq. Già all’epoca Ben Rhodes era stato incarico dall’amministrazione Bush di redigere il Rapporto della Commission Kean/Hamilton sugli attentati.
• Nel 2002 la Cia ha fatto ricorso a cinque reti televisive del Venezuela (Televen, Globovision, Meridiano, ValeTV e CMT) per far credere che erano state le oceaniche manifestazioni popolari a indurre alle dimissioni il presidente eletto, Hugo Chavez, mentre in realtà era caduto vittima di un colpo di Stato militare.
• Nel 2011, durante la battaglia di Tripoli, la Nato ha fatto realizzare in studio, e diffondere da Al-Jazeera et Al-Arabiya, immagini di ribelli libici che entravano nella piazza centrale della Capitale; in realtà i ribelli erano ancora lontani dalla città. Scopo della messinscena era persuadere il popolo che la guerra era ormai perduta e che dunque non aveva più senso continuare a resistere agli invasori.
Ormai i media non si limitano più a sostenere la guerra. La fanno.
Questo dispositivo di falsificazione mediatica viola i principi fondamentali del diritto internazionale. A cominciare dall’articolo 19 della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo, relativo al fatto «di ricevere e di diffondere, a prescindere dalle frontiere, le informazioni e le idee diffuse per qualsiasi strumento di espressione».
Soprattutto, l’offensiva mediatica degli Stati Uniti e dei loro alleati viola le risoluzioni dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, adottate all’indomani della Seconda guerra mondiale per prevenire le guerre. Le risoluzioni110381 e 819 bandiscono «gli ostacoli al libero scambio delle informazioni e delle idee» (nel nostro caso: l’oscuramento delle reti televisive siriane) e «la propaganda atta a provocare o incoraggiare ogni minaccia alla pace, o rottura della pace od ogni altro atto di aggressione».
Giuridicamente la propaganda di guerra è un crimine contro la pace, il più grave dei crimini, poiché rende possibili i crimini di guerra e i genocidi.

[1] Il wahabismo è la religione dell’Arabia Saudita e del Qatar, e dei loro sostenitori in Libano e in Siria. Gli alawiti sono i musulmani predominanti in Siria. La crociata lanciata dalle monarchie arabe contro la Siria si connota di “guerra agli infedeli”, primi fra tutti Assad, che è appunto alawita (ndt).

Thierry Meyssan, intellettuale francese, presidente e fondatore di Réseau Voltaire e della Conferenza Axis for Peace, è docente di Relazioni Internazionali al Centro di studi strategici di Damasco. Ultima opera pubblicata in francese: L’Effroyable imposture : Tome 2, Manipulations et désinformations (éd. JP Bertand, 2007).

=== * ===

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Welcome to the Balkan Propaganda Machine

By David Gibbs


Some of the most salient events of the past 20 years were the NATO interventions in the Balkans, notably in Bosnia in 1995 and Kosovo in 1999. These interventions were crucial in reviving the importance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an organization that previously had been seen as a Cold War anachronism, destined to irrelevance. After the Balkan interventions, NATO gained a renewed sense of purpose and prestige. And these interventions gave a whole new rationale for U.S. military action, which is increasingly viewed as a humanitarian enterprise, aimed at stopping ethnic cleansing, atrocities, genocide, crimes against women, and the like. The Balkan interventions laid the political groundwork for later intervention, most recently in Libya.

The Balkan story has nevertheless been distorted in public discussion. Important facts have been suppressed, notably that Western intervention in Yugoslavia was a major cause of the country’s breakup and made possible all the wars that followed. Later rounds of intervention in Bosnia and Kosovo helped intensify the violence and increase the destruction, a point that is well documented even if little known. And contrary to popular belief, the Serbs were not the only ethnic group that contributed to Yugoslavia’s demise.

What I term the “Balkan propaganda machine” comprises academics, journalists, and bloggers who hold tenaciously to a simplified version of the Balkan wars as being caused almost entirely by Serbs; they view the later NATO interventions against the Serbs positively. For these activists, the Balkan conflict has become a great crusade, one that defies rational analysis. Any deviation from the prescribed narrative is considered an act of immorality, deserving of punishment. In addition, this crusade dovetails nicely with a neoconservative political agenda, which celebrates the Balkan interventions as historic achievements for US hegemony.

A key figure in this propaganda effort is Marko Attila Hoare, a reader in history at Kingston University in England and a purported Balkan specialist. His technique is intimidation, a predilection that is shared by a wider community of propagandists with whom he collaborates. Hoare openly boasts that writers who disagree with his positions are “like lambs to the slaughter” who will surely “sacrifice any reputations they might have.” He is not subtle.

My own encounter with Hoare arose from my book First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, published by Vanderbilt University Press in 2009. Clearly, Hoare did not like the book, which was critical of the interventions. On his website, Hoare soon launched a blistering attack against me titled “The Bizarre World of Genocide Denial.”

The characterization of me as a genocide denier was quickly picked up by others on the Internet. An anonymous posting to the Srebrenica Genocide Blog referred to me as “David N. Gibbs, genocide denier.” According to another posting, at the website of the Congress of North American Bosniaks: “Gibbs’ pernicious denial of genocide calls into question not only his academic credibility, but his very qualifications to hold tenure at a university at all. … [Gibbs] has made a deliberate misinterpretation of facts.”

Yet another site, Balkan Witness, placed me on their long list of “war crimes deniers.” Several of these attacks prominently featured my photograph, presumably to ensure that their readers would recognize my face.

When I first saw Hoare’s attack, I was not unduly concerned, since it was written with such sensationalist language and key points used to sustain the attack were clearly false and easily provable as such. I wrote an extended response, in which I documented the falsity of Hoare’s claims, and expected this would end the matter. After all, a purveyor of obvious falsehoods would lose credibility — right? This turned out to be a naïve assumption in the irrational world of Internet chat rooms.

After I replied, Hoare began churning out new attacks against me. He made no serious effort to refute my evidence that his earlier attacks had been false; he simply created more extravagant falsehoods, often presented at great length. One of his reviews began by strongly implying that my book was the equivalent of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Nazi propaganda, along with an associated insinuation that I must be an anti-Semite. This was presented without a shred of evidence.

These incendiary references to anti-Semitism connect with the larger attack on me as a supposed genocide denier, and all this rhetoric serves to raise the emotionalism of the controversy — which is presumably Hoare’s overarching intention.

The insinuation that I am somehow an anti-Semite is ironic, given that I am a practicing Jew from a refugee background (my father was born in Berlin). I have no respect for Hoare’s manipulative use of the Holocaust to silence discussion on the Balkans, just as I have no respect for those who use the Holocaust to silence discussion on the Middle East.

In addition, Hoare repeatedly made claims about my writing that had no connection to anything I had actually written, and in several cases were the opposite of my stated views. What I present below about Hoare’s falsifications constitutes the proverbial tip of the iceberg. I could easily have provided more examples. Whether these resulted from incompetence or intentional deception is hard to say.

Particularly troubling was his repeated use of fake quotations from my work. The first example of fakery is a message that Hoare posted to an Internet discussion: “Your [Gibbs’] account of the background to the Srebrenica massacre presents the Muslims/Bosnian army as the ones principally guilty of the atrocities in the region, and of having ‘created the hatred’ there (pp. 153-154).”

Note that he attributes to me the phrase “created the hatred,” which is presented as a direct quote, with quotation marks. In reality, this phrase appears in none of my writings — not on the pages 153-154 that Hoare cites or anywhere else — and the essence of its meaning corresponds to nothing I have ever said. It is a fabrication.

At another point, Hoare attributes to me the phrase “creating the hatred,” again presented as a direct quote. The quote is once again a fabrication. And there is a third fake quote, which appears in the very title of one of Hoare’s attack reviews:“First Check Their Sources 2: The Myth that ‘Most of Bosnia Was Owned by the Serbs Before the War.’”

The first part of the title (“First Check Their Sources”) is a play on words from the title of my book, which is First Do No Harm. The embedded phrase in Hoare’s title (“Most of Bosnia Was Owned…”) is presented as a direct quote, with quotation marks. This quote is another fabrication, which falsifies both the literal wording of my book and also the substance of my stated views.

Over a period of two months, Hoare’s attacks against my work became voluminous. I found that Hoare could attack much faster than I could respond. He had a key advantage: whereas I felt a need to check the facts in my posts, Hoare seemed indifferent to whether his postings were true or false. He repeatedly contradicted himself. In the end, Hoare posted four extended attack reviews on his own website, totaling some 26 single-spaced pages when printed out. In addition, he followed up with numerous additional attacks on me in Internet chat rooms, which sparked yet further attacks by the anonymous posters who frequent such venues.

The tone became venomous, especially among the anonymous posters, some of whom clearly had emotional problems. Several of the posters reminded me of extremist figures I encounter in my home state, which I did not find reassuring. Attacks began appearing all over the Internet, each seeming to be more ludicrous than the last. A review of my book posted to BarnesAndNoble.com stated: “The author is a self-declared supporter of Serbia and Russia. … Gibbs’ friendship with KGB agent and The Guardian writer [name redacted] speak about the author.” In reality, I had never even heard of this person, whose name I have redacted to avoid repeating a slur.

The smears are having some effect. If one performs a Google search of my name, the various attack postings by Hoare and others are among the very first to emerge, and this has remained consistent over a period of many months. Thus, if anyone is interested in searching my work, “David N. Gibbs, genocide denier” is among the first hits.

This is not the first time that smear tactics have been used. If one peruses the various Balkan websites, one finds numerous attacks directed against large numbers of prominent academics, journalists, and public figures.

These smears are not just confined to the Internet. In 2005, The Guardianpublished an attack article on Noam Chomsky, which included a sensational allegation that Chomsky had denied that any massacre had occurred at Srebrenica.The Guardian’s main evidence was that Chomsky had referred to the Srebrenica massacre with quotation marks around the word “massacre.”

In reality, Chomsky had never used scare quotes to describe the Srebrenica massacre, and The Guardian’s allegation to the contrary was false (moreover, Chomsky had never denied that what happened at Srebrenica was a massacre). Because of this and other egregious flaws, The Guardian‘s editors retracted the article from their website and issued an apology. This episode proved a major embarrassment for the newspaper.

Hoare protested the editors’ decision to apologize, and he used extravagant language to make his points: the author of the Guardian attack on Chomsky had been “stabbed in the back” by the editors and subjected to “an unparalleled campaign of vilification.” In addition, Hoare insinuated that the editors were caving in to the “Milosevic lobby,” rather than responding to legitimate complaints about falsification. There was just one nagging problem: Hoare did not dispute that the article contained false information regarding Chomsky’s characterization of the Srebrenica massacre; instead, he dismissed the falsehood as “one small error of detail,” barely worthy of criticism.

This incident illustrates Hoare’s casual attitude regarding the importance of accuracy.

I have filed a complaint against Hoare with his home institution, Kingston University, requesting an apology for the multiple falsehoods in his attacks against me. Kingston’s dean of arts and social sciences, Martin McQuillan, perfunctorily acknowledged receiving my complaint over seven months ago. Apart from this, he has not responded to me.

Dean McQuillan’s failure to respond is curious. Repeatedly making up false statements and then declining to retract them — as Hoare has clearly done — seem like serious academic violations. Note that McQuillan has not denied my claims against Hoare, nor has he defended Hoare in any way; he has simply failed to respond.

Hoare probably feels protected by his association with a larger network of writers who share much of his perspective, especially among the Balkan diaspora in Britain and the U.S. Hoare is a former student of Yale professor Ivo Banac, who later became a minister in the Croatian government. He is also close to Josip Glaurdic, another former student of Banac and an up-and-coming figure among pro-Croatian academics. At various times, Hoare has been active in neoconservative political groups, notably the Henry Jackson Society, as well as the Bosnian Institute. The latter is directed by Hoare’s father (with his mother also listed on the Institute masthead as a consultant). Both organizations have been major sources of interventionist propaganda, influential on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition, Hoare has associated with academics at Oxford and Cambridge — partly through his parents’ Bosnian Institute network. His writing has appeared in David Horowitz’s FrontpageMag.com.

These connections no doubt give Hoare the confidence to undertake his attacks, which have been highly effective in intimidating free discussion.

Consider the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. The basic facts of the massacre — and that the Serb forces bear the overwhelming responsibility for perpetrating it — are widely acknowledged. However, there remains debate among legal specialists about whether this massacre should be classed as a genocide or a war crime, with no clear consensus on this question. By frivolously hurling the smear phrase “genocide denier” against critics, Hoare seeks to suppress this debate, in order to preserve a simplified version of the Srebrenica massacre and of the Balkan wars more generally.

And the circumstances that led to the massacre are considerably more complicated than is popularly believed. For example, there is little doubt that the Muslim government of Alija Izetbegović allowed Srebrenica to fall to Serb militias, as part of their policy of encouraging Serb atrocities and thus shocking the Western powers into intervening against the Serbs; in doing this, the government contributed to the massacre that followed. Yet these facts remain suppressed in public discussions of the Bosnia war, which typically celebrate the virtues of the Muslim government. Once again, the intimidation campaigns have obscured vital information.

In a sense, Hoare and his colleagues have no choice but to intimidate. They cannot sustain their claims about the Balkan wars through logical arguments, because the facts do not support their case. Hence, they resort to character assassinations, which serve to distract from the facts and debase public discussion.

The widespread use of character assassination to stifle discussion is not just confined to those who write on Yugoslavia. Indeed, this tactic has become standard practice among neoconservatives generally, a point recently emphasized by Harvard’s Stephen Walt:

U.S. neoconservatives have long demonstrated [that] the best defense is sometimes a good offense. No influential political faction in America is more willing to engage in character assassination and combative politics than they are. … I’m talking about the tendency to accuse those with whom they disagree of being unpatriotic, morally bankrupt, anti-Semitic, or whatever. Their willingness to play hardball intimidates a lot of people, which in turn protects them from a full accounting for their past actions.

The Balkan propaganda machine fits perfectly into this overall pattern. And like the neocons described above, Hoare seems to view himself as above accountability, even for his use of false statements and fake quotations.

I assume Hoare will respond in his usual way, by launching ever more vitriolic attacks against me, along with renewed allegations of genocide denial, insinuations of anti-Semitism, and the like. But before doing this, he might want to explain all the falsehoods that have so marred his previous efforts, as specified in my letter to Kingston University. And perhaps the Kingston administrators can explain whether they have any standards at all with respect to academic fraud.