
(srpskohrvatski / english / italiano)

19 Years After, the Aggression Goes On

1) 19 anni dopo l'intervento NATO in Serbia (RFJ), l'aggressione continua (Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali)
2) Appello dei partecipanti alla Conferenza “L’aggressione della NATO sulla Serbia (RFJ), 19 anni dopo. Un aggressione che continua“, tenutasi il 21 marzo 2018 a Belgrado
3) ‘We may forgive, but won’t forget’: Serbia’s commemoration of NATO bombing victims ignored by West (RT.com, 25.3.2018)
4) Да се не заборави - Обележавање 19-годишњице од агресије НАТО-а на Србију (СРЈ) (Beogradski Forum, 25 март 2018)
5) Комунисти Србије обележили 19.Годишњицу фашистичког НАТО бомбардовања (24.3.2018.)
6) Šamar NATO žrtvama: Zabranjen pomen u kasarnama u Crnoj Gori (24. mart 2018.) [Nelle caserme del Montenegro proibito ricordare i bombardamenti NATO]

Si veda anche:

Intervento di A. Martocchia alla assemblea del movimento Eurostop, "Basta diktat dell'Unione Europea", per ricordare l'anniversario del 24 marzo (al minuto 50:40)
VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/piattaformaeurostop/videos/2027196877546243/

Pogledaj isto:

[Rivelazioni sule perdite NATO durante i bombardamenti del 1999]
Rusi otkrili gubitke NATO pakta tokom bombardovanja 1999. godini (4 novembra 2017)
U tekstu pod naslovom “NATO krije sopstvene gubitke,” ruska agencija za političke vesti (APN) izvestila je 29. aprila da je NATO izgubio preko 400 vojnika i preko 60 aviona tokom svog 79-dnevnog rata protiv Srbije... Članak je napisao iskusni vojni dopisnik Vladislav Šurjagin

Обележена 19. годишњица агресије НАТО на Србију (Pečat 513/2018)

19 godina i nešto više slika: Iz albuma smo izvukli fotke koje pokazuju svu tugu tokom NATO bombardovanja (FOTO) (24. mart 2018)
Tada smo saznali šta znači termin kolateralna šteta, grcali smo pod nestašicama i restrikcijama, slušali kako se smenjuju "smirela" i "šizela", družili se po skloništima i obećavali sebi štošta, samo kad se prokletinja završi...

=== 1 ===

ORIG.: CONTINUING AGGRESSION. 19 Years Since The Start Of The Nato Military Aggression On Serbia (FRY)

www.resistenze.org - osservatorio - lotta per la pace - 26-03-18 - n. 667

19 anni dopo l'intervento NATO in Serbia (RFJ), l'aggressione continua

Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali | wpc-in.org
Traduzione per Resistenze.org a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare


Ancora una volta questo marzo, il Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, il Club dei generali e degli ammiragli di Serbia e altre associazioni indipendenti non partitiche della Serbia rendono omaggio alle vittime dell'aggressione NATO del 1999 contro la Serbia (Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia).

Questa aggressione si è presa le vite di più di mille difensori, fra militari e poliziotti e loro ufficiali, oltre che di migliaia di civili, inclusi 87 bambini. Purtroppo, l'elenco definitivo delle vittime civili non è stato ancora stilato, sebbene il numero stimato sia superiore a 3.000. Circa 10.000 persone sono state ferite. Tuttavia, il numero di coloro che hanno perso la vita dopo la fine dell'aggressione a causa delle gravi ferite riportate, delle bombe a grappolo inesplose, dell'avvelenamento chimico causato dalla distruzione di raffinerie, stazioni di trasformazione, impianti chimici e, in particolare, a causa degli effetti ritardati dell'utilizzo di missili all'uranio impoverito, molto probabilmente non saranno mai determinati con precisione. C'è la certezza, comunque, di una grande numero di vittime di cancro mai avuto prima dell'aggressione, con una sofferenza senza fine delle persone colpite. Si stima che il danno diretto causato dalla devastazione dell'industria, delle infrastrutture, degli edifici residenziali e delle strutture di rilevanza pubblica superi i 100 miliardi di dollari

Quest'anno, il 21 marzo, il Club centrale militare di Serbia a Belgrado ha ospitato la conferenza intitolata "Aggressione della NATO 19 anni dopo: l'aggressione continua". Tra gli ospiti c'erano il generale Aleksandar Živković, il segretario di Stato al ministero della Difesa, il colonnello Iriškić, lo stato maggiore dell'esercito serbo, gli ambasciatori di Bielorussia Valery Brilov e Palestina Muhammad Nabhan, il rappresentante dell'ambasciata della Federazione Russa, il colonnello Koronyenko, così come rappresentanti di altre ambasciate di paesi amici e colleghi del Montenegro, della Repubblica Srpska, della Germania, della Macedonia e altri.

I relatori della conferenza includevano il prof. dr.. Momir Bulatović, ex presidente del governo Federale della Repubblica di Jugoslavia, il sig. Nikola Šainović, ex presidente del governo serbo e vicepresidente del governo federale della RFJ, il generale Milomir Miladinović, in congedo, presidente del Club dei generali e ammiragli di Serbia, Živadin Jovanović, presidente del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali, il generale Slobodan Petković, in congedo, il prof. dr. Milovaninović, presidente dell'Organizzazione degli alti ufficiali dell'esercito della Repubblica Srpska, Simo Spasić, presidente dell'Associazione delle famiglie delle persone rapite, scomparse e uccise in Kosovo e Metohija e altri.

Alla Conferenza hanno partecipato anche circa 150 membri e amici del Forum di Belgrado per un Mondo di Eguali e del Club dei generali e degli ammiragli di Serbia, tra cui tre ex capi di stato maggiore dell'esercito, il generale Branko Krga, il generale Dragoljub Ojdanić e il generale Miloje Miletić.

Omaggio alle vittime: fermare le esercitazioni militari con la NATO del 2019

I partecipanti alla Conferenza hanno approvato all'unanimità due appelli. Il primo è stato inviato alle autorità statali perché venga dichiarata la moratoria su tutte le esercitazioni militari di Serbia e NATO nel 2019, anno in cui ricorre il ventesimo anniversario dell'aggressione, rendendo così omaggio ai caduti in difesa della madrepatria e alle vittime civili di questa aggressione NATO. Il secondo invita tutte le organizzazioni, i movimenti e gli individui impegnati per la pace a lavorare allo scopo di arrestare l'ulteriore aumento delle tensioni e l'approfondimento della sfiducia nelle relazioni globali, di fermare la corsa agli armamenti e l'espansione delle basi militari straniere, di promuovere il dialogo, la partnership e l'uguaglianza come l'unica base delle normali relazioni tra i paesi, la stabilità e lo sviluppo nel mondo, in modo da eliminare le cause del crescente pericolo di un conflitto globale.

"I processi politici precedenti l'aggressione della NATO del 1999 non sono ancora conclusi", ha dichiarato il primo oratore, Momir Bulatovic, il primo ministro durante la guerra. "Per giustificare l'atto criminale di aggressione e preservare la credibilità dell'Alleanza hanno inventato i nostri presunti crimini. Hanno creato l'esodo degli albanesi falsificando la giustificazione dei bombardamenti. Per coloro che sono aperti a vedere la verità questo è stato provato anche dal tribunale dell'Aja", ha aggiunto Bulatovic.

La presentazione professionale del generale Slobodan Petković sulle conseguenze catastrofiche dell'uso di missili riempiti di uranio impoverito sulla salute umana e sull'ambiente ha attirato grande attenzione. Ha rivelato che l'uso massiccio dei missili con uranio impoverito è da collocarsi negli ultimi giorni dell'aggressione, quando era diventato chiaro che l'accordo sulla cessazione delle ostilità era imminente. Quindi, si può dedurre che i principali paesi della NATO avessero fretta di sbarazzarsi di tali missili contenenti rifiuti nucleari, prima che l'opportunità svanisse.

Colpo al sistema di sicurezza europeo

Il presidente del Forum di Belgrado, Živadin Jovanović, ha affermato che parlare di aggressione della NATO oggi significa parlare di gravi violazioni delle leggi internazionali, della Carta delle Nazioni Unite, dell'atto finale di Helsinki e della Carta di Parigi. Eludendo il Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU, la NATO ha creato un precedente che userà in seguito per una catena di altre aggressioni in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libia, Mali e altri paesi. Tale pratica ha portato alla globalizzazione dell'interventismo e alla destabilizzazione dell'intero pianeta. Questo è stato il colpo più grave per il sistema di sicurezza europeo e globale, da cui né l'Europa né il mondo sono riusciti a recuperare fino ad oggi.

Parlare di questa aggressione ci ricorda inevitabilmente l'alleanza tra la NATO e il terrorista UCK che ha portato alla pulizia etnica di oltre 250.000 serbi della provincia serba del Kosovo e Metohija, i quali stanno ancora aspettando di tornare liberamente e in sicurezza nelle loro case e campi. Oltre 150 chiese serbe e monasteri medievali, alcuni dei quali appartengono al patrimonio mondiale sotto la tutela dell'UNESCO, sono stati distrutti durante e dopo l'aggressione. L'aggressione continua nel finora occupato e derubato Kosovo e Metohija, con la secessione unilaterale del 2008 nonostante il mandato delle Nazioni Unite, unicamente con il sostegno e il riconoscimento di tale atto illegale da parte dei governi della maggior parte dei paesi membri della NATO e dell'UE. Questo è inoltre un precedente invocato in una serie di altri casi e che sarà invocato ancora più frequentemente in futuro.

Al vertice di Washington dell'aprile 1999, in occasione del 50° anniversario della sua fondazione, i leader della NATO abbandonarono la strategia difensiva e adottarono quella offensiva dell'espansione verso l'Oriente, di fatto, verso i confini occidentali russi. Ad oggi, la NATO persegue la stessa strategia anche se in una distribuzione globale della potenza del tutto diversa. Attualmente, le cause alla base del pericolo per la pace si trovano nella negazione di un nuovo equilibrio di poteri che è indice di multi-polarità, e nella convinzione che i privilegi dei membri della NATO hanno acquisiti negli ultimi decenni possano essere difesi dalla forza militare, cioè dalle armi nucleari, sostiene Jovanović. Ha proseguito dicendo che l'Occidente sta avendo grandi difficoltà ad adattarsi alle nuove realtà di un mondo multipolare. L'unico modo per riportare il mondo alla stabilità, alla pace e allo sviluppo è di rispettare i principi di uguaglianza, collaborazione e rispetto reciproco.

Kosovo - Sudetenland

Ha inoltre aggiunto che, a 19 anni dall'aggressione, i principali membri della NATO cercano di rivendicare questo crimine contro la pace e l'umanità. A tal fine, stanno tentando di costringere la Serbia a partecipare al disegno dei nuovi confini internazionali in quella parte d'Europa, alla creazione di un altro stato fantoccio criminale che ruba parte del territorio statale della Serbia. Secondo il parere di Jovanović, il calendario e la soluzione imposti si adeguano agli obiettivi geopolitici di qualcun altro e non possono portare a una soluzione pacifica e sostenibile, ma piuttosto a un ulteriore rafforzamento del potenziale di conflitto nei Balcani. La posizione presa dall'Europa, in particolare dalla Germania e dal Regno Unito, nonché dagli Stati Uniti, su come risolvere la questione dello status della provincia serba del Kosovo e Metohija, rivelerà se l'Europa è sulla via della stabilizzazione e dello sviluppo, o se invece resta irrimediabilmente impantanata sulla strada di un ulteriore approfondimento dell'instabilità, dell'indebolimento identitario e delle mancate opportunità di sviluppo. Tutto ciò ricorda la situazione del 1938, quando alcuni leader europei si incontrarono a Monaco credendo ingenuamente che sacrificare i Sudeti cecoslovacchi avrebbe portato pace e stabilità. E in effetti, essi rimasero invischiati nella guerra, avverte Jovanović. Egli ha sottolineato come solo un compromesso equilibrato, basato sulla Risoluzione 1244 del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, abbinato all'osservanza della sovranità e dell'integrità territoriale della Serbia, è in grado di garantire la sostenibilità della pace e la stabilità nei Balcani e in Europa.

Jovanović ha osservato che, nel frattempo, l'aggressione della NATO si è evoluta dal suo formato militare ad altre forme, tutte con gli stessi obiettivi: rubare il Kosovo e Metohija alla Serbia, disegnare nuovi confini internazionali, creare un nuovo stato albanese su una parte del territorio statale della Serbia, dividere il popolo serbo fra quello a sud di questo presunto nuovo confine, facendolo diventare l'ennesima minoranza nazionale, e quello a nord del confine rimasto nella Serbia centrale. Sono in corso tentativi per costringere la Serbia, con pressioni e minacce, a collaborare a questo progetto geopolitico, astenendosi dall'opporsi all'ammissione di questo soggetto illegale fra i membri delle Nazioni Unite. La forma è quella della firma di un "documento completo giuridicamente vincolante" particolarmente caldeggiato dalla Germania. L'aggressione continua anche dicendo a Belgrado che "nessuno ha il diritto di porre il veto sulla creazione delle forze armate del Kosovo", a prescindere dal fatto che il territorio della provincia del Kosovo e Metohija sia ancora sotto il mandato delle Nazioni Unite. La scadenza biennale per la "consegna" stata recentemente fissata per la Serbia dalla Commissione europea dell'UE, mentre gli Stati Uniti l'hanno successivamente ridotta a un anno, dimostrando così la loro insoddisfazione non solo per i tempi della "consegna", ma anche per l'inefficienza dell'Unione.

La Serbia ha scelto la neutralità

La posizione pubblica degli alti vertici della NATO è che nessuno stia costringendo la Serbia ad accettare l'adesione, che la Serbia da sola ha il diritto di valutare le sue priorità e interessi, anche se la NATO rimane aperta. Ai livelli più bassi e attraverso il cosiddetto settore non governativo finanziato dai fondi provenienti dagli stati membri, tuttavia, i punti sollevati sono che l'adesione alla NATO non è che un risultato naturale dell'opzione europea (UE) della Serbia, che la Serbia è circondata dai membri della NATO, e che tale appartenenza conferisce enormi vantaggi ma non implica la partecipazione a tutti gli interventi della NATO poiché ciò è a discrezione di ciascun membro, e così via. Sta diventando sempre più evidente che la NATO è disturbata dall'opinione pubblica anti-NATO in Serbia, che circa l'85% della popolazione totale è contraria all'adesione. Questa preoccupante realtà spinge la NATO a impegnare grandi energie ed enormi risorse finanziarie per dipingere sé stessa come una promettente, democratica alleanza per la costruzione della pace. Basandosi sull'IPAP (Individual Partnership Action Plan - Piano d'azione per partenariati individuali), la NATO si aspetta che le strutture ufficiali e non ufficiali serbe contribuiscano a diffondere un'immagine positiva e amichevole della NATO fra il pubblico serbo.

Jovanović ha ricordato che ci sono altri paesi neutrali in Europa circondati dalla NATO e che tuttavia non si sentono minacciati, né costretti a prendere in considerazione l'adesione formale ad essa. Ha citato gli esempi di Austria, Svizzera e Svezia. Laddove un paese confina con diversi stati membri della NATO, questo non dovrebbe implicare che, in virtù di ciò, la NATO costituisca per esso una minaccia, ha continuato Jovanović. I paesi che hanno aderito in breve tempo alla NATO nel periodo successivo all'aggressione della Serbia (RFJ), hanno esperienze storiche diverse, non sono alieni all'appartenenza a trattati militari, non sono stati neutrali o non allineati e nessuno di loro ha realmente sperimentato il vero significato del carattere offensivo della strategia NATO approvata nel vertice del 1999 a Washington. Dopotutto, ha sottolineato Jovanović, ogni paese ha il diritto di scegliere liberamente. La scelta della Serbia è la neutralità militare e intende confermarla. Essa dovrebbe coltivare questa neutralità, affermarla e rafforzarla, riconoscendo le esperienze passate, le alleanze sperimentate e le amicizie. La Serbia è un paese aperto e pacifico e non desidera entrare in un'alleanza militare dal carattere offensivo, ha concluso Jovanović.

=== 2 ===

Serbia(RFJ): 1999-2018. PER NON DIMENTICARE! 

Belgrado, 21 marzo 2018
Noi, partecipanti alla Conferenza “L’aggressione della NATO sulla Serbia (RFJ), 19 anni dopo. Un aggressione che continua“, tenutasi il 21 marzo 2018, nella Casa dell’Esercito serbo, a Belgrado, co-organizzata dal Forum di Belgrado per un mondo di uguali, dal Club dei Generali e degli Ammiragli della Serbia e dall’Associazione dell’Esercito serbo,
Profondamente preoccupati dalla tendenza in atto di approfondire le tensioni e la sfiducia nelle relazioni mondiali,
Considerando la diffusione crescente di basi militari straniere, l’enorme crescita della spesa militare e la mancanza di rispetto per gli accordi sul controllo degli armamenti,
Notando la mancanza di un dialogo significativo tra gli attori globali, da un lato, con la pratica dell’espansionismo e dell’interventismo militare, dall’altro con le minacce dell’uso della forza, incluse le minacce dell’uso di armi nucleari,
Particolarmente allarmati dall’accumulo di dotazioni belliche e di truppe in Europa, e dalla militarizzazione dei processi decisionali politici, dello sviluppo economico, del sistema educativo e dei mass media,
Condannando la pratica dell’uso della forza, che elude il Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU e viola la Carta delle Nazioni Unite, l’Atto finale di Helsinki dell’OSCE, la Carta di Parigi e altri principi fondamentali delle relazioni internazionali,
Profondamente preoccupati dai crescenti rischi dell’esplosione accidentale di un conflitto globale,
In opposizione alle politiche di doppio standard nei confronti del separatismo e del terrorismo, che provocano la destabilizzazione e i conflitti globali,
Noi lanciamo questo APPELLO
a tutti i movimenti della pace, alle forze e ai singoli, che sono sinceramente impegnati per la pace, per la stabilità e lo sviluppo, di intensificare i loro sforzi volti a:
– Condannare la politica della forza, del dominio, dell’interventismo, dei doppi standard e di tutte le altre forme di violazione dei principi fondamentali delle relazioni internazionali
– Affrontare tutte le crisi e i problemi internazionali con mezzi politici pacifici, nel rispetto dei principi basilari del Diritto Internazionale e dei legittimi interessi delle parti coinvolte
– Rafforzare il dialogo politico e le relazioni di partenariato basate sulla sovranità dell’uguaglianza, e bloccare la tendenza di approfondire la sfiducia nei rapporti tra gli attori globali nelle relazioni internazionali. Fondandosi sull’ordinamento giuridico internazionale e rafforzando il ruolo e l’autorità delle Nazioni Unite e in particolare del ruolo insostituibile del Consiglio di sicurezza nel mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza
– Rinunciare all’uso delle armi nucleari e all’avviamento di negoziati sul disarmo nucleare sotto l’egida dell’ONU
– Combattere efficacemente e sradicare le cause profonde del terrorismo internazionale e delle migrazioni di massa, sotto l’egida dell’ONU
– Riportare tutte le questioni di guerra e pace a istituzioni democratiche, in modo da impedire il dominio dei gruppi di lobby dei settori industriali e finanziari militari, sui processi decisionali.
A nome dei partecipanti alla conferenza “L’aggressione della NATO a 19 anni di distanza. Un aggressione che continua:
Živadin Jovanović – Presidente Forum di Belgrado per un mondo di uguali
Milomir Miladinović
Club di Generali e Ammiragli della Serbia 
Nićifor Aničić
Associazione dell’Esercito serbo

Noi, partecipanti alla Conferenza “L’aggressione della NATO sulla Serbia ( RFJ), 19 anni dopo. Un aggressione che continua“, tenutasi il 21 marzo 2018, nella Casa dell’Esercito serbo, a Belgrado, co-organizzata dal Forum di Belgrado per un mondo di uguali, dal Club dei Generali e degli Ammiragli della Serbia e dall’Associazione dell’Esercito serbo,
Tenendo presente che l’aggressione della NATO nel 1999 contro la Serbia (RFJ) è stata lanciata senza un mandato del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, come massima autorità responsabile della pace e della sicurezza nel mondo,
Ricordando il fatto che la NATO ha gravemente violato la Carta delle Nazioni Unite, l’Atto finale di Helsinki dell’OSCE, la Carta di Parigi e altre norme internazionali legalmente vincolanti,
Sancendo la responsabilità della NATO per la morte di migliaia di cittadini serbi, soprattutto civili, tra cui molti bambini, per l’utilizzo di missili con uranio impoverito, che hanno provocato conseguenze permanenti e incalcolabili per la salute dei cittadini e dell’ambiente in Serbia e nella regione,
Rimembrando che l’anno 2019 segnerà il 20° anniversario dell’aggressione armata della NATO,
Noi lanciamo questo APPELLO

Facciamo appello alle istituzioni e alle autorità statali competenti della Repubblica di Serbia, in conformità con i rispettivi poteri ai sensi della Costituzione e delle leggi, in un gesto che sappia onorare i soldati, i poliziotti e i loro comandanti caduti in difesa del paese dall’aggressione della NATO e del cosiddetto UCK nel 1999. 

Importanti iniziative oggi e domani

* Roma 12/5: Manifestazione nazionale per la Palestina
* Torino 12/5: "La Resistenza in Italia e i partigiani sovietici"
* Bologna 12/5: Festa zigana
* Collegno (TO) 13/5: Giornata di formazione culturale

=== ROMA sabato 12/5

da Piazza Dell'Esquilino alle ore 15.00

Manifestazione nazionale a ROMA per la PALESTINA

Appello in formato .PDF 
Manifesto in formato .PDF 

=== TORINO sabato 12/5

c/o Anpi "Martiri del Martinetto", Via Bianzè 28/A, alle ore 15:30

"La Resistenza in Italia e i partigiani sovietici" 

Presentazione del libro edito da Gelios

interventi di Anna Roberti e Gianguido Passoni

co-promosso da Ass. Culturale Russkij Mir

=== BOLOGNA sabato 12/5

nella Zona Ortiva di Via Erbosa 17 dalle ore 16 

Festa zigana

locandina con programma completo e info: http://comunimappe.blogspot.it

=== COLLEGNO (TO) domenica 13/5

presso l'associazione Red House, via Bendini 11, dalle ore 15,30 

nell'ambito del corso di lingua serbocroata promosso da Jugocoord Onlus

Giornata di formazione culturale

Esiste un rapporto molto stretto tra lingua e cultura. Già dalla definizione di “lingua” proposta da Ferdinand de Saussure, il padre della linguistica, nell’opera Corso di linguistica generale, si evince lo stretto legame tra lingua, cultura e popolo: «Per noi [la lingua] non si confonde col linguaggio; essa non ne è che una determinata parte, quantunque, è vero, essenziale. Essa è al tempo stesso un prodotto sociale della facoltà del linguaggio ed un insieme di convenzioni necessarie, adottate dal corpo sociale per consentire l’esercizio di questa facoltà negli individui». 
Per questo, nell'ambito del nostro corso di lingua serbocroata, abbiamo deciso di proporre una giornata di formazione e di abbandonare per un attimo la grammatica per concentrarci sulla storia, sulla musica, sulla cinematografia e sulla letteratura jugoslava e post-jugoslava. Parleremo del regista Goran Marković, del film cult Varljivo leto, della musica new wave a Zagabria, Belgrado e Sarajevo, del gergo giovanile, della città di Krk e di quella di Novi Sad. Poi mangeremo e converseremo. Vi aspettiamo domenica 13 maggio 2018 dalle h 15,30 presso l'associazione Red House, via Bendini 11, Collegno. Alle 19 circa terminerà il momento di formazione e inizieremo a banchettare con quello che porterete....


Per aggiornamenti si veda anche il gruppo facebook del corso

(deutsch / english / srpskohrvatski)

Examples of International Solidarity with Bombed Yugoslavia

1) Solidaritätsbrief aus Wien / Pismo solidarnosti iz Beča (David Stockinger, 24.3.2018.)
2) TFF PressInfo # 449: Remembering the War on Yugoslavia 1999 (Jan Oberg, 23.3.2018)
3) Француз који је нашој војсци предао планове НАТО бомбардовања: Робијао сам због Србије и опет бих учинио исто! (1.11.2016.)

Siehe auch: 

STRAFANZAGE vom 10.4.2018. in Zusammenhang mit dem Einsatz der Bundeswehr gegen das ehemaligen Jugoslawien im Jahr 1999:
Antwort vom Generalbundesanwalt (18.4.2018)
An den Generalbundesanwalt Herrn Dr. Peter Frank (Helga Fuchs, 29.4.2018)

=== 1 ===

Solidaritätsbrief aus Wien - David Stockinger

Monday, 26 March 2018

Wien, 24. März 2018

Aus Wien, wo heute die alljährliche Kundgebung zum Gedenken an die NATO-Aggression 1999 stattfindet, senden wir solidarische Grüße an unsere Freunde des „Beoforums“ in Belgrad: 
Für die Völkerfreundschaft- Gegen Interventionismus

Heute jährt sich der völkerrechtswidrige Überfall der NATO-Allianz auf die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien zum 19. Mal. Vor 19 Jahren begannen die mächtigsten westlichen Mächte ihre Kampagne gegen Staaten, die sich nicht dem neoliberalen Diktat und Interventionismus von NATO, IWF und EU unterwerfen wollten. Jugoslawien war ein Beispiel eines Landes in Europa, das seine Souveränität und seinen eigenständigen Entwicklungsweg zwischen Ost und West bewahren wollte. Dafür gab es im „neuen Europa“ nach 1989/91 aus Sicht der westlichen Eliten keinen Platz mehr. Alle Mittel wurden angewandt um den Widerstand zu brechen: Es wurde ein Krieg in dieses Land hineingetragen. Sanktionen, Dämonisierung, die offene militärische Aggression und der Raub des Kosovo. Milica Rakic und Sanja Milenkovic sind nur 2 bekannte Namen der tausenden Opfer dieses Krieges für eine „neue Weltordnung“. In den letzten Jahren wurde das Konzept der Staatszerstörung gegen weitere missliebige Länder angewandt: Irak, Libyen und aktuell gegen Syrien und die Ukraine. Das serbische Volk hat einen hohen Preis gezahlt. Heute herrschen Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit und in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung Perspektivenlosigkeit. Trotzdem gibt es mehr und mehr Menschen, die sich mit dieser „neuen Ordnung“ nicht abfinden wollen. Das gibt Hoffnung. Wir, die hier in Österreich für Neutralität, Frieden, soziale Gerechtigkeit und Völkerverständigung kämpfen, stehen solidarisch mit den vielen Menschen in Serbien, die genau dasselbe in ihrem Land wollen. Milica Rakic und Sanja Milenkovic sollen uns mahnen und sie sind unser Auftrag gemeinsam für diese bessere Welt zu kämpfen. Wir sind es ihnen schuldig. 
Angelehnt an die alte Losung der jugoslawischen Partisanen im 2. Weltkrieg sagen wir heute: 
„Tod dem Imperialismus- Freiheit dem Volke!“

David Stockinger 
Vorstandsmitglied der „Solidarwerkstatt Österreich- Initiative für ein freies, neutrales und solidarisches Österreich“ 
Funktionär der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Österreichs

--- na s-h-om:

Pismo solidarnosti iz Beča - David Stockinger 

понедељак, 26 март 2018

Ne zaboravljamo, ne opraštamo - 19 godina NATO agresije na Jugoslaviju

Iz Beča, gde je danas održan godišnji skup u spomen na NATO agresiju 1999. godine, šaljemo solidarnosti pozdrave našim prijateljima iz "Beoforuma" u Beogradu: 
Za prijateljstvo naroda - protiv intervencionizma 

Danas obeležavamo napad pripadnika NATO saveza koja je napala Savezne Republike Jugoslavije pre 19 godina suprotnosti sa međunarodnim pravom. Pre 19 godina najmoćniji zapadne sile su počeli svoju kampanju protiv zemalja koje ne tvrdimo diktatu neoliberalizma i intervencionizma NATO-a, MMF-a i EU. Jugoslavija je bila primer zemlje u Evropi koja je želela da očuva suverenitet i svoju nezavisnu razvojni put između Istoka i Zapada. Za to nemao je vise mesta u "novoj Evropi" posle 1989/91 sa stanovišta zapadnih elita. Sva sredstva se koriste za merenje otpora da se probije: Rat je sprovrden u ovoj zemlji. Sankcije, satanizacija, otvorena vojna agresija i plen Kosova. Milica Rakić i Sanja Milenković su samo 2 poznata imena hiljada žrtava ovog rata za "novog svetskog poretka". U poslednjih nekoliko godina, koncept državne destrukcije je izrečena protiv više opozicionih zemalja: Irak, Libiju i trenutno protiv Sirije i Ukrajine. Srpski narod je plaćao visoku cenu. Danas, postoji siromaštvo, nezaposlenost i veliki deo stanovništva nema perspektive. Ipak toga, postoje više i više ljudi koji ne žele da trpe ova "novom poretku". To daje nadu. Mi koji se borimo ovde u Austriji za neutralnost, mir, socijalne pravde i međunarodnog razumijevanja su, u znak solidarnosti sa mnogim ljudima u Srbiji koji žele istu stvar upravo u njihovoj zemlji. Milica Rakić i Sanja Milenković treba da nas podseti i oni su naša misija da se zajedno bore za bolji svet. Dugujemo to im. 
Na osnovu starom parolom jugoslovenskih partizana tokom Drugom Svetskog rata mi danas kažemo: "Smrt imperijalizmu - sloboda narodu!"

David Stockinger 
član upravnog odbora "Solidarwerkstatt Österreich - Inicijativa za slobodnu, neutralnu i solidarnu Austriju"
Funkcioner Socijaldemokratske Partije Austrije

=== 2 ===

TFF PressInfo # 449: Remembering the War on Yugoslavia 1999

Friday, 23 March 2018

By Jan Oberg

March 24, 2018, marks the 19th anniversary of NATO illegal and illegitimate bombing of Yugoslavia, Serbia and its Kosovo, province during 78 days. It has – one is tempted to say: of course – been conveniently forgotten by the West itself.

It was masterminded by the United States under Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright after the so-called negotiations between Serbs and Albanians in Rambouillet outside Paris (the parties never met face-to-face)

While Clinton may be best remembered for his relations with Monica Lewinsky and his wife, Hillary Clinton, some of us also remember him (and Albright) for bombing Afghanistan, Sudan, Bosnia-Hercegovina and contributions to the proportionately largest ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia – of Croatian Serbs out of Croatia’s Krajina, Eastern and Western Slavonia where they had lived for about 400 years, in Operations “Storm” and “Flash” in 1995.

Clinton was also the President who started the expansion of NATO against assurances about never doing so given by leading NATO politicians to Mikhael Gorbachev and former Yugoslav republics are now NATO members (Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro) and upheld the sanctions on Iraq’s innocent citizens even after 500 000 had died.

By an objective analysis of the contemporary history of interventionism and militarism, Russia’s response to the de facto coup d’etat in Kiev by annexing Crimea would, one should expect, be compared with such fundamentally important and international law-violating policies and, likely, found to be minor in comparison. But that, naturally, is impossible for those who have reasons to be in denial of their own wrongdoings and large parts, therefore, of the post-Cold War history.

With a history like that – and more since then – it is no wonder that the NATO/West must blame everything evil on virtually everybody else: Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea and China in particular. In psycho-political terms, it’s called projection while others might call it amnesia or attention-diversion that fit new crimes.

• •

Yugoslavia’s dissolution was surely caused by internal dynamics accumulating over a decade after Josip Broz Tito’s death. But the international so-called community’s involvement could, in the macro-historical perspective, be viewed as at least as destructive, if not more. The understanding of the hugely complex conflict formations in the Yugoslav space was unknown to 99% of the Western governments and their diplomats – having no other mental patterns than the Cold War and, thus, casting the Serbs as the evil, expansive Orthodox Russians and the rest as freedom-seeking peoples who ought to belong to “us”.

They thought it was about ethnicity while ethnicity was just a vehicle for mobilisation of warfighting energies and exploitation of traumas from the Second World War. They thought that conflict-resolution was about reducing complexity down to two parties, one good and one evil and that peace-making would succeed if they supported the former and punish the latter.

With such a deficient intellectual toolbox, with such amateurish Diagnosis of Yugoslavia’s problems, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Prognosis was wrong too and that the kind of final Solution – dissolution, split-and-rule and rewarding extremist nationalism and humiliating Russia – turned out catastrophic.

A good doctor causes as little pain and blood loss. Western conflict doctors, accompanied by their arms traders, spilt as much blood as possible, on top of what the various domestic governments, private warlords and paramilitaries of Yugoslavia were able and willing to do to each other.

• •

To make this Western – remember, Russia was on its knees and could play no role – quackery succeed, at least in their own eyes, the self-appointed peacemakers of our world had to produce a number of novel tricks – all of which makes the longterm effects of this Yugoslavia’s dissolution more significant than the fall of The Wall.

Among such politico-military inventions on would perhaps in particular point to these:

• Since this was the first larger conflict after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, everything seemed possible, no need to take into account what Russia might do because it could do virtually nothing.

• Splitting with violent means an existing founding member state of the Non-Aligned Movement and of the UN;

• Bombing without a UN Security Council mandate (and where there were one, making it blurred and never finding the funds for the UN to succeed);

• Recognising Slovenia and Croatia out of Yugoslavia against while the criteria for declaration of independence (such as control over a territory) were not met;

• Recognising these two republics out of Yugoslavia while not having the slightest idea about what to do with Rest-Yugoslavia and, thereby, making the war in Bosnia-Hercegovina impossible to avoid.

• Inventing the peace enforcement idea in the UN Agenda for Peace report that contravened everything the UN stood for and enabled one-sided military action by outsiders;

• Inventing the idea of humanitarian intervention – and using it there where there were no genocide (or plan of it, certainly not in Kosovo either) or other historically, uniquely huge, humanitarian catastrophe while never since contemplating such interventions to really stop such mass-killing calamities elsewhere;

• Bombing relentlessly and shamelessly over 78 days one country, Serbia, in order to create a new state out of it, Kosovo – the second Albanian state in Europe;

• And threaten the destruction of the capital, Belgrade, unless President Slobodan Milosevic withdrew from Kosovo;

• Establishing a special Tribunal in the Hague for only this conflict and Rwanda, a tribunal which, to the very end, was marked by strange procedures and biases that, hardly surprisingly, fit the political patterns and deficient conflict diagnosis practised by the West.

• While one can certainly argue that the UN was undermined by many other wars before those in Yugoslavia, Vietnam not the least, it can be argued that it was here the UN became a victim of systematic marginalisation and accused of being useless and even complicit in its policies and on-the-ground missions – to the extent that the UN has not been thought of as a  central peacekeeper, – maker and -builder in any of the large conflict zones since 1999..

• And it is, finally, the conflict in which commercial marketing companies – such as Ruder Finn – were brought in to secure an advantageous but deceptive global image of Croatia, Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo-Albanians. Powerful narratives that serve certain interests but not truth in any sense didn’t start with Syria. Neither did mainstream media’s loyalty to their governments and addiction to simplifying two-party narratives that were particularly misleading here, in one of the world’s most complex conflict formations.

Those of us who were more or less permanently on the ground in all parts of Yugoslavia – had been there decades before and followed it closely after, tended to see things in rather different perspectives and would maintain that the outside “help” Yugoslavia received from the international so-called community was a kind of cynical euthanasia rather than a genuine help to recover.

• •

Kosovo and TFF’s mediation and peace plan

This author served as goodwill mediator/adviser to three governments in Belgrade and to the non-violent leadership team of Dr Ibrahim Rugova in Kosovo. They wanted an independent state but only through non-violent means – and therefore soon marginalised by the West which, with the particular contribution of the German intelligence service BND and the American CIA instead invested in the darkest and most criminal circles in Kosovo and set up the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK) which later served as a kind of army on the ground for NATO’s bombing raids.

We developed a plan for a negotiated solution to the conflict based on a total ceasefire, UN presence and monitoring and a three-year negotiation process. It was shaped like an international law document. As far as we know, it is the only plan that was widely discussed and presented in in details in both Serbian and Albanian media.

It turned out soon to be all in vain. The US and NATO allies had other plans – and they were not about peace. The Rambouillet meetings were totally fake, meant only to secure that  Belgrade would say No and the Albanian Yes. Then Assistant Secretary of State, James Rubin, formulated it so well – people thought: Today the Serbs have chosen war and the Albanians peace. He said it to his wife, Christiane Amanpour on CNN – State war policies and mainstream media already then in symbiosis.

How was it done? Well, in the first round of talks the Albanians had stalled while the Serb team went along with a plan presented by Madeleine Albright. That was not what they wanted, so she later produced an Appendix to the text – to be used to turn the talk results around 180 degrees: The Appendix stipulated that NATO forces should be deployed to Serbia, should not be legally responsible for damage it may cause to Serbian property and not pay for the use of harbours and airfields.

Who would not have smelled a rat here? Either NATO could then have started a war from inside Serbia itself, having already a first contingent on the ground. Or they could move to arrest President Milosevic at some point. Surprise, surprise: The Serbs said no and the Albanians were enthusiastic.

That was the pretext to NATO bombings 19 years ago. Plus the – presumably nicely staged – massacre in the village of Racak. A US head of the OSCE-related KVM monitoring mission, Mr William Walker, with a less than clean-handed past in the CIA, arrived immediately and, before any analyses had been made, declared it the work of the Serbian government.

• •

TFF’s team of Yugoslavia experts, psychologists, media people, peacemakers etc. was on the ground everywhere, conducted interviews on all sides (some 3000) and roamed around with flak jackets also where no embassies were found. No Western government ever took any interest, except former US Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance and his team whom we had a long conversation with in a late evening at his hotel suite. A delightful intellectual with a heart, a moral man – who was quickly sidelined by the Clinton administration and one of the students Vance had taught diplomacy – Warren Christopher.

TFF’s first report, After Yugoslavia – What? in September 1991 was published at the same time as Vance’s team was working on the idea to deploy UN peacekeeping missions in Croatia. That was also a central proposal of the mentioned report.

Over the years, three TFF Associates – Johan Galtung, Hakan Wiberg and Jan Oberg who in total had about 130 man-years of experience with Yugoslavia – wrote the equivalent of about 2000 A4 pages – main comprehensive conflict analyses and peace proposals and some debate articles and press releases. They’re all gathered – as they were written at the time – in the blog (1) report “Yugoslavia – What Should Have Been Done” which is not only the largest peace research publication about Yugoslavia but also a frontal criticism – with alternatives point by point – of how the West practised what must be termed peace prevention.

Yes, there were alternatives.

But those who mastermind wars are not exactly the best listeners.

Back then as today, somebody else paid a high price.

We don’t want to contribute to the special war crimes amnesia of the West.

And we want to remind our audiences that there are always alternatives to warfare.

Note 1
There are only three cases in the 20th century where dividing states were done without bloodshed: Norway from Sweden in 1905; Singapore from Malaysia in 1965 and the division of Czechoslovakia in 1993. All others were violent. Where those who advocated that Yugoslavia be divided by force unaware of history or just cynical?

Note 2
The advantage of a blog, compared with a book or a series of volumes as this would have been, is that it lasts much longer in the public domain, being available to concerned citizens, students and researcher everywhere. Sadly, academic books today mostly end up in libraries (and photocopiers), too expensive for students to acquire. A blog is also much handier for students with a search engine instead of the notes and index at the end of a book (which often doesn’t have that detail you’re looking for…).

=== 3 ===

Некадашњи француски мајор Пјер Анри Бинел познат по томе што је нашој војсци предао планове НАТО бомбардовања и тиме одложио почетак агресије, упутио је јавно писмо српском народу. Због подршке Србима остао и без признања Легије части.

Бинел је пред судом осуђен на 5 година затвора, а како је рекао он се не каје и то би урадио опет. Погледајте шта је Француз поручио нашем грађанима Србије поводом приближавања Србије злочиначком НАТО пакту. Пре седамнаест година почела је Нато агресија против једног поносног и слободног народа, српског народа. Саучесници ове драме налазили су се и у великом делу јавног мњења злоупотребљеног пропагандом НАТО-а и његових сателита. Будући да сам учествовао у покушају да ово зло спречим, све те догађаје који ће запечатити кривце за будућност и историју, био сам приморан да пратим из мог француског затвора. А када је тај злочин био најављен, ја сам осетио стид помешан са поносом и чашћу. Најпре, стид јер сам видео своју земљу како добровољно улази у издајство. Било је то у ствари издајство самога себе, јер разлози за бомбардовање нису постојали, јер учешће у таквом безчашћу није могло да служи француском народу, и , најзад, оно најгоре, наши политичари тиме су издали традиционално пријатељство исковано историјским наслеђем. Тако су „савезници" бомбардујући Београд, као некада, у другом светском рату нацисти, сами себе оцрнили у будућности. Али, ја сам осетио и понос. Још за време мог ангажовања у Босни и Херцеговини, почео сам да упознајем српски народ. Иако је стање Срба у Босни и Херцеговини било јако тешко, Срби су увек држали реч када би нешто рекли, чак и према тим окупационим снагама . То није била сарадња, него, просто, поштовање дате речи онога што је потписано Дејтонским диктатом. У ово неславно време НАТО-а и његових саучесника, једино су Срби показивали храброст и часност. Служећи казну у париском затвору, све време сам осећао пријатељство према неправедно бомбардованим Србима. Бомбардовани сте зато што сте хтели да браните своје постојање, своју културу и своју слободу. Углавном, зато што сте бранили своја основна права. Био сам поносан гледајући како се ваши родољуби под бомбама окупљају на мостовима, као живе мете које желе да спасу отаџбину коју воле. У току мог робијања, добио сам много поздрава од Срба из Француске, али и из Србије. У мојој радној соби, ја чувам једну разгледницу на којој су српски и француски војници из времена ратова на Балкану 1918.године. На њој на српском језику пише: српски и француски официри у првом светском рату, а на француском је додато: „Хвала мој команданте Пјер Анри Бинел ! Србија се моли за тебе овог марта 1999." То је разгледница број 188, франкофилско издање 1999., са потписом проф. Бранка Васиљевића. Где год сам се селио, носио сам ту разгледницу са собом. Када сам, најзад, тог 29. августа 1999. изашао из затвора, ви сте већ били однели победу. Ударци ваших непријатеља нису вам сломили отпор, нису се више чули, ни америчка секретарка, нити брбљиви Холбрук. Сви ти брбљивци уступили су тада место једном финском преговарачу. Наравно, мојој драгој Србији причињена је огромна штета, али ви тада нисте били устукнули и чували сте још увек вашег председника. Када су ме 2003. позвали моји пријатељи Мила Алечковић и Ив Батај, а затим и издавачка кућа „Гутембергова Галаксија" (и њен директор Миле Баврлић) који је прихватио да на српском језику штампа моју књигу „Злочини Нато", најзад ми се пружила прилика да посетим земљу коју сам толико волео и да сретнем хероје који су издржали под убилачким бомбама. Прешао сам Ибар у Косовској Митровици под погледима Албанаца готово пуним мржње, али и под заштитом Срба са северне обале. Тада сам тек схватио колико је мој родни крај Аријеж, у планинама јужне Француске, сличан тој јужној српској покрајини. Сличан по планинама, сличан по народу који је исто тако навикнут на тежак рад на планинској земљи и на оштре зиме. И народ из мог родног краја такође је морао да се бори против освајача који су долазили са севера и за нас , пореклом са Пиринеја, високи Монсегур исто је што и Косово Поље за српски народ. Али, политичка злоупотреба се наставила, као и признање независности српског Косова и Метохије од стране вашингтонских сателита. 

Француска је, такође, пролазила кроз мрачне периоде своје историје. И њој је био отет Алзас и Мозел од стране немачких хорди. Од 1940.до 1945. и она је била поробљена. На крају смо из тога ипак изашли. Наравно, и данас се може рећи да смо пред опасношћу. Али, и Француској, као и Србији, остаје нада. Исте оне снаге које су довеле до сакаћења Србије и које су довеле до сакаћења Француске, довешће и до устанка наша два народа. Зато је потребно да српска и француска омладина одоле лукавствима и чарима потрошачког друштва. Народи који немају историју, немају будућност. Насупрот томе, они који знају да сачувају своју традицију, узевши из модернизма оно што је добро, они који знају да очувају свест о томе ко су, о томе како су их стварали њихови очеви, ти народи имају будућност. Развој нашег човечанства показује да су узори које шире наши непријатељи у ствари крхки, јер почивају на млитавости и лењости. У свету који настаје, будућност припада онима који су вични тешкоћама и који не траже много. Дужност нас одраслих је да нашој деци покажемо прав пут. Вођени нашим светим очевима и нашом личном снагом, на нама је, зато, да преузмемо узде сопствене судбине. Срби су храбри. То су показали током историје, барем од времена Косовске битке, наовамо. И , најзад, ви нисте сами , чак и ако су ваша будућа браћа по борби, тренутно још увек осуђена на тишину. Вера у Бога, вера у своју земљу и у своју традицију је извор ваше славе у будућности. На ову седамнаесту годишњицу несреће која ће се једном завршити, желео сам да свима вама кажем да за вас, у себи носим пријатељство и љубав. Нека је слава и дуг живот српском народу ! 

Ваш пријатељ и ваш брат: Пјер Анри Бинел

Nineteen years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. “The operation was code-named “Allied Force ” – a cold, uninspired and perfectly descriptive moniker” according to Nebosja Malic.

This article was first written in May 1999 at the height of the bombing of Yugoslavia.

The causes and consequences of this war have been the object of a vast media disinformation campaign, which has sought to camouflage NATO and US war crimes.

It is important to note that a large segment of the “Progressive Left” in Western Europe and  North America were part of this disinformation campaign, presenting NATO military intervention as a necessary humanitarian operation geared towards protecting the rights of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

The intervention was in violation of international law. President Milosevic at the Rambouillet talks had refused the stationing of NATO troops inside Yugoslavia.

The demonization of Slobodan Milsovic by so-called “Progressives” has served over the years to uphold the legitimacy of the NATO bombings. It has also provided credibility to “a war crimes tribunal” under the jurisidiction of those who committed extensive war crimes in the name of social justice.

The Just War thesis was also upheld by several prominent intellectuals who viewed the Kosovo war as: “a Just War”.

In turn the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was upheld by several “Leftists” as a bona fide liberation movement rooted in Marxism.

The KLA –whose leader Hachim Thaci is now president of Kosovo– was a paramilitary army supported by Western intelligence, financed and trained by the US and NATO. It had ties to organised crime. It also had  links to Al Qaeda, which is supported by US intelligence.

Michel Chossudovsky, March 2006, updated March 2018

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NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals?

by Michel Chossudovsky, 15 May 1999

Low Intensity Nuclear War

With NATO air-strikes entering their third month, a new stage of the War has unfolded. NATO’s “humanitarian bombings” have been stepped up leading to mounting civilian casualties and human suffering. Thirty percent of those killed in the bombings are children.1 In addition to the use of cluster bombs, the Alliance is waging a “low intensity nuclear war” using toxic radioactive shells and missiles containing depleted uranium. Amply documented, the radioactive fall-out causes cancer potentially affecting millions of people for generations to come. According to a recent scientific report, “the first signs of radiation on children including herpes on the mouth and skin rashes on the back and ankles” have been observed in Yugoslavia since the beginning of the bombings.2

In addition to the radioactive fall-out which has contaminated the environment and the food chain, the Alliance has also bombed Yugoslavia’s major chemical and pharmaceutical plants. The bombing of Galenika, the largest medicine factory in Yugoslavia has contributed to releasing dangerous, highly toxic fumes. When NATO forces bombed plants of the Pancevo petrochemical complex in mid-April “fire broke out and huge quantities of chlorine, ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer flowed out. Workers at Pancevo, fearing further bombing attacks that would blow up dangerous materials, released tons of ethylene dichloride, a carcinogen, into the Danube.”3

Nato to the “Rescue of Ethnic Albanians”

Ethnic Albanians have not been spared by NATO air raids. Killing ethnic Albanians in Kosovo is said to be “inevitable” in carrying out a “humanitarian operation on behalf of ethnic Albanians”. In addition to the impacts of the ground war between the KLA and the Yugoslav Armed Forces, the bombings and the resulting radioactive fall-out in Kosovo have been more devastating than in the rest of Yugoslavia.

Presented as a humanitarian mission, the evidence amply confirms that NATO’s brutal air raids of towns and villages in Kosovo have triggered the exodus of refugees. Those who have fled their homes to refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania have nothing to return to, nothing to look forward to… An entire country has been destroyed, its civilian industry and public infrastructure transformed into rubble. Bridges, power plants, schools and hospitals are displayed as “legitimate military targets” selected by NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Vicenza, Italy and carefully “validated prior to the pilot launching his strike.”

With the “diplomatic shuttle” still ongoing, the Alliance is intent on inflicting as much damage on the Yugoslav economy (including Kosovo) as possible prior to reaching a G8 brokered “peace initiative” which will empower them to send in ground troops. “Allied commanders have steadily widened their list of economic targets… Increasingly, the impact of NATO air strikes has put people out of work… causing water shortages in Belgrade, Novi Sad and other Serbian cities. … [T]he effect was to shut down businesses, strain hospitals’ ability to function and cut off water…”4. Some 115 medical institutions have been damaged of which several have been totally demolished. And hospital patients –including children and the elderly– are dying due to the lack of water and electricity…5

General Wesley Clark, NATO’s Supreme commander in Europe, confirmed in late May that “NATO’S air campaign has not reached its peak yet and the alliance should be prepared for more civilian casualties.”6. General Clark also confirmed that “he would be seeking to increase the number of air strikes in Kosovo and expand the range of targets.7 As the bombings entered their third month, there was also a noticeable change in “NATO rhetoric”. The Alliance had become increasingly unrepentant, NATO officials were no longer apologising for civilian casualties, claiming that the latter were contributing to “helping Milosevic’s propaganda machine.”

Extending the Conflict Beyond the Balkans

Drowned in the barrage of media images and self-serving analyses, the broader strategic interests and economic causes of the War go unmentioned. The late Sean Gervasi writing in 1995 had anticipated an impending War. According to Gervasi, Washington’s strategic goals stretched well beyond the Balkans. They largely consisted in “installing a Western-style regime in Yugoslavia and reducing the geographic area, power and influence of Serbia to a minimum….”8

In this context, the installation of American power in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean also constitutes a step towards the extension of Washington’s geopolitical sphere of influence beyond the Balkans into the area of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia and West Asia.

In this regard, NATO’s military intervention in Yugoslavia (in violation of international law) also sets a dangerous precedent. It provides “legitimacy” to future military interventions. To achieve its strategic objectives, national economies are destabilised, regional conflicts are financed through the provision of covert support to armed insurgencies… In other words, the conflict in Yugoslavia creates conditions which provide legitmacy to future interventions of the Alliance into the “internal affairs of sovereign nations”.

The consolidation of American strategic interests in Eastern Europe, the Balkans (and beyond) was not only marked by the enlargement of NATO (with the accession of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic as NATO members) barely two weeks before the beginning of the bombings, the War in Yugoslavia also coincided with a critical split in geopolitical alignments within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

In late April, Georgia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldava signed a pact in Washington, creating GUUAM, a regional alliance which lies strategically at the hub of the Caspian oil and gas wealth, “with Moldava and the Ukraine offering [pipeline] export routes to the West”.9 This geopolitical split bears a direct relationship to the crisis in Yugoslavia. The region is already unstable marked by nationalist conflicts and separatist movements.

The members of this new pro-NATO political grouping not only tacitly support the bombings in Yugoslavia, they have also agreed to “low level military cooperation” with NATO while insisting that “the group is not a military alliance directed against any third party, namely Moscow.”10

Dominated by Western oil interests, the formation of GUUAM is not only intent on excluding Russia from the oil and gas deposits in the Caspian area but also in isolating Moscow politically thereby potentially re-igniting Cold War divisions…

The War Has Stalled Nuclear Arms Controls

In turn, the War in Yugoslavia has significantly stalled nuclear arms-control initiatives leading to the cancellation of an exchange program “that would have had US and Russian nuclear weapons officers in constant contact at year’s end to prevent any launches as a result of Year 2000 computer troubles.”11

Moreover, Russia’s military has also voiced its concern “that the bombing of Yugoslavia could turn out in the very near future to be just a rehearsal for similar strikes on Russia.”12.

According to Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, co-president of the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the impact of NATO bombings of Yugoslavia “on nuclear weapons policy is an extremely serious development… Russians feel a sense of betrayal by the West… because NATO took this action outside the UN.”13

Aleksander Arbatov, deputy chairman of the Defence Committee of the Russian State Duma U.S.-Russian relations describes the War in Yugoslavia as the “worst most acute, most dangerous juncture since the U.S.-Soviet Berlin and Cuban missile crises.”14 According to Arbatov:

“START II is dead, co-operation with NATO is frozen, co-operation on missile defence is out of the question, and Moscow’s willingness to co-operate on non-proliferation issues is at an all-time low. Moreover, anti-U..S. sentiment in Russia is real, deep and more wide-spread than ever, and the slogan describing NATO action – “today Serbia, tomorrow Russia,” is “deeply planted in Russian’s minds.”…15 Mary-Wynne Ashford also warns that whereas Russia was moving towards integration with Europe, they [the Russians] now:

“…. perceive their primary threat from the West. Officials in [Russia’s] Foreign Affairs (Arms Control and Disarmament) told us that Russia has no option but to rely on nuclear weapons for its defence because its conventional forces are inadequate…. Even if the bombings stop now, the changes in Russia’s attitude toward the West, its renewed reliance on nuclear weapons with thousands on high alert, and its loss of confidence in international law leave us vulnerable to catastrophe…. This crisis makes de-alerting nuclear weapons more urgent than ever. To those who say the Russian threat is all rhetoric, I reply that rhetoric is what starts wars”.16

 The Media War: “Silencing the Silent Majority”

This war is also “a War against the Truth”.. With protest movements developing around the World, NATO has reinforced its clutch over the mass media. In a stylised (“wag the dog”) media mascarade, the Alliance is relentlessly portrayed as “the saviour of ethnic Albanian Kosovars”. A full-fledged “cover-up operation” has been set in motion with a view to thwarting public debate on the War. The hidden agenda is to “silence the silent majority.” The Western media heeding to the Alliance’s demands has blatantly misled public opinion. Casually portrayed on TV screens, civilian deaths are justified as inevitable “collateral damage”. According to the Pentagon, “there is no such thing as clean combat.”17

Meanwhile, anti-war commentators (including former ambassadors and OSCE officials) have been carefully removed from mainstream public affairs programmes, TV content is closely scrutinised, the images of civilian deaths and destruction relayed from Belgrade are seldomly and selectively displayed, journalists are under tight supervision. While the media does not hesitate to criticize NATO for having committed “errors” and “tragic mistakes”, the legitimacy of the military operation and its “humanitarian mandate” are not questioned:

“Public opinion is confronted with a loaded question which allows only one answer. In the present war, that question is, “Doesn’t ethnic cleansing have to be stopped?” This simplification allows the media to portray Yugoslavia rather than NATO as the aggressor. The alliance, in a complete inversion of reality, is presented as conducting an essentially defensive war on behalf of the Kosovar Albanians…” when in fact ethnic Albanians are the principle victims of NATO’s “humanitarian bombings.”18

According to NATO’s propaganda machine, “ethnic Albanians do not flee the bombings” and the ground war between the KLA and the Yugoslav Army. According to Diana Johnstone this makes them “nearly unique [because] throughout history, civilians have fled from war zones…. No, as we have heard repeatedly from NATO spokesmen and apologists, Kosovo Albanians run away from only one thing: brutal ethnic cleansing carried out by Serbs.”19

The refugee crisis we are told by NATO is limited to Kosovo. Yet the evidence (withheld by the Western media) confirms that people throughout Serbia are fleeing major cities:

Reliable estimates put the number of refugees who have left Belgrade to escape the bombing at 400,000. Most are women and children, as with the Kosovo Albanians. At least another 500,000 have left Serbia’s other cities, notably Novi Sad and Nish, where NATO bombing has caused air pollution, cut the water supply, and struck purely civilian targets such as market squares. Altogether, according to the Italian daily “Il Manifesto”, the NATO bombing has produced at least a million refugees in Serbia. Predrag Simic, foreign policy adviser to Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic, told a Paris conference [in late May] that Kosovo was being so thoroughly devastated by NATO bombing that nobody, neither Albanians nor Serbs, would be able to go back and live there”.20

 Who is Responsible for War Crimes?

Public “disapproval” of NATO bombings is immediately dismissed as “Serb propaganda”. Those who speak out against NATO are branded as “apologists of Milosevic”. While most anti-War critics in NATO countries are not defenders of the Milosevic regime, they are nonetheless expected to be “balanced” in their arguments. “Looking at both sides of the picture is the rule”: anti-war commentators are invited to echo NATO’s fabricated media consensus, to unequivocally “join the bandwagon” against Milosevic. Under these circumstances, an objective understanding and analysis of the role of the Milosovic government since the civil War in Bosnia and in the context of the present crisis in Kosovo has been rendered virtually impossible.

Media double standards? Whereas President Milosevic and four members of his government were indicted by the Hague International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY) (late May) for organising a policy of “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo, the news media failed to mention that several parallel law suits were launched at The Hague Tribunal (ICTY), accusing NATO leaders of “crimes against humanity.”21

It is also worth mentioning that the UK government (whose Prime Minister Tony Blair is among the list of accused in one of the parallel law suits) has provided The Hague Tribunal with “intelligence on the situation within Kosovo” since the beginning of the bombings.22 Part of this intelligence material was relayed by the KLA with which British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has been in frequent contact as well as through British Special Forces (SAS) directly collaborating with the KLA.

Law Suit Directed Against Nato Leaders

In May, a group of 15 Canadian lawyers and law professors together with the American Association of Jurists (with members in more than 20 countries) launched a suit against NATO leaders at the ICTY in the Hague.23 The suit points to “open violation” of the United Nations Charter, the NATO treaty, the Geneva Conventions and the “Principles of International Law Recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal”. The latter makes: “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances” a crime.24

The list of crimes allegedly committed by NATO leaders includes:

“wilful killing, wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, extensive destruction of property,… employment of poisonous weapons [implying radioactive fall-out] or other weapons to cause unnecessary suffering, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity,… “25

Under the terms of reference of the ICTY “a person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crime shall be individually responsible for the crime” and “the official position of any accused person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a responsible Government official, shall not relieve such person of criminal responsibility or mitigate punishment.”26

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson (and former President of Ireland) confirmed in Geneva on 30 April that the Prosecutor of the War Crimes Tribunal (ICTY) has the mandate not only to prosecute Serb forces but that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and NATO may also come under scrutiny, “if it appears that serious violations of international humanitarian law have occurred.”

According to Walter J. Rockler, former prosecutor of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:

    “The bombing war also violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the Nazis attacked Poland to prevent “Polish atrocities” against Germans. The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.”27

Shaky Evidence of a “Humanitarian Catastrophe” Prior to the Bombings

In the course of “covering-up” the real motivations of NATO in launching the War, the international media has also failed to mention that an official intelligence report of the German Foreign Ministry (used to establish the eligibility of political refugees from Kosovo) confirmed that there was no evidence of “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo in the months immediately preceding the bombings. Who is lying? German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer had justified NATO’s intervention pointing to a “humanitarian catastrophe”, yet the internal documents of his own ministry say exactly the opposite:

“Even in Kosovo an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Gnjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis. The actions of the security forces [were] not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent [KLA] and its actual or alleged supporters.”… “29

[W]ith an agreement made with the Serbian leadership at the end of 1998 … both the security situation and the conditions of life of the Albanian-derived population have noticeably improved… Specifically in the larger cities public life has since returned to relative normality.”29

The above assessments are broadly consistent with several independent evaluations of the humanitarian situation in Kosovo prior to the onslaught of the bombing campaign. Roland Keith, a former field office director of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), who left Kosovo on March 20th reported that most of the violence in Kosovo was instigated by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA):

“Upon my arrival the war increasingly evolved into a mid intensity conflict as ambushes, the encroachment of critical lines of communication and the [KLA] kidnapping of security forces resulted in a significant increase in government casualties which in turn led to major Yugoslavian reprisal security operations… By the beginning of March these terror and counter-terror operations led to the inhabitants of numerous villages fleeing, or being dispersed to either other villages, cities or the hills to seek refuge… The situation was clearly that KLA provocations, as personally witnessed in ambushes of security patrols which inflicted fatal and other casualties, were clear violations of the previous October’s agreement [and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1199]. The security forces responded and the consequent security harassment and counter-operations led to an intensified insurrectionary war, but as I have stated elsewhere, I did not witness, nor did I have knowledge of any incidents of so-called “ethnic cleansing” and there certainly were no occurrences of “genocidal policies” while I was with the KVM in Kosovo. What has transpired since the OSCE monitors were evacuated on March 20, in order to deliver the penultimate warning to force Yugoslavian compliance with the Rambouillet and subsequent Paris documents and the commencement of the NATO air bombardment of March 24, obviously has resulted in human rights abuses and a very significant humanitarian disaster as some 600,000 Albanian Kosovars have fled or been expelled from the province. This did not occur, though, before March 20, so I would attribute the humanitarian disaster directly or indirectly to the NATO air bombardment and resulting anti-terrorist campaign.”30

Chronology of Nato Planning

Carefully removed from the public eye, preparations for both “the air campaign” and “the ground War” have been ongoing for almost a year prior to the beginning of NATO’s “humanitarian bombings” on March 24th 1999.

Responding to broad strategic and economic objectives, the Alliance’s first priority was to secure the stationing of armed combat troops in Macedonia on the immediate border with Kosovo. US Secretary of Defense William Cohen had travelled to Skopje in late December 1997 for discussions with the Macedonian government and Military. These high levels talks were followed a few months later by the visit of Macedonia’s Defense Minister L. Kitanoski to Washington for meetings at the Pentagon. On the agenda: the establishment of a NATO base in Macedonia.31

No time was lost: on May 6, 1998, the NATO Council met “to review alliance efforts” in the region; a major military exercise entitled “Cooperative Best Effort” was slated to take place in Macedonia in September. NATO nonetheless “reassured the international community” that the military exercise was not meant to be “a rehearsal”, rather it was to enable “NATO military authorities to study various options. Decisions on whether to execute any of those options would be a matter for future decision.”32

Largely the consequence of KLA terrorism, the deterioration of the security situation in Kosovo conveniently provided NATO with a pretext to build up its ground forces in Macedonia (composed largely of British and French troops). According to NATO, it was therefore necessary to envisage “a more complicated and ambitious [military] exercise [in Macedonia] to send a clear political signal [to Belgrade] of NATO’s involvement”.33

 The Role of the Kosovo Liberation Army

In parallel with the setting up of its military operations in Albania and Macedonia, NATO had established direct links with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). A US Department of Defense briefing confirms in this regard that “initial contacts” between the KLA and NATO had taken place by mid-1998:

“…the realization has come to people [in NATO] that we [NATO] have to have the UCK [acronym for KLA in Albanian] involved in this process because they have shown at least the potential to be rejectionists of any deal that could be worked out there with the existing Kosovo parties. So somehow they have to be brought in and that’s why we’ve made some initial contacts there with the group, hopefully the right people in the group, to try and bring them into this negotiating process. 34

While these “initial contacts” were acknowledged by NATO officially only in mid-1998, the KLA had (according to several reports) been receiving “covert support” and training from the CIA and Germany’s Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND) since the mid-nineties.35

The concurrent building up of KLA forces was part of NATO planning. By mid-1998 “covert support” had been gradually replaced –despite the KLA’s links to organised crime– by official (“overt”) support by the military Alliance in violation of UN Security Council Resolution UNSCR 1160 of 31 March 1998 which condemned: “…all acts of terrorism by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group or individual and all external support for terrorist activity in Kosovo, including finance, arms and training.”

On 24 September 1998, another key UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR 1199) was adopted which called “upon the authorities in Belgrade and the leadership of the Kosovar Albanian community urgently to enter without preconditions into a meaningful dialogue on political status issues.” It also required Belgrade to withdraw its troops from Kosovo.

Following a renewed wave of KLA terrorism, the Yugoslav authorities were blamed for the “crackdowns on ethnic Albanians” providing NATO defense ministers meeting in Vilmoura Portugal (September 24th on the same day as the adoption of UNSCR 1199) with the “justification” to issue an “activation warning” for a campaign of air strikes against Serb positions. The Vilmoura statement called upon Belgrade to “take immediate steps to alleviate the humanitarian situation…, stop repressive actions against the population and seek a political solution through negotiations with the Albanian majority”.36

This so-called “activation warning” was followed in mid-October by “an activation order” by the North Atlantic Council authorising NATO’s Supreme Commander for Europe General Wesley Clark to initiate “limited air strikes” and a “phased air campaign” … should the Yugoslav authorities refuse to comply with UNSCR 1199.37

Under the impending threat of air strikes, a partial withdrawal was carried out by Belgrade (following the adoption of UNSCR 1199) creating almost immediately conditions for the KLA to occupy positions previously held by retreating Serb forces.. In turn, the strengthening of the KLA was accompanied by renewed terrorist activity and a consequent “worsening of the security situation”. NATO’s hidden objective, in this regard, was to use the KLA insurgency to further provoke ethnic tensions and generate social strife in Kosovo.

In the meantime, US envoy Richard Holbrooke had entered into discussions with President Milosovic. Forged under the threat of NATO air strikes, negotiations on Kosovo’s political status had also been initiated in Pristina between a Serbian delegation led by President Milan Milutinovic and Ibrahim Rugova, President of the Democratic League (DLK) representing ethnic Albanians. While Mr Christopher Hill, the US envoy had been invited as an observer to these meetings, Milutinovic had insisted that the negotiations (which proceeded from UNSCR 1199) were an internal matter.

Following the agreement between US envoy Richard Holbrooke and President Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslavia was to complete negotiations on “a framework for a political settlement” by the 2nd of November 1998. Moreover, a Verification Mission to establish compliance with resolutions UNSCR 1160 and UNSCR 1199, was put in place in Kosovo under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). A parallel NATO air verification mission (complementing the OSCE verification mission) was established following an agreement signed in Belgrade on 15 October 1998 by the Yugoslav Chief of General Staff and NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, General Wesley Clark.

The terms of both the OSCE and NATO verification agreements were subsequently embodied in UNSCR 1260 of October 24th. Whereas Belgrade was given a 96 hour “deadline for compliance”, the Alliance decided to postpone the initiation of air strikes following talks in Belgrade (October 25-26) between President Slobodan Milosevic and General Wesley Clark. According to the Alliance statement: “NATO will remain prepared to carry out air operations should they be necessary” 38. In the meantime, NATO launched Operation Eagle Eye using unarmed aircraft and unmanned predator aerial vehicles (UAVs). Eagle Eye surveillance activities were coordinated with the “ground verification” mission conducted by OSCE observer teams and by the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM).

A Former “Iran-Contragate” Official Heads the OSCE Verification Mission

In the meantime, a career US diplomat, Ambassador William G. Walker was appointed Head of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM). A tailor-made assignment: Walker was well-known for his role in the “Iran-Contragate” scandal during the Reagan administration. The KLA insurgency was in many regards a “carbon copy” of the Nicaraguan Contras which had also been funded by drug money with covert support from the CIA.

Well documented by court files, William G. Walker –in association with Oliver North– played a key role in channelling covert funding to the Nicaraguan Contras while serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs in the Reagan Administration. In this capacity, he became a special assistant to Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams, “a figure whose name would soon be making its way into the headlines on a daily basis in connection with … the “Iran-Contra” affair.”39

William G. Walker had been involved in the so-called Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office (“NHAO”) in the State Department which was a cover-up fund whereby covert military aid was supplied to the Contras. The objective was to circumvent the so-called “Boland Amendments”, –ie.. “riders” to the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, “which prohibited the [US] government from spending money for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Nicaragua”. 40 Confirmed by files of the US Court of Appeal (District of Columbia), “Walker attended some meetings of the Restricted Interagency Group for Central America, of which Oliver North was a member”.41

Walker was never indicted for criminal wrong-doings in the Iran- Contragate scandal.. Upon completing his work with Oliver North, he was appointed US Ambassador to El Salvador. His stint in El Salvador coincided with the rise of the death squadrons and a period during which the country was virtually “under the grip of US sponsored State terror.”42

In Kosovo, William G. Walker applied his skills in covert operations acquired in Central America. As head of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), Walker maintained close links to the KLA military command in the field.43 From the outset of his mission in Kosovo, he used his position to pursue the interests of the Alliance.

“The Racak Massacre”

The so-called “Racak massacre” occurred shortly before the launching of the Rambouillet “peace initiative”. although it turned out to be a fake, the Racak massacre nonetheless played a key role in “setting the stage” for NATO’s air raids. William Walker declared (in his capacity as head of KVM) that the Yugoslav police had carried out a massacre of civilians at Racak on January 15th. The Yugoslav authorities retorted that local police had in fact conducted an operation in this village against the Kosovo Libration Army and that several KLA soliders had died in cross-fire. As later reported by several French newspapers (Le Monde, Le Figaro and Liberation), it was confirmed that the “Racak massacre” was indeed a fake put together with a view to discrediting Belgrade:

“Eventually, even the Los Angeles Times joined in, running a story entitled “Racak Massacre Questions: Were Atrocities Faked?” The theory behind all these exposs was that the KLA had gathered their own dead after the battle, removed their uniforms, put them in civilian clothes, and then called in the observers.”44.

The Rambouillet Process

On January 22, senior officials of the so-called “Contact Group” of six countries (including the US, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) meeting in London called for a peace conference which would bring together the Yugoslav government and “representatives of ethnic Albanians.” In turn, NATO warned that it was “ready to act” if the peace plan to be finalised by the Contact Group were rejected. United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan concurred during a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels that the threat of force was “essential” to press both sides into a settlement.45

In the meantime, while supporting the KLA insurgency on the ground, the Alliance had also contributed to spearheading KLA leader Hashim Thaci (a 29 year “freedom fighter”) into heading the Kosovar delegation to Rambouillet, on behalf of the ethnic Albanian majority. The Democratic League headed by Ibrahim Rugova had been deliberately side-stepped. The Alliance was relying on its KLA puppets (linked to organised crime) to rubber-stamp an agreement which would have transformed Kosovo into an occupied territory under NATO military rule.

While negotiations were ongoing in Rambouillet, NATO decided to increase the readiness of its assigned forces “so as to make them able to execute the operation within 48 hours”.46 In other words, “peace negotiations” had been initiated in Rambouillet (contrary to the Vienna Convention) under the threat of impending air strikes. NATO had granted a three weeks period to the parties meeting in Rambouillet to conclude negotiations.

On February 19, one day prior to the deadline, NATO Secretary General Javier Solano reaffirmed that, “if no agreement is reached by the deadline set by the Contact Group, NATO is ready to take whatever measures are necessary to avert a humanitarian catastrophe”.47 And on 22 March 1999, NATO’S North Atlantic Council authorised”the Secretary General to decide, subject to further consultations, on a broader range of air operations if necessary.”48 And on 23 March 1999, NATO’s Secretary General directed the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe General Wesley Clark to initiate air operations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Air operations commenced on 24 March 1999 under the nickname “Operation Allied Force.”49

 Sending in Ground Troups Under a G-8 “Peace Plan”

Since the brutal onslaught of the air campaign on March 24, the Alliance has continued to build up its ground combat troops on the Macedonian border in anticipation of an impending military invasion. Initially NATO had envisaged a Kosovo occupation force of 50,000 troops which could be increased to 60,000 with a larger US share than the 4,000 initially envisaged under Rambouillet.

In other words, the proposed invasion force was to be more than double that under Rambouillet (28,000 troops) while also enforcing all the normative clauses of the initial Rambouillet agreement including the “free movement” of NATO combat units throughout Yugoslavia.

In the meantime, NATO’s military establishment was forcing the pace of international diplomacy. The Alliance hinted in May that a ground offensive could be launched prior to reaching a “peace agreement” sanctioned by the G8 and ratified by the United Nations Security Council.

In addition to the 16,000 ground troops already stationed (well before the beginning of the bombings) in Macedonia (of which almost half are British), some 7000 NATO troops and “special forces” were also present in Albania, not to mention the NATO troops stationed in Bosnia-Herzegovina under Operation Joint Endeavour:

“We’ve already put quite a lot of troops in Macedonia as the nucleus of that operation”, said British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. “There are over 12,000 there already… and last weekend [14-15 May] we committed another two and a half thousand to go there. We need to build up – actually we need to build up now…”50.

In late May, the 60,000 troops target was revised to 150,000. Alliance officials estimating that “if the alliance later decides to mobilize for a land attack … an invasion force could number more than 150,000 soldiers.”51 Prime Minister Tony Blair in a separate statement had (without any form of parliamentary debate) confirmed the sending of 50,000 British troops as part of the 150,000 invasion force.

In early June, a NATO led invasion under a bogus G8-UN peace initiative was put forth. While the latter served to appease and distract public opinion, it usefully provided the Alliance with a semblance of legitimacy under the UN Charter. It also purported to overcome the hesitation of elected politicians including German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Italian Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema. The US Administration also required the “rubber stamp” of the United Nations Security Council so as to acquire the assent of the Republican dominated Congress:

“House and Senate Democrats agree there is little support at this point for launching ground troops… even if Clinton and other NATO leaders could reach a consensus on such a dramatic shift in tactics. For now, Clinton has said he is opposed to ground troops.”52

The US House of Representatives (in what appeared to be a partisan “anti-Clinton” vote) has declined to even endorse the air campaign while signifying its refusal to authorize a “ground war” without congressional approval. In early April, Republicans and Democrats joined hands in the House and threw out a proposed “declaration of war on Yugoslavia” by an overwhelming 427-2 vote.

In late May, seventeen members of Congress launched a suit against President Clinton pointing to the blatant breach of the US Constitution:

“that the Defendant, the President of the United States, is unconstitutionally continuing an offensive military attack by United States Armed Forces against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without obtaining a declaration of war or other explicit authority from the Congress of the United States as required by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, and despite Congress’ decision not to authorize such action.” 53

The law suit launched in District Court (District of Columbia) also pointed to the violation of the War Powers Resolution of 1973, a Vietnam War-era legislation which requires “the sitting President congressional approval for the “introduction into hostilities” of the U.S. armed forces for longer than 60 days”:

Plaintiffs also seek a declaration that a report pursuant to Section 1543(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution was required to be submitted on March 26, 1999, within 48 hours of the introduction into hostilities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of United States Armed Forces. Additionally, Plaintiffs seek a declaration that, pursuant to Section 1544(b) of the Resolution, the President must terminate the use of United States Armed Forces engaged in hostilities against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia no later than sixty calendar days after March 26, 1999. The President must do so unless the Congress declares war or enacts other explicit authorization, or has extended the sixty day period, or the President determines that thirty additional days are necessary to safely withdraw United States Armed Forces from combat.54

NATO as “Peace-keepers”

Echoing the barrage of self-serving NATO propaganda, the media scam now consists in skilfully portraying Alliance ground troops as bona fide “peace-keepers”. Public opinion should not be deluded as to the meaning of a G8-UN brokered diplomatic solution.

An “international presence” consisting largely of NATO troops under the G8 proposal (ratified by the Serbian Parliament in early June) could include a token participation of “non-NATO forces” including Russia and the Ukraine. While Moscow agreed in early June that all Yugoslav forces be withdrawn from Kosovo alongside the disarmement of the KLA, Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin nonetheless insisted that the command structure of the proposed international force be under the control and jurisdiction of the United Nations.

Despite his perfunctory condemnation of NATO bombings, Russian President Boris Yeltsin is a Western puppet. Chernomyrdin writing in the Washington Post had earlier warned that a continuation of the air raids could hurt US-Russian relations: “The world has never in this decade been so close as now to be on brink of nuclear war…” adding that “Russia would pull out of the negotiating process if NATO bombing, which started March 24, doesn’t stop soon.”55

In the meantime, the Alliance, however, had persisted in maintaining a unified NATO command structure (which was unacceptable to Moscow and Belgrade). NATO has also stepped up the bombings as a means of pressuring Belgrade into accepting (without prior negotiation) NATO’s “five conditions”.

If the G-8 proposal were to be ratified, NATO would first send in US Marines into Kosovo from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the Adriatic Sea. The Marines would be part of a so-called “Enabling Force” prior to the moving in of a force of 50,000 troops.

A G-8 “peace proposal” (implying a de facto military occupation of Kosovo) could be formally ratified at the Cologne G7-G8 Summit in mid-June. All G7 heads of government and heads of State together with President Boris Yeltsin will be in attendance at Cologne in what is hoped to be a highflown display of unity in favour of a (G8 sanctioned) NATO led invasion. NATO nonetheless warned in early June that should the diplomatic initiative not succeed, the Alliance would proceed with a ground invasion involving 150,000 troops….

The Sending in of “Special Forces”

In the meantime, an incipient undeclared ground War has already commenced: special British, French and American forces were reported to be advising the KLA in the conduct of ground combat operations against regular units of the Yugoslav Army. To support this initiative, a Republican sponsored bill was launched in the US Congress to provide direct military aid to the KLA.

These “special forces” are “advising the rebels at their strongholds in northern Albania, where the KLA has launched a major recruitment and training operation. According to high-ranking KLA officials, the [British] SAS is using two camps near Tirana, the Albanian capital, and another on the Kosovar border to teach KLA officers how to conduct intelligence-gathering operations on Serbian positions”.56 In May, three French special forces officers wearing uniforms of the French Armed Forces (“Parachutistes”) were reported killed on the Albania-Yugoslavia border by the Yugoslav daily Vecernje Novosti. According to the French daily Libration, the three men were allegedly “instructors in charge of coordinating ground war activities by the KLA…”57.

 An Unholy “Marriage of Convenience”

In addition to the dispatch of Western special forces, Mujehadeen mercenaries and other Islamic fundamentalist groups (financed inter alia by Iran and Saudi financier Osmane Bin L

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