

"Bisogna prima rafforzare la democrazia, dopodiche' la questione della
monarchia puo' essere affrontata, in quanto e' anche essa una questione
(Zoran Zivkovic, Ministro dell'Interno del nuovo governo federale
jugoslavo, instaurato in seguito all'assalto contro il Parlamento con il
sostegno esterno delle portaerei americane e di certa "sinistra"

LONDON, March 12 (Tanjug) Yugoslav Interior Minister Zoran
Zivkovic presented citizenship papers to Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic

and his family in London on Monday.
The Karadjordjevic royal family was stripped of its Yugoslav
citizenship in 1945 by the communist government of the then Yugoslavia,
whose president was Josip Broz Tito.
The ceremony of presenting the papers was performed at London's

Claridges Hotel, in apartment 212 where Prince Alexander was born on
17, 1945.
The apartment, the home of the prince's father King Peter II,
last Yugoslav king, was on that day declared by the British government
temporary Yugoslav territory.
Yugoslav citizenship was restored to Prince Alexander, his wife

Princess Catherine and three sons Peter, 21, and twins Philip and
Alexander, 19.
The children were born in a previous marriage with Brazilian
Princess Maria da Gloria of Orlean.
Asked by journalists whether a monarchy would be revived in
Belgrade, Zivkovic, said that Yugoslavia has many problems which should
gradually resolved. He said that it is first necessary to
democracy, after which the issue of the monarchy would be dealt with
it is also
a democratic issue.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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<<...La guerra delle informazioni, e' l'ultima e piu' sottile evoluzione
degli scontri umani e la figura dello stratega mediatico e' il nuovo
combattente (...) La guerra "televisiva" ha segnato la fine della
frattura tra "civile" e "militare", per cui il pubblico partecipa alla
guerra (...) La televisione e' la vera creatrice dello stratega
mediatico. Non puo' esistere stratega mediatico, infatti, senza
televisione e senza le tecnologie visive connesse con l'informatica
(...) Lo stratega mediatico deve diventare un costruttore di realta', e
al tempo stesso un grande manipolatore della medesima (...) Si tratta di
un elaboratore di piani comunicativi destinati a ridurre o attenuare
l'impatto delle "storie" meno favorevoli messe in evidenza dai mezzi di
comunicazione di massa (...) E' su questo sfondo che nasce la figura
dello stratega mediatico, cioe' quell'ufficiale (...) al quale e'
affidato il compito, operando a stretto contatto con i vertici
politico-militari di uno Stato, di dare una veste comunicativa credibile
e soprattutto accettabile dal grande pubblico a quanto il potere statale
realizza in campo militare...>>

Tratto dall'articolo a firma M.S.F. intitolato "L'arma mediatica",
apparso su "Rivista Italiana Difesa" (mensile vicino alle FFAA) n.11,
novembre 1999; citato su:


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Sito WEB:
> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

Il vostro papa' ama la natura? Tra poco e' la sua Festa!
Siete pronti a regalare un'adozione di un animale in via
di estinzione o a diventare papa' di un cucciolo?
Il Fondo per la Terra aiutato da Domeus e LastMinute lancia
la nuova campagna di adozione di tigri,leoni e rinoceronti!

-------- Original Message --------
Data: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 00:17:12 -0500
Da: "Jim Yarker" <jyarker@...>

Dear friends in the anti-war movement,

We hope that the appeal below can serve as a gathering place for the
names of all those who oppose the ICTY’s campaign to impose its phony
kangaroo “justice” on Mr. Milosevic and on other former Yugoslav/Serbian
leaders and officials, and to register their protest at the collusion of
elements in the DOS régime with NATO and the Hague Tribunal. Supporters
of the appeal can have their names added to it by replying to this email
address: action@... and providing their name as well as
town, state and country of residence.

The appeal can be found on the web, with regularly updated lists of
signatories, at: http://www.srpska-mreza.com/action/appeal.htm

We are asking you to add your names and any affiliations you’d care to
list. Please feel free to circulate the appeal or its web link on any
lists you think appropriate, and to link to it from your own website if
you operate one.

In solidarity,

Barry Lituchy, New York City, USA

Jim Yarker, Toronto, Canada


MARCH 10, 2001

We, the undersigned, wish to register our disgust with and opposition to
the planned trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic by the
current Serbian authorities at the request of the United States and its
NATO partners.

While NATO's criminal aggression against the people of Yugoslavia goes
unpunished, and reparations go unpaid, we are witnessing the repulsive
spectacle of DOS ministers and officials (the new regime in Belgrade)
serving as judicial handmaidens to NATO's criminal leaders and their
illegal puppet court, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague.

We charge the ICTY and the American government with falsifying war
crimes charges against President Milosevic solely for the purpose of
manipulating public opinion against "the Serbs," justifying NATO's
barbaric 78-day campaign of terror against Yugoslavia in 1999, and to
deflect attention from the bombing's horrific consequences. Meanwhile,
the ICTY has exonerated its NATO sponsors of responsibility for a host
of well-documented war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the
deliberate bombardment of vital civilian infrastructure, conspiracy to
initiate a war of aggression, the lethal targeting of journalists, the
use of anti-personnel weapons such as cluster bombs in areas of high
civilian concentration, and bombing with the intent and effect of
unleashing environmental catastrophe.

Having cleared her NATO paymasters of criminal responsibility for their
deliberate bombing of Radio Television Serbia (RTS) in Belgrade, which
killed 16 journalists and support staff, ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla Del
Ponte now asserts that Mr. Milosevic and the RTS director, Dragoljub
Milanovic, were culpable in these victims' deaths because they had been
"notified in advance" that the facility would be bombed! Despite Del
Ponte's promises, no evidence to support these charges has been made
public. Mr. Milanovic has been ordered detained by a Belgrade judge, a
clear effort by the DOS forces to dignify Del Ponte's outrageous claim.

While some DOS spokesmen refer openly to the need to cooperate fully
with the ICTY, others affect a different-sounding stance, calling for
prosecuting Mr. Milosevic in a "Serbian trial," on charges of
"corruption," and "war crimes." But their call for a domestic trial of
Milosevic is nothing but "patriotic" fakery: a pathetic trick aimed at
concealing their own craven duplicity in carrying out the orders of
their foreign masters. As the experience in Russia and the rest of
Eastern Europe has shown, bowing to Western pressure will never improve
living standards; and imposing political repression will only leave deep
and long lasting scars on the national psyche.

Let it be known that we categorically reject the case against President

* Milosevic the so-called "ethnic cleanser" preached multinational
unity, not nationalist intolerance. His famous 1989 speech that
supposedly called for Serbs to shed Albanian blood actually said:
"Yugoslavia is a multinational community and it can survive only under
conditions of full equality for all nations that live in it." The effort
to prosecute Milosevic is an attack on all who support multinational

* Milosevic conducted no persecution of Albanian civilians: he did not
drive Albanians from Kosovo, except to clear civilians out of a zone of
combat and bombing. Albanians who fled Kosovo fled NATO bombs and ground
combat between KLA rebels and Yugoslav federal troops. Some 100,000
Yugoslav Albanians lived peacefully in the Serbian capital of Belgrade
throughout the war, suffering no ethnic persecution.

* The most notorious "atrocities" for which Milosevic is accused never
happened: the 40 Albanians found dead in Racak were never "executed" but
in fact were KLA troops killed in action in a variety of encounters,
then laid out together in a ditch for the cameras. The 1500 bodies
supposedly buried in the Trepca mines were never found. NATO specialists
sent in to find proof of mass extermination of 100,000 Albanians in fact
found only 2,800 bodies. And most of those were neither Albanian
civilians nor even Albanians, but rather Serbs, Romas, Egyptians,
Goranis and other victims of KLA atrocities.

* There is no evidence whatsoever for the most preposterous and recent
charges: that Milosevic knew in advance of the bombing of the RTS
television station in Belgrade but let 16 people die to create outrage
against NATO, or that thousands of Albanians were stuffed into meat
grinders and disposed of in mineral mine-shafts in Mitrovica, etc.

A trial of Milosevic on these false and outrageous charges would be
nothing but a travesty of justice, a contemporary "show-trial." Those
Western leaders who pursue it put the lie to the claims that the United
Nations is a defender of the sovereignty of nations, or that NATO is a
defender of freedom. This witch hunt also exposes the leaders of the
present government in Yugoslavia as traitors to their own people who
dishonor the Serbian nation and its great history of resisting foreign
invaders, including most notably the Nazis in World War II when the
Serbs stood alone against the Nazi onslaught.

Crimes were committed in Yugoslavia - but not by Milosevic. They were
committed by American and NATO leaders who authorized a low-grade
nuclear war that specifically targeted civilians and left huge portions
of the country contaminated for the next 4.5 billion years with
radioactivity from depleted uranium armaments.

Crimes were committed by the American leaders who casually ignored their
own constitution's requirement that wars be formally declared by
Congress and then violated the UN Charter and numerous international

A crime will be committed if the twice-elected President of Serbia is
kidnapped from his own country and made to stand "trial" in an
artificially created, American-made "court" that goes under the
fancy-sounding name of an international tribunal.

And a crime will be committed if the obedient, made in the USA
government in Yugoslavia endangers the safety of President Milosevic in
any way that might allow gangsters or bounty-hunters to cash in on the
$5 million bounty posted by the US for delivering him into captivity.

Slobodan Milosevic's real offense was that he tried to keep the 26
nationalities that comprise Yugoslavia free from US and NATO
colonization and occupation; his nation's resources, industries, and
media from being stolen by multinational corporations; his nation's
institutions from being controlled by US consultants and advisers. His
real offense was to defend his nation's freedom and sovereignty from a
political "opposition" bought and paid for by the United States and
installed into power by US specialists in psychological operations. He
and all those now under attack resisted Western colonization to the very
end, even as American naval ships waited off the coast of Yugoslavia to
ensure the "correct" results in Yugoslavia's contested elections.

Shame on those DOS leaders who consort and conspire with NATO
politicians while seeking to assign the blame for NATO's crimes on the
very patriotic and progressive figures who did the most to fight NATO's
neo-colonial aggression! In doing so, the DOS dishonors itself and
desecrates the memory of those who lost their lives to NATO war crimes.


Barry Lituchy, New York City, USA
Jim Yarker, Toronto, Canada
Ritta L Ronkko, NYC, USA
Dusan D Chukurov, NJ, USA
TIKA JANKOVIC, San Jose, California, USA
Milo Yelesiyevich, New York, NY, USA
Edward W. Miller, MD, San Rafael, CA , USA
Bob Mc Cafferty, Andover, NJ, USA
Margaret Watson, Toronto, Canada
Rade Savija, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Barbara Gruber, Brighton, MA, USA
Mary Paich, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Sito WEB:
> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>

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* Iniziativa a Torino
* Un libro utile sulla disinformazione



Mercoledi' 14 marzo, ore 21:00
Libreria dei Ciompi, Via Cenischia 38, Torino
Presentazione del libro:
"Contro le nuove guerre", edizioni Odradek.

La presentazione sara' preceduta dalla proiezione del video:
"SOS Zastava. Dalla solidarietà umana alla solidarietà di classe"

Interverranno alcuni membri del Comitato Scienziate e Scienziati contro
guerra, fra cui:
- Rino Lamonaca (autore del video)
- Massimo Zucchetti (curatore del libro), che presentera' anche un
documento di alcuni membri del Comitato sul tema dell'uranio impoverito,

recentemente pubblicato dalla rivista "Giano".

Per informazioni:
Massimo (0339.4477521)

Intervenite numerosi, fate girare l'informazione, grazie!
Massimo Zucchetti

----- Original Message -----
From: Michel Collon
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:18 AMSubject: Un livre utile sur la
Chers amis,
Je vous prie de trouver ci-dessous la préface que je viens d'écrire pour
l'édition espagnole de l'excellent livre d'Anne Morelli: "Principes de
la propagande de guerre", publié en Belgique chez Labor. Je me permets
de vous recommander la lecture de ce livre, particulièrement instructive
en ces temps de désinformation renouvelée sur la Macédoine et sur
l'affaire de l'uranium.
-- Michel Collon

L'historienne insolente

VARIANTE: Qui a peur d'Anne Morelli?
Comment? Nous tombons dans les mêmes pièges propagandesques que nos
arrières grand-pères à propos de la guerre 14-18? Nous nous faisons
avoir par des récits et des images d'atrocités grossièrement manipulés?
Et nous fonçons, nous aussi, tête baissée, dans le panneau de nobles
guerres humanitaires sans voir leurs dessous sordides? En oubliant cet
avertissement de l'écrivain Anatole France, au début du XXème siècle:
"On croit mourir pour la patrie, on meurt pour des industriels." (N.B.
Remplacer "la patrie" par "la démocratie", "la paix" ou "les droits de
l'homme" selon les circonstances)
Anne Morelli est une historienne belge de grand renom, très admirée
par beaucoup et crainte par d'autres. Une femme "dangereuse".
Pensez-vous! Cette historienne refuse de rester enfermée dans les
bibliothèques poussiéreuses et les cercles académiques naphtalinés! Elle
prétend aussi nous en apprendre sur notre vie d'aujourd'hui!
Par exemple, elle débarque entre nous et notre incontournable journal
télévisé, venant nous dire nos quatre vérités avec insolence: "Vous
là-bas, oui vous, mes contemporains, qui vous croyez supérieurs aux
générations précédentes, et qui vous estimez vaccinés contre cette
propagande de guerre simpliste et grossière qui a piégé nos parents,
grand-parents, arrière-parents, en êtes-vous bien sûrs? Vous feriez
mieux d'examiner de plus près ce que viennent de vous dire vos médias et
que vous avez peut-être avalé tout cru. Non, pas il y a cinquante ou
cent ans! Hier encore, pendant la guerre contre l'Irak et celle contre
la Yougoslavie." Des parallèles décapants.
Qui doit avoir peur d'Anne Morelli? Pas le public, en tout cas. Ce
livre savoureux lui offre un cadeau royal: les moyens de repérer les
Qui doit avoir peur d'Anne Morelli? Les médias, bien sûr, du moins ceux
qui s'alignent complaisamment sur les pouvoirs. L'historienne insolente
et dérangeante en épingle quelques uns, belges ou français. Mais en ces
temps de pensée unique mondialisée, il vous sera aisé de remplacer
quelques noms et de reconnaître les vôtres.

Voilà bien une démarche fondamentale: appliquer aux médias d'aujourd'hui
les exigences scientifiques des historiens. Il y a bien des années, un
cours de "critique historique" m'avait émerveillé, lors de mes études
dans une faculté de lettres bruxelloise par ailleurs fort
L'air de rien, un petit prof ne payant pas de mine nous expliquait à
quelles conditions on pouvait faire confiance à un document ou un
témoignage historique et comment repérer les faux ou les douteux. Ainsi,
ce n'est pas parce que cent sources répètent la même “information” que
celle-ci peut être tenue pour vraie. Si, par exemple, toutes sont des
sources “indirectes”, s'appuyant en réalité sur une source unique, et si
en outre, celle-ci s'avère peu fiable parce qu'elle a déjà été prise en
délit de non-vérité ou parce qu'elle a un intérêt dans l'affaire en
question, alors ces cent sources n'en valent pas plus qu'une. Ou zéro.
Des années plus tard, ce cours m'est revenu en mémoire et m'a bien aidé
pour tester l'information sur la guerre du Golfe dans mon livre
Attention, médias!
Bien sûr qu'il faut appliquer ce principe scientifique de la critique
historique aux médias! De quel droit l'info d'aujourd'hui ne serait-elle
pas soumise aux mêmes exigences que les documents historiques d'hier? Et
puisqu'on vérifie bien la qualité sanitaire des produits alimentaires,
par exemple, pourquoi ne pas tester aussi l'info? Il serait d'utilité
publique que les gens s'organisent pour tester leurs médias sur pièces
Anne Morelli nous y aide beaucoup. Elle fait partie de ces véritable
historiens, utiles, qui se servent du passé pour éclairer le présent. Et
l'avenir aussi. Car c'est bien la question la plus importante: demain,
nous ferons-nous piéger à nouveau? Ou bien résisterons-nous, organisant
la contre-information active et appliquant le principe “Nous sommes tous
des journalistes”? N'avons-nous pas le devoir de traquer ces
médiamensonges qui tuent, car ils font accepter à l'opinion des guerres
injustes et nullement “propres”?

Et puis, dans ce livre, il n'y a pas qu'une femme, il y a également un
homme. Un certain lord Ponsonby, pour qui Anne éprouve une faiblesse
compréhensible et à qui elle a bien raison de dire merci.
Un étonnant aristocrate anglais qui démasque sa propre classe
dirigeante, un diplomate qui crache dans la soupe, nous livrant les
secrets de la tromperie. Pas étonnant qu'on ne vous ait pas parlé de lui
à l'école. Il aurait fallu réécrire une bonne partie des manuels
d'histoire contemporaine. Bref, un homme dangereux, lui aussi.
Malheureusement, si vous aviez cru que cette préface allait, comme bien
d'autres, résumer le livre et vous en épargner la lecture, c'est raté.
Pour découvrir l'étonnante histoire de l'aristocrate traître et de
l'historienne insolente, il vous faudra lire le bouquin lui-même. Et je
ne vous plains pas, car il est jouissif à souhait.

Michel Collon



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Crollo prossimo venturo - E. Screpanti

Trasformazione del capitale e conflitto antimperialista - L. Vasapollo


Nizza: conflitto Usa/Ue - M. Casadio

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Boemia e Moravia: vittoria dei comunisti - C. Buttazzo

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Socialismo realizzato
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Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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