

E' da ben prima della aggressione della NATO sulla Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia (primavera 1999) che molti di noi -
jugoslavisti, antimperialisti e/o marxisti - vanno stigmatizzando
la retorica usata da importanti settori del femminismo sulle
questioni balcaniche. Il femminismo storico, adoperando il
"differenzialismo" - ben oltre la "differenza di genere" -
come chiave di interpretazione generica-universale, ed anche
alle vicende gravissime della fase post-Ottantanove inclusa la
disgregazione di molti paesi ex-socialisti, si e' collocato di
fatto all'interno del carrozzone che ha plaudito in particolare
allo squartamento della RFS di Jugoslavia.

Un carrozzone che ha incluso in se' ambienti culturali e
politici di segno molto vario, la cui ideologia accomunante
e' una visione astratta, ingenua ed anti-marxiana dei "diritti".
Questi sono intesi di volta in volta come "diritti delle
minoranze", anche se strumentalmente e per il solo danno di
grandi maggioranze; "diritti dei popoli", anche se contro i
diritti formali dell'individuo o "cittadino" nel senso
affermatosi con la Rivoluzione Francese; "diritti umani", anche
se all'unisono con la propaganda che, in materia, attuano settori
specializzati del Dipartimento di Stato USA, grandi fondazioni
occidentali, ed i "radicali transnazionali" di Marco Pannella ed
Emma Bonino. "Diritti", sempre e comunque a prescindere dalla
analisi concreta della situazione concreta, specialmente politico-
economica, ed a prescindere da ogni criterio di giustizia e
progresso - nel senso di aumento generalizzato del benessere -
sociale collettivo, non solamente "etnico" o "comunitario".

Con il piede di porco del "differenzialismo", e con il concorso
determinante di una disinformazione mirata, si e' affermato
insomma un pensiero decadente ed antimoderno, e si sono tenuti
atteggiamenti utili spesso alle strumentalizzazioni dei peggiori
settori micronazionalisti, reazionari/vandeani, revanscisti,
militaristi, coloniali, imperialisti. Non ci ha percio' sorpreso
il fatto che parte del movimento internazionale delle Donne in Nero
- come raccontato ad esempio da Nadia Cervone nel corso dell'assemblea
"Alleanze di pace contro l'Alleanza Atlantica" (Roma 22/4/2001) -
non fosse sicuro di dover ripudiare i bombardamenti NATO.
A tutt'oggi pero', nonostante l'abominio di quei bombardamenti
NATO e nonostante la conoscenza sempre piu' generalizzata delle
responsabilita' occidentali, della alleanza tra NATO e terrorismo
nei Balcani, e della vera fisionomia politico-ideologica di talune
parti in conflitto, continuiamo ad essere testimoni di prese di
posizione ed iniziative quantomeno discutibili da parte di certa
sinistra, e di femministe in particolare.

Riportiamo di seguito la documentazione di un fatto estremamente
grave avvenuto a Bologna nei giorni scorsi. La "Associazione
Orlando", che e' affine alle Donne in Nero (con le quali
co-promuove una serie di iniziative bolognesi in vista dell'8
marzo) ha organizzato un incontro con donne legate all'UCK ed al
Dipartimento di Stato USA, presentate come "donne di pace".
Si tratta anche di personaggi rilevanti della classe dirigente
sciovinista pan-albanese al potere oggi nella provincia del
Kosovo-Metohija: un regime dai connotati coloniali, imposto e
poi difeso dalle truppe di occupazione della NATO, che si sostenta
anche con i traffici criminali gestiti dall'UCK. Tra i quali -
tanto per rimanere in tema di diritti delle donne - la compravendita
di ragazze da vari paesi, costrette alla prostituzione in Kosovo
come in Italia.

Italo Slavo

>From: Lalla Golfarelli
>To: Contropiani
>Subject: Fwd: invito 26 febbraio 2002
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:30:56 +0100 (CET)
>L'Associazione "Orlando" opera in Kossovo dal 1994. Attualmente
>gestisce, per conto dell'Associazione per le Donne dell'Area dei
>Balcani, il progetto "Donne Kossovare per una società libera dalla
>violenza", finanziato da ONU/UNIFEM. In tale contesto di scambi,
>amiche kossovare saranno a Bologna nei prossimi giorni. Per
>capire riflettere e riflettere sul Kossovo attuale, il suo
>"dopoguerra" e transizione, come momento topico del cambiamento
>a livello mondiale vi invitiamo ad un:
>Martedì, 26 Febbraio 2002
>ore 18.00
>Sala dello Zodiaco
>Via Zamboni, 13
>"Quali spazi per società civile e democrazia
>e quali spazi pubblici di donne in Kossovo"
>Presiede: Giancarla Codrignani
>Aferdita Kelmendi, Xheraldina Vula
>Antigone Baxhaku, Ganimete Shaqiri
>Giornaliste di RTV21, radiotelevisione di Pristina,
>che producono, tra l'altro, trasmissioni dedicate a
>donne attive nella società kossovara impegnate dal
>punto di vista politico, sociale e culturale.
>Alma Hyseni, Mevlyde Myftari, Myzafere Radoniqi,
>Ibgalle Rexha, Hulja Sabani, Mehrije Suka,
>Professioniste dei "Centers for the Protection of
>Women and Children -
>CPWC": centri diffusi in tutto il territorio kossovaro
>che agiscono contro la violenza alle donne e fungono
>come spazi di aggregazione e riferimento per la società
>Sevdjie Ahmeti
>Figura nota per il suo impegno per i diritti umani e
>presidente "Centers for the Protection of Women and
>Children - CPWC".
>Vjosa Dobruna
>Già ministra nel governo provvisorio e attualmente
>Presidente della TV pubblica kossovara, nonché figura
>attiva nella sfera pubblica e politica del paese.
>Lalla Golfarelli e Gabriella Rossetti
>dell'Associazione "Orlando"

----- Original Message -----
From: Gennaro Scala
To: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: [noocse-bo] All'associazione "Orlando": richiesta di

L'iniziativa di martedì prossimo da voi promossa e pubblicizzata anche
su questa lista, "Quali spazi per società civile e democrazia e quali
spazi pubblici di donne in Kossovo", prevede la presenza di esponenti
della "società civile" kossovara che è ben difficile definire "donne
di pace".

Tre di queste donne risultano essere state attivamente impegnate dalla
parte degli USA nel conflitto che visto la distruzione della
Jugoslavia da parte della superpotenza statunitense. Da una semplice
ricerca in internet risulta che la dott.essa Vjosa Dobruna, nota
pedagogista, e la giornalista Aferdita Kelmendi hanno richiesto
pubblicamente i bombardamenti della Nato
http://www.usembassy.it/file9904/alia/99041414.htm . La dott.essa
Vjosa Dobruna ha partecipato a una conferenza stampa organizzate dalla
Nato in cui si chiedeva di "far presto" per prevenire ul ulteriore
deterioramente della situazione.

Vjosa Dobruna, Aferdita Kelmendi e Xheraldina Vula risultano tra i
firmatari di un documento "per la transizione" del dopoguerra
http://www.usip.org/oc/events/lansdowne.html. Questo documento stilato
negli Stati Uniti il 13 settembre del 1999 vedeva tra i firmatari
anche l'UCK, le cui pratiche terroristiche e i cui rapporti con la
criminalità organizzata non vengono oramai messi in dubbio da nessuno
(ultimamente sono stati indicati da più parti dei possibili legami
dell'UCK con la rete terroristica Al Qaida di Bin Laden).

L'ampia attività di Vjosa Dobruna, Xheraldina Vula a favore della
Nato, indubbia e in merito alla quale è possibile reperire in internet
una notevole quantità di tracce, ha fatto guadagnare loro le
"congratulazioni" personali e dirette di Madeleine Albright,

la sanguinaria ex-ministra degli esteri statunitense che in una
trasmissione televisiva americana dichiarava la morte di 500.000 mila
bambini iracheni in seguito all'embargo e alle conseguenze della
guerra in prezzo di cui valeva la pena pagare: "This is a very hard
choice, but we think the price is worth it.".

In base a quanto detto CHIEDO:

Per quale motivo un'associazione come "Orlando" che si dichiara
pacifista ha ritenuto di dover invitare delle persone così attivamente
schierate dalla parte della guerra?

Per quale motivo non sono state invitate donne serbe o donne rom, le
quali pure fanno parte della "società civile" kossovara e sono state
anch'esse vittime di violenza?

Gennaro Scala

--- End forwarded message -------------------


(a cura di G. Scala, dalle liste noocse-bo e aa-forum)


Aferdita Kelmendi, Xheraldina Vula, Vjosa Dobruna

The Lansdowne Declaration

Stilata negli Usa e firmata anche dall'UCK



Vjosa Dobruna

Berger, Dole at Washington Dinner

NAAC held a fundraising dinner in Washington, DC, to
support the Kosova Relief Fund. Over 300 people
attended the dinner, including representatives from
the highest levels of government.
Former presidential candidate Bob Dole was honored for
his efforts to help the cause of Kosova, as was
Congressman Eliot Engel and Prishtina activist, Dr.
Vjosa Dobruna. Dole, who turned 76 that evening,
celebrated his birthday at the dinner.
ABC News anchor Cokie Roberts was the master of
ceremonies for the evening.
United States National Security Advisor, Samuel
Berger, was the keynote speaker. Berger expressed the
Administration?s satisfaction with the outcome of the
war in Kosova. He also called upon Albanians to resist
urges to seek revenge, arguing that such actions would
diminish support for their cause.
Berger?s speech was preceded by a Kosova Relief Fund
video presentation of its efforts to help the

Questa pagina porta il logo del genova social forum
Sono venute a Bolzano nel luglio scorso le
destinatarie del premio Langer 2000, la kosovara Vjosa
Dobruna e la jugoslava Natasa Kandic. Ci hanno portato
testimonianze dirette e drammatiche di ciò che stava
succedendo e che l'intervento internazionale ha
fermato. Vjosa è incaricata ora dall'ONU per la
ricostruzione della convivenza e Natasa è tra le più
ferme accusatrici di Milosevic davanti al tribunale
internazionale dell'Aia, che una parte della sinistra
considera semplicemente un braccio armato degli Stati


NATO HQ Press Conference with three Albanian leaders
Dr Vjosa Dobruna, Mr Blerim Schala and Mr Skelzen

Maliqi 30 Apr. 1999 -- There are some 500 - 700,000
internally displaced persons in Kosovo, but some
265,000 of these displaced persons were already living
in the bushes, in the mountains, in Kosovo prior to
the first NATO airstrike, so their number is just
bigger because the ethnic cleansing started to develop
even in the urban areas. The people that are in
Kosovo, they are in badly need for food, for medical
care and for security. What NATO, what decision it is
going to make, there is nothing that I can say about
that. I wish that they will do very fast because if
NATO is doing the strikes to prevent further
deterioration of the situation in Kosovo, so the
further deterioration is counted and the loss of lives
of Kosovars that are inside, and there are a big, big
number of them. NATO and the Western Alliance must try
to help the internally-displaced persons inside Kosovo
because if we do not do something in the meantime we
will face the starvation of thousands of Albanians and
we will also have a humanitarian catastrophe inside


Le congratulazioni della Albright:

"I want to congratulate Vjosa Dobruna, Xheraldina Vula ..."

"When asked on US television if she thought that the death of half a
million Iraqi children was a price worth paying, Albright replied:
"This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it." --
John Pilger, "Squeezed to Death" Guardian, March 4 2000

Un tribunale popolare sulle frequenze della BBC


BBC-news on line (in rete) e BBC-talking point on air (radiofonica)
hanno organizzato recentemente un dibattito aperto al pubblico
sul tema: TPI, giustizia e processo contro S. Milosevic.

Il dibattito è ormai chiuso, ma sul sito dell'agenzia britanica è
tuttora esposta una ricca selezione di opinioni espresse in
quell'occasione da persone di differenti parti del pianeta terra.
Io le ho lette tutte e debbo dire che malgrado tutta la propaganda,
la Nato evidentemente ha tutto da temere da un tribunale popolare.

Vi propongo solo due interventi, il primo perche' viene da un
kosovaro, ma genuino, reale, e non di cartapesta mediatica, e l'altro
da un ceceno.

O. Juric


"Tutta la mia vita l'ho passata in Kosovo. Le cose, ai tempi di
Milosevic, non erano ideali, soprattutto per noi albanesi.
Ma quando la Nato comincio' coi suoi bombardamenti
io persi molti dei familiari e degli amici. Tutto quello che
desidero è che la vita torni come era prima e che l' Uçk
se ne vada via.
L' Occidente dovrebbe rifletere prima di agire. Qui si
tratta di migliaia di vite umane perse."

Mesut S. - Kosovo


"Io vorrei ringraziare la Nato per tutto quello che ha fatto in
Kosovo. Due mesi dopo che voi avete terminato coll'uccidere decine
di migliaia di persone, la Russia venne nel mio paese. Loro
ne uccidono a centinaia di migliaia. Il presidente Putin
gode di grandissima popolarità nel suo paese, come T. Blair
e Clinton nei loro".

Samdul K, Chechenya

Narodni sud na talasima BBC


Na radio talasima i u elektro-mrezi BBC-a (news on line i BBC-talking
point on air) nedavno je zavrsena debata o Haskom tribunalu, pravdi i
sudjenju S. Milosevicu u koju su i slusaoci mogli da se ukljuce.
Trenutno u gornjem izlogu mozete prelistati poduzi izbor iz ovih
priloga obicnih gradjana. Onome ko nadje vremena da ih sve procita,
neminovno ce se nametnuti zakljucak da, uprkos svekolikoj propagandi,
Nato pakt s razlogom treba da se plasi suda po volji naroda.
Ja sam izdvojila samo dva, prvi, jer odrazava misljenje Albanca sa
Kosova, realnog Albanca a ne kavog smo uobicajili da srecemo u
medijima koji lazu. Drugi je iz Cecenije.
Obe poruke su vrlo upecatljive.

Sa engleskog na bosnjacki prevela (ovo je sala na racun Haskog
krimic suda, ali taj jezik predaju i na Sorboni, kao i crnogorski)

O. Juric


"Na Kosovu mi je ceo zivot protekao. Nije bilo idealno u
Milosevicevo vreme, narocito ne za nas Albance, ali kada je Nato poceo
bombardovanjem, stradalo je mnogo moje rodbine i prijatelja. Jedino sto
zelim to je da zivim kako smo pre ziveli i da UCK ode.
Zapad bi trebalo dobro da razmisli pre nego sto stupi u akciju.
Radi se o hiljadama ljudskih zivota

Mesut S. Kosovo


"Ja zelim da zahvalim Nato-paktu za sve sto je ucinio na Kosovu.
Dva meseca nakon sto je prestao sa ubijanjem na destine hiljada
stanovnika Kosova, Rusija je usla u moju zemlju. Oni ubijaju na
stotine hiljada. A predsednik Putin je veoma popularan u svojoj
zemlji kao sto su Bler i Klinton popularni u svojim."

Samdul K. Cecenija

published on 2 March in the Internet addition of Halo
Noviny (Czech Republic).

Interviewer Jan Hrobar. Kindly translated from the
Czech by Colin Meade.

Q: You were recently in The Hague. Did you personally
meet President Milosevic?

Vladimir Krsljanin: Unfortunately not this time. The
'tribunal' restricts Milosevic, who is the President
of our party, to only one meeting a month, lasting a
few hours, with members of the party leadership. One
such took place about a month ago. I was present at
the opening of the 'trial' as a visitor. We sat in the
gallery behind a glass screen and could only wave to

Q: What impression did Milosevic make on you?

V.K. He made an absolutely superior impression not
only on me, but perhaps on all those present. There
were about a thousand journalists there from the whole
world. I think we could agree on this assessment. This
impression was certainly strengthened by the fact that
Milosevic stood alone before the 'tribunal' which is a
huge machine in the service of NATO, but with
admirable fearlessness he put forward his defence and
defeated everything which the staff of NATO experts,
employing immense technical resources, had built up
over a period of months. I think that it is impossible
to exaggerate Milosevic's achievement.

Q: Milosevic has usually addressed the 'court' in
English. What language did he use in his defence

V.K.: Serbo-Croatian. He had spoken English in dealing
with some procedural issues at the start of the
process but gave up doing so and for the past few
months has only used Serbo-Croatian before the
'tribunal'. He continues to do so, and it couldn't be
otherwise because the main Serbian TV channel is
broadcasting direct from the 'courtroom' and Milosevic
is making full use of this to address the whole

Q: How did his speech go down in Belgrade?

V.K.: Let me give you some figures, which speak louder
than any words. At present, according to our polls,
77% of the citizens of the FRY are behind Milosevic.
They feel he is defending not only himself but the
whole nation, which has been denigrated and humiliated
in The Hague. 67% believe that Milosevic will win and
together with him truth and justice, that the Serbian
nation will be vindicated before the world.

Q: How long did Milosevic speak?

V.K.: For a total of eleven hours over three days. He
started speaking at the end of the second day (13
February), but only for about half an hour before the
'court' rose. Three more days were given over to
Milosevic's defence, but on two of those days, the
'court' only sat in the morning for three hours. An
hour or so of that time was taken up with the showing
of videos displaying crimes committed by NATO in the
aggression against the FRY.

Q: The foreign media used superlatives in describing
Milosevic's performance. Did you expect him to be so

V.K.: We expected him to speak very effectively. We
had seen how strongly he performed at his previous
appearances before the 'tribunal', the great weight of
each argument he used to show that the 'tribunal' is
an illegal manipulated instrument in the service of
NATO and of US policy in particular.

I have to say that Milosevic's cross-examination
surprised both his friends and his enemies. Parts of
his appearance were seen by an estimated billion
people. It is especially important that it left a
strong impression. The prevailing view now is that
Milosevic is a politician without equal not only in
Serbia but also the Balkans, that he is a political
figure of international stature. Everyone could
satisfy themselves of this.

Q: As a result of this impression, people have begun
to speculate about who helped Milosevic to prepare
such a convincing presentation. What do you think
about this?

V.K.: I'm being asked this question a lot at press
conferences. I think that two factors are working
together here. The force of Milosevic's personality,
his great intellectual powers, and the fact that he is
not alone, that behind him stands the whole of our
party, all genuine patriots and practically the whole
nation, and many friends around the world. He feels
this support and the responsibility to destroy with
his words every lie.

Q: In his political career, he showed himself to be a
capable economist and financier who succeeded in
taming runaway inflation. Did he also study law?

V.K.: Yes, he studied in Belgrade and was an
outstanding student. It is notable that the majority
of professors from his faculty are supporting him.
About 30 formed a group opposing the 'tribunal'. They
show its violation of legal norms and therefore the
illegality of the 'trial.' Many people from all walks
of life want to support President Milosevic and are
offering to testify to prove he is innocent and must
be released.

Q: Some observers are surprised at the fact that
Milosevic, even after long imprisonment, seems in
excellent physical and mental condition?.

V.K.: Yes, it's remarkable. When I met him about a
month ago, I was much impressed by his vitality. All
the more so because he is held in isolation in
conditions which destroy people's strength. In a tiny
cell with minimal facilities, exposed to constant
physical and also psychological pressure. The
awareness that he is struggling for justice for his
people gives him the boundless moral strength to
resist such destructive conditions?
You ask how I see the future of the 'trial'. I'm
convinced that his jailers and their NATO paymasters
are also preoccupied with these matters and are coming
to the conclusion that the way to beat him is to break
him physically. He has destroyed the prepared scenario
for the 'trial', exposed the weakness of their
fabricated arguments and the lies of their witnesses;
he has dazzled the public and he has gained the
backing of fair-minded people around the world. In the
predictions being made by the Hague 'tribunal' that
the 'trial' may last two years or even longer, I see
an attempt, through endless delays, to wear him down.
No one is made of iron; intolerable conditions can
destroy anyone. Milosevic is waging a battle in which
he deserves the support of all who believe in
democracy and care about truth and justice. Demand his
release so that he can defend himself in freedom! The
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
is supporting this demand in the context of the
broader demand that he be freed unconditionally and
the Tribunal be abolished. His jailers know that other
than physical abuse, they have no way to defeat him.
Milosevic's courage requires not only recognition and
admiration, but defence and support from all decent

Posted in Czech at :

Copyright "Halo Noviny"


Subject: Milosevic scored 1:0 against NATO in the Hague
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 02:49:16 -0600
From: camp@...
Organization: Antiimperialist Camp News

The corporate media does not know how to cope with
Milosevic?s accuse against NATO. In order to avoid a
collapse of the amalgam of lies, which have been
proven to be fakes by the ex president?s arguments,
these very same lies are being once again inflated
and endlessly repeated, for example:

The picture from Trnopolje, which suggests a Serbian
concentration camp by showing an emaciated man
behind a barbwire is displayed again and again on
all the TV screens of the world - despite the fact
that the photograph was taken from inside the fence.
A fact which actually should be known to the

The alleged massacre of Racak, which was used as the
pretext to legitimate the NATO attack, has been
refuted by both Dr. Helena Ranta, head of the
forensic commission of OSCE, as well as of the
German General Heinz Loquai of the OSCE monitoring
mission in Kosovo. They proved the event to be a
skirmish between UCK and Yugoslav troops.

Milosevic continues to be presented as a
bloodthirsty monster to whose arguments one should
not listen (arguments which are often distorted or
not even reported).

Even if the front of the corporate media remains
firm, however, in front of all those who retain a
trace of critical thinking Milosevic succeeded in
defying NATO?s attempt to grant itself absolution by
a political inquisition process. He was even able to
put forward heavy charges against NATO:

· The tribunal is illegitimate as it was set
up by the aggressor states and furthermore violates
the UN statutes. The criminals pose as judges.
· The secessions instigated by the West under
the guise of the right to ?self-determination? has
led and was intended to lead towards a civil war as
the Yugoslav nationalities used to live completely
· The Serb had been denied the very same right
to self-determination in Croatia and Bosnia.
· Yugoslavia was the only conceivable peaceful
co-existence and self-determination of the different
· The manifold aggression against Yugoslavia
served the geo-strategic interest of the West.
Whoever dares to defy the tyranny of the ?New World
Order? and to insist on sovereignty and
self-determination ought to be crushed by all means.

In the Hague the entire Yugoslav and Serb people are
being accused of resistance against neo-colonialism.
In defying these lies Milosevic proved to be a
steadfast advocate of his people restoring historic
truth about the Western imperialist aggression.

However, we will not forget his grave political
mistakes during his ten years defence against the
aggression. Unfortunately, he simply repeated these
mistakes in his defence: While Yugoslavia could have
easily crushed the pro-imperialist forces in Bosnia
and Croatia he chose to compromise with imperialism
in Dayton in 1995 betraying the democratic and
anti-fascist uprising of the local Serbs. Now he is
lamenting that imperialism is not rewarding this
sell-out. He opportunistically equated the Serbian
struggle against pro-imperialist Albanian
secessionism with the US war on ?terror? while
everybody knows that NATO?s attack on Yugoslavia was
an integral part of this very war, which is nothing
else than the US? attempt to retain global hegemony
by brute military force. With no single word he
asked his people for excuse for the widespread
corruption (the fact that under Djindjic-Kostunica
corruption has been growing to an unprecedented
extent does not alter this necessity) while!
he defended his wife and son who are regarded as
the worst examples of the red mafia. And last but
not least he did not mention the revolutionary
traditions of Yugoslavia embodied by the Partisan

Disband the political inquisition of the Hague!
Free Slobodan Milosevic and all other political
Put NATO to popular trial!

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10

Mirko Marjanovic o sudjenju Slobodanu Milosevicu
Za srpskohrvatsku verziju:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/1624


26 février 2002
(Traduit par Persa Aligrudic)

TPI : Entretien avec Mirko Marjanovic, ancien Premier ministre de
Serbie, actuellement Président du Parti socialiste de Serbie (SPS)


Propos recueillis par Tanja Kovacevic

" Le Président Milosevic a montré qu'il
avait de la classe, en tant que chef
d'État, politicien et commandant historique
du peuple. Il a montré comment
il faut se défendre, mais aussi comment
peuvent être défendus les intérêts
nationaux et la dignité nationale ",
souligne Mirko Marjanovic, actuellement
Président du SPS, répondant à nos
questions concernant le début du procès de
Slobodan Milosevic à La Haye.

" Par ailleurs, poursuit Marjanovic, le
" Tribunal " illégal a confirmé que
sa portée ne va pas au-delà d'une pasquinade
politique. On a pu le remarquer
lors de la présentation du soi-disant
" parquet ", qui spécialement pour
cette occasion a engagé le fameux
avocat britannique, Jeffrey Nice,
uniquement pour travailler sur cette
accusation montée. Alors que l'homme
que nous connaissons bien, choisi pour
être le premier témoin à alimenter
leurs inventions, n'a pu que provoquer
le sourire devant les puissants
arguments du Président Milosevic.

Beaucoup de personnes dans le monde ont
pu pour la première fois entendre la
vérité de la bouche de Milosevic, donc
de la meilleure façon possible. Les
réactions dans le monde sont particulièrement
fortes. La Douma russe exige
du Président Poutine que le Président
Milosevic soit immédiatement remis en
liberté. L'ancien Premier Ministre russe,
Evgeni Primakov, l'homme qui a "
détourné l'avion " au-dessus de l'Atlantique,
en direction de l'Amérique,
lorsqu'il a appris que les bombardements
de l'OTAN venaient de frapper la
Yougoslavie, propose de témoigner en
faveur du Président Milosevic. Une
délégation du Parlement grec, comprenant
le Président du PASOK, demande aux
Nations Unies de leur permettre de rendre visite au Président Milosevic,
étant donné que le " Tribunal " a refusé de leur permettre à plusieurs
organisations et institutions grecques. Les activités du Comité
international pour la défense de Slobodan Milosevic, soutenues par des
personnalités telles que Harold Pinter, Mikis Teodorakis, Aleksandar
Zinovjev, Peter Handke, ont de plus en plus d'écho dans le monde.

La construction échafaudée par le " Tribunal " pourrait facilement s'
écrouler sous les fortes accusations et les arguments du Président
Milosevic. Nous croyons cela possible et faisons tout pour contribuer
à ce que cela se produise au plus tôt. Le Président Milosevic a pris
le rôle de la partie civile dans ce procès, en accusant clairement,
avec nombre d'arguments, l'OTAN et ses États membres pour les crimes
et les meurtres commis en Yougoslavie. Ils ont assassiné notre peuple
et notre pays, non seulement pendant les 78 jours et nuits de
l'agression contre la Yougoslavie, mais aussi depuis 1990, en
armant et en tramant des complots guerriers avec les formations
séparatistes paramilitaires de Slovénie et de Croatie, puis en
reconnaissant leur indépendance, sans oublier les sanctions
les plus brutales de l'histoire, ni les responsabilités directes
dans la guerre civile en Bosnie.

Il semble que " la justice de La Haye "
ait ses partenaires les plus tenaces
à Belgrade même, dans le gouvernement de
la DOS (Opposition démocratique de
Serbie, au pouvoir depuis le 5 octobre
2000, NDLT). Après que tous nos
citoyens ont vu et entendu notre Président,
je suis convaincu que le pouvoir
actuel s'approche de sa chute, et qu'il
ne pourra plus jamais faire croire à
personne que notre avenir dépend de la
collaboration avec La Haye ", déclare
Mirko Marjanovic.

Danas (D): Pouvez-vous comparer le travail effectué par votre
gouvernement " d'Unité populaire " et celui du gouvernement de la DOS.

Marjanovic (M.M): Ce n'est pas comparable. Le gouvernement de l'Unité
populaire a été efficace et sérieux car il était formé par des gens
entièrement dévoués à l'intérêt général. Tout le monde le sait : dans
les conditions les plus difficiles du blocus imposé par l'Occident, de
guerre dans la région et d'agression contre notre pays, nous avons
assuré un degré élevé de protection sociale, garanti le taux de
croissance le plus élevé en Europe, et le pouvoir d'achat des citoyens
était trois fois plus élevé qu'il ne l'est aujourd'hui.

Par contre, ce groupe de citoyens étrangers et d'employés de compagnies
étrangères, auxquels se sont joints ceux des nôtres qui sont prêts à
servir n'importe qui, ce groupe qui se nomme nouveau pouvoir, est en
fait est le centre opérationnel de ceux qui veulent transformer ce pays
en un bantoustan, ou en un asile de pauvres où les étrangers seront
maîtres de tout et décideront de tout. Je ne crois pas que ce prétendu
nouveau pouvoir aura une longue vie.

D.: Quelle est la situation au sein du SPS ?

M.M : Au sein de notre parti règnent une grande unité, une grande force
et un grand potentiel. Les jeunes qui se sont affirmés dans le difficile
combat contre le pouvoir de ces pantins sont notre garantie pour
l'avenir. Les ambitions de certains, fondées sur des auto-louanges, ne
peuvent ébranler la stabilité du parti qui repose sur le soutien au
Président Milosevic, sur les principes originels de son programme et
d'un parti qui rassemble les plus vastes masses populaires.

D. : La nouvelle déclaration signifie aussi une nouvelle organisation du
parti, une préparation sérieuse pour les prochaines élections. Qu'est-ce
que cela signifie concrètement ?

MM : La déclaration de programme a été le moyen d'éveiller le potentiel
créatif des adhérents du parti. Dans la discussion à son sujet, nous
avons eu l'occasion d'entendre maintes idées utiles. Nous avons
découvert de nombreuses personnes prêtes à fournir un travail politique
sérieux, mais la déclaration elle-même, et la discussion qu'elle a
suscitée, ont avant tout affirmé les valeurs originales et les options
de programme des socialistes, confirmant que le SPS était resté, comme
depuis sa création, le parti des réformes sociales sérieuses dans
l'intérêt de tous. Toutefois, ce qui a marqué le plus fortement ce grand
débat chez nos adhérents, a été l'idée que notre parti prenne
l'initiative d'une action pour changer le pouvoir actuel et répondre
ainsi aux attentes des citoyens. Un fort et indivisible soutien
a été exprimé à Slobodan Milosevic.

De rares personnes ont demandé certains changements organisationnels.
Cependant, leurs voix n'ont quasiment pas été entendues dans le flot de
ceux qui mettaient au premier plan les questions politiques du moment,
afin d'entreprendre les actions urgentes pour combattre les conséquences
fatales de l'action des autorités actuelles.

Sur la base de tout cela, nous avons, lors d'un meeting organisé le 9
février, appelé à la formation d'une alliance nationale où entreraient
tous les partis, institutions et individus, prêts à donner leur
contribution pour mettre fin à l'agonie et à l'obscurité du 5 octobre,
et pour que vienne enfin à la tête de ce pays des hommes responsables,
compétents et intègres.

C'est le sujet le plus important du moment, et le SPS consacrera tous
ses efforts à la réalisation de ce projet. Je le répète, non pas pour
que "nos" hommes arrivent au pouvoir, mais pour que les meilleurs y
viennent. Ceux qui, comme dans tout pays normal, devront mettre en ouvre
les potentiels nationaux, matériels et humains, dans l'intérêt de la

D.: Vos collaborateurs, les anciens mais aussi les actuels, se trouvent
sur la liste des voyageurs pour La Haye. Quelle est votre opinion à ce
sujet ?

MM : " Le Tribunal " établit une liste en fonction de ses désirs, et ses
collaborateurs belgradois pensent qu'il établit une liste de voyageurs.
Je crois qu'il y a trop de spéculations et de fausses informations. Au
demeurant tout présumé " insider " serait appelé, chez nous,
dénonciateur, faux témoin ou révisionniste, comme au temps de
l'Informburo, et je n' aimerais pas être dans sa peau.

D.: Le Premier Ministre de Serbie et le ministre de la Justice ont
appelé tous ceux qui figurent sur les listes du Tribunal à se rendre
volontairement. En échange de quoi, Serbie leur donnera sa garantie.

MM : En tant que responsables directs de l'enlèvement du Président
Milosevic et du viol de la Constitution, ils devront répondre tôt ou
tard de leurs actes. Qu'ils nous épargnent d'essayer de "vendre" au
peuple leur problème - c'est-à-dire les engagements qu'ils ont pris
personnellement et les pressions qui sont exercées sur eux pour qu'ils
les tiennent - comme une question de survie pour nous tous. Le peuple
s'est réveillé et a vu clair, il a vu la vérité. Il sera difficile de le
duper de nouveau.

D.: Combien de militants du SPS ont-ils quitté le parti pour rejoindre
la DOS depuis le 5 octobre ?

MM : Au contraire. C'est l'une des conséquences positives du 5 octobre :
le SPS s'est renforcé et la DOS s'est affaiblie.

D : Est-ce qu'enfin la délégation du SPS va obtenir un visa pour rendre
visite à Slobodan Milosevic à La Haye ?

MM : La négation des droits de l'homme que le " Tribunal " inflige à
Slobodan Milosevic est inadmissible. Ne pas lui permettre de rencontrer
les gens de son pays et d'ailleurs qui aimeraient le voir, y compris sa
famille et ses avocats, n'est qu'une des questions sur lesquelles la
Cour européenne des droits de l'homme de Strasbourg doit apporter son
verdict. Je ne pense rien de bon en ce qui concerne la limitation de nos
contacts à quelques heures par mois, et du fait que ce soit eux qui
décident quel sera celui des membres de tel parti qui aura le droit de
lui rendre visite.

En outre, l'empêcher de communiquer avec sa famille et ses amis a pour
but de renforcer la pression psychologique, pour casser sa volonté et la
résolution avec laquelle il présente aujourd'hui au monde la vérité sur
la Serbie et la Yougoslavie. Rappelons qu'à cette fin, il avait déjà
subi la torture d'une surveillance 24 heures sur 24, avec un réflecteur
allumé dans sa cellule. Jeudi, après la fin de la session du jour, on
l'a laissé attendre trois heures le transport qui devait le ramener du
bâtiment du présumé " Tribunal " jusqu'à la prison de Scheveningen.

D: Est-il difficile de remplacer le Président en son absence?

MM: Sur la décision du Président Milosevic, soutenue par le Conseil
général et tout le parti, je suis Président en son absence. Le travail
est complexe, et représente une grande responsabilité pour l'avenir, pas
seulement pour le SPS. Le quotidien de notre pays occupé et sans visage,
qu'on déchire et qu'on vend, nous donne une énorme motivation pour
changer tout cela, immédiatement et au mieux. Il est très satisfaisant
de se battre avec de jeunes gens qui se consacrent à cette lutte et à
cet objectif.

D: Que veut dire la déclaration de Vojislav Kostunica, selon laquelle
c'est l'État qui se défend à La Haye, alors que le gouvernement de la
République de Serbie ne veut pas donner sa garantie pour que Slobodan
Milosevic puisse se défende en liberté?

MM: Qui de sensé pourrait s'attendre à ce que ceux qui l'ont enlevé et
livré à des fins d'intérêts personnels, lui donnent maintenant leur
garantie? D'autre part, je pense qu'il est grand temps que Monsieur
Kostunica transforme certaines de ses paroles en actes, s'il ne veut pas
faire figure de la personnalité la plus insignifiante qui se soit jamais
trouvée à la tête de ce pays. D'ailleurs, la délégation du SPS attend
toujours d'être reçue par lui et par le Premier Ministre fédéral Pesic,
justement au sujet du rôle de l'État fédéral de Yougoslavie dans ce
soi-disant procès. Monsieur Kostunica nous avait répondu par courrier
qu'il allait nous recevoir la semaine dernière, et cette semaine s'est
encore écoulée sans qu'il y ait de réunion.

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-La presse indépendante des Balkans en français-
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