
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 21:02:28 EST
From: JaredI@...
To: JaredI@...

The following was sent in by George Wilcoxson in Washington State, USA:

The URL of the RealVideo Archive of the Milosevic "trial" (with English
translation) is:

Emperor's Clothes * www.tenc.net
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8 March
Reprinted from Yugoslav newspaper, Blic
[Our thanks to Robert S. Rodvik for
this article]

[Posted 11 March 2002]

Blic, Belgrade | March 9, 2002

The Hague (Tanjug) - The continuation
of the latest roundof hearings, which
commenced yesterday, suffered many
interruptions by JudgeRichard May
At one point, the Judge intervened and
warned the witness, as well as the
defendant, "This is not a political
manifestation but a trial".

Mr. Milosevic cross-examined Sabit
Kadriu, who claimed the Serbs did not flee
Albanian violence but were "searching
for a better life" outside of Kosovo &
Metohia and that they were "selling
their farms and estates to Albanians
at steep prices". The witness claimed
that he had no knowledge as to how many
Serbs had fled the province and that
the "regime" in Belgrade caused and
then manipulated this situation.

Mr. Milosevic told the court that
Albanian separatists persistently
refused the Government's proposal for the
return of Albanian professors and students
to state schools, while the witness
claimed that, every September, when the
school year traditionally starts, the
Serbian government" prevented the
Albanians" from enrolling.

Countering the witness' claim that the
"Serbian regime organized the return
of the expelled Serbs back to Kosovo &
Metohia in order to change the
demographics", Mr. Milosevic said that
of all the expelled Serbs, only 5,000
returned to their homes, which is, as
Mr. Milosevic said, less than 1% of
the total number of Serbs who have been
forced out of the province. The
prosecution witness also claimed that
there were no - and are no - mujahedins
in Kosovo &Metohia. Mr. Milosevic then
showed the FBI document, dated
December 2001, which clearly indicated
that Al-Qaida had been active in
Kosovo & Metohia.

Kadriu said that "he knew nothing"
about the killings of four policemen
in the village of Chirez on March 3,
1998, which, as Mr. Milosevic said,
was the result of a firefight between the
Police and the KLA. The Ahmeti family
lost their lives in this confrontation,
which the witness claimed was a
"massacre of unarmed civilians".

In reference to the witness' claim of
a massacre of the Gerxhaliu family in
May 1999, Mr. Miloshevich said that
the investigating judge went to the
scene immediately after the incident and
made a report. The witness characterized
this as an "obstruction" on the part
of the "Serb forces" and claimed that
such things "always occurred" and that
"the Serbian police always called the
court investigators after they
committed crimes."

The defendant then told the court
about the murder of Rexhepi Bairami, an
activist and a member of the LDK, the
party headed by Ibrahim Rugova, who was
killed in Vuchitrn "on the orders of
the local KLA commander". Kadriu then
said that "he never heard of any Bairami".

Mr. Milosevic then mentioned the fact
that, in 1998 alone, 327 loyalist
Albanians had been murdered, to which
the witness replied that he" did not
believe there were any loyalist
Albanians" in Kosovo & Metohia. Mr.
Milosevic, in turn, cited Faik
Jashari, a member of the Interim Executive
Council of Kosovo & Metohia, who had
reported that, after the war, some
30,000 Albanians fled to central
Serbia together with the expelled
Kosovo & Metohia Serbs.

Kadriu described the KLA as a
liberation army and stood his ground, claiming
the army and the police "conducted an
offensive against 27 Albanian villages
on Mt. Chichevitsa and murdered 200
civilians and one member of the KLA".

Mr. Milosevic then cited Kadriu, who
had said earlier that "Adem Jashari was
killed when he ran out of ammo", and
asked the witness how he could talk of
a "massacre of civilians" when the
police first asked Jashari to come out and
give himself up, then gave him 2 hours
to consider the offer - "during which
a number of people had left the
compound" - and that soon after, "a
hail of bullets, fired from dozens of
automatic rifles" came from the house
toward the police, to which the police
responded in self-defence and, as a
consequence, killed 60 people inside
the Jashari compound.

At this point Judge Robinson jumped in
and remarked that Kadriu wasn't
present at the scene. Kadriu then said
that he saw "bodies of dead women,
children and elderly people", that the
action against the Jashari compound
"lasted three days", and that it
served to paint a "false picture" in
the media.

Mr. Milosevic then cited British
Foreign Office reports, dating from early
1999 (1) , which revealed that there
had been no political persecution of
Albanians, but rather a confrontation
with "military opponents" - the KLA -
who controlled parts of Kosovo & Metohia.

The witness then said that, in 1999,
the "Serbian forces had killed 15,000
and expelled 1,000,000 Albanian
civilians". (2)

Mr. Milosevic responded by asking the
witness about the kidnappings and
killings of Serbs, the KLA detention
centres in the village of Likovats, as
well as the makeshift prison in the
basement of a general store in Vuchitrn.
The witness responded, saying such
prisons "did not exist", and he also
denied any killings and kidnappings by
the KLA. (3)

The witness denied Mr. Milosevic's
claim that literally all citizens of
Serbian nationality from 39 out of the
45 villages in the Vuchitrn
Municipality had been ethnically
cleansed and had their houses burned
down, saying there "may have been" some
"revenge attacks against the Serbs who
committed war crimes."

Alleging that all the Serbs who once
lived in the town of Vuchitrn are war
criminals, Kadriu acknowledged that
there were no more Serbs in that town,
and that they fled "of their own free
will because they committed war
crimes." Branislav Tapushkovich, one
of the amici curiae, reacted, drawing
the court's attention to the
contradictions in Kadriu's testimony.

Mr. Milosevic protested the court's
decision to limit the time for
cross-examination and asked that the
cross-examination be continued, which
was rejected by Judge May. As a
result, the trial will continue on
Monday with fresh testimonies from new

As the hearing was drawing to a close,
the security officers in the courtroom
asked Mr. Milosevic's legal advisors
from Belgrade to leave the room. They
had been warned not to "gesticulate
and communicate" with Mr. Milosevic. They
later returned to the courtroom. - END

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1) This is probably a reference to a
group of documents in which the German
Foreign Office and also the German
Federal Courts assessed the request,
by Kosovo ethnic Albanians, for asylum.
To rule on these claims, the German
officials assessed the conflict that
raged from February 1998 to march 1999
in Kosovo and ruled that there had
been no targeting of ethnic Albanians, but
rather a conflict between secessionist
and government forces. These documents
can be read at

2) Concerning Western/KLA claims that
"the Serbs" expelled hundreds of
thousands of Albanians during the NATO
bombing, see the interview with Kosovo
historian Cedomir Prlincevic, formerly
the chief archivist in Pristina. For
the full interview, entitled, "Why
Albanians Fled During NATO Bombing," go to
Or read the shortened version,
IN THE BALKANS?" which can be read at

3) For anymore familiar with what
happened in Kosovo following NATO's
takeover, the claims, made by the
"prosecution's" KLA witnesses, that
the KLA didn't institute a reign of terror,
are simply ludicrous. To get some sense
of the extent of racist terror - and
sheer gangsterism, including towards
ordinary ethnic Albanians - since NATO
installed the KLA in power, see
"Concentration Camps and
Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo" at

This article documents both the terror
against Serbs, and the day to day
gangsterism now rampant in the
province. It includes the following gem. In a
NY Times article, explaining why the
KLA has been seizing profitable
businesses at gunpoint, a NY Times
story quoted a KLA 'government' source
as follows:

"[KLA leader] Mr. Thaci's appointees
said that such confiscations, especially
of state-owned buildings, were part of
their effort to determine property
ownership. They also defended the
decision to begin collecting money
from businesses, a practice many shop
owners have labeled 'extortion.'" --
Quoted in "Concentration Camps and
Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo" at

How can one write satirical fiction
when this is the "news"?

4) Dr. Kosta Cavoski, a distinguished
Yugoslav legal scholar, has written a
mind-boggling four-part series.

In 'The War Crimes Tribunal vs. Gen.
Djordje Djukic' at
and 'The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa
Krsmanovic' at
Professor Cavoski deals
with the torture and physical
destruction of Serbian 'defendants'.

In 'Illegal Origins' at
Professor Cavoski analyzes the
Tribunal's legal rationale, or lack of same.

In 'Learning from the Inquisition' at
Professor Cavoski
describes the practices of the
Tribunal, which thoroughly violate
what we would consider natural legal
5) 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans
and Trying to Force Milosevic to
By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

6) 'How Madeline Albright Ordered The
Hague 'Tribunal' To 'Indict'
Milosevic' at

7) 'Official Statements Prove Hague
'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO,'
by Jared Israel at

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media to spread lies. We have the truth,
supported by hundreds of millions of
people. To develop legal, educational,
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> http://www.antiwar.com/orig/jatras8.html

ANTIWAR, Thursday, March 7, 2002

The Case of the Invisible Trial, or 'Where's the Beef?'
by Stella L. Jatras

> http://www.icdsm.org/more/westernciv.htm
> http://www.nypress.com/15/10/taki/2.cfm

The New York Press
March 6, 2002
Top Drawer - The Bunker

George Szamuely
Milosevic's Trial

> http://hague.bard.edu/video.html

The URL of the RealVideo Archive of the Milosevic "trial"
(with English translation)

Sullo stesso argomento si veda anche:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/1622
* General's comments about disputed Balkans border area
set off diplomatic furor
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/1622



(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 21 FEB - Cresce lo scontro politico a Skopje
sul mancato riconoscimento da parte delle Nazioni Unite
dell'accordo che fissa i nuovi confini tra Macedonia e
Jugoslavia firmato lo scorso anno con Belgrado. Il capogruppo
parlamentare della Vmro-Dpmne, il partito nazionalista del premier
Ljubco Georgevski, ha denunciato oggi il pericolo che ''qualcuno
voglia preparare il terreno per una nuova guerra''. L'esponente
politico, Cedomir Kraljevski, ha ricordato che ''un anno fa i
terroristi albanesi iniziarono il conflitto nello stesso periodo
in cui fu firmato l'accordo sui confini e adesso queste dichiarazioni
giungono mentre viene annunciata una nuova offensiva di primavera''.
Ieri in un'intervista all'Ansa l'amministratore regionale Onu di
Gnjilane, Pino Verdecchia, ha spiegato che l'accordo non ha valore
per le Nazioni Unite, poiche' e' stato raggiunto dopo negoziati
bilaterali che non hanno coinvolto l'Onu, responsabile per le
decisioni sui confini del Kosovo. Poche ore prima il generale
americano della Kfor, Keith Huber, aveva definito l'intesa addirittura
''illegale''. I partiti albanesi oggi si sono schierati apertamente
contro l'intesa, e in distinte dichiarazioni hanno affermato apertamente
che ''la Jugoslavia non puo' avere nessun titolo a negoziare accordi
sui confini del Kosovo''. Una posizione che infiamma lo scontro
col fronte politico macedone: ieri sera e' interventuo lo stesso Capo
dello Stato, Boris Trajkovski, per ricordare che l'accordo sui confini
''e' perfettamente valido e riconosciuto anche dal segretario
generale delle Nazioni Unite''. Affermazione quest'ultima rettificata
da un portavoce delle Nazioni Unite, Perhan Haak: intervistato
dall'emittente radiofononica 'Voice of America'', Haak ha infatti
confermato che ''l'accordo bilaterale sui confini non e' stato mai
ratificato dal Consiglio di sicurezza, e quindi per noi restano in
vigore le linee di frontiera del Kosovo indicate nella risoluzione
1244, quella che pose fine alla guerra del 1999 con la Nato. La zona
contesa riguarda formalmente una fascia di 400 ettari appartenenti al
Kosovo e secondo il nuovo accordo assegnati invece alla Macedonia,
ma in realta' il conflitto e' molto piu' profondo: accettare
quell'intesa, appare infatti agli albanesi del Kosovo come
l'ammissione pubblica (e internazionale) che la loro provincia continua
ad essere parte della Serbia. Un principio che nessuno a Pristina
intende avallare poiche' nega l'aspirazione all'indipendenza. Lo
scontro insomma e' aperto e rischia di accendere ulteriormente la
tensione in Macedonia, dove l'accordo di pace tarda ad essere
applicato e il partito della guerra (finora largamente minoritario
ma ancora presente), e' alla continua ricerca di nuovi argomenti per
rafforzarsi. (ANSA). BLL
21/02/2002 18:52


(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 22 FEB - Il presidente jugoslavo Vojislav
Kostunica ha inviato al segretario generale della Nato Kofi
Hannan una dura lettera di protesta per il mancato rispetto da
parte di Kfor e Unmik (la forza di pace e l'amministrazione Onu in
Kosovo) dell'accordo ratificato lo scorso giugno sulle frontiere
fra Serbia e Macedonia. ''Ho appreso con mia grande sorpresa e
inquietudine delle dichiarazioni di alti rappresentanti della Kfor
e dell'Unmik che contestano la legittimita' di questo accordo - ha
scritto Kostunica a Hannan in una missiva integralmente pubblicata
dal quotidiano 'Politika' - e le chiedo di usare tutta la sua
influenza perche' esso venga rispettato e questi personaggi non
facciano simili esternazioni. Dichiarazioni tali ostacolano gli sforzi
della comunita' internazionale per riportare la stabilita' nella
regione''. Kostunica si riferiva in particolare alle dichiarazioni
del generale americano della Kfor Keith Huber, che aveva definito
''illegale'' il trattato fra Belgrado e Skopje, in quanto coinvolgeva
un tratto di confine kosovaro-macedone e il Kosovo e' sottoposto alle
decisioni dell'Onu. Il presidente jugoslavo ha sottolineato che
''in base alla risoluzione 1244 adottata dallo stesso consiglio di
sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, il Kosovo resta parte integrante della
Jugoslavia''. Kostunica ha ricordato che quando nel marzo 2001 il
testo dell'accordo fu presentato all'Onu e al consiglio di sicurezza,
ricevette il plauso di tutti, inclusi Ue, Usa e i leader dei paesi
balcanici. (ANSA). OT
22/02/2002 17:49


SKOPJE, March 6 (Tanjug) - The statement of Kosovo Premier Bairan
that he does not recognize the interstate accord on the border, signed
Macedonia and Yugoslavia, was assessed by Macedonian Foreign Minister
Slobodan Casule as very dangerous.
Casule said that Macedonia, as a sovereign state, will not, and cannot,
accept any revision of the border accord signed with sovereign
Kosovo is a protectorate of the United Nations and Rexhepi cannot uphold
stands that are outside his competencies, Casule said.
The Macedonian foreign minister recalled that the recent statement of US
Gen. Keith Huber with KFOR, which was identical in its contents with
of Rexhepi, was rejected by the international community, clearly
out that the document on the border signed by Macedonia with Yugoslavia
was fully valid.

> http://www.thenewsmexico.com/noticia.asp?id=20740

Macedonia protests Kosovo PM's refusal to accept
border accord
AFP - 3/7/2002

SKOPJE - Macedonia warned Wednesday that the refusal
by Kosovo's newly-elected Prime Minister Bajram
Rexhepi to recognize a border accord between Belgrade
and Skopje could mean a "declaration of war."
"Such claims are extremely dangerous... unilaterally
breaking borders means a declaration of war," Foreign
Minister Slobodan Casule told reporters here, adding
that his ministry had sent a message of protest to the
five permanent members of the UN Security Council.
Rexhepi said on Tuesday that the new Kosovo government
would "not recognize this agreement and will probably
adopt a resolution in the assembly that will be
forwarded to the UN Security Council."
"For the time being, we must find a joint solution
that the villagers can work their land without
problems. The agreement must be revised," said
Belgrade and Skopje signed a border agreement last
February, settling a 10-year-old dispute after the
break-up of the former Yugoslav federation. The accord
was ratified by the parliaments of the two countries,
and approved by the UN Security council.
But ethnic Albanians, in the majority in the
UN-administrated Yugoslav province of Kosovo,
bordering Macedonia, have refused to accept the
accord, insisting that inhabitants of villages in
Kosovo along the boundary would have their land in
another country.
Kosovo legally remains part of Yugoslavia, but has
been administered by UN and NATO peacekeepers since
the end of a NATO-led air campaign against Belgrade in
Its multiethnic assembly elected a government on
Monday after a power-sharing agreement between rival
ethnic Albanian parties was brokered by UN
administrator for the province, Michael Steiner, last
But the legislature has limited decision making
powers, as the most sensitive decisions are made by
the UN mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) which remains the
ultimate authority in the province.
Steiner will retain the power to block any moves he
deems are contrary to UN Security Council Resolution
1244 of June 1999, which ended the war in Kosovo and
which governs all actions of UNMIK and the NATO force
in Kosovo.

> http://www.icdsm.org/more/szam.htm

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

The URL for this article is: http://www.icdsm.org/more/szam.htm

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Receive no more than one article per day.

22 Reasons Why I Don't Want to be Imprisoned by the
Hague 'Tribunal'
[Posted 6 March 2002]

Introductory Note

"What follows is taken from the Hague 'Tribunal's' rules covering
detention, visits and communications. Another piece, covering procedures
and evidence will follow. Note that these rules are for people who have
not been convicted of anything and who can have no expectation of a
speedy trial. Quite the contrary.

As you may recall, when the be-robed Chairman of the 'Tribunal,' Mr.
May, confronted Mr. Milosevic last week, he assured the world that
Milosevic would be afforded all rights under International Law. Then,
when Mr. Milosevic responded, his microphone was cut off several times,
producing periods of silence.

It is a feature of the New World Order that the most extreme attacks on
individuals and nations are presented as a defense of those individual
and nations. Thus when NATO marched into Kosovo, it broadcast advance
propaganda assuring Serbs, 'Gypsies' and Jews that NATO would guarantee
democratic, multiethnic life. Then their homes were seized or burned and
looted and they were expelled.

Similarly, the 'Tribunal' has rules which deny prisoners normal legal
rights. But these rules are couched in language that appears to grant
rights. 'War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.' George Orwell, '1984.'"

- George Szamuely and Jared Israel

"Rules Governing The Detention Of Persons
Awaiting Trial Or Appeal Before The Tribunal..."

Reason That I Wouldn't Want to Be Imprisoned by the 'Tribunal, #1.
Rule 36 bis (A) - The Commanding Officer of the Detention Unit may
decide upon the search of a detainee's cell if he suspects that the cell
contains an item which constitutes a threat to the security or good
order of the detention unit or the host prison, or the health and safety
of any person therein.

Reason 2. Rule 36 ter (A) - In exceptional circumstances, in order to
protect the health or the safety of the detainee, the Registrar, with
the approval of the President, may order that the cell of the detainee
be monitored by video surveillance equipment for a period not exceeding
thirty days.

Reason 3. Rule 63 (A) - Detainees shall be entitled to receive visits
from family, friends and others, subject only to the provisions of Rule
66 and to such restrictions and supervision as the Commanding Officer,
in consultation with the Registrar, may impose. Such restrictions and
supervision must be necessary in the interests of the administration
of justice or the security and good order of the host prison and the
detention unit.

(B) The Registrar may refuse to allow a person to visit a detainee if he
has reason to believe that the purpose of the visit is to obtain
information which may be subsequently reported in the media.

Reason 4. Rule 64 - A detainee...may refuse to see any visitor other
than a representative of the Prosecutor.

Reason 5. Rule 66 (A) - The Prosecutor may request the Registrar or, in
cases of emergency, the Commanding Officer, to prohibit, regulate or set
conditions for contact between a detainee and any other person if the
Prosecutor has reasonable grounds for believing that such contact:

(ii) could prejudice or otherwise affect the outcome of:

(a) the proceedings against the detainee; or, (b) any other

(iv) could be used by the detainee to breach an order for
non-disclosure made by a Judge or a Chamber pursuant to Rule 53 or Rule
75 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Reason 6. Rule 76 (A) - If, in the opinion of the Prosecutor, the
interests of justice would not be served by allowing a particular
detainee unrestricted access to the news, or that such unrestricted
access could prejudice the outcome of the proceedings against the
detainee or of any other investigation, the Prosecutor may request the
Registrar, or in cases of urgency, the Commanding Officer to restrict
such access.

The following are from rules on "Visits And
Communications" of detainees...

Reason 7. Regulation 3 - Incoming mail will be inspected both on
delivery to the host prison and to the United Nations detention unit.

Reason 8. Regulation 4 (A) - The Commanding Officer may confiscate any
item which, in his opinion, constitutes a threat to:

(i) the security or good order of the detention unit or the host
prison; or,

Reason 9. Regulation 8 (A) - The Registrar, or a person authorised by
him, shall, within twenty-four hours of receipt, open and read, or have
read, each item of mail.

Regulation 8 (B) - Items of opened mail shall be delivered to the
detainee or posted to the addressee immediately thereafter and the
detainee informed accordingly unless the item:

(i) is in breach of:

(a) the Rules of Detention;

(b) these Regulations; or,

(c) an Order of the Tribunal;

(ii) gives reasonable grounds to the Registrar, or a person
authorised by him, to believe that the detainee may be attempting to:

(b) interfere with or intimidate a witness;

(c) interfere with the administration of justice; or,

(d) otherwise disturb the security and good order of the
detention unit.

Reason 10. Regulation 9 (A) - If the Registrar, or a person authorised
by him, finds there to have been a breach of the Rules of Detention,
these Regulations or an Order of the Tribunal, an offending item of:

(i) outgoing mail shall be returned to the detainee together with
a note from the Registrar, in a language the detainee understands,
giving the reasons for refusal to post the offending item;

(ii) incoming mail shall, in the sole discretion of the
Registrar, either be returned to the sender or retained by the Registrar
and the detainee shall be informed accordingly .

Regulation 9 (B) - Detainees shall be given the opportunity to rewrite
items of outgoing mail omitting the offending part.

Regulation 9 (C) - A copy shall be kept by the Registrar of all
offending items and any offending enclosure may be confiscated.

Regulation 9 (D) - The Registrar may also notify the Prosecutor, the
Commanding Officer and, if deemed necessary, the Dutch authorities of
the breach and of the nature of the offending item.

Reason 11. Regulation 11 (A) - Correspondence addressed to or from
counsel for the detainee shall not be interfered with in any manner
unless the Commanding Officer or the Registrar has reasonable grounds
for believing that this facility is being abused in an attempt to:

(ii) interfere with or intimidate a witness;

(iii) interfere with the administration of justice; or,

(iv) otherwise disturb the good order of the detention unit.

Regulation 11 (B) - In any such case, the Commanding Officer shall
immediately forward the item in question to the Registrar, unopened, and
shall enter details of the interception in the log referred to above and
notify the detainee accordingly.

Regulation 11 (C) - The Registrar shall contact the counsel to whom the
item is addressed or by whom it was sent and request counsel to open the
item in his presence.

Regulation 11 (D) - Counsel may be required to explain to the Registrar,
in one of the working languages of the Tribunal, the nature of the item
and to hand over any offending item or enclosure .

Reason 12. Regulation 14 (C) - Parcels containing items that, in the
sole discretion of the Commanding Officer , pose a threat to the safety
and good order of the detention unit shall be confiscated and their
contents retained or disposed of in accordance with Rule 14 of the Rules
of Detention and the detainee informed accordingly.

Reason 13. Regulation 15 -The Commanding Officer may, in consultation
with the Registrar, place such restrictions upon the time that a
detainee may spend on any one telephone call as are reasonable for the
good order of the detention unit.

Reason 14. Regulation 19 - If the Commanding Officer believes that he
has reasonable grounds for intervention , he may immediately terminate a
call and advise the detainee of his reasons for so doing. The Commanding
Officer shall also report the matter to the Registrar.

Reason 15. Regulation 20 - Telephone conversations will not be recorded
or monitored unless:

(A) the Commanding Officer or the Registrar has reasonable grounds for
believing that the detainee may be attempting to:

(ii) interfere with or intimidate a witness;

(iii) interfere with the administration of justice; or,

(iv) otherwise disturb the maintenance of good order in the
detention unit;

(B) an Order for non-disclosure has been made by a Judge or a Chamber
pursuant to Rule 53 and Rule 75 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence;

(C) specifically requested by the Prosecutor following the disclosure
to the defence of the names of witnesses pursuant to Rule 67 of the
Rules of Procedure and Evidence .

Reason 16. Regulation 21 (A) - If one of the situations listed in
Regulation 20 arises, the Registrar may order all telephone calls to and
from that detainee, other than with counsel and diplomatic
representatives, to be recorded or monitored for a period not exceeding
thirty days .

Reason 17. Regulation 33 (A) - Permission shall be granted for...visits
unless the Registrar or the Commanding Officer has reasonable grounds
for believing that the detainee may be attempting to:

(ii) interfere with or intimidate a witness;

(iii) interfere with the administration of justice; or,

(iv) otherwise disturb the maintenance of good order in the
detention unit.

(B) Permission may be denied if the Registrar has reason to believe
that the purpose of the visit is to obtain information which may be
subsequently reported in the media.

Reason 18. Regulation 43 (A) - All visits shall be conducted within the
sight of the staff of the detention unit, save in exceptional
circumstances and at the discretion of the Commanding Officer in
consultation with the Registrar.

(B) Discussions between the detainee and the visitor shall not be
recorded unless :

(i) the Commanding Officer has reasonable grounds for believing
that the detainee may be attempting to:

(b) interfere with or intimidate a witness;

(c) interfere with the administration of justice; or,

(d) otherwise disturb the maintenance of good order in
the detention unit;

(ii) an Order for non-disclosure has been made by a Judge or a
Chamber pursuant to Rule 53 or Rule 75 of the Rules of Procedure and

(iii) specifically requested by the Prosecutor following the
disclosure to the defence of the names of witnesses pursuant to Rule 67
of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Reason 19. Regulation 44

(A) If one of the situations listed in Regulation 43(B) arises, the
Registrar may , at the request of the Commanding Officer or otherwise,
order that all visits to that detainee, other than by counsel and
diplomatic representatives, be recorded for a period not exceeding seven

(B) Renewal of the period, which shall not exceed seven days, shall be
reported to the President.

(C) The detainee and his counsel shall be notified of the request and
of the Registrar's decision within twenty-four hours.

Reason 20. Regulation 47 - Details of all recorded visits shall be
forwarded to the Registrar within twenty-four hours, who shall make a
determination whether to listen to, or have transcribed and read, each
individual recorded visit.

Reason 21. Regulation 49

(A) If the Registrar finds there to have been a breach of the Rules of
Detention , these Regulations or an Order of the Tribunal, the offending
conversation will be transcribed by the Registry and, where necessary,
translated into one of the working languages of the Tribunal.

(B) The Registrar may notify the Prosecutor, the Commanding Officer and,
if deemed necessary, the Dutch authorities of the nature of the breach.

Reason 22. Regulation 50

(A) Any conversation which is transcribed under Regulation 49 shall be
retained by the Registrar.

(B) Such transcriptions shall not be handed over to the Prosecutor as
evidence of contempt of the Tribunal pursuant to Rule 77(C) of the Rules
of Procedure and Evidence without prior notice and disclosure to counsel
for the defence.

URL's for the above are
http://www.un.org/icty/basic/detention/IT98_rev3.htm and

Further Reading, and Notes:

1) 'Reichstag Fire Trial, the Sequel'Jared Israel's biting report on
Slobodan Milosevic's first apperance at the Hague 'Tribunal'. Can be
read at

2) BIS: The suffix 'bis' is Old Latin for "repeat" indicating that an
item is second.

3) TER: Similarly, 'ter' is from Old Latin meaning "three times,"
indicating that said item is third.

4) 'Back to the Dark Ages?' by Jared Israel at

5) 'Learning from the Inquisition,' by Prof. Kosta Cavoski at


1) "Szamuely's List or 22 Reasons Why I Don't Want to be Imprisoned by
the Hague 'Tribunal'" Can be read at

2) 'Expert on Psychology of Ethnic Conflict Changes his Mind about
Yugoslavia.' Can be read at
Francisco Gil-White, a Professor who studies ethnic conflict, has
changed his mind about Yugoslavia. In this brilliant text he shows how
the media and supposed scholars have misrepresented what Slobodan
Milosevic said at Kosovo Field in 1989.

3) Slobodan Milosevic on the illegitimacy of the Hague Tribunal and the
crude Imperialism it is meant to disguise. Can be read at

4) 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and Trying to Force Milosevic to
By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser

5) 'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment,' by Dr. Hans Koechler at

6) How Madeline Albright Ordered The Hague 'Tribunal' To 'Indict'
Milosevic at

7) Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO
by Jared Israel at

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